Oregon Daily Emerald VOLUME XXIV. UNIVERSITY OP-OREGON, EUGENE. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1923 Dumber 99 STUMS PASSED INDICATE SOLONS BACK UNIVERSITY Dean Dyment, Returned from Visit to Salem, Satisfied With Bills Enacted LANE MEN DO GOOD WORK Executive Spends 15 of Last 45 Days at Capital Sit ting at Hearings “The University received a very square deal, indeed, from the legisla ture of 1923,” said Dean Colin Dyment yesterday afternoon. Mr. Dyment re appeared at his desk yesterday morn ing. Committee hearings and other leg islative business have taken him three times to Salem during the session with the result that he was compelled to spend about 15 of the last 45 days at the statehouse. “The University had four bills be fore the legislature,” said Mr. Dyment, “and all passed with large majorities. A bill exempting the school of music from taxation, because it is now virtu ally state property and in two or three years will become so in fact, passed both houses almost unanimously A bill to empower the board of regents to ad minister gifts of land, buildings, mon ey, and material, that may come in as a result of the gift campaign, also pass ed with little or no competition. Medical School Gets Money “The bill providing $100,000 a year for the next two years for the medical school was passed by 40 to 6 in the house 'and 23 to 6 in the senate. The joint ways and means committe had ap proved the bill by a vote that is said to have been 12 to 2, in executive ses sion, and in consequence there was no debate in either house. The legislature understood clearly that the mainten ance of the medical school has always been separate and that the work in medicine was not included under either the 1913 or the 1920 millage. “The legislature evidently apprecia ted the University’s effort to absorb as much of the fire loss as it could, for it passed the fire loss reimbursement bill by 45 to 4 in the house and 28 to 1 in the senate The loss was $84,000, and the bill recited that the University, by making various economies and by postponing certain construction items, had contrived to take up one-third of this loss. Tlie appropriation, accord ingly, was for $56,000 only. The $28, 000 raised by the University and the $56,000 appropriated by the legislature ■will be devoted to the fine arts build ing and the journalism-chemistry build ing back of McClure hall.” Adverse Legislation Pails A number of bills affecting the Uni versity failed to pass. One was the bill imposing $100 a year in addition to pre sent fees upon Oregon students, and full-cost-to-the-state upon non-Oregon students The legislature refused at any time to consider the resident fee seriously, but there was some sentiment for a higher non-resident fee, which in all likelihood will be raised by the board of regents at its next meeting from $105 to $150, in response to a re quest of the house committee on assess ment and taxation. The defeat of fee legislation, in fact, was virtually con ditioned upon this raise. Students now in school will probably not be affected. The Carsner bill, H. B. 159, under (Continued on page three.) BETA-DELTA TUG OF WAR IS TODAY FROSH OF FRATERNITIES TO PULL ACROSS MILLRACE Nine-Man Teams Will Participate in Annual Struggle Between Houses; Betas Out for Revenge liie millraee spring freshets will wet the tender skins of somebody’s fresh men today when the tug-of-war teams manned by crews from the class of 1926 of Beta Theta Pi and Delta Tau Delta fraternities vie with each other by means of a one-inch rope stretched across the waters by the railroad trestle below the Anchorage. Today at 1:30 o ’clock 18 wearers of the green will struggle to decide who shall take the annual aquatic plunge and who shall escape unscathed except for a few mo *ments’ wear on the ligaments, nerves, and perhaps the tendons. Each year the frosh of these two or ganizations do battle with each other by means of the heaving pastime. Last year the Delts by virtue of their super iority induced their friendly foe to do the splashing of the day, that is, cross the swift flowing race by other means than a bridge. Last year the pull was bitter and long. The day was cold, and both crews had to strain for more than 15 minutes before any noticeable results were obtained. But when the teamwork of the Betas broke, the issue was decided. The Betas are out for justice this sea son. There is revenge in the hearts of them who saw defeat last year. Though they look smaller than their opponents, the Delt camp is resolved to anchor their pedal extremities solidly in the muck today and offer such stubborness as only a Delt can show in a case like this. The argument is open to the public. Bring your grappling hooks for the im mersings. PRINTING OF HA IS LET TO ENTERPRISE Daily Has One of Most Modern Plants in Oregon The contract for printing and bind ing the Oregana, the University of Or egon year book, was awarded to the Oregon City Enterprise, at Oregon City, according to an announcement made yesterday by the joint committee, composed of the finance and publicity committees of the University, which has had charge of the handling of the contracts. The Oregon City Enterprise is one of the most modern plants in the state, according to Jack Benefiel, having two presses and a bindery. It is owned by E. E. Brodie, a University of Oregon alumnus, who is now the United States minister to Siam. “The committee regrets the sending of the contract out of Eugene,” Benefiel told the reporter, “but feels that it is an undertaking in which the entire state is a member, as well as Eugene.” The material for the book is not in cluded in the contract, being furnished by the school. It is rumored that the price asked by the Enterprise for the work was considerably lower than any local bid. MEDICAL GROUP INITIATES Portland Medical School, Feb. 23.— (Special to Emerald.)—Beta chapter of Plii Chi medical fraternity has initia ted the following men: Harrison D. Huggins, Thomas W. Christmas, Mau rice A. Kenny, J. Q. A. Daniels, all of Portland; Roy H. Hewitt, Junction City; Arthur F. Martin, LaGrande; Eu gene V. Robertson, Montana; Justin S. McCarthy, Kelso, Wash. Sandburg Says Movies Have Field in Art; Chaplin Liked Carl Sandburg is no snob; he doesn’t object to custard-pie comedies. The fa mous American free-verse writer who brought his poems to the University last night in Villard hall, is also a mo vie-critic, one of the few real critics of motion pictures in this country. He doesn ’t begin with a wholesale condem nation of the movies, and he likes Charlie Chaplin. Motion pictures occupy a field of art all their own, Mr. Sandbrug told an Emerald reporter yesterday afternoon, leaning back in a Shack chair, and speaking in a slow drawl. His voice is very low, but distinct. It holds a suggestion of sadness, but every now and then there is a sudden gleam of humor, as steel-grev eyes peer at you suddenly and whimsically through sil ver-rimmed spectacles. Carl Sandburg's hair and eyes and thick brows are the spme silver-grey, and he wore a grey suit. He didn’t give the much-talked about effect of the tramp, and his hair was not hanging shaggily about his eyes, as in the picture. “A few motion-picture producers realize that things can be said in the movies that cannot be said in any other way,” Mr. Sandburg declared. There are gestures, actions, sudden ex pressions, that cannot be caught in words, in painting, or in any other art but that of the motion picture, he be lieves. Sandburg is movie critic on the Chicago Daily News, and goes to some thing like 300 movies a year. He doesn’t get desperately bored with a surfeit of movies, however, even if he does see five or so a week. If it happens to be a bad movie, he sleeps through it. “I get a lot of sleep that way,” Mr. Sandburg asserted, with his quick gleam of amusement. For one can tell in a very short time whether a picture is the same old stuff reeled over again, he says. The main trouble with movies now is commercialization and haste in produc tion. Movie producers judge the suc cess of a film by the amount of money it makes, and time is seldom taken to make a really fine film. Sandburg was asked what he thought | of comedies. ‘•Nine tenths of the comedies are j fheap blah-blah, coarse and repulsive. (Continued on page two.) WOMEN PLAYERS LEAVE TODAY FOR AGGIE CONTESTS Thirty-Four Members of Four Class Teams to Defend Colors at Corvallis SENIOR SQUAD DOPED BEST Jennie Hunter, Portland, Will . Referee Games; Busses to Transport Rooters lhirty-two players on the women’s class 'basketball teams will leave this morning to play the class teams of O. A. C. at Corvallis today. The Oregon junior and sophomore teams are sched uled to play the O. A. C. juniors and sophomores in the morning while the senior ana xresnman games are cailed for the afternoon. “The teams are in good condition,” reports Miss Waterman, coach, although the prospective outcomes of tomorrow’s tilts remain to be seen. The only team confident of victory is the senior team, which practically comprised last year’s varsity, and which has won the inter class cup this .year with no defeats chalked against it. The sophomore tos sers hold second place in the interclass series while the junior and freshman teams during the season have proved the weakest, although a marked im provement has been displayed in recent practices. The players have had a long season. Do-nut basketball began the first week in November and a majority of the class players were in do-nut teams and have practiced since class work began the middle of January. Trip Made in Busses Two special busses and one to carry rooters will leave at eight o ’clock this morning. The players will be enter tained at luncheon by the Corvallis Woman’s Athletic association. The girls to make the trip are: Sen iors, Charlotte Howells, captain; Helen McCormick, Marjorie Flegel, Wilma Chattin, Pearl Lewis, Dorothy -McKee, Wenona Dyer and Florence Jagger; juniors, Florence Baker, captain, Mar jorie Read, Teressa Robinette, Harriet Veazie, Lynette Quinlan, Yernetta Quinlan, Harriet Howells and Elizabeth Garrett; sophomores, Cris Heckman, captain, Grace Sullivan, Mildred Crain, Golda Boone, Maude Schroeder, Alberta McMonies, Melba Byron and Isabel Stewart; freshmen, Ruth MacGregor, captain, Mildred Coleman, Hilda Chase, Marion Hill, Mildred Onslow, Betty Al exander; Avis Langmack and Eleanor Houck. Miss Waterman will accompany the teams. Portland Woman Referee Miss Jennie Hunter, of the Portland high schools, is coming down to referee the games and Grace Snook, ex- ’22 of the Salem high school, will also ref eree. Cora Hjertaas, of the Corvallis high schools, and Maude Lombard, ex ’19, of the Eugene high schools will umpire. The lineups starting the games to day are: Seniors Juniors C. Howells....F.L. Quinlan H. McCormick.F.V. Quinlan M. Flegel.C.F. Baker W. Chattin.SC.M. Read P. Lewis.G.T. Robinette D. McKee.G.H. Veazie Sophomores Freshmen C. Heckman.F.M. Onslow G. Sullivan.F.B. Alexander M. Crain.C.H. Chase G. Boone.SC.M. Hill M. Schroeder.G.R. MacGregor A. McMonies.G.M. Coleman PRACTICE FOR 0. A. C. RIFLE MEET TO BEGIN Fifteen Men Will Be Selected to Rep resent University March 10 at Corvallis Range Immediately after the completion of the Ninth Corps area rifle match, whieh will end tonight, firing practice will begin for the meet with Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallis, March 10. Fifteen men will be selected by Lieutenant Knowles to represent the University from the 45 now firing in the Ninth Corps match. While no results are available on the present telegraphic meet, Lieutenant Knowles is very optimistic over the out come. He reports that the average of the Oregon team so far in the match is several points abovq, the average at this time last year, when Oregon took third place. The girls’ meet, also scheduled for March 10, has been postponed by re quest of the O. A. C. military officials, who desire a telegraphic match some time in April. The O. A. C. girls’ team was badly beaten by Oregon last year in the rifle competition. HUSKIES' CHANCES HINGE ON OHEGON GAME IT SEATTLE Washington Has Opportunity to Win Championship of Northern Division VIKINGS EXPECT VICTORY Oregon Should Make Better Showing Than Was Made Against Idaho Tlie Varsity meets the University of Washington Huskies tonight in a "con test in which the Huskies have every thing to lose, as a defeat will give Idaho the championship of the northern division of the Pacific Coast league, and the right to play either Stanford or California, for the championship of the coast. A win will put Washington a tie with Idaho for this honor. Oregon will have a better chance against Washington than against the other teams she has played on this trip for the reason that the Seattle floor is large and roomy and gives the Ore gon men plenty of space in which to arch their shots. Washington evidently plans to hand Oregon the short end of the score, for the authorities of the University of Washington have already opened nego tiations with Idaho for a post-season game between the two teams, as Wash ington will be tied with Idaho for the leadership of the league if they suc ceed in winning from Oregon. This makes the playing of a special post season game necessary. Washington Is Confident The Washington authorities are show ing too much confidence in the matter if they take into consideration the fact that they were able to beat Oregon here by only two points, and that up to the last minute of play, Oregon was in the lead. The Varsity has certainly run into some unexpected strong competition on this trip, for it barely succeeded in beating Whitman, and lost to both Ida ho and Washington State. The latter game was especially surprising for the Cougars did not show anything out of the ordinary in the game they played against Oregon on the armory floor. The fact that Oregon walloped Idaho here and held them to a few-points win at Moscow proves without a doubt that the Lemon-Yellow is one of the strong est quintets in the conference when it is working smoothly. Varsity Vacillates Frequently The main trouble with the team this year is that it is rather a streaky ag gregation, and at times appears to be a conference championship squad, while in the next game it will give a poor exhibition of both teamwork and shoot ing. This can be partially accounted for by the fact that the members of the team have never played together be fore and have not had the work togeth er which is necessary for a finished ag gregation. The Idaho outfit is the best example of a polished team that has appeared here this year, for they have played together for years, and every man knew by instinct where the other players could be found on the floor. Stanford has dropped two out of three games to California so far, but the Bears have to win the final game in order to tie the Indians for the cham pionship of the southern division of the league. If they are successful in this, a special post-season game will be scheduled to determine the winner, and the manner in which the Bears have been working in the last games makes it appear as if they have the best chance to cop the honors. FISK APPOINTED REGENT Governor Pierce Names State Senator of Eugene as Member of Board State Senator Fred Fisk of Eugene was appointed Thursday by Governor Pierce as a member of the board of re gents for the University of Oregon to succeed A. C. Dixon, who lias resigned. His appointment covers a term of twelve years. Fisk, who was formerly sheriff of Lane county, is now retired. He graduated from the University with the class of 1897. Fisk’s appontment was confirmed by the senate Thursday afternoon. Sever al senators indorsed ^he appointment of their colleague. FRIEND OF UNIVERSITY DIES Mrs. E. Schwarschilds who died at her home at 361 E. Eleventh street Tu esdav was well known by many Uni versity students and Oregon alumni During the serious epidemic of influ enza several years ago Mrs. Sell wars child provided patients in the infirm ary and elsewhere with food and did everything possible to aid the strick en students. NEWS SLEUTH STILL ON JOB GENEVIEVE JEWELL GATHERS TIPS WHILE IN HOSPITAL Misfortune Dims Not Interest Taken by Journalism Senior WTho Gets Three Ideas for Stories -vu .luioinoDiie accident resulting in reservations in the hopsital and three stitches in one eyelid and three stitches on another portion of the head is not enough to stop the activities of one of the Emerald news gatherers who has suffered all these misfortunes and is still working for the paper. Genevieve Jewell, a senior in the school of journalism and one of the faithful reporters of the Emerald “gang,” was rated second in the latest count in the tip contest being held by the campus paper. The car in which she was riding recently collided with one driven by a lady instructor in the University with the result that the Em erald reporter got some time in the Eu gene hospital. Nevertheless her tips continue to roll into the Emerald office. A casual in spection of the tip hook yesterday re vealed three “news hints” with her name in the upper left hand corner and marked “by proxy.” As long as mes sengers will carry her work to the sanc tum of the campus paper she will con tinue with her reportorial duties. Ilor competitors in the tip contest will not be able to reap any advantage from her misfortune it seems. FROSH QUINT HUMBLES CAPITAL CITY HOOPERS Speed and Teamwork Features Playing of Both Sides Salem high school proved a formid able opponent for the frosh hoopers and only after a gruelling and hard fought game did Shy Huntington’s yearlings manage to defeat them 32 to 28 in the first tilt of the series yester day afternoon. The Capital City proppers showed speed and teamwork that would do credit to any college five and during the greater part of the game they led the score. Before five minutes of play ing they had run up a score of 12 to 4 on the babes. The frosh were minus the services of Scriptures who has functioned at one of the forward position all season. This loss seemed to mar their teamwork and smoothness to a great extent and dur ing the first half the playing was decid edly ragged. But after Hollis Hunting ton’s proteges had run up their lead the frosh showed a burst of speed that brought them up to within one point of' a tie at the end of the first period. The score at half time was 19 to 18. The second half was fast and bitter ly fought. Both sides checked close. The lead see sawed back and forth un til the final few minutes when the bas kets by Gosser and Bryant cinched it for the babes. These two men togeth er with Stoddard played brilliant ball for the frosh. Reinhart and Patterson showed up well for the visitors. The teams will play again this afternoon. The line-up: Frosh—32 Salem—28 Bryant 22.F.Brown 4 Farley.F.Reinhart 8 Gosser 10.C.Okerberg 8 Hobson.G.Patterson 2 Mautz.G.Lilligren 4 Stoddard.S.Fallen 2 Referee, George Bliss. INTEREST IS GREAT IN SHAKESPEAREAN ACTOR Student Tickets Exchanged for Special Admissions Indicate Large Audience Monday Night When Fritz Leiber, famous Shakes pearian actor, plays “Macbeth” at the Heilig theater, Monday night, he will be seen by hundreds of University stu dents, according to Manager McKee, who reports that unusual interest was shown yesterday in the appearance of the student tickets, which entitles a student to the special admission. Considerable discussion as to Mr. Lei ber’s qualities has been going on in the English dramatic department as to whether the prospective visitor or last year’s star, Walter Hampden, is the greatest. By virtue of his human treatment of ! Shakespeare’s plays in his presenta tions Fritz Leiber, according to all ac counts, has reincarnated the Bard in the hearts of American playgoers. ARTICLE IS PUBLISHED Prof. Ilarl Douglass of the school i of education, and Peter L. Spencer, in structor in the University high school ■ have written an article which appears in the current issue of the Journal of | Educational Psychology. PLEDGING ANNOUNCED Sigma Nu announces the pledging of • Clyde Zollars of Portland. SANDBURG HOLDS CMK AUDIENCE WITH IIS POETRY Popular Speaker Charms With Quaint Humor and Tales Sung to Music BANJO USED IN MELODIES “Rootabaga Stories” Feature in Recitation; Folk Songs Most Popular By Katherine Watson Witli steel grey eyes twinkling whim sically from beneath steel grey hair, re citing, in a voice that was music, se lections from his poems, singing with his banjo slung carelessly, old folk mel odies gleaned through friendships with mountian folk, railroad men, old Caro lina mammies, Carl Sandburg hold his audience last night in Villard hall as no other visitor has done. Absolute quiet reigned the moment the poet spoke, and whether he was explainnig his theories of verse, telling the Roota baga stories, or singing—not a sound was heard. IIis sense of humor was delightful. He proved that poets are human—in fact Carl Sandburg seems the quintes sance of the Self in each one of us that looks back at the evenings spent on front steps in the fading light of day, that remembers the Ever-So-Little Tliings, sometimes good and somotimes a little sad to remember. The audience was his with that curious mixture of feeling that he kept constantly between a hilarious laugh and a wistful smile. Program Is Divided He divided his program into four parts, the first of which he called a “leeturette” on “Is there a new poet ry?”; the second comprised readings from several of his books; the third consisted of two selections from his llootabaga stories which the audience received with laughs and chuckles, and the fourth and most popular part was made up of American folk songs which ho accompanied on his banjo. Speaking of the new poetry, he said regarding a frequent criticism that we don’t always know what is meant, that America is cursed with a mania for ex planation. Witness such evidence as “The Ladies Home Journal” which will explain anything. There is and always has boon in real poetry a certain elusiveness, a some thing beyond the sixth sense and the fourth dimension, the poet said; there is an inarticulateness. Whether or not a poet is good or bad, can only be mea sured, ho went on, by whether he was good or bad for us. It all goes back to experience, and when, having read a poem we do not know exactly what is meant, we come back later in the light of soul-searching experience to find it has a meaning for us, then we have discovered the poetry. Humor Brings Smiles In the poetry recited by Mr. Sand burg, there were things beautiful and things funny. A real man with a taste for a good joke, in fact, ending even the most serious things with a remark that brought forth smiles. Ho endear ed himself to all. And then he spoke of a new moon as a silver canoe—-a sil ver papoose canoe, of red and gold corn ripening in the fields with the treasure of corn silk creeping up and out; of a ship limping up the slant of the sea, the bone of hor nose grey with with fog, or he mentioned a green win dow blind, loose, flapping in the wind. He prefaced his “Rootabaga Stories” with a little five-lined poem which warned that one must look out for proud words, one must be careful in using them for they were hard bootr und stalked off with a loud, hard sou and could not hear one calling them back. Then he went on to tell tlis dear little whimsical tales that he main tains are good for grownups because they are good for children. Most pop ular were the folk songs. CANOE UPSETS WITH TWO Bob Gardner and Otto Mauthe Take Icy Plunge into MiUrace Plunging head-long into the icy wat ers of the millrace, two University boys, Bob Gardner and Otto Mauthe took their first cold bath of the year Thursday when the canoe in which they were riding capsized in the vicinity of the Phi Kappa Psi house. The Peterborough canoe in which they were riding was extremely tippy, and the canoers became a little too | reckless. “It was a horrifying moment of sus ! |,ense,” said Gardner with a shiver as he recalled the unpleasant experience, “but a few moments after the splash the worst was over.” The canoe was landed after the un fortunates had jumped in after it four times.