Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 20, 1923, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Varsity Quintet Will Meet Powerful
Opposition in Game With Invaders
from University of Idaho at Eu
gene Armory Tonight
Latham, Zimmerman, Gowans, Chap
man, and Schafer Will Probably
Start in Lineup; Argonaut Veter
ans in String
By Ep Hoyt
The Oregon hoop squad, that has
been booming along so nicely through
preliminary and early season confer
' enee games, winning with assuring reg
ularity, will be tested tonight. For
with Idaho in the role of the opposi
tion Oregon will be lucky to win, yes
very lucky.
The Idaho team is playing slick bas
ketball this season, as they did last.
And from the championship quintet of
last season they lost but one man,
black-haired Rich Fox. Thus far in
the season, aside from preliminary con
tests, the Vandals have overwhelmed
the University of Montana hoopers in
two games !>t Moscow, but on last
Thursday the Argonauts tasted defeat
37-36 at the hands of the University of
Washington. The Huskies beat them,
but it was by a scant point in a fast,
hard-fought game, and according to
Coach Bohler, who saw the game, the
idaho five played real basketball, pass
ing brilliantly and shooting accurate
In the two games with the University
of Montana at Moscow the Vandals
won easily and did not have to extend
themselves to come out on the long end
of 38-17 and 44-19 scores.
• • •
A1 Fox, the Vandal’s captain this
year, was the outstanding conference
forward last season, and was also high
point man. Fox shoots well, is fast,
and handles his team capably on the
floor. Nelson, Fox’s running mate at
forward is also a veteran and has been
shooting well this year. Thompson at
center is a big shifty man, a good shot
who is always on the aggressive. Last
year his playing was one of the fea
tures of the Idaho appearance.
• • •
Two more veterans, Edwards and Tel
ford, at guard, round out the Vandal’s
• first string. Both of these men are fast1
and big and run the floor with equal
speed. Five substitutes, Styner and
Gartin at guards, Fitzke at center and
Wyman and Merineau at forwards,
round out the invading squad.
• > a
Against the smooth-running Argo
naut five Bolder will probably start big
Hunk Latham at center, Zimmerman
and Gowans at the forwards, and Chap
man and Schafer „at guards. Chapman
and Schafer, the Oregon guards, should
be able to cut down on the Vandal
shooting. Their work against the exper
ienced Multnomah forwards indicates
that the visiting point gatherers will
be hard pushed to glean field goals.
• • •
Whether Oregon wins or loses to
night, the fact remains that the game
will be one of the biggest hoop games
to be played on the armory floor this
season, and every indication points to
the fact that the big structure will be
• • •
Washington’s defeat of Idaho indi
cates that the Huskies have a quintet
as good as, or better than, their last
year’s aggregation. The Oregon five
will try -conclusions with the Huskies
January 25.
• • •
In the south competition seems to be
unusually keen between Stanford and
California this year on the court. Stan
ford succeeded in easily defeating the
veteran St. Ignatius quintet of San
Francisco, a team that defeated the
Oregon Aggies on their barnstorming
trip, while the Golden Bear recently
turned in easy wins over the University
of Nevada five. -
Lieutenant Alexander Pearson, Jr., a
graduate of the University of Oregon
chemistry department in 1920, and now
an officer in the national air service,
established a new time record in long
distance flight Thursday. He flew from
Dayton, Ohio, to Long Island, New
York, in less than four hours and 30
minutes. The distance by the air route
is 600 miles; 702 by rail.
Bohler’s Basketball Strategy—by
Ep Hoyt.
“It Takes Nine Pins to Make a
Man”—an essay by Clinton Howard.
Tonight’s Basketball Game—Ore
gon vs. Willamette.
International News Events.
Legislative Action Concerning the
“Christianity”—by Kanshi Ram.
Inter-Collegiate Team Will Be
Chosen Just Before Con
tests This Reason
Elaine Cooper Appointed to Aid
in Public Speaking Work
and to Assist Coach
The nine men who turned out for the
first debate meeting last night will con
tinue to work on an equal basis as a
debate squad. No team will be picked
from the group until a short time be
fore the intercollegiate contests are
held, according to a statement made by
Professor C. D. Thorpe, debate coach,
who stated that this was the best try
out he had had since coming to the cam
The men who will continue to work
are Paul Patterson, Charles Lamb, Win
ston Caldwell, Ralph Bailey, Willard
Marshall, Herschel Brown, Max Mae
coby, Ralph McClaflin and Elam Am
scuty. Patterson, Lamb and Bailey
are veteran varsity debaters.
Squad System Held Good
“The squad system plan is a con
structive system whereby permanent re
sults are obtained and prospective ma
terial may be lined up for succeeding
years. Valuable training and exper
ience in the preparatory work of the
squad will be of advantage in develop
ing debaters on the campus and in se
curing stronger teams for the future,”
said Professor Thorpe in commenting
on the change in policy. “The aim of
the system is to obtain good material
for next year as well as to win contests
this year. Such a method,” continued
Professor Thorpe, “gives the students
competing for places on the team a
longer period in which to demonstrate
^heir ability and willingness to work,
and affords an opportunity to gather
more material.”
The question to be debated with
Washington and California is, “Resolv
ed, That the federal government should
legalize the manufacture and sale of
light wines and beers.”
The new system,” said Patterson,
f‘ will guard against such an occurrence
as we had last term when a new man
who had not worked on the question
previously had to be put in at the last
minute. It is the only practical meth
od of handling debate work.”
Elaine Cooper to Assist
A new development in the debate
situation is the fact that Miss Elaine
Cooper, who was graduated from the
University last year, has been appoint
ed an assistant in the public speaking
department. Miss Cooper will assist in
coaching men’s and women s varsity
debate teams and will teach a class in
extemporaneous speaking.
During her four years at the Univer
sity of Oregon, Miss Cooper won prac
tically all the honors open to worn a in
the forensic line. She v ” mber
of the varsity debate team for three
years and has the distinction of never
having lost a debate. At the end of
her senior year she was awarded a de
bate shield, the first time in the history
of the University that such an award
was given to a girl.
Miss Cooper also won the Failing
Beekman oration contest at commence
ment last year. She is a former local
president of Zeta Kappa Psi, national
forensic fraternity. Miss Cooper is a
member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority.
Girls Use Squad Plan
The girls are also working under the
squad system, nine debaters meeting
four times a week. Professor Thorpe
expressed satisfaction with the efforts
which they are expending. “There is
a good spirit in the work, keen com
petition is offered and the girls them
selves are deriving much pleasure from
the work,” according to the coach.
Arrangements are still indefinite in
regard to the Washington contest.
Rummage Sale to Be Held in Down
Town Store to Raise Funds
; A rummage sale will be conducted
by the campus Y. W. C. A. on February
8* and 9 in a downtown business house,
with the advisory board in charge.
, Funds raised from the affair will be
i used to replenish the deficit budget of
the year. Last year $280 was obtained
from a similar sale.
“Clothing, furniture and all knick
knacks will be appreciated,” said Dor
othy Collier of the Y. W. C. A. Mary
Clerin is chairman of the student com
mittee, and will direct the collection of
all material on the campus.
Rangy Star, Center
Of Oregon Quintet
Hunk Latham
Role of Addeliney Bowersox
Comedy Element
“What’d I tell ye, Miss Wiggins?
I’ve had a adventure already!” said
’Lizabeth Ann, when she encountered
for the first time the Raggedy Man.
And the Raggedy Man himself saw ad
venture ahead, for was not ’Lizabeth
Ann rumored the best custard pie mak
er in Griggsby Station, if not in the
world?—and was not the Raggedy Man
looking for “Her Who Could Make the
Best Custard Pie?”
But he was not up on the cave man
methods known today, and “the adven
ture” stretches out in a number of in
teresting events until one of the inim
itable pies decides the fate of the de
lightful pair.
All the folks of the little village, with
their oddities, their joys, and their dis
satisfactions, wander, during the course
of the first act of the play, through
the store which must always be a cross
section of the very souls of country
folk, chatting a bit with' neighbors, be
wailing health or weather, purchasing
velvet and nest eggs. The old men
about the stove, reminiscing with
Gran’tlier Squeers, furnish a combina
tion of amusement and pathos.
But pure undiluted comedy is offered
in the person of Addeliney Bowersox,
postmistress of Griggsby Station, who
cannot remain in her corner of the
store any more than she can refrain
from commenting on every purchase
made, on every customer who makes it,
and who is apparently an authority on
every subject. Curiosity and enthus
iasm are her two greatest qualities.
All the characters dear to the hearts
of Riley lovers will be found in the
“Raggedy Man,” Fergus Reddie’s own
play in which he weaves together in
one delightful story the threads of
many lives, and for a short time the
characters will live for us.
The cast includes every member of
the company, and the play nights are
January 24, 25 and 26.
Helen Hyde’s Chinese Paintings May
Swell Warner Collection
A new addition to the Warner art col
lection has been planned, that of a room
intended to be used for the displaying of
the pastures of Miss Helen Hyde which
have been donated to the University by
her sister, according to Mrs. Lucy Per
kins, caretaker of the exhibit. Though
an American girl, Miss Hyde is noted for
her paintings of Chinese scenes. The
museum already contains several of her
pictures which with this new collection
will prove a valuable addition.
The number of visitors to the collection
'has been very small since the holidays,
according to Mrs. Perkins, who also stated
this was probably due more to the in
clemency of the weather than to lack of
interest. The average daily visitors num
ber little more than a half dozen during
this term.
Mrs. Kilpatrick, mother of Earl Kil
patrick of the extension division, pass
ed away Tuesday night in a Portland
hospital. Mrs. Kilpatrick had been
quite ill for about four months and had
been in the hospital for the last month,
The funeral will be held Sunday after
noon at Sellwood Crematorium.
Bill Would Impose Entrance
Fee on Residents of State;
Draws Protests
Dyment and DeBusk Appear
at Legislature; Find A
Majority Opposed
A compromise measure may be reach
ed on the tuition bills introduced in the
legislature by Representative McMa
hon of Marion, due in large part to
the efforts of Professors Colin V. Dy
ment and Buchard W. DeBusk of the
University of Oregon, who have been
at the state capital the last few days.
As a result of the visit of the Univer
sity men, the four bills came in from
the educational committee with an un
favorable report, McMahon stating
that compromise legislation was under
consideration. The bills were then laid
on the table pending the outcome of
Dyment and DeBusk held a lengthy
conference with McMahon, author of
the bills which would provide annual
tuition fees of $100 for resident stu
dents of the state university and the
agricultural college and a much higher
sum for non-resident students. Dis
cussing the effect on the University,
if the proposed bills became laws, De
Busk stated that the charging of a
high tuition fee would drive a large
number of students to states where the
tuition fee is less and where induce
ments are held out to students.
Difference in Salaries
In speaking of the needs of the
state’s institutions, DeBusk.called at
tention to the great difference in the
salaries paid in Oregon and in sister
states. He stated that many instruc
tors now with the Oregon institution
have refused much higher salaries at
other institutions and that graduates of
recent years have secured teaching po
sitions at higher salaries than those
paid their former instructors.
“The house was apparently ready to
kill off all four of the bills as they came
out of committee,” says the Oregonian,
“but this move was averted when Mc
Mahon explained that he was having
a series of conferences with represent
atives of the regents of both Oregon
Agricultural College and University of
Stall Attempted
McMahon’s method of procedure in
dicates that he is trying to hold the
bills for a time in the hope that a com
promise may be reached rather than
killing them altogether, is the opinion
of those in the thick of things at the
Conclusions reached by those who
have been sounding sentiments among
the legislators of both houses are that,
while a majority of them feel a higher
rate of tuition should be charged
against the non-resident students than
the flat rate of the past two years,
Those who favor changing tuition fees
to resident students are in the minor
Newspapers Comment
Many arguments have been put forth
r opponents of the bills in the last
vv days. “It would make the state
hools rich men’s schools,” declares
1 editorial in the Oregon Journal. “It
ould throw the glitter of gold around
lucation. It would make higher edu
ition a special privilege for special
“ople. It would bar thousands of boys
id girls from poor homes from an ed
ition. It would, by denying them an
lucation, deprive the state of some of
s future brightest and most useful
tizens, for it is often the young men
id women out of poor families that
ake the most of a college training.”
Other points emphasized in the Con
oversy are that more than 70 per cent
: the students of the two institutions
•e wholly or in part self-supporting,
lat the cost of living is high, that
lere are already fees that must be
iet, and that “a fee of $100 on top
f present costs would drive many a
ruggling student out of college and
ito a career without the training that
ich wants and so much needs in this
lodern struggle for survival.”
Students Would Leave
“The last thing in the world to do,”
gain states the Journal, “is to close
le gates to education. A most unfortu
ate thing to do is to close
re doors of education against the mon
yless. The best thing to do is to have
s many minds as possible trained to
liink hard and straight. The ills of
overnment come from ignorance. The
tatus in which a very few are very
ich and the great multitude very pool
omes from ignorance. If all mind*
(Continued on page four.)
Prize of Cigars Won by Two Who Help
Out Herschel Taylor in Name for
Newly Purchased Shop
Friends of Don Woodward and Gor
don Wilkinson need not be alarmed if
they see these two young gentlemen
puffing contentedly on huge black cig
ars. It is not necessarily a sign that
they have induced some co-ed to wear
their fraternity jewelry.
The facts of the case are simple. Not
long ago Herschel Taylor, owner of Ye
Campa Shoppe, issued a call
for names for his new sweet shop
which formerly operated under the
name of The Varsity. Names of all de
scriptions hailed in from the aspiring
Taylor finally decided that tho fit
ting name for the city brother of Ye
Campa Shoppe should be “Ye Towne
Shoppe.” It was found that this name
had been submitted by both Wilkin
son and Woodward. The prize offered
for the best name was a box of cigars.
Oregon Music Professor Is
Presented at Recital
John Stark Evans, associate dean of
the school of music was presented by
the MacDowell club of Portland in a
piano recital Tuesday afternoon in the
ball room of the Multnomah hotel. Mr.
Evans was well received and the news
papers of Portland have given him most
favorable notice. The success of the
recital will probably do a great deal
by way of advertising for the Univer
sity and the friends of the University
in Portland say appearances of this sort
by members of the faculty do much to
help the endowment campaign.
The following is the criticism writ
ten by Mrs. C. Hilton-Turvey of The
“The program was refreshing in that
it did not follow a beaten track. Mr.
Evans interpreted the learned and mys
tical music of Cesar Franck’s Sonata in
A major with tonal beauty and fluency.
Those who hold that Franck’s music re
volves about one note in its myriad as
pects and relations would have found
this often accepted theory fall to the
ground in this composition, particular
ly in the second movement, with its
lovely themes.
“The stormy passages of the Chopin
Sonata, 35, and the first two Debussy
numbers, with their delicate dripping
harmonies, were delightfully rendered.
‘Minstrels’ rang tho changes on its
humorous content with ’fine zest under
Mr. Evans’ fingers. The soloist show
ed real charm in the playing of Cyril
Scott’s ‘All Through the Night’ and
his ‘Lento.’
“‘May Night,’ Palmgren, was one
of the high lights of the program and
Mr. Evans interpreted the evasive,
spring mood of it with marked success.
“The MjacDowell ‘Sonata Tragica’
which ended the recital was splendidly
given, and showed much depth of con
ception and feeling.”
Miss Lillian Tingle, head of the home
economics department in the Univer
sity, has received word of the death of
her sister-in-law, Mrs. Alfred Tingle,
in Ottawa, Canada, January 17. Mrs.
Tingle has been ill for several months
and her death was not unexpected. She
is survived by her husband and her son,
Alfred Tingle, Jr.
Delta Theta Phi announces the pledg
ing of William Biggs, of Ontario, Ore.
Zimmerman Rings Basket for
16 Counters; Entire Tearn
Plays Good Ball
Conference Champions Nosed
Out by Husky Hoopers in .
Thrilling Contest
Coach Roy Bohler’s Bearcats were
unable to stop the Oregon winning
streak last night, and the superior pass
ing and shooting of the Lemon-Yellow
gave them a 49 to 28 victory, despite
the fact that nine men were used be
fore the contest was over.
Don Zimmerman with 16 counters op
posite his name was high point man,
with Rus Gowans close behind with 14.
Hunk Latham had an off night and
made only one basket, but he pulled
some nice plays and passed up several
chances to score in order to pass the
ball to someone in a better position.
Hunk was able to convert only four
baskets out of eight trials.
Team Work Excellent
The combination that Coach Bohler
has been working piled up big scores
in the games this season and has had
no close games yet, therefore it is hard
to predict just how they will function
against Idaho tonight, the Vandals be
ing one of the best quintets on the
The Washington -five took a close
game from Idaho Thursday night 36 to
35, 19 of the Washington points being
made by Crawford from the foul line.
Oregon will meet one of the beet teams
in the conference here tonight, and the
outcome of this game will show the
first real dope on the varsity, and the
average spectator will be able to pre
dict whether Oregon is to be reokoned
among the winners of this year’s con
The Bearcats brought a fairly good
team up last night, but their shooting
and passing were far below that of Ore
gon, the shooting being especially bad,
as Patton seemed to be the only Wil
lamette man who could locate the bas
ket with any consistency. His percent
age was very low, as he shot on an av
erage of eight or ten times for every
basket he rang up. He was high point
man for the visitors with 12 markers.
Logan Unable to Score
Captain Logan of the Salem aggre
gation did not live up to advance ro
tices as he was able to locate the hoop
only three times during the evening
and shot two fouls out of four attempts.
The varsity started the game off slow
allowing the Bearcats to take the lead,
but they were able to hold it a short
time only, as Gowans and Zimmerman
began taking turns at caging baskets
from the center of the floor which put
Oregon in the lead.
The passing of the Oregon team lag
ged at times and their general play was
not as good as was shown against Whit
man, but with the Idaho game coming
off tonight it is probably well that some
of the second string men were used.
The Oregon guards, Chapman and
Schafer have been showing up well in
games so far, and in last night's scrap
Schafer hooped four baskets. They
have not been up against any real for
wards though, so far, so when they
encounter A1 Fox tomorrow night they
are apt to have their hands full, as
he was high point man of the Pacific
(Continued on page four.)
“Don’t Send Posies” Is Women’s
Plan To Help Men Economize
At a recent meeting of Pan-Hellenic
Council, a measure was introduced by
Katherine Piuneo, president, to prohib
it flowers being sent by the men at
women’s formals. The bill has been
discussed in the houses this week, and
at the next meeting of Pan-Hellenic,
the question will be settled, according
to the majority of opinions in the
In support of the bill, the radical
faction has several striking reasons to
offer. First, they would help the men
economize, and for a popular man, the
saving would be considerable, before
the end of the season.
Secondly, the present fashions in eve
ning dresses do not permit a corsage
being gracefully worn. The corsage,
therefore, has become a nuisance.
Thirdly, many girls do not ask men
from choice, so much as for conven
ience, or for reasons of policy. It is,
therefore, unfair to expect these men
| to send flowers on such occasions.
However, the bill has met with
strong opposition in many of the hous
es, and among those who cherish the
old order of things, and who consider
that the men on the campus are al
ready too footloose and fancy free.
First, they say, is there anything which
can really take the place of the celes
tial thrill derived from opening a box
of flowers, or from sinking one’s nose
into a corsage, and murmuring “how
sweet of him!” Secondly, is not such
a ruling contrary to Oregon traditions,
and does it not remind us of similar
anti-formal, anti social, blue laws of
agricultural colleges? Some have even
said that the flowers add color and
delicacy to the scene, and therefore
should be worn at all formals.
Both factions agree, however, that
the issue is a vital one, and it should
be carefully considered before a final
vote is taken, from every viewpoint
which might possibly effect the out