OREGON SPIRIT IS VITAL FACTOR Encourages Students to Work; Fight Is Stronger Now Than Ever Before “What ia the matter with Oregon spirit 1” This question is being discussed around the fireplaces and in meetings of campus organizations. Alarmists say it is dying; cynics say it is dead. The rumored illness and alleged de mise of Oregon Spirit created no little stir around the Emerald office. Report ers went scurrying about the campus searching for opinions. One freshman scribe is even said to have interviewed an undertaker. The Emerald staff now breathes easy. Oregon Spirit has been found, a little disguised, it is true, but nevertheless the same old fight that has won scores of games and attracted hundreds of stu dents to the verdant campus of Old Oro gon. Oregon Spirit is a thing revamped. Like the rest of the campus, it has been undergoing a change. Now it not only gives the urge to yell at games but en courages students to work harder in order that the general grade average will rise, creating a better sentiment toward the Endowment Campaign. It has not forgotten how to create noise. It simply dons it less frequent ly and at more opportune times. A rally is now a true roof raiser, not just a too regular attempt to divert the campus mind from its work. Oregon coaches have noticed the difference and havo remarked that rallies now have a bet tor spirit than ever bofore. Today’s exodus to O. A. C. and last night’b demonstration proved that Or egon light is a vital factor in Oregon life, and show a deeper, more lasting feeling than ever has been evinced up to this time. Oregon light does not foster the pub lication of weak-kneed “raspberry sheets” but rather a true sportsmanship toward opposition camps. Oregon light is hore und always will be. “SLANG 0. K.”—SHELDON IN SUNDAY’S EMERALD Contributions Win Favorable Comment from State Pross; Aim to Toll Why Things Happen “Slang is all right," This statement coming from one of the deans of Xho University is the motif of n story which will feature in next Sunday's Emerald, according to Ernest Haycox, editor. Art Rudd will give an interpretation of "Changing Oregon Spirit,” after in terviewing a number of campus person alities. Another article appearing in Sun day’s pupiy, which will be of juiciest to a great many readers is, "What a University Is, Anyhow,” by Professor Wilkie Collins. "When Oregon Had One Building" "ill be as interesting as it sounds, and many other stories by persons well known on the campus will go to make tip this edition, which will be the sev enth issue of the new addition to the paper. Editor 1*1. .1, llnycox expresses himself as being well pleased with the way the students have answered the call for material for this feature stories, and said that several of the writers ha 1 been attru< .i’'g attention from ma ty •editors and papa* of tec suite Among those who have received praise for their articles he named Clinton How ard, Ep Hoyt, Jessie Thompson, Kath erine Watson and Francis Eiuklater. As Editor Haycox explained, the pur pose of the Monday Emerald is not pri marily to tell the news but to tell the reasons for the things that happen and what they mean. In this way it is intended to encourage better literary material, and if possible, the writing of good poetry. RALLY SHOWS SPIRIT (Continued rrom page oue) share, I'l.oy have denied themselves all the good tilings for the Oregon spirit and is is up to you to back them. Fight Is Keynote "We are going to win that game. The team lias done its share. We "ill do our lighting on the field ami in the bleachers and after it is over we'll come back to the little town and have our own little celebration.” More din and applause as the great ost trainer of them all left the stand. Then smother, instrtyneutal in building up the line that ripped'great hunks of flesh from the torn form of the Cougar, was called for Hart Mpellinau. " W. i.aie i bald game. We have a field of mud and a heavy line to go lip against. It is up to you to put out the goods, Hot behind the team ami you wid see u mighty good game for wo have eleven good men." More din and clamor and, as oue serif, expressed it in hi> column, the gang y>cu: “hog yyild." Then Veil King ltosebiutigh called l’or 1‘rot‘i ssor Howe, the man yvlio knows the varsity almost as well as the coaching staff. i Howe Addresses Students "We have a good team. 1 don’t know bow good it is," he said. "1 will find i out at the game. Take that Oregon I spirit over there with you and tight on 1 the field and not on the outside and we will lick the stuffing out of them.” More noise, more Oskies and Varsit ies. For one continuous minute Yell King Rosebraugh signaled the crowd to hoop it up and it sounded like a cer , tain inferno let loose. The roof parted from the uprights and then settled back, believes the writer. “I’ve got a hunch that you were just whisper ing,” said the chief of the yell staff. Del Oberteuffer, yell king last year, urged the students to feel the Oregon spirit and to act in accordance with it. “Keep with the staff throughout the game. Don’t hoot and crab the deci sions of the officials, even if they go against us. Avoid mob violence and don’t get on your ear if something goes against the grain. Sit tight and wait. Results will come later.” Parade Is Wild The parade was a replica of the par ades of the past, but maybe wilder than those of former years. Led by the band and urged to a frenzy by the yell Htaff, the rooters swarmed down Elev enth street and invaded the shows where they demonstrated that their throats were for other purposes than drinking pink tea. *At Eighth and Wil lamette the well known circle was form ed and the Oskie and the Oregon Chant split the breeze. Then back to the cam pus for the pep-fest and then the dance before the slaughter of the Reaver. Incidentally this homecoming at O. A. C. will mean a great deal to a cer tain Oregon trackman—Glen Walkley —who has worn the Lemon-Yellow col ors throughout his college career. This will be Glen’s last appearance for the varsity and in respect to one who has carried the colors of his alma mater to many a victory, the yell king urges the rooters to be jn the bleachers by 1:30 to see Glen off to a good start in his last race. Y. M. FINANCIAL PLANS DISCUSSED BY BOARD Advisory Members Will Solicit Funds Among Faculty; One Half of Amount Raised Plans for financing the University Y. M. C. A. activities for the year were discussed at a dinner given at the home ; of M. II. Douglass, chairman of the advisory board The guests were lfi members of the faculty advisory board and others Who have expressed a will ingness to help solicit funds for the or ganization. “It is the expectation of the members of the committee to raise $1200 among the faculty for this year’s budget of the ‘Y’,” said Mr. Douglass. “This will be at first merely the men of the fac I ulty, as no definite decision has been reached regarding the soliciting of the women members. It was suggested, 'OTVover, t! at . sveral women may be willing to contribute to both the V’. M. and Y. W., since many of the men, i through their wives, give to both. One half of tho subscriptions are already in because so many of the pledges aro given annually.” L. P. Putnam, secretary of the “Y,” gave reports of the past year, hopes and projects for the coming year. Much interest, was shown in the proposed do \ ipmont of cc-in-. & in rohg'onr, edu cation. The dinner was served by Mrs. M. II. Douglass, Mrs. II. I{ Douglass, Mrs. L. P. Putnam, and Mrs. Karl Onthank, and the following were present: W. I). Smith, K. K. DeCou, A. E Pas well, A. R. dweetser, .1. F. Rovard, Karl Onthank, It. P. Hall, Roger Williams, P. S. Dunn, Justin Miller, W. K. New ell, II. It. Douglass, P. D. Thorpe, A. R. Stillman, L. 1’. Putnam, and the chair man, M. II. Douglass. CLUB TO WITNESS MAGIC Cosmopolitans Will See M. Semenario of Peru Perform Tricks Peruvian magic will be demonstrated by Manuel Semenario of Porn at the mooting of the Cosmopolitan club to bo bold iu the “Y” hut next Tuesday evening at 7:30. Mr. Semenario is a skilled magician. In addition to this special feature, Madumo McGrow of the music depart luent will sing two solos. Represent a tivos of Kuglund will sing their nation al song which is the first of the national song series. Adoption of the constitution will be cffccti I at this mooting anti after the progi im games will be played, followed by refreshments. According to 0. S. l'il, president of the club, more mem- ‘ bors are expected to join at the next meeting. CLASSIFIED ADS M -t.it c ef- i . tmi. J » c • tout's $1. NiusH Im* !• t.. 11 v vi tv» 5 lines, ovtjl tin* limit. - c r line. i'hone *- Ion ve v op\ v. >* :• li.1% .■ v':;s olfift* oi KM h.ii;' in l m\v . v i*r< » 1'u.. cu'nt in advutict*. Office hours, i to 4 i». m. Lost Coun'.iin pen without cap, be tween library ami Campa Shoppe, t'all 77.'. K.ward. 111X17. Wanted A portable typewriter. Must lie iu good eonditon. See C. 11. Hovt at 751 K. 14th Avo. 11S-X18. Would you like your patching And mending done in a satisfactory way f It' so. call Mrs. Graham, phono 135:1. 110X17 19. Por Sale Full dress suii and Tuxedo oat and vest, s chest. 34 waist, 32 uscam. Price #35 for whole or will sell epar.ucly tail dress suit for #.'o. and uxedo coa, and \ est for #15. See Klee ric Cleaning Co.. Olive street. ICS X15 9. STUDENTS IN BIOLOGY Rabbits, Rats and Mice Used in Advanced Expeiiments Work on biology research problems is beginning among the advanced stu dents in the department, according to Dr. Harry Beal Torrey, departmental head. An attempt to immunize animals against their own tissues is being made by Ivan Taylor ami Walter E. Nichol, graduate students, and Elizabeth Tor rev and Marion Eby, seniors, under the direction of Dr. Torrey. The experi ment follows the general lines of Guy er’s experiments with rabbits in an at tempt to use this method in studying the inheritance of acquired character istics. Already the animals appear to have been immunized against the pro teins of the lens of the eve. The effect of thyroxin, active prin ciple of the thyroid gland, is being stud ied by R. J. McArthur in an experiment j with white rats. George Houck and Ralph Poston are cultivating tissues in vitriol. Maurice Gerly is working with Dr. H. B. Yoemn on the embryology of the rats, which are unfortunate enough to have their homes in the top of Deady | hall. The effect of salts on the growth of yeast is being investigated by Oscar Richards. This experiment will have some o. uct:cal application *o baking as we'l a. a theoretical value. \ survey of some of the land around Eugene is being made by Mrs. W. H. Maxham, a ijptany major, in conjunc tion with Hubert Schenck. a geology major. Mrs. Maxham is taking up the ecology of plants and animals, while Mr. Schenck is studying the geologi cal aspects. ALUMNI HALL OPEN TO WEARY STUDENTS New Plan Is to Aid Students Wishing Quiet Place for Solitude and Deep Study Have you ever gone home away be hind in your work, a little headachy, not at all in a inood to be communica tive, to find the whole house hilarious, j noisy, and not at all in a mood to be l sympathetic? Have you ever found ev j cry scat in the library occupied, no j room to spread out and study? Or per i haps you have at some time just want ed to sit and talk, or sit and think— I or perhaps, just sit; but where you | could get away for a moment from hur t lying feet, excited voices, and faces, faces, faces! Alumni hall in the Woman’s build ing lias a quiet remoteness in the day time, a softness of red-purple at dusk I and the invitation of warm-tinted lamp lit corners at night. It has no sound hut the steady, solemn, ticking of the tall, old clock in the corner. It begs for dismissal of all other thoughts with its curious chests, its multitudinous draw ers and cupboards, its quaint little desks. What chair does not hold out its arms to be tried? Each old bowl commands a touch. Who has not loved to stand at the windows, to look out across the campus, twinkling with lights and with dew, and feel the lux uriousness of the warmth behind? The Alumni hall is kept open all the time and no one is barred. There has always been a need felt for a place where one may think or talk undisturbed, read and study alone, and for this reason the habit of avail ing ourselves of the privilege should be cultivated. One trip to the long, lovely room and after that there are to be frequent trips, some alone, some with a group to sit about the fire on Sunday at dusk. It’s a great place. TODAY Matinee and Night KEITH VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS WRIGHT and EARL Sor^gs. Styles and Steps NELSON and DAY A Musical Melange COOPER & COMPANY A Playlet of Thrills KNOWLES and HURST “Minnie and Chimmie” THE BRAZILIAN WIDOW Matinee—30c and 50c Evenings—50c and 75c FALLING HAIR? We specialize in treating scalp diseases. We carry the most complete line of tonics and per fumes in town. OSBURN HOTEL BARBER SHOP A. J. Daniels, Prop. SERVICE AND QUALITY Domestic Laundry Phone 252 FOOTBALL PLAYERS For the first Oregon man scoring a touchdown against O. A. ( . today, I will clean and press his suit 4 times, free of charge TERMINAL CLEANERS 7th and Olive Phone 360 ug&Last Call, Co-eds ^ Show Your Colors 11 floWera Fine Large Chrysanthemums From 25c to 50c Each THE UNIVERSITY FLORIST _ _993 Hilyard Street CHIROPRACTIC Is the science of restoring health through the nerves. If you can t brace up and make good in your classes and business, your nerve power must be curtailed. 1 have the best electrical equipment for trating sprains, bruises, soreness, stiff joints, rheumatism, colds, nervousness, and the many other ailments. Examination Free Phone 955-J DR. GEO. A. SIMON 1 !-'' Willamette Street_Opposite Western Union For Snappy November Days Oregana Lunches — piping hot food — takes the crimp out or the toggy, trosty weather and makes you feel fit. The OREGANA “The Students’ Shop’’ Have Lunch Today Before you go to Corvallis? We serve short Or ders that will put you in trim for the big game. The Lunch Box I I On# Experienced, Licensed Optometrists If You Travel / you should not fail to take \ with you an extra pair of glasses, in ease of emer gencies. Moody's DePv-Curv* Kryptok Lenses Are Better Let us make up an extra pair for you now, and be ready when the unexpected happens. Some day you’ll thank us for the suggestion. > If we made.your glasses originally, simply call us up on the telephone and say, “Make me an extra pair.” We will absolutely guarantee “satisfaction or your money back” within one year from date of purchase, of any pair of Spectacles or Eye Glasses purchased from us for cash. We will also repair or replace tlie broken frames or bows of same for same length of time free of charge. Dr. Sherman W. Moody OPTOMETRIST 381 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon EYESIGHT SPECIALIST