The Castle Theater Announces a Permanent Policy Admission E 20c Always The management of the Castle Theater, under special contracts with the film companies, will be able to obtain and to show the pick of the motion picture market, at the above regular admis . sion prices—greater value for your money. This week’s offering is a fair proof of the state ment: “The pick of the film market at regular admission prices.” BERT LYTELL, BETTY COMPSON MAY Me A VO Y in “Kick In” A crook’s fight for redemption. Action going from the dives and dumps of the crooks, to the glittering jewel boxes of the riotous rich—sin and vice running rampant through both. COMING— Monday and Tuesday another proof— James Oliver Curwood’s “JAN OF THE BIG SNOWS” Snow, danger, love—seventeen men and a lone woman in a sn'ow-swept trading post. WHEN WE MAKE THE STATEMENT—THE PICK OF THE FILM MARKET—WE MEAN IT. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE BEST, COMING RIGHT AWAY— Norma Talmadge in “The Voice from a Minaret” —And on the desert breeze came the voice from the Minaret calling—calling—back to a forgot ten faith. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY NEXT. COMING Jack Pickford—“Garrison Finish.’’ Lewis Stone—“Dangerous Age.’ Cecil B. DeMille’s—“Adam’s Rib.” Joseph Hergesheimer’s—“Java Head.” Pola Negri—“Bella Donna” Theodrore Roberts—“Grumpy.” Harold Lloyd—“Safety Last.” The pick of Paramount, First National and Metro Pictures. All pictures made by Jackie Coogan, Buster Keaton. Constance Talmadge, Katherine Mac Donald and Mary Pickford. So Remember--at the Castle Theater the Admission Will Never Be Raised Always the Best in Pictures