Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 18, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Association
Official publication of the Associated StudenU of the University of Oregon, issued daily
except Monday, during the college year.
Editorial Board
Managing Editor . Phil Brogan
Associate Editors .-.Hp Hoyt, Inez King
Associate Managing Editor . Art Rudd
Daily .News .Editors
John Piper Don Woodward
Nancy Wilaon
Ben Maxwell Florlne Packard
Sports Editor ...Edwin Fraser
Sports Writers: Alfred Erickson, Leon
Byrne, Webster Jones.
iNignt JDauors
Ted Janes Ed. Valitchka
Junior Seton
I Thomas Crosthwait Leonard Lerwill
News Service Editors: Harold Shirley,
I Fred Michelson.
| Exchange Editor.Rachal Cheaem
ream re wn«n: Katnerine wauon, iwoni* ayeru.
News Staff: Clinton Howard, Koaalia Kebor, Dan Lyons, Mabel Gil ham, Genevieve Jewell,
Freda Goodrich, Jennie Thompson, Marxaret Sheridan, Anna Jersyk, Geraldine Root, Mary a ret
Shavian, Norma Wilson, Heriryetta hawrence, At Trachman, Hugh Starkweather, George
Stewart, June Campbell, Jearine Gay, Letter Turnbaogh, George H. Godfrey, Marian Lowry.
Business Staff
Advertising Service Editor.-.............Randolph Kuhn
Circulation Manager----------Gibson Wright
Assistant Circulation Manager.........Kenneth Stephenson
Advertising Assistants ..r.Maurice Warnock, Lester Wade, Floyd Dodds, Ed Tapfer
Entered in the postofficc at Eugene, Oregon as second-class matter. Subscription rates,
U.U per year. H> term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application.
Business Manager .....911 Editor __686
Daily News Editor This Issue Night Editor This Issue
Ben Maxwell Ed ValHchka
It Could Apply to Us
Stanford is certainly becoming a nursery for organizations.
Whether the cause is the climate, a mental disease, or just an ad
vanced stage of the American craze to organize, is a matter of Opinion.
Perhaps it is a result of all three. The condition remains, however, of
an abundant, if not a superfluous organization.
Honor societies and professional fraternities spring up in certain
departments. For a year or two leaders are selected for membership,
but it is not long before those who were left out get together and
honor themselves by getting a charter or a chapter or a franchise or
anything else that will stamp them with the official title—organiza
tion. And a year or two later, when certain people have been omit
ted from both groups, a third organization is sprung on the public
and another pin is added to the many to confuse the public, eye and
to decorate the bulging chest of the wearer.
So long as an organization means nothing but “honor,” which
ceases to be such if it ever was when everybody belongs to something
with a funny-sounding name, it has little reason to exist. To justify
its presence on the face of the earth an organization must not only
have ideals, but must do something. To wear a pin or just “to belong”
is not enough.
Groups organizing for social purposes arc not included in this
criticism of organizations in general. They are intended to be of
benefit chiefly to themselves. But organizations which arc supposed
to guide the action of students, to supply the motives for advance
ment to others, or in any way other than socially to benefit the Uni
versity, should he comprised of students who have already achieved
something. To overlap such organization with material left after
choice of members has been made by the senior society is only to
exhibit, a blind desire to belong to something, or to wear a pin indi
cative of prestige.
Who will be the goat and give the next self-honored group the
laugh? The Daily l'alo Alto.
Will History Repeat Itself?
For about thirty years football games have been played between
Oregon and O. A. and in that period the Aggies have returned
vietorioux hut lour times. Fifteen games are credited to the Lemon
Yellow gridsters. The rest have been tie games. In all the contests
Oregon lias amassed a total of lltiti points to SS for the Beavers. It
has almost become tradition that the Aggies have a chance only every
ten years, since their victories were in 1897. 1907. and 1917.
But Oregon isn't relying on past victories and dead glories to
win today. We could never come out on the long end of the score
if w'e depended upon successes of the past, alone. Today, history will
>e made. Shy Huntington lias been drilling his men enrefully and
horougldy since the game with Washington State College last Sat
unlay. It will he Oregon's best and strongest lineup w hieli opens the
game in Corvallis today. It' we are defeated, we will go down fighting
amt will have no alibis to offer. But every Oregon student knows
that the varsity is in tip top shape and determined not to let this
game be the end of the Lemon Yellow hopes. If Oregon ean meet
Washington undefeated, all eyes will turn toward Seattle llumks
giving day.
Kvery student will leave the campus for the day to see the team
fight at Corvallis. Kvery man and woman is behind Shy and his war
Oregon women’s problems are rated as small and few by Berniee
Altstoek, U. of O. delegate to the Coast Woman’s League convention
at Salt Lake City. "We are not bothered with problems of college
spirit and morals of the students.” says Miss Altstoek. Oregon should
be proud to hear such a report, and should be zealous in keeping
disturbing elements out of campus life.
Aggie Homecoming Hosts Dampened
by Autumnal Downpour
Intermittent, wind-driven showers of
r.iin weii soaking the O A t' campus
and Hell field the scene if todtt' ’s
gridiron battlt last night, according
to a teiephoiii message received l>\ the
Knicrald from Homei Roberts, editor of
the (). A. <\ Barometer. Roberts said
that a large erowd was in ('orvallis
hist night for tlio Aggie Homecoming
and for the bunting of the rook ho a
Spirit is running high on the nor
them campus and it is suppose l that
the rivalrt between the rooting sec
tions will be intense this afternoon.
Maut of the Oregon students went
ot r to it. A. for the pre gatue rally
and pepfest last night, but the greatest
exodus northward will take place this
morning at 11 o’clock w1 en the South
ern I’aeitic special, with decorated
coaches pulls out of the depot.
Notices will be printed is tins column *
Ur two issues only. Copy must be in tUi
office by 4:3t on the bay before it is bo be
published and moot be limited ta H wwafe.
Sculpture Club—Meeting in studio Tu
esday afternoon at 4 p. m.
The Co-Op Will be Open until 10:1)0
so that students may secure tickets
for game.
Sunday Vesper Service of the Y. W. C.
A. Sunday afternoon^ at 4 o’clock in
the Bungalow. All girls cordially in
All Bills on the Freshman Class
should be given or mailed to Lea
MacPike at Friendly Hall as soon
as possible.
The Y. W. C. A. will hold a vesper
service at the Bungalow Sunday at
4 o’clock instead of 4:30 as was an
nounced before.
Letters to the Emerald from students
and faculty members are welcomed, but I
must be signed and limited to 260 words.
If it is desired, the writer's name will be
kept out of print. It must be understood
that the editor reserves the right to reject
To the Editor:
Away with the empty, outworn, ob
solete “hello” tradition
in former years when every student
knew every other student to fail to
say “hello” when meeting was a breach
of courtesy—hence the tradition; at the
present time when it is impossible for
any collegian to be acquainted with all
of his schoolmates the tradition is an
empty formalism, a foolish survival,
and a campus anachronism.
Surely the indifferent “loh,” “lope”
or “lo” exchanged between students
who arc strangers to each other dois
not contribute to good fellowship. Such
a greeting means nothing; it is noth
ing more nor less than an automatic
I salutation. The friendly smile and the
friendly tone of voice wluich gives
; meaning to a greeting of friends is en
tirely lacking.
The trad^tionists claim that the
j “hello” tradition fosters democracy on
the campus. But does it? Does it real
ly result in social relations between,
say, the independents and the frater
nity men and women? It does not;
everyone knows that in this vaunted
democratic codoge the fraternity and
non fraternity students as a general
rule do not mix socially. At best, the
tradition only fosters a “hello” democ
Evidences are plenty that the tradi
tion is dying of its own weight. Any
observer with normal sight daily sees
many students pass without greeting
each other. In the past some of the
well-known and supposedly popular
football men have commented upon and
even counted the number of students
who passed indifferently While they
sat on the senior bench. And the
last and best evidence is that for the
last two years the Emerald through its
editorial page lias found it necessary
continually to exhort the collegians to
say “hello!”
The tradition has outlived its use
fulness so let’s ilo away with it.
Miss Leslie Blanchard of New York
Will Speak on "World Student
Sunday at I o’clock the V. \V. I'. A.
will hold vesper services at the Bunga
low. This will be an especially worth
while and interesting meeting, Miss
Dorothy Collier, secretary, promises and
urges all girls to be present. A special j
speaker, Miss Leslie Blanchard, from
the national office in New York, will!
give :in address on "World Stu lent j
Miss Blanchard has been in touch
with student movements in many coun
tries, particularly British, and has at
tended several world conferences, so
she is well qualified to speak, flood
music will also be a part of the ser1
vice, according to Miss ('oilier. The
program for the meeting is as follows:
Prelude: Violin, cello, piano- Mary
and Irene Burton, Virginia Owens.
Hymn—At Even K’re the Sun Was
Solo—1> wladys Keeney.
Selection: Trio--violin, cello, piano—
Misses Burton, Virginia Owens.
Address—Miss Leslie Blanchard.
Hymn—God is Working His Purpose
Former Commandment Busy in Mili
tary School" at Fort Leavenworth
Major Raymond (’. Baird, former
commandant of the R. O. T. C„ was as
signed last June by the War Depart
ment to attend the school of the line.
He is now stationed at Port Leaven
worth, Kansas.
Major Baird writes that he is lead
ing a bus\ 1’fe in the infantry school
with classes and studies night and day,
with the exception of Saturday after
noons and Sundays.
He was recently notified to change
his Oregon automobile license and but
a Kansas one. He says he does this
with great reluctance as it scorns like
the severing of the *t»st thread of his
connection with Oregon.
No Matches With 0. A. C. Have
Been Scheduled
Contrary to an impression which ap
pears to be prevalent on the O. A. C.
campus, the Oregon soccer team will
not meet the Aggie hooters in a game
on the Corvallis field this morning.}
In fact, no soccer team has been or
ganized at the University this fall, and
Gerald Barnes, of the department of
physical education said that no arrange
ments for a game with the O. A. C.
soccer team have been made.
In past years it has been customary
for Oregon and O. A. C. to meet in a
soccer contest during the homecomings
at the two institutions. Handicapped
for the lack of a field, the Oregon men
did not get out this fall. Since the end
of the Frosh season, several members
of last year’s team have been kicking
the ball and it is probable that games
will be arranged later in the season
when the men get in condition.
Ur. Edwin T. Hodge, of the geology
department, a soccer enthusiast, is now
getting all those interested in the game
out twice each week, Tuesdays and
Thursdays. Several members of the
faculty play along with the students.
Several of the star players on last
year’s team are back in school this
year and it is believed that if interest
in the practices keeps up some games
will be scheduled later in the year.
Women’s Musical Fraternity Choses
Dec. 14 as Date for Concert
Mu Phi Epsilon, women's national
musical fraternity has chosen December
14 as the date for its annual concert.
These concerts were first started sev
eral years ago, and have proved one of
the big attractions of the year, besides
being very well done.
The program usually consists of chor
al work, a vocal trio, piano solo, and
vocal solos. The program for this con
cert is in charge of Lora Teshner and
Mildred Brown. Plans for it are still
tentative and a definite program is to
be announced later.
(Continued from page one.)
in the morning watch, and then slept
until lab was five minutes away.
“Mow is your introspection this
morning, Mr. Swivlefoot?”
I think that we will score in
the second quarter, and if the mud does
n't get too deep, wo will place kick in
the last period.”
“Yes, what is it?”
"in this experiment I am seeing red
and it says I should see green.”
“Well, if you would put your necktie
down under your chin and not on the
bridge of your nose you might see green
instead of red.”
And so it went. What psychology
learned this morning in the lab, will be
the psychology of mob frenzy at a foot
ball game, the psychology of ripping a
line to ribbons.
I’atsy Ruth Miller, ingenue in “Re
membrance,” a Goldwyn-Rupert Hughes
production, which will be at the Rex
theater Monday, is only eighteen. So
perhaps it is natural that she should
have been hailed as the spokes woman
and leading champion for the “flap
pers” merely a normal, healthy young
girl of the present day, which is what
she is herself. Miss Miller is consider
ed a good example by the “flappers”
because she led her classes through
school, and in a psychology test made
at the Goldwyn studio, received the
highest ranking of any of the players.
Ever since she has been in motion pic
tures' she has lived with her mother.
She is what is termed a "home girl.”
One’s cares and worries vanish as if,
by magic under the skilful manipula
tion of a program that varies from
heavy dramatics to the farciest of farce
and contains something of interest and
amusement to everyone present at the
lleilig theater where the Keith Vaude
ville Artists are holding for^i. Their
program is a combination that is bound
to please any audience no matter how
The special Heilig orchestra directed
by Harry Reed assists the program to a
marked degree. This is the last day
to see this attraction.
Only nine teams will be in the race
for the women’s debate trophy as the
result of the withdrawal of Delta Delta
Delta yesterday. This causes a change
in the schedule as announced in yester
day’s Emerald. The Tri Pelts’ affirma
tive was to have debated Kappa Kappa
Gamma while its uegative was to have
met Pi Beta Phi. The new schedule
as changed puts Pi Beta Phi’s affirma
tive team against the negative team of
Kappa Kappa Gamma.
In order to enable students to pur
chase tickets to the game in Corvallis
this afternoon, the University Co-op
will be open until 10 o’clock this
morning. Student body tickets must
be taken to the Co-op when the blea
cher tickets are being purchased. The
price of these tickets is 50 cents. All
grandstand seats have been sold.
Obak’s Kollege Krier
College Men Ousted from Obak’s
Roll Your Own Long Black Hold
ers to Be Used at Game
Absolutely no men are to be allowed i1
at their favorite hangout—OBAK’S—
during the hours of the annual mix
with our rural population. Everybody i
must report for voice practice on the j
sawdust meadow used by our brothers :
of the plow for the gentle art of play
ing football.
You all will feel much more like
eating breakfast tomorrow morning if {
you are a witness at the main event
of the “Lemon Squeezing Day,’’ such
as this section of the calendar has
been dubbed by the official jazz pro
ducer of the beaver barnyard.
No doubt the day will be great and
the game good but don’t forget that
it’s a long way to Corvallis and that
the best thing you can do is to get a
regular meal <lt our luncheonette be
fore departing for the north.
There are several things we would
like to have you do while on the
trip. First look over all the student
hang out in the own and try to find
one that compares with OBAK’S. It’s
a hard thing to to do. Then you will
appreciate the first class service you
get here.
Secondly be sure to stock up with
smokes for the trip over. It is the
best way to enjoy the slippery scen
ery. You won’t need it coming back
because of the talk of the game.
Old Grads Glad to Get Back and
Think Place Has Improved
Traffic Cop Gets Kick from Flivvers:
Old Time Pigger Wonders at New
Cemetery Location
Homecoming is over but the shad
ows of last week-end are still hanging
around the old place.
Every one was more than glad to see
the old bunch back again. But they
got a bigger kick from the festivities
than all of us regulars did.
Getting back to school meant get
ting back to OBAK’S too for the live
ones of the days before the Pioneer.
There was much rejoicing. Even the
cue balls rolled faster in their glee of
reognizing the old boys.
“It seemed more like home than for
several years.’’ one of the old timers
said after the game. “We used to grab
every football game out on the schedule.
The cars at the park entrance made me
feel at home, too. I'm a traffic cop by
profession. There's a reasoif. though, as
Henry Ford has made an awful pile of
flivvers since I graduated.’’
“I could figure why Dean tSraub had
moved the cemetery from the ridge down
to Willamette street across from the Y.
M. 0. A.,’’ another old timer remarked,
“until I found that it was but an aux
iliary parade grounds for night maneu
vers. That shows that the Oregon bunch
has maintained the old ration of piggers
although I doubt whether or not their
methods have improved a great deal.
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