Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 22, 1923, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Carl Sandburg, Modern Writer,:
Will Recite to Audience
in Villard Hall
Sigma Upsilon, Pot and Quill,
in Charge of Arrangements;
May Edit Emerald
Tomorrow night at S:lo in Villard j
hall, Carl Sandburg, one of the fore- .
most of the modern poets, writer of I
“Smoke and Steel,” “Cornhuskers,”
“Rootabaga Stories,” “Slabs of the 1
Sunburnt West,” will recite some of
his verse to an audience of Eugene peo
ple and students. Welcomed in every
place that he has stopped, recommend- i
ed highly by all, his coming is eagerly j
anticipated on the campus by new and !
old friends alike. *
Pot and Quill, the women writers, |
and Sigma Epsilon of Ye Tabard Inn, j
men writers, have made extensive plans ;
for the entertainment of the poet while j
he is in Eugene and will work in con- j
nection with Fred Michaelson, student
chairman in charge of bringing Sand
burg here, and who is, in a large mea
sure responsible for the success of the
enterprise. Tickets are on sale at ev
ery student organization.
The coming of Yachael Lindsay to |
the campus proved a success, gave the !
students an opportunity for meeting,
conversing with and listening to one
of the most talked-of writers of the
day, and Carl Sandburg will serve to
widen that acquaintance, to throw a
different light, perhaps, or show a new
angle of the literature which is build
ing up so rapidly and from which it
is so difficult to detach ourslves enough
to judge. That he has been called one
of the three greatest of the new writers
should recommend him.
Sandburg Not a Cynic
Sandburg speaks in every day lang
uage to us, in idiom, ia slang, forcefully
and impressively. While some of his
verse stings, and some of it has the
harsh rasp of steel, he is not a cynic,
a ranter or a critic. He is the calm
impassive observer, recording what he
sees in the life about him.
Just as his titles range from east
to west, from city to prairie, his feel
ings and emotion varies from the clang
and throb of intense life to the lazy
leisure of a dusty country road winding
off endlessly into a hazy sunset.
Large Crowd Expected
It is expected that old Villard will
be filled to overflowing when the poet,
loved by America, steps onto the stage.
Sandburg has had much newspaper
■experience and it is probable he will be
asked to edit the Emerald the day he
is on the campus. If he has not time to
direct the news staff of the campus
daily, he may be persuaded to take
charge of the editorial column and
-“pound out” a few signed articles.
Mrs, Naomi Swett of Portland, free
lance writer and correspondent for
trade publications all over the country
was on the campus yesterday and ad
dressed the eight o ’clock class in re
porting on trade journalism. Mrs. Swett
has been engaged in this work for three
years in Portland and told the students
in Professor Turnbull’s class of the way
in which she started her writing for
trade journalism sheets and of the rapid
progress and success which may be at
tained if persons are systematic and
take every opportunity to find a mar-1
ket for their work.
Noted Shakespearan
Will Play in Eugene
Fritz Leiber
Students Select Production;
Price Wiii Be Low
Fritz Leiber is to play Macbeth.
This announcement concerning the
Eugene appearance of the youthful and
niueh-lieralded Shakespearean actor was
made yesterday after a representative
vote was taken among the students in
the English department as to the play
that they wished to see, when Mr.
Leiber comes to the lleilig theater Mon
day night.
Besides “Macbeth” Mr. Leiber plays
“Julius Caesar,” “Romeo and Juliet,”
“Merchant of Venice” and “Taming of
the Shrew.” The ballots which were
sent to the students included all of
these productions, and the vote for the
favored play was nearly two to one,
according to C. W. McKee, manager of
the down town theater.
The unusual interest in the appear
ance of the famous player caused the
local managers to get in touch with him
in regard to prices and as a result Uni
varsity and high school students are to
be admitted to any seat in the house for
one dollar plus war tax. Others will be
charged the usual prices for an offering
of this type, which runs up to $2.50.
Student tickets, which will entitle
students to obtain the special price, will
be distributed on the campus this week
and will be obtainable at the various
living organizations, the Co-op or the
English department. These are to be
presented at the box office of the Heilig
lig after 10 o’clock Saturday morning.
“We expect every seat in the house
to be gone by Saturday evening,” Mr.
McKee told an Emerald reporter last
Fritz Leiber is hailed by many critics
to be America’s greatest Macbeth.
Alice Duer Miller, author of “Man
slaughter,” is quoted in the New York
Times as saying: “I have seen three
other Macbeths—the three everyone
else has seen. Mr. Leiber’s is by far
the most satisfactory—dramatic, ro
mantic and educated.”'
Manager McKee, who was in charge
of the local vote and who announced the
selection of “Macbeth,” made the fol
lowing statement: “This is a happy
choice, as this is Mr. Leiber’s best per
Mr. Leiber is playing this week in
San Francisco. Only the larger towns,
with the exception of Eugene, are be
ing visited on his western tour. He
goes directly from here to Portland, and
then on to Seattle and Tacoma. It was
through the special interest of Calvin
Heilig, owner of the Heilig theater, that
Mr. Leiber was obtained for Eugene
and the University.
Bring a Jit and Dance a Bit Is
Invitation of Women’s League
Who, what, when, where, why, and
how? Answer: Women’s League with
help of students. Dance, hop, Shindig.
Two-thirty to five-thirty. Woman’s
building. Raise money, of course. Jit
ney dance. Have your jack ready.
The foregoing tells the tale. This af
ternoon all those who dance will con
vene in the gym of the Woman’s build
ing and stage a jitney jig for three
hours. All the male element is urged
to go down to the bank and have their
dollars reduced to a flock of nickels.
Music? Don’t worry about that. Jack
Mvers and his Mid-Nite Sons just got
in from Musicalia with some new song
hits and all their old ones, and every
one knows that when that gang of min
strels gets warmed up no hoofshaking
hound can resist the call of the maple
Decorations? Nope. -They ain’t goin’
to be none. The only decorations will i
be the co-eds who will grace the wall j
until some gallant espies them, displays
a jitney and trots, them out on the i
Eats? Yeh. You may have to buy;
them and you may not. That will be 1
for you to find out when you get to the
hop. Anyway the news source said that
they would melt in the mouth and were (
ahead of those mother makes by about
three blocks.
It’s going to be a swell affair, old
clothes if you wish. The main thing
in the line of prerequisite is a pocket
full of change and a pair of feet that
can pick out a fox trot from a Virginia
reel. The committee vows to have plen
ty of dances so that part is well taken
care of. All that there is to do is come
bring the shekels and a dancing heart.
Farce by Bert Davies to Begin
Three-Day Run Here on
February 28
Stagecraft Class to Prepare
Scenery for First and
Second Acts
By Katherine Watson
“Tlie Three Sins.” a comedy by Dav
ies, scheduled for February 28, and
March 1 and 2, is among the funniest
plays yet attempted by the Company.
It is a farce built out of the experiences
of two amateur writers, one of whom
decides that both of them shall collab
orate on a play.
Paul Hughes, author of “Glass Hous
es,” feted by the countess of Epping
who admires him and who also writes
plays, is very Biuch adverse to collab
orating with the lovely lady, and to
dissuade his attentions makes love to
her. The rising dramatist’s wife, who
objects to countesses anyway, and hates
to have her once modest husband’s
head turned, is bitter when she comes
upon the two. The attentions paid
Mrs. Hughes by Lord Oswald Bruce
Bannerman help to complicate the al
ready muddled domestic relations of
the Hughes’.
When, several weeks later, Paul
Hughes sells a play, the plot of which
the 'countess recognizes as her own,
tilings become very warm indeed for
the playwright. The play ends with
the court scene, dealing with the coun
tess’s lawsuit, and thus the climax is
capped in one of the funniest portray
als of a serious matter imaginable.
The scenery which will be used dur
ing the first and second act was given
as a problem to be worked out by the
class in stagecraft, each member sub
mitting a design. The one worked out
by Wilkelmina Becksted, with a few
moderations by the class was the one
which was accepted.
Hildegarde Repinen plays the lead
of the play in a very adequate man
ner. Her work in the past has been
noteworthy, and her ability to portray
comedy as well as tragedy is unusually
good. . Darrell Larsen will take the role
of the dramatist and Star Norton will
act the part of Mrs. Hughes.
The entire cast is composed of ex
perienced members of the Company and
promises an entertaining performance.
Mr. Reddie is directing the production.
Lew Tyrrell Colors 40 Chinese Scenes
for Extension Division; Another
Set to Be Completed Soon
A set of colored educational slides
of China, are being completed by Lew
Tyrrell, a junior in the University, for
the extension division. There are forty
different scenes in the set showing var
ious phases of Chinese life.
In coloring the slides, the most dif
ficult problem is to get the correct color
scheme, which must be true to life, ra
ther than merely artistic, Mr. Tyrrell
say3. Japanese water colors are used
to obtain the desired effect, and each
slide requires from one hour to a day
to color. The pictures for the set were
found in the University library and the
slides were made from these.
Rev. Bruce J. Giflfen, University stu
dent pastor, has prepared a lecture for
the slides. The demand for them is
greater than -can be- jnet at present,
with the waiting list growing daily.
A set of Japanese slides, colored by \
Tyrrell last fall, has also proved very
popular, says Alfred Powers, of the ex-;
tension division.
R. Bruce Horsfall, bird and flower1
artist of Portland, last week finished I
coloring a set of slides on American
wild flowers and also one on the dis- '
tribution of plant life, for the exten
sion division. There is a large demand
from schools for these slides, as spring
and summer approach.
Stewart Sawtell, a member of Kappa
Sigma fraternity, was called to his
home in Portland last Wednesday, by
the death of his father, a real-estate
man, who died suddenly of heart fail
Sawtell has withdrawn from school
and will not be back until next term.
Beta Alpha Psi announces the pledg
ing of C. L. Kelly, A. B. Stillman, Rus
sell Gowans, Henry Halverson, .Sephus
Starr, Owen Callaway, Walter Hempy,,
Albin Martinson, and Ray Harlan.
Commerce' Faculty Accorded
Honorary Membership in
Retail Association
Convention Accepts Bid of
Lane Credit Men to Meet
in Eugene Next Year
At the suggestion of L. L. Thomas,
president of the Oregon Retailers’ as
sociation in its closing session in the
local Chamber Commerce yesterday
afternoon, the school of business ad
ministration of the University was
made, by the convention, a chapter of
the retailers’ association, and members
of the business faculty were invited to
honorary membership. Upon the invi
tation of the University and the Lane
County Credit association the conven
tion unanimously voted to return to Eu
gene next year. A new step was taken
by the merchants near the close of the
business session when they voted to es
tablish at the University a bureau for
compiling average retail costs for the
state of Oregon.
“I believe this is the most important
step the association has taken in a
number of years,” said President
Thomas after an almost unanimous vote
had been cast in favor of creating the
research bureau. An urgent appeal to
the merchants to cooperate in the work
of the bureau and to take advantage of
the statistical information it would
have to offer, was made by W. W. Hill;
of Portland and other members of the
The University chapter of the retail
ers’ association will elect its own of
ficers and carry on its business similar
to the other chapters.
F. A. Nagley Gives Talk
Prof. F. A. Nagley, of the school of
business administration, began the
morning session in Villard hall with
his lecture on “Some Selling Secrets
that Build Business.”
“Selling goods that won’t come back
to a customer that does,” was quoted by
Professor Nagley as a workable defini
tion of salesmanship as it applies" to the
retailer. It is his opinion that “sales
manship is one of the most fascinating
things in business, for it is based upon
the fascinating work of dealing with
the human mind.”
“A salesman cannot create belief in
the other fellow’s mind unless he him
self believes in it,” was Professor Nag
ley’s belief. A customer must believe
in your store, in your goods, and in you
the merchant, he told the retailers. In
preparation for salesmanship three
things were pointed out that were nec
essary: the salesman must know the
goods, must know the mind of the buy
er, and must know his own mind.
Five Motives Control Mind
According to Professor Nagley, the
mind is controlled by five motives- or
gains, namely: gain of money, gain of
utility, satisfaction of pride, satisfac
tion of caution, and yielding through
weakness, ^he necessity of picturing
in the customer’s mind the use of which
he could put the article and the advis
ability of suggesting uses that will re
move excessive fear or caution, were
stressed by the speaker.
“The secret of salesmanship is liv
ing the thing,” he said. “Make it a
part of yourself. Then do not forget
this important factor. Never let a
man leave the store feeling that lie
has bee# treated unjustly.”
Prof. C. L. Kelly devoted the first
half of his lecture to a presentation of
the valuation of “good will” in the re
tail Dusiness. He also pointed out that
a change in personnel must be a slow
process, especially in the name of the
firm or store, and that considerable at
tention should be given to cultivating
the acquaintance and securing the confi
dence of the customers in your new
Research Work Described
Professor Kelly described the work
ing plan of the Harvard research work
in the business field as national in its
scope and application and suggested
that a similar research bureau be es
tablished at the University of Oregon
for the state of Oregon.
By helping the merchant find out
what his costs are and what profit he
is making, who in turn can intelligently
let the public know that he is not profit
eering, a greater spirit of good will
will be forthcoming among his custom
“It will make it possible for you
to prove convincingly to the customer
that your profits are relatively small
compared to the risks you experience
and the service you give,” said Profes
sor Kelly. “In addition to this it will
make for a more friendly feeling to
(Continued on page three.)
12 Members of Ye Tabard Inn Descend
on Proprietor of Theater for
Last Night’s Show
Eugene business men will probably
line-up with the campus people who
maintain that there are too many or
ganizations in the Univesrity if honor
ary groups follow the example of Ye
Tabard Inn of Sigma Upsilon.
One of the members of Ye Tabard!
Inn is Donald McDonald, manager of
the Castle theater. McDonald, who was
interested in literary work while on the
campus, was recently notified that the
actiye members of Ye Tabard Inn had
invited themselves to soe one of his
best shows at his expense. The Castle
manager immediately sanctioned the in
vitation and last night the campus
scribes took in the free show.
There are 12 men in the Oregon chap
ter of the national honorary writer’s
Singer Retains Ail of Old Vigor
and Charm, Say Critics
A largo audience of University and
Eugene people turned out to hear Paul
Althouse, the famous operatic tenor of
the Metropolitan Opera House, sing
at the Methodist church last night.
Early in the evening the auditorium
began filling, and by the time the con
cert began, at 8:15 o’clock, practically
every seat was taken' Approximately
1500 people wero in the audience.
The tenor proved to be a great fav
; orite with the audience, and they
called again and again for en
cores, which Mr. Althouse graciously
accorded. Critics who heard the singer
at the time of his appearance in Eu
gene two years ago, say that the tenor
has not only retained all of his old
vigor and charm, but that, if possible
Ike is more charming than before.
Following is the entire program, ex
elusive of encores, which was presented
by Mr. Althouse:
Group 1
A. Chanson de Barbarine by Lorot.
B. Tesyeux by Rabey.
C. Soupir by Duparc.
D. Chevalier Belle-Etoile by Holmes.
Mr. Althouse
Group II
Aria—O Paradise (L ’Africana) by
Mr. Althouse
Group III
A. Valse No. 5 in A flat by Chopin.
B. Opus 39, No 12 by MacDowell.
C. Khapsodie No. 6 by Liszt.
Mr. Gruen
Group IV
A. The Phantom Ships by Gruen.
B. All in A Lily White Gown by Mar
C. Daffodil Gold by Hodgson.
5. The Blind Ploughman by Clarke.
Mr. Althouse
Group V
A. The Last Song by Rogers.
B. Pleading by Elgar.
C. Tho Little Grey Road by Layton.
D. The Great Awakening by Kramer.
Mr. Althouse
Rudolph Gruen as accompanist to Mr.
Mr. Althouse performed his part excep
tionally well, displaying in many of the
more difficult parts native skill of mus
I ical execution and composition.
i _
Results of First Stages Show Average
of 900 Out of 1000 Hits
Oregon’s prospects in the ninth corps
iyea rifle match now in progress are
exceedingly bright, according to M. E.
Knowles, in charge of tiring at the
R. O. T. C. barracks. The average of
the first team for the first three stages
of the meet is approximately 900 out
of a possible 1000. The uverage at this;
time last year was 850, and Oregon
; came out third in the match.
| The team average, will tako a jump |
before the meet is ended, according to |
' Lieutenant Knowles, who states that'
the hardest stages are now over. Stages |
fired tire two prone, and one standing.'
Individual scores of the team mem-,
j bers averaging highest are: W. E.
1 Buchanan. 9260; W. M. Aitken, 9106; !
; T. N. Page, 9000; Sherman S. Smith,
; 8900.
The meet, in which all the colleges
i and universities in the ninth corps area
are participating, will be finished this
week, and results will be made known
| by telegraph.
The Emerald news staff today will
| enjoy the holiday with the other cam
pus groups, and as a result there will
be no Emerald tomorrow morning. The
campus daily will make its appearance
Saturday morning as usual.
B¥ IN. S,0. TEAM;
scout IS 40 TO 20
Lucky Shots from Middle of
Floor Cinch Game for
Pullman Cougars
Stanford Is Doped as Winner
in Southern Conference;
May Play in North
By Ed Fraser
Washington State showed an unex
pected burst of strength last night
against the Oregon hooper^ and downed
the visitors by a 40 to 25 count. Prac
tically all the counters came from long
allots, and the Cougars were seemingly
unable to miss any of their many at
tempts, a large majority going for
The Oregon team has apparently fall
en into another slump, after losing the
game to Idaho, for which they had been
keyed up to a high pitch. According to
a message received from Haddon Tlock
hey last night the Lemon-Yellow men
played one of the slowest games of the
year and their passing was poor, besides
being very unlucky on their shooting.
Cougars Hold Lead
The Cougars maintained the lead
throughout, the score at half time
standing 24 to 17 in their favor. Lath
am was high point man with 17 points.
The close guarding of Shafer and Chap
man was a feature, but it was unavail
ing, as the Washington men dropped
them in from the middle of the floor
seemingly with great ease.
Although Idaho has lost three games
she has staged a wonderful comeback
on her own. floor, and so far has not
dropped a single game there. At pre
sent it looks as if she will be tied with
Washington for the championship of
the northern part of the league, when
the regular scheduled games are run
off, and in this case will meet Wash
ington in a post season gamo which she
will no doubt win if the team continues
to play the brand of ball it has been
showing in the last two or three mixes.
Idaho Chances Good
The defeat of the Oregon Aggies at
the hands of the Washington State
Cougars was rather unexpected, and
puts the Aggies in rather a poor posi
tion as far as winning the championship
is concerned, for they have the hardest
game of their trip ahead of them yet
when they meet the Idaho five on the
Moscow floor. It is considered prac
tically an impossibility that the Van
dals will lose to the Aggies on the
Moscow floor, so the Corvallis quin
tet is apparently out of the race.
Oregon’s defeat from the Vandals at
Moscow and last night’s loss to W. S.
C. effectively knockd all championship
hopes winding, that the Lemon-Yellow
had been cherishing.
Prospects Bright for Next Year
The Oregon squad is one of the
strongest in the conference this season
and with every man but Zimmerman
back and eligible next year Oregon
should be able to win a majority of
the games. The success of the team
speaks wonders for George Bohler’s
coaching, for at the first of the season,
all of the men were new with the excep
tion of Latham and Zimmerman, and
had the added disadvantage of never
having played together.
The success with which Coach Boh
ler moulded them into a team shows
beyond a doubt that he certainly knows
his stuff, and noxt year should turn
out a world beating quintet, with such
a wealth of good material on hand.
Stanford is evidently the leader of
the southern part of the conference, and
at present it looks as if the Cardinals
will be the team which plays the cham
pion of the northern division. The
team they have is rather small, but
it a fast, suro-shooting aggregation and
will give either Idaho or Washington
a real battle when they meet.
Governor Expected to Appoint Two
New Men to Fill Vacancies
Word was received from Salem yes
terday that upon the expiration of the
terms of office of A. C. Dixon and
Charles H. Fisher of "Eugene, as regents
of the University, that the governor is
expected to appoint Fred Fisk, state
senator for Lane and Linn counties and
either Judge Harris or Robert Kuyken
dall, president of the Alumni associa
According to the report Milton A.
, Miller of Portland is also an aspirant
for a vacant position, but since he is not
, a resident of Eugene, his chances are
| regarded as slim. No statement was
| made by the University administration
concerning the wire report, yesterday.