Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 19, 1923, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Beauties of Oregon Country
are Topic of Popular
Portland Speaker
Pictured Views and Informal
Humor of Talk Bring
Throngs to Villard
A westerner, heart and soul of him,
:.nd a passionate lover of western skies
and western freedom and western beau
ty, is Frank Branch Riley, who enter
tained students and faculty at the as
sembly hour yesterday with his illus
trated address on “The Lure of the
A square-jawed, eager-eyed enthus
iast, with a wide contagious smile, Mr.
Riley, who has carried the message of
Oregon and the opportunities of the
Oregon country to thousands of incred
ulous easterners, led an interested aud
ience that thronged Villard hall to the
doors, through a veritable fairyland of
beauty in his informal talk yesterday.
Slides Are Shown
Mr. Riley illustrated his address, if
such a spontaneous and intimately
friendly descriptive treat may be called
an address, with a set of colored slides,
of amazing beauty, collected by the
speaker in a host of scenic wonder spots
of the northwest. He flashed upon the
screen a constant, shifting panorama
of unparalleled loveliness.
Mr. Riley has been addressing aud
iences throughout the country for a
number of years and during this time
he has had the opportunity of visiting
many of the national landmarks, and
far-famed beauty spots of the East and
East Is Incredulous
Mr. Riley said that he meets with all
manner of incredulity in talking with
his eastern audiences of the progress
and advantages of Oregon and the
“You say you are from Oregon?”
one New Yorker remarked. “Oh good
Lord! I always get that place mixed
up with the Philippines! But then, I
suppose you go to San Francisco for
the weekends!”
“The test-question in New England”
said Mr. Riley, “is, ‘what do you
know?’ In the South it is all a ques
tion of pedigree. The southern family
trees still flourish, though some of
them do need spraying. But in the
West, our West, it is ‘what ean you
do?’ It dosn’t matter who your grand
parents were, or how much money
father had. It’s up to YOU—‘what
can you do?”
West is Goal
“Since the dawn of time, men have
pushed ever westward, in search of a
(Continued on page four.)
Word Painter Whose
Address Held Throng
Frank Branch Riley
Thetas Beat Alpha Phis in
Livly Tilt
Hendricks hall won the champion
ship of league 1 in the do-nut basket
-ball series last night when she defeated
Susan Campbell hall 15 to 9 in the
fastest and hardest fought game of the
season, and the Alpha Phi hoopers mar
red their undefeated record by losing
to the Thetas 9 to 6. At the start of
the Hendricks-Susan Campbell game,
such intense excitement prevailed
among players of both teams, that
fumbles were frequent and shots at
■the baskets went wild. After a few
minutes of playing both teams seemed
to steady themselves, although neither
proved up to their usual standard of
playing, and considerable roughness
prevailed during the entire game.
Grace Sullivan, forward for the vic
torious team, played her usual fast and
consistent game. Mildred Onslow,
guard, was deliberate in her playing
and clever in picking the balls out of
the air with one hand. Florence Baker
and Golda Boone worked especially well
in combination of centers for Susan
Campbell. Florence Barker, particu
larly played a very heady game. Maude
Schroeder, guard, played a very clean
game and was on the job every minute.
As soon as the winners of league 2 are
known, a game between Hendricks and
the champions of this league will be
‘arranged to decide the championship
Jt>f the do-nut series.
The Theta-Alpha Phi tilt was slow,
but intense excitement was displayed
by both teams. Up to last night,
neither team had suffered defeat. Two
more games remain to be played by the
Tlita team, before the championship
of league 2 is determined.
Junior’s Annual Costume Affair
To Be Riotous Revel of Jazz
Wholesale and retail jazz the latest thing
in features, unusual decorations and
blind folds for the patronesses, is the ad
vance information given out for . the “B.
and B” Junior Jazz Jinx, at the men’r
gymnasium January 26.
The lottery has been worked out in a
unique manner and is rivalled only by the
annual frosh-Soph mix for squareness.
The deep, dark plan of deciding which
charming young flapper shall go with
which handsome young hero is to be di
vulged at a meeting of the class Tuesday,
January 23 at 4:30.
i Colorful costumes are in order and
there will be the usual array of bad men,
shy little maids, little Lord Faunteroys,
pirates, fairies, and gypsies.
Floyd Wright has been appointed chair
man of the committee replacing Marcus
Youngs who did not return this term. The
committee follows: Helen Ball, Elsie
Skoog, Moe Sax, Velma Farnham, Hilde
garde Repinin, Harold Potter and Alfred
“Science and Beligion” to be Subject
of First of Group Discussion Series
On next Monday evening, Dr. Albert
Sweetser of the science department will
address Hendricks hall on the subject,
“Science and Religion.” This is the
first of a series of discussion groups
planned for the winter term.
Miss Gertrude Talbot, Dr. DeBusk,
and Mr. Justin R. Miller have been ap
pointed as a faculty committee to pro
mote interest in the discussion of sub- j
jeets of world interest in the living or
ganizations on the campus. At a meet-1
ing of this committee it was recently ;
decided to co-operate with Y. W. C. A. j
plans as outlined for the girl’s houses.
Mr. Miller will supervise the men’s
The plans have arisen out of a meet
ing of some of the faculty members
with Mr. J. Stitt Wilson, during his
stay on the campus, when ways and
means were considered for stimulating
discussion groups among students and
Affair to be Given Saturday From 2
Until 5:30 at Campa Shop
The Order of the “0” needs money.
That’s the story, at least, that George
King, president of the paddle wi elders
ftold an Emerald reporter last night.
“We not only need it but we are go
ing to get it—niekle by nickle,” he
added. Then he told of r„ jitney dance
that the lettermen plan to give at the
Campa Shop, Saturday afternoon, from
3 until 5:30. “It’ll be a lively Tif fair,
rough neck, of course, and the Mid
Nite Sons will furnish the harmony.
The Condon Club (G. and M. society)
plan to hold a picnic south-east of
Spencer’s butte, Sunday. Gerald
Barnes of the school of physical edu
cation, who will lead the group, says
that everyone is invited i.nd that the
only requirements are that those at
tending bring a lunch and 5 cents to
help pay for the coffee, which will be
served by the club. The crowd will
meet at 1 o’clock on the steps of the
Ad building, and will return about 5
in the evening.
Presidents, Secretaries, and
Editors From High Schools
Convene February 2, 3
Program Arranged for Two
day Session; School of Jour
nalism will be Host
Programs have been definitely ar
ranged for the annual conferences of
the Oregon High School Press associa
tion and of the Oregon High School
Student Body Presidents and Secretar
ies association, which will be held in
Guild hall on February 2 and 3 under
f'the auspices of the School of Journal
Eighteen high schools have already
signified their intention to send dele
gates. More schools will be repre
sented, is the belief of John MacGregor,
president of the A. S. U. O., who is
handling the details of the conventions.
Delegates Must Register
Registration booth in charge of
Frank Carter, assisted by the Thespian
club will be open all day Thursday and
until 9 o ’clock the following morning. |
Accommodations for the visiting dele
gates will be arranged by the halls of
The two conventions will open on
Friday at 9:15 in Guild hall, with,
John MacGregor in the chair. Word
of welcome will be extended to the
delegates by President P. L. Campbell
tin behalf of the University. An ad
dress by J. A. Churchill, state super
intendent of public instruction, will
follow. Mr. Churchill will speak on
“Solving Our Interscholastic Prob
Dean Erie W. Allen of the school
of journalism will speak at this ses
sion, on “Relation of High School Pa:.
'per to Community Outside,” and John"
MacGregor will address the meeting in
behalf of the student body. The meet
ing will adjourn at 10:45, when the
separate sessions will open with the
members of the press association re
maining in the hall and the student
body presidents and secretaries going
to the assembly room in the Commerce
Kilpatrick on Program
The morning session of the presi
dents and secretaries will be addressed
.by Earl Kalpatrick, director of the ex
| tension division. Orlando Hollis of
Eugene high school, president of the
| association, will make the opening re
marks after which he will announce the
appointments of various committees.
To the afternoon session John Mac
Gregor will speak on “The Responsi
bility and Authority of the Student
Body Presidents” and C. A. Howard,
[.school superintendent of Marshfield
will give some instructive and valuable
points in student organization. High
school debating will be discussed by
G. E. Finnerty, principal of Eugene
high school at this session, and the dele
gates will discuss many problems aris
ing in their respective schools.
Oregon Knights In Charge
The secretaries alone will then be1
I addressed by Margaret Jackson, sec
l retary of A. 8. U. O., after which the
delegates will be taken on a tour of
the campus. The Oregon Knights will
have charge of showing the buildings
to the visitors.
On Saturday morning at 8:30 the
committees will hold sessions until
9:30 at which time Fred L. Stetson,
professor of education, will give a con
structive talk on “The Relation of
Student Body to the Faculty.” High
i school sports will be discussed by a
speaker yet to be selected. C. A.
Howard will speak again on “Sehool
Activities,” after which the election of
officers for next fiscal year will take
President Will Talk
The press conference will be ad
dressed by members of the faculty
of the school of journalism, who will
offer the young members suggestions
in editing high school newspapers. I
Harry G. Johnson, president of the
press association, will open the con
| vention of the young journalists with
an address. Association business will
be transacted, followed by a talk on
“High School Notes in Daily and
Weekly,” by one of the editors. In the
| afternoon cession, one of the high
school editors will talk on sources of
high school news, and Ken Youel, edi
tor of the Emerald, will speak on writ
ing of the news. George Turnbull, pro
fessor of journalism, will give an il
lustrated talk on headline writing.
Dinner to be Given
Robert C. Hall, superintendent of the
r University press, will :<peak on high
'school newspaper business problems,
(Continued on page three.)
Faculty Committee Meets But
Won’t Talk Until Chairman
Returns to Campus
Medical Faculty Takes Part in
Discussion; Time for
Change Also Problem
Further developments in the matter
of the term versus semester question
seem now to await upon the action of
a committee appointed by President
Campbell to formulate definite pro
posals for action by the faculty at the
next meeting.
This committee met late Wednesday
afternoon and canvassed the situation,
but the various members were unwil
ling to speak for publication yesterday
in the absence of the chairman, Dean
W. G. Hale, who was out of town. No
announcement of the committee’s plans
is to be expected until he returns. The
other members of the committee are
Dean J. F. Bovard, and professors
Conklin, Howe, and Gilbert
Medical School Concerned
An angle of the question which has
caused serious consideration is the
right of the medical faculty in Port
land to participate in the final voting
upon this question, which affects their
school as much as it does the local de
partments. The law stating the legis
lative rights of the faculty declares
that professors, i associate professors*
deans and directors have the right to
vote on any academic changes in the
University. It has not been customary
for the medical faculty to vote on ques
tions of general university policy, but
it is not clear that they cannot do it
if they desire.
Reports from Portland are to the
effect that the medical . school has
staken a lively interest in the term
versus semester question, and the point
has been raised by local faculty mem
bers that the doctors very possibly have
the right to be consulted.
Another question that is still open
is whether the change, if any is made,
shall go into effect next fall, the fall
of 1924, or at some other time.
Other Plans Offered
Although it is not known to what
extent the various faculty members
Jwill consider student sentiment in
easting their votes, some plans that
diverge from both the semester and
term plans as they now exist, have
|been mentioned since the student straw
ballot, by professors who last week
voted on one side or the other.
In addition to the two plans now
familiar to all, one variation is a pro
posal that the term system be con
tinued, but that no credit be given in
any subject until the year’s work is
completed. This virtually means that
the University would go on a yearly
basis. Another suggestion is that the
regular four term method now in use
at Chicago and other large universities
be definitely adopted. Opposition to
this last plan is based on the fact that
the faculty at Oregon is too limited,
and could not successfully cope with
the more or less confused and com
plicated situation that would arise.
It is prevailing opinion, however,
't, the University will soon be defi
nitely established on either the pres
ent term plan or the semester plan as
voted at the last faculty meeting, and
that final action is awaiting the re
port of the committee appointed by
President Campbell to recommend pro
cedure in the matter.
CFreshmen Accounting Classes Increase;
225 Enroll This Term
Freshman accounting courses are in
creasing in popularity as the students
come to see the value of the courses,
say members of the school of business
administration. This term’s enrollment
in the courses, which are taught by
Phil W. Janney and A. B. Stillman,
numbers 225, or an increase of 12]A
'[ter cent over that of last term. That
the number continues to grow despite
the fact that there were 15 flunks last
term in the course seems to point out
the interest of the student and the
practical value of the course, believg
the instructors.
All the frosh football men recom
mended by Coach Baz Williams will
Teceive their numerals and * sweaters
within the next two weeks according
to Eugene Richmond, president of the
freshman cJass. The sweaters Jiave
not arrived yet but are expected soon.
They will be awarded at the regular
Thursday assembly period and at the
same time as the Varsity players are
awarded their letters.
■ School of Business Administration to
■Sponsor Session of State
The third annual short course
for commercial secretaries which is
held under the auspices of the Uni
versity of Oregon school of business
administration, at Eugene, has been
scheduled this year for April 2 to 6.
The course is for secretaries of state
chambers of commerce clubs, and be
tween twenty and twenty-five of these
officials are expected to enroll.
The course of study is concerned
with the latest methods that have
proved effective in chamber of com
merce work with special reference to
Oregon problems. The course is divided
into two parts, one part devoted to
the problems confronting the large
cities, and the second to the problems
'confronting smaller communities.
As a part of the course of training
offered during the short course, the
following books have been selected as
a suggested reading list for secretaries
'who will attend the conference. Eco
nomics—“Economics for the general
Reader,” Henry Clay; “Brevity Book
of Economics,” McJohnston; Business
Organization — “Principles of Bnsi
Iness,” Gerstenberg; Marketing and
Distribution—“Principles of Market
ling,” Clark or, “Elements of Market
ting,” Cherrington; Psychology—“In
icreasing Ones Efficiency in Business,”
Scott; Government—“Government of
the United States” and “Government
of Amrican Cities,” Munro.
Zoology Faculty Hosts In Alumni Hall;
Dr. Torrey Lectures on Travels
A talk by Dr. Harry Beal Torrey on
liis travels on board the ship “Alba
tross” was the program at the enter
tainment given last night in the Alumni'
hall by the faculty of the zoology de
partment to all students enrolled in the
Dr. Torrey’s lecture dealt with his
travels to Japan and the surrounding
islands, and bore a relation to the work
done in the department.
At the close of the program, light
refreshments were served. This meet
ing was the first of its kind to be
giv^n by the zoology department and
it is expected that it will be made an
annual affair.
The Y. W. C. A. has received some
new pillows, a few kitchen utensils,
and a new fire-screen. The furnish
'ings were bought by the bungalow com
mittee with the money received from
/the proceeds of the chrysanthemum
sale which was held last Home-coming
week-end. The committee reports that
^he money is not all spent. They are
planning to buy more things for the
bungalow with the remainder.
Phi Sigma Pi announces the pledg
ing of Gerald Lawlor of Portland.
Bearcats Present Formidable
Lineup; Play Good Ball
Against Aggies
Regulars May be Replaced by
Subs; Bohler Saving Men
for Vandal Horde
The Willamette Bearcat quintet will
invade the Oregon campus tonight in
an attempt to hang the first defeat of
the season on the Lemon-Yellow squad,
but if the varsity repeats the Whit
man massacre the Bearcats are due for
another fall. The frosh play a pre
liminary with the Chemawa Indians,
which is slated to start at 7:00 o’clock
Tlie Willamette quintet, although
weaker than that which last season
hung two defeats on Oregon, has a lot
of dash and teamwork, as was shown
in the game dropped to the Aggies
last week by a 38 to 19 count. The
Aggies have one of the strongest teams
in the coast conference this season, so
the fact that they were only able to
double the score on the Bearcats proves
that the Salem team has something on
the ball.
Strong in Second Half
In the last half of this game Wil
lamette scored 12 points against 13
made by the Aggies, therefore they
are either a second half team, or the
Aggies eased off in the second period.
Logan, captain and most experienced
player on the Bearcat aggregation,
starred in both contests won from Ore
gon last year. Logan played guard
last season, but has been shifted to
forward now and has been high poinb
man in all the games thus far.
The Varsity has been practicing
every night this week in preparation
for the struggle with Willamette and
Idaho and will be in excellent condi
tion, according to Coach Bohler. The
same lineup which has played in the
early games will probably start, this
being Zimmerman and Gowans at for
ward; Hunk Latham, center; and Chap
man and Schafer at guard.
With Hunk Latham arid Zimmerman
scoring in the usual manner it should
be an easy game for the Oregon team.
Coach Bohler may use. some of his
subs and save the regulars for the big
game of the week, on Saturday when
the Idaho conference champs will at
tempt to duplicate last year ’a per
formance of hanging a lop-sided score
on the Lemon-Yellow.
The Idaho outfit is without doubt
one of the strongest on the coast this
year, and if the Varsity can hand it
b walloping, it will be in line for
championship honors.
Coue Uses Good Psychology In
Suggestions Says Dr. Wheeler
Lying in bed at night with the lights
out, fingering the Coue rosary and mur
muring with each knot in the cord
'those much-travestied words, “Every
day in every way way I am growing
better and better,” is an excellent bit
of psychology, according to Dr. R. H.
Wheeler of the psychology department.
Late at night and early in the morn
ing, just before and just after sleep,
the mind is not occupied so much with
other things; there arc fewer inhibi
tions, and the regular rhythmic utter
ance of certain definite words has a
psychological and physiological reac
tion on the individual, says Dr.
Speaking of the Coue system of heal
ing by auto-suggestion, Dr. Wheeler
said, “It is only another method of
mind cure, nothing really new, only
more detailed and more carefully
worked out than many previous sys
Dr. Wheeler compared Coue’s theory
with a story which an individual tells
repeatedly, adifing embellishments each
time he tells it, until by gradual repe
tition he believes it, although it may
have begun with an idea which the
individual positively knew to be un
true. By concentration and repetition
.the story finally becomes a reality to
the individual and he believes it as
\a reality. Dr. Wheeler believes that
in this fashion, by auto-suggestion,
hiany physical conditions, even organic
Ones, can be helped, just as Coue as
Dr. Wheeler, however, takes excep
tion to Dr. Coue’s explanation of auto
suggestion operating through the sub
conscious. “The whole idea of the
, sub-conscious, as a scientific theory,”
I said Dr. Wheeler, “is not favored
among psychologists in general. The
chief value of auto-suggestion is not
through the operation of the sub-con
scious, but rather through auto sug
gestion altering the mental attitude
of an individual toward his condition,
changing his moods from pessimism to
optimism, from disbelief to belief.
That moods do have effect on bodily
conditions has been demonstrated in
the laboratory. Unpleasant emotions
tend to tear down, while pleasant ones
build up. Under worry, fear, or the
fighting off of imaginary dangers, the
whole nervous system discharges en
ergy, exhausts itself, while the reverse
is also true, faith, confidence, and hope
bettering the physiological conditions.
Suggestion, then, has a direct influ
ence on the glands of the body.”
Dr. Wheeler admires Coue for his
view point, his public-spiritedness and
his generosity, but he says that from
time immemorial people have flocked
to such men. “It is an excellent
thing,” said Dr. Wheeler, “for man
kind to have such people constantly
working out their systems, but I think
that a great many times Coue is not
absolutely free from a mistake which
other healers make, that of believing
so much in their own theory that they
exclude others, and are blinded to the
real condition of their patients.
“As yet,” he continued, “we do not
really know how much scientific and
medical value there is in suggestion.
Experiments made over a long period
t>f time with hundreds of patients,
studied from every physical standpoint,
might give us some fairly accurate
! results, but as yet the value of auto
suggestion is not a matter of scien
tific knowledge, but a matter of opin
In concluding Dr. Wheeler said,
“There is much to be said for the prin
ciple of using auto-suggestion for many
conditions, but not without the strict
est medical check and aid.”