Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 15, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, iasued daily
«xeept Monday, during the college year.
Editorial Board
Managing Editor ... Phil Brogan
Associate Editors ...-..Ep Hoyt, Inez King
Associate Managing Editor ... Art Kudd
Copy Supervisor.-Jessie Thompson
Daily News Editors
John Piper Freda Goodrich
Ted Janes
Ben Maxwell
Florine Packard
JNight Jiiditors
Leon Byrne
Taylor Huston
EcL Valitchka
Junior Seton
Leonard Lerwill
Sports Editor ..Edwin Fraser
Sports Writers: Alfred Erickson,
Harold Shirley.
News Service £ditor . Rachel Chezem
Information Chief: Rosalia Keber; As
sistants : Maybelle King, Pauline Bondurant.
feature Writers: Nancy Wilson, Monte
Dramatics .Katherine Watson
Music .-.Margaret Sheridan
JNews staff: Clinton Howard, oenevieve Jeweu, Anna Jerzyk, ceraiaine Koot, Margaret
Skavlan, Norma Wilson, Henryetta Lawrence, A1 Trachman, George Stewart, Jeanne Gay,
Lester Turnbaugh, George H. Godfrey, Marian Lowry, Thomas Crosthwait, Marion Lay, Mary
Jane Dustin, Georgians Gerlinger, Dorothy Kent, Webster Jones, Margaret Vincent, Margaret
Morrison, Douglas Wilson, Phyllis Copelan.
Business Staff
Advertising Service Editor..
Circulation Manager....
Assistant Circulation Manager.
_Randolph Kuhn
.Gibson Wright
..Kenneth Stephenson
Adv. Assistants..Maurice Warnock, Lester Wade, Floyd Dodds, Ed Tapfer, Herman H. Blaesing
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon as second-class matter. Subscription rates,
Il.tS per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application.
Cusinesr Manager
..$61 Editor
Daily News Editor This Issue
Florine Packard
Night Editor This Issue
Taylor Huston
Higher Education’s Contribution
Colleges ami universities are oiten subject to attacks on the
grounds that graduates are inadequately prepared. One set of re
formers occasionally suggests that all professional schools be abol
ished, and other reformers suggest that all liberal arts courses are
unnecessary. But suppose for a moment that the new graduate is
not fitted for the world of business, or even that he has failed to
learn lessons in citizenship. Universities have brought returns to
society in another way.
If there were any way to figure the actual value of colleges’ con
tribution to the world’s store of scientific knowledge objectors would
be silenced forever. In a recent article Chancellor Capen of the
University of Buffalo brought out this point.
“Scientific discoveries and the application of scientific know
ledge to manufacturing, to commerce, to agriculture, to engineering
processes, to the prevention and cure of diseases, which are respon
sible for a large proportion of the actual profits of the nation’s busi
ness have been an indirect return,” he says. “Wipe out the con
tributions made by the universities during the last fifty years, and
the industrial life of the nation would shrivel to insignificant dimen
Institutions of higher learning in this state have made their share
of Jhe contributions. The examples are numerous. The success of
Professor Stafford is his experiments on wood which were recently
announced is the latest, but it by no means stands alone. In every
scientific department of the University research work is being car
ried on which is surely making some contribution to human know
ledge. Citizens of the state are beginning to appreciate the value of
the Oregon medical school.
Chancellor Capen’s last statement should be reiterated. “Wipe
out the contributions made by the universities during the last fifty
years, and the industrial life of the nation would shrivel to insignif
icant dimensions.”
Praise for the Band
With the last home basketball game of the year a thing of the past
it is only just that the University band be given a word of praise.
The work of the baud at the games has been excellent. The Univer
sity has always been in need of a good band, and for the first time in
several years, the band is on the job, adding heavily to the enjoy
nent of basketball evenings.
For Your Enjoyment
Tonight studeuts will have the opportunity to attend a Mask and
Buskin play and tomorrow night to hear the Women’s Glee elub in
annual home concert. Laying aside any consideration of supporting
college activities, you will enjoy both. Past experience demonstrates
“Scarcity of men for field events worries coaches,” says a head
line in the Emerald. That is a challenge which should not go unan
swered. Now is the time to get out for track.
Are the alumni interested in the University? Would more rep
resentation on the executive council help matters?
Notices will be printed in this column
for two issues only. Copy must be in this
office by 4 :30 on the day before it is to be
published and must be limited to lb words.
Agora—rneeung ims inursaay evening,
7:30, men’s room, Woman’s building.
Dial—Will hold its regular meeting at
7:30 in the Woman’s building Thurs
Phi Theta Kappa—Meeting Thursday
evening at 5 o’clock, room 101, Com
merce building.
California Club—Very important meet
ing Thursday evening 7:30, room 105,
Commerce building.
Junior Class—Meeting today, 4:30, in
Villard hall. Junior Week-end com
mittee appointments.
Christian Science Society — Regular
meeting Thursday evening at 7:15
in room 105 Oregon hall.
Seniors—All write-ups for the Oregana
which have not yet been turned in
must be turned in immediately.
Oregon Knights—Meeting tonight at
7:30. Nominations wil be held for
the office of Chancellor of Exeche
Varsity Swimming — Practice every
night at five o’clock sharp. Every
one turn out as this practice is very
Soccer Enthusiasts—Scrimmage this
evening at four o’clock on Kincaid
field. Faculty and students will proba
bly line up for a game.
Sheldon Cancels Class—Dean Sheldon
is out of town and will not meet his
class in American Civilization Fri
day morning. World History quiz
section will meet at usual.
Bible History—Outlines of Philosophy
of Religion class under the direction
of W. H. L. Marshall will meet in
room 101, Oregon ' building, every
Tuesday and Thursday at 5:15.
Hildred Hall, Pianist, Heard by Inter
ested Audience in Alumni Hall
llildred Hall, a senior in the school
of music and a pupil of John Stark
Evans, last evening gave her graduate
recital in Alumni hall, with a poise and
assurance that was delightful and
which added greatly to the enjoyment
of the program.
Miss Hall opened her concert with
three Bach numbers, “Prelude D ma
jor,” “Fugue D major” and “Bouree
B minor,” that were played with a
sharp rythm, and distinctiveness and
clarity of tone. A romantic group of
two numbers, “On Wings of Song, Men
delssolm-Liszt, which is extremely mel
odic was played with a marked singing
tone, and Chopin’s Etude Op. 10, No.
12, was interpreted with speed and bril
The restlessness of Rachmaninoff’s
Prelude in G minor was vividly por
trayed in the third group of the pro
gram and was in decided contrast to
the quaint humor of Tscliaikowsky’s
“Humoreske” and the delicacy and
distinctly American-ness of MacDow
•11’a "Witches’ Dance.”
Miss Hall used as a brilliant closing
number, one movement of Schumann's
“Concert, Op 54” to take the place of
a sonata.
Marvel Skeels, mezzo-soprano, assist
ed Miss Hall, singing three songs, “The
Asra,” Rubinstein; “Hindu Slumber
Song,” Ware; and “Life’s Paradise,”
That “Blil” Hart more than "packed
’em in” last night at the Rex' was the
“go early” warning from those who
attended the presentation yesterday of
"White Oak,” which ends its two-day
showing with tonight’s performances
at the Rex. On this same program is
Mack Sennett’s latest laugh lotion, "On
And, speaking of laughs! Buster
Keaton, he of the unthawed pliysiogno-,
my, is to be presented with the cellu
loid lire tongs tomorrow and Saturday
when he is slated to display upon the
Rex screen his red hot comedy concoc
tion, "The Blacksmith.” Without even
a driver’s license, Buster has shifted
the lines of Longfellow’s immortal po
em so that now it is “Under the spread
ing chestnut tree, the village smithy
stands. A large and brawny man is
her—” with arms like rubber bands.
Critics everywhere proclaim "Garri
son’s Finish,” showing at the Castle
today and for the rest of the week, one
of the beet ell-round motion pictures of
several seasons and all seem to agree
that the lively and romantic Jack
shines his brightest in the role afford
ed him, that of a jockey around whom
rotates a most exciting story such as
will make everybody sit ou the edge of
their chairs from beginning to end. It
is a race-horse story and the big racing
scenes were actually taken at the Ken
tucky Derby.
Women’s Standings Surpass
Men’s; Graduate Students’
Average Is Higher
T'hf average grades for the fall term
)f 1922 are higher than those of the
fall of 1921. Every average of last
;erm is higher than the corresponding
iverage of the year before. In all cases
die women’s standings surpass those
sf the men. An interesting fact is
that the graduate students of last term
lad an average of 1.83, whereas those
}f the year before was 2.19. In com
:>nring the averages of the undergrad- I
ante and graduate women, it was found ;
that there was but one point’s differ- |
snce between the standings of the two
pears. In the undergraduate women’s;
standings, there is but two points’ dif- j
The following statistics show the
?omparative averages of the two fall i
First column gives average for fall
term of 1922 and the second for 1921.
Graduate men.1.86 2.22
Graduate women.1.78 2.13
Sraduate student.1.83 2.19
UUndergraduate men.3.64 3.80
Undrgraduate women.3.30 3.32
Total graduates .3.47 3.57 i
Undergraduate and graduate
men .3.61 3.75
Undergraduate and graduate
women .3 28 3.29
AH University average (including
graduate and undergraduate men’s and
women’s was 3.45 for 1922 and 3.53 for
lunior Girl Hoopers Defeated; Final
Score is 36-26
The sophomore first team was victor
ious over the second junior hoopers last
night, when the former scored 36 points
against their opponents’ 26. At the
--nd of the first half the juniors were
1,1 the lead, as a result of a spurt of rap
id playing and accurate shooting. Grace
Sullivan was responsible for most of
the baskets dropped, running up the
sophomore score.
Interclass games with O. A: C. are
scheduled to be played off at Corvallis
the 24th of this month. A game between
the seniors and sophomore first teams,
the strongest of the four class teams,
will be played and the general public
will be allowed to witness the game.
The line-up for last night’s game
was as follows:
Junior 2 Soph 1
L. Perkins.C.M. Crain
H. Howells.SC..L. Spitzenberger
M. Reid.G.A. McMonies
T. Robinette.G.G. Boone
U Quinlan.F.G. Sullivan
i. Quinlan.F.C. Heckman
Helen Atkinson Makes Fifteen Points
for Winners; Margaret Vincent
Is Second in Score
The Alpha Phi do-nut swimmers eas
ily out-swam the Tri Delt girls Monday
night, with 55 points to the credit of
the former and 15 for the latter. Helen
Atkinson, of the winning team was the
lighest point swimmer, adding f5
points to the Alpha Phi score. Mar
garet Vincent came second with 13 to
her credit and Winifred Hopson took
third place with 10 points.
The events for the meet included one ;
ind two length free style races, dives,
md relay race. Swimmers on the Alpha
Phi team were Helen Atkinson. Wini
fred Hopson, Margaret Vincent, Hilda
Phase, Trva Dale, Marjorie Vale, Julian
rlefflefinger. The Tri Delt team was
combine both dignity and
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look nearly as well. You
eannot go wrong on either,
and our prices are of special
Brodie & Co.
Where Quality Comes First
26 W. 7th Ave. Phone 363 I
composed of Marguerita McCabe, Kath
erine Kearns, Anna McCabe, Evelyn
Robson, Frances Karshner.
Director for Festival Seeks Tenor, Bass
and Contralto Voices
Rehearsals of the chorus of Haydn’s!
oratorio, The Creation, which is to be ,
the principal part of the May music !
festival, are being held Tuesday, Wed- |
nesday and Friday of each week, and
Rex Underwood, director, has asked
that persons singing tenor, bass or con
tralto—particularly tenor—report to
the school of music and tryout for the
chorus work.
Both the men’s and women’s glee
clubs are being used as the basis of the
chorus and to make the festival espe
cially worth while, students not in the
club and townspeople have been asked
to assist. Solo parts of The Creation
are being taken by members of the glee
clubs for the present, so that the chorus
will be able to do constructive work,
and for the festival these parts will be
taken by Portland musicians.
Some entertainmnt features planned
for the winter and spring term and
other important business vital to the
success of the California club will be
discussed at a meeting of that organiza
tion, which will be held tonight at 7:30
in room 105 of the Commerce building,
according to an announcement by the
official board of the club.
Get the Classified Ad habit.
6-piece Orchestra
Use Emerald
Want Ads
1 i
I The Castle Presents— !
| Jack Pickford
I in “Garrison’s Finish”
* A United Artists production. The United Ar
^ tists Corporation is composed of Mary Pick
ford, Douglas Fairbanks, D. W. Griffith and
I Jack Pickford. The corporation has presented
P in Eugene “The Three Musketeers,” “Way
Down East,” “One Exciting Night,” and
j| “Tess of the Storm Country.” So it is with
j| a feeling of pardonable pride that the Castle
now presents this corporation’s latest picture,
“Garrison’s Finish”; a picture well up to the
United Artists standard, and there is no higher
Evenings 30c
Matinees 20c
Woman’s Building, Friday, February 16th, 8:15
Reserved Section, 75c; General Admission, 60c
Ticket Sale at Co-op and Kuykendall’s Drug Store