Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 17, 1922, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Bernice Altstock, President,
Reports to League on
Coast Convention
s -V
Organization of Upperclass
. Girls to Promote Ideals
Will be Considered
At the second mass-meeting of Wo
^ men’s League, held in Villard hall
yesterday, Bernice Altstock, president,
gave a formal report of the Coast Wo
men’s League convention, from which
she recently returned. The convention
was held at Salt Lake City, with rep
resentatives present from all colleges
and Universities throughout the middle
The problems brought up and dis
cussed at the conference were presented
by Miss Altstock. “Round table’’
discussions were held, with a different
representative in charge each day, and
every problem concerned with college
life was fully discussed and solutions
offered and given their stamp of ap
proval by able women.
“The convention was wonderfully
helpful,’’ said Miss Altstock, “but
after all, I came back feeling that we
really had the best organization of all.
Some of the colleges are bothered with
problems that we do not have to con
sider, such as college spirit and morals
of students.’’ The keynote of the
conference was: “Inasmuch as women
can set their own standards, it makes
for a better freedom and a better re
sponsibility. ’ ’
“Just Buzzing’’ Unwise
1‘ We must not just buzz, ns so many
of us do,” said the speaker, “but
when going out for activities, pick out
that thing that interests us most and is
f going to do us the most good in after
life. ‘The point system,’ when com
pletely worked out, will regulate ac
tivities on the Oregon campus, and
benefit the individual girl by ‘getting
her into’ that which she most enjoys.”
i The “Big Sister” idea, as furthered
by the Convention, urges the upper
class sister to remain a “big sister”
throughout the four years of college,
and to be a help other than socially.
Girls in the same lines of study and
having the same interests will here
after be paired off.
“Crooked politics,” was another
problem of the conference, as reported
by Miss Altstock. It was said that
if women would put their stamp of
disapproval on crookedness in politics,
such practices would not meet with
success. As a whole, the conference
voted against anything in the nature
of crooked politics.
Faculties Draw Fire
The failure of the ‘ ‘ honor system ’ ’
in other colleges was blamed on the
faculties. Other college representatives
felt that if the faculty would trust the
students more the system would meet
with success. This, however, is not
one of Oregon’s problems, according to
Miss Altstock.
The forming of ‘ ‘ Mortar Board ’ ’ will
be considered seriously by Women’s
League. The Coast conference favored
an organization of this kind, composed
of ‘ ‘ all round ’ ’ upperclass women, to
regulate college activities, uphold cam
pus ideals, and in general carry out
* everything that college stands for.
Discussion will be held in Women’s
League Executive Council before any
action is taken, and the problem will
(Continued on page four.)
Employment Department Will be As
sisted by B^prchants Says
Fred Lorenz
Results of the meeting of the com
mercial club and chamber of commerce
secretaries of the state in Portland
last week were very favorable for the
University organization, according to
Fred Lorenz, secretary of the Univer
sity chamber of commerce. The sec
retaries throughout the state, he says,
have promised to cooperate extensively
in assisting the employment de^fart
ment of the University chamber by
furnishing lists of merchants in their
respective towns, who are in a position
to employ University graduates.
A list of possible positions open for
season employment, such as those open
during the summer vacation period
would also befurnished. Mr. Lorenz
states that the merchants of the state
ar& taking much interest in the em
ployment of college students, as they
see in it a chance to capitalize the in
vestment for which they pay taxes.
The University secretary urges that
all those interested in securing employ
ment for the summer months or per
manently, file with him stating the na
ture of the emplovment desired.
Cancer Specialist Addresses
Students at Assembly on
Dread, Malady
“Keep young and observe hygiene
rules if you would avoid cancer,” was
the advice given by Dr. Ernest F.
Tucker, regional director of Oregon of
the American Society for the Preven
tion of Cancer, in an illustrated lecture
given in Villard hall at the Thursday
morning assembly.
“When a sore doesn’t heal as it
should, if you have any kind of a
slight ailment that does not get well,
if you have an unusual lump anywhere,
especially on the breast, or if there is
an unusual flow of blood—then look
out! It may not be cancer—but it
may. It comes out insidiously, though
it is not contagious or hereditary, ”
said the speaker in giving advise.
Keeping young by the means of a
good wholesome life, or an operation
in case the disease had already started,
were given by the speaker as the most
successful preventatives for the spread
of the malady. Dr. Tucker especially
emphasized keeping young, saying it
is a known fact that cancer preys
only upon the old or middle aged.
Doctor Tucker also laid great stress
on avoiding the wiles of quack doctors
who claim that they.are able to cure
cancer painlessly. This can in some
eases be done by the use of radium or
the X-Ray but in others these methods
will not succeed and they are, espec
ially the radium cure, very expensive
and treatments cannot be received
Death Bate Great
In an effort to check the rapid
spread of the disease, which at the
present time, according to the speaker,
adds more than 10,000 to the annual
death list, the society has set aside
a week during which concentrated ef*
fort is made throughout the entire
country to inform the people of the
dangers of the disease and the best
methods of its control and cure.
The religious directors of the so
ciety and other authorized representa
(Continued on page four.)
Campus Geologists Hold Smoker
And Select Name for Building
A building on the Oregon campus,
nameless since its conversion into a
geology laboratory at the beginning of
this term, near the hour of midnight
Wednesday night was named by bal
lot. Hereafter the diminutive struc
ture at the rear of the Administration
building, formerly the postoffice, is
to be known as Bock Hall. Some 20
names were submitted to the geologists
and their guests to vote on and in or
der to make a selection it was neces
sary to take a second ballot, the names
finally voted on being Quart* Wall,
Bock Crusher and The Dump. Quartz
Hall and the Bock Crusher ran a close
race in the voting, and as a compro
mise it was decided to christen the
building Bock Hall.
Thirty-five students and faculty
members attended the smoker. One
of the many interesting features of the
evening was a story-telling contest be
tween the three instructors in the geo
logy department, Dr. W. D. Smith, Dr.
E. E. Packard, and Dr. E. P. Hodge.
The judges, Dean Dyment, Troy
Phillips, and Phil Brogan, awarded the
prize to Dr. Hodge.
Other entertaining features of the
evening were a blow-pipe contest be
tween majors in the department, box
ing bouts, musical numbers, including
several selections by a vocal quartet,
and a Philippine street scene staged
by Dr. Smith and Hubert Schenck.
Both of these men havq been in the
Islands and their act represented a
dialogue between two natives in stag
ing a cock fight.
Yesterday morning just before the
assembly hour two Condon Club initi
ates, Harold McConnell and Homer
Wise, cooked flapjacks over a fire on
Kincaid field. These neophytes were
garbed in the apparell of ’Forty-niners.
(Continued on page three.)
Phi Sigma Pi and Fijis Each
Have 10 Points in Race
for Second Honors
Three Highest Form Triangle
League and Will Meet
Later for Shield
The second round of the Do-nut
elimination debates ended last evening
with Delta Theta Phi leading with 11
points, Phi Sigma Pi and Fijis tied
for second place with 10 points each.
These three teams will meet later for
the debate shield. Chi Psi was winner
of the shield in the debates held last
Members of the winning teams are,
Delta Theta Phi affirmative: Martin
Moore, Maurice Eben; negative, Orval
Millard and Tom Chatburn; Fijis, Jack
Sehumaker and Theodore Baker, af
firmative; James King and Wesley
Frater, negative; Phi Sigma Pi, Henry
Karpenstein and Floyd Hugh, affirma
tive; Ben Maxwell and Tom Graham,
The debates this year, according to
C. D. Thorpe, debate coach, were very
intresting and showed that the students
have considerable interest in debate
work. There are more upperclassmen
on. the teams this year than ever be
fore, said Professor Thorpe.
same xnree win weanesaay
On Wednesday evening the Do-nut
debaters went through their first round
in the Commerce building, Delta Theta
Phi, Phi Sigma Pi and the Fijis being
victors. Friendly Hall and the Chi Psi
Lodge tied for fourth place, with four
points apiece. After the first round,
Delta Theta Phi had 7 points to their
favor; and the Phi Sigs and Fijis were
tied for second position with 6 points
each. All teams of the league went
through the second round of elimina
tion last night, with the winners of the
previous evening earning the right to
meet for the shield. The results of the
first night debates were as follows:
Delta Theta Phi, 7; Fijis, 6; Phi Sigma,
Pi, 6; Friendly Hall, 4; Chi Psi, 4;
Bachelordon, 3; Beta Theta Pi, 2; (5^
gon Club, 2; Alpha Beta Chi, 2.
The final score of the Do-nut preliinin
i aries are as .follows: Delta Theta Phi,
11; Phi Sigma Pi, 10; Fijis, 10; Friend
ly, 8; Bachelordon, 8; Alpha Beta Chi,
8; Beta Theta Pi; 0; Oregon Club, 6;
Chi Psi, 5.
According to tentative plans, the
three winners of the elimination de
bates will meet in about three weeks.
Judges for the debates were: D. G.
Barnes, Colonel Sinclair, Chuck Lamb,
C. A. Gregory, Captain Lewis
Madeline McManus, Prof. George Turn
bull, Ralph Bailey, Prof. W. F. G.
Thacher, Walter Barnes, Boyd Iseu
minger, Dr. Edwin Hodge, Dr. A. E.
Caswell, Professor M. K. Cameron,
Gerald Barnes, Lurline Coulter, Pro
fessor Thorstenberg, Dr. James Gil
bert, Professor E. H. Decker, Read Bain,
Prof. R. Miller, Prof. C. D. Thorpe,
Remey Cox, Carlton Spencer, A1 Lo
max, and Dr R. C. Clark.
Question Is Given
The question debated was, '‘Re
solved: That the United States should
cancel all allied war debts with the
exception of those of Great Britain,"
the same one on which the girls’ or
ganization will debate next week and
the winners of the two contests will de
bate for the cup offered by Tau Kappa
Alpha, National foiensic fraternity.
The Fijis have won the Do-nut de
bate series on two previous occasions
and should they again win this year the
trophy will be in their possession per
manently. Other houses which have
won the shield in recent years are Phi
Delta Theta, Beta Theta Pi, and Chi
Graduate of Medical School Back
After Service in France
Captain W. C. Munly, medical corps,
i is due to arrive in Portland Thursday
on a furlough after spending more
than three and one-half years in Europe
with the American forces. Capt. Mun
\ ly was graduated from the Medical
school in 1915, with the highest hon
ors. During the war he established an
enviable record in the Medical depart
ment. Capt. Munly is accompanied on
his visit home by his wife, formerly
Miss May Melhuish, of Birkenhead,
England. He will remain in Portland
! for about a month.
Delta Zeta announces tire pledging of
Doris Parker of North Powder.
Spirit of Campus
To Roam Rampant
At Rally Tonight
Rosebraugh Passes Word Reminding Students Big
Game of Year Will Be Held Tc|norrow; Oregon
Knights Will Decorate Special for Migration to
Corvallis; Train Leaves S. P. Depot at 1 1 A. M.
The word has been passed—not by
enforced ‘ ‘ pep talks, ’ ’ not by stirring
appeals to student sentiment, not by
a^embly rallies, not by the printed
sheet, but by Yell King Art Rose
braugh in a brief message over the
’phone to a reporter in the Emerald
‘ * shack. ’ ’
“Just remind the ‘gang’ that the
big rally of the year is to be hold this
evening, starting at 7:15 from the cor
ner of Thirteenth and Alder. It is not
necessary to urge the students to be
out—this is an O. A. C. game rally.
The students know the rest. The band
will lead the line of march and the
students are going to show the coaches
and the team that we ’re all behind
them. ’ ’
It is the intention of the yell emperor
and his regal assistants to confine the
rally to the vicinity of the campus—
providing the Thundering Thousand
does not decide to migrate en masse
into the business section of Eugene,
carrying the message, ‘ ‘On to Corval
lis. ” After the campus rally, the en
tire student body will go to the Wo
man ’s building where the coaches and
probably a few of the players will give
short talks.
Roughneck garb is to be the uniform
of the evening, according to the men
who will lead the rally. A dance will
be held in the Woman’s building after
the pepfest has ended. Rosebraugh
lias made it known that the students
are to continue with the ralliers to the
Woman’s building if they expect to
take part in the dance or not.
Yesterday morning a paper contain
ing Corvallis advertisements and “pop
talks,” supposedly for the purpose of
arousing the Aggie fighting spirit,
made its appearance on the Oregon
campus. If the tone of this sheet is
any indication, yie O. A. C. students
are quite interested in the approaching
game and Rosebraugh feels that it
is necessary to give his vociferous crew
a good work-out before moving into the
Corvallis bleachers to make them more
effective against the noisy thousands
in the northern city.
The special train of six or eight
coaches which is to carry the student
body to Corvallis Saturday for the
game will be run into a siding near the
Anchorage Saturday morning at 8
o ’clock and a committee of Oregon
Knights will decorate the engine with
bunting, pennants, and Oregon O’s.
The Southern Pacific special will
leave the Eugene depot tomorrow morn
ing at 11 o’clock, arriving in the heart
of Corvallis, two blocks from the cam
pus, at 1:30. The round trip ticket
on both the Southern Pacific, and Ore
gon Electric, good over the week-end,
has been reduced to $1.80. The Oregon
students will serpentine to the Aggie
field from the Andrews and Kerr con
fectionery, near the S. P. depot.
Ten Organizations to Compete
Next Tuesday
The women’s do-nut debate teams
wiJI hold their first contests Tuesday,
November 21. At that time represen
tatives from ten organizations on the
campus will debate the question, ‘ ‘ Re
solved that the United States should
cancel all allied war debts, except
those of Great Britain. ’ ’ This topic
is also being contested by the men’s
All the girls who are taking part in
the series are now at work, and for
this reason competition will be much
keener this year, according to debate
leaders. The trophy given to the win
ning team is a silver cup, which is
now held by Oregon club.
The debates will be given in room
105 Commerce building, at 7 o’clock
Tuesday night. Eight minutes will be
given to each speaker for a construct
ive talk, three minutes for rebuttal.
Members of the faculty have been
asked to act as judges.
The organizations and those taking
part in the debates are as follows:
Oregon club: affirmative, Eva Nea
lon, Florence Crandall; negative, Sara
Overmeyer, Genevieve Jewell.
Delta Delta Delta: affirmative, Irene
Fourier, Edith Pierre; negative, Doro
thy Jean Simeton, Eva Randall.
Susan Campbell: affirmative, Mil
dred Whitcomb, Francis Ward; nega
tive, Francis Simpson, Julia Raymond.
Gamma Phi Beta: affrmative, Ge(jAg
ia Benson, Francis Pierce; negative,
Margaret Morrson, Harriet Howells.
Alpha Delta Pi: affirmative, Mar
garet Woodson, Mary Baker; negative,
Rosalia Keber, Mildred Bateman.
Alpha Xi Delta: affirmative, Myrtle
Pelker, Marion White; negative, Hulda
Gill, Bernice Rasor.
Pi Beta Phi: affirmative, Mary de
Goyler, Mary Ellen Ray; negative,
Virginia Pearson, Ruth Fowler.
Kappa Kappa Gamma: affirmative,
Marion Bowman, Joy Johnson; nega
tive, Winifred Graham, Imogene Lewis.
Hendricks hall: affirmative, Mar
garet Duerner, Eugenia Strickland;
negative, Mildred Crain, Ethel John
| son.
Chi Omega: affirmative, Hulda Haf
! fner, Katherine Pinneo; negative, Lois
Pixley, Marion Lay.
The schedule for the teams, with the
affirmative listed first is as follows:
Oregon Club, Alpha Xi Delta.
Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Kappa
Alpha Delta Pi, Gamma Phi Beta.
Hendricks Hall, Oregon Club.
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Chi Omega.
Pi Beta Phi, Delta Delta Delta.
Chi Omega, Hendricks Hall.
Susan Campbell, Pi Beta Phi.
I Alpha Xi Delta, Alpha Delta Pi.
Gamma Phi Beta, Susan Campbell.
New Department Working Full
Time Since Last August
More than one hundred books a
month are being bound and placed on
the University library shelves by the
University Book Bindery. This inter
esting department of the University
printing establishment was added in
August and has been working full
time ever since.
Whole annual editions of the nu
merous newspapers received from all
over the state and the larger cities of
the country are bound and placed on
file for reference. The majority of
monthly magazines received at the li
brary are neatly encased, labelled and
placed on the reference shelves. Old
worn books are carefully repaired and
rebound. Many other valuable writ
ten works are in the samo way pre
served for the use and ready reference
of students.
The process of book binding is one of
the old crafts that developed with the
printing art. It requires a nice exact
ness in the manipulation of materials
and is capable of groat artistic de
velopment and finish.
“These books,’’ says S. I’aasche, tho
bookbinder in charge of the work,
“ajre bound with a view to durability
mostly. We use a regular library
lmckram which it is almosi impossible
to tear, on the magazines. For the
newspapers we use a thinner library
cloth. ’ ’
Nearby a young Woman assistant
was separating advertisements and
paper binding from magazines with a
sharp knife. The reading mutter thus
separated is stitched together and rein
forced with tape.
“At Stanford University,” added
Mr. Paasche, “eight bookbinders are
employed all the time.”
Plans Under Way to Bxhlblt Enlarged
Schroff Collection, Soon
Arrangements for the annual display
of the paintings of Professor A. IT,
Bchroff, director of fine arts, on the
campus, are now being made, by the
University of Oregon Hcliool of Art
Details of the exhibition are to be ar
ranged by W. K. Newell. No defi
nite date has yet been set for the dis
play, but it will be in the near future
and the paintings will be hung ir
some University building.
Many new canvases were added t(
the Schroff collection during the sum
iner months while the artist was spend
ing a vacation at his California studio
Condon Club of the C. M. 8. A. U
! announces the election to aasociati
j membership of Frances Habersham.
Johnson and Latham Nearly
Ready, and all Others
Fit for Fray
Old Dependable Toe to be
Used Against Confident
Corvallis Crew
If the Aggie football team is as con
fident of victory as the Corvallis pub
lications, they have the coming battle
over nnd settled already, for the latest
dope from their headquarters is that
the Oregon footballers are to suffer
a 21 to 0 defeat whon they meet the
Ags Saturday on Bell field.
The Oregon team is far from being
as confident of victory as the O. A. C.
men, but nevertheless they have the
fight characteristic of all Oregon teams,
so there should be no question in the
minds of the Lemon-Yellow rooters as
to which team will win, even though
the Ags do outweigh . our men 20
pounds to the man.
Injuries are Few
The Oregon team was! rather de
moralized yesterday by an attack of
biliousness, but nearly all the men
have recovered now, and according to
Coach Huntington will bo in the best
of condition for the fracas Saturday
afternoon. Ward Johnson is the only
nan with bad injuries at present, and
a sprained ankle is the most that he
can complain of. Hunk Latham still
has a stiff knee, but it does not inter
fere with his running, so he will start
the game.
The team has been going through the
hardest kind of work in preparation for
the game, and will be primed for it,
as they all are eager to make up for
the past two years of tie scores.
Chappy Accurate as Ever
Chappy with his dependable toe will
start the game at quartor, and was
never more accurate than at present.
He has already won two games this
year by his ability to kick long field
goals, so the Aggies will have to move
faster than ever before if they stop
this department of Oregon’s scoring
Every man on the rfquad seems to
realize that this is the most important
contest of the year, for if O. A. C.
should by any chance gain a victory
it would effectively stifle auy claims
which Oregon has on the Northwest
All present indications are that
there will be a wet field at Corvallis
Saturday, which will givo the home
team and their vaunted 200 pound line
an added advantage over the Oregon
QUl Will Play
Luke Gill is back in the O. A. C.
backfield. In the Stanford game he
failed to shine, but the O. A. C.
dopestors have great hopes of him
against Oregon.
The Aggies are certainly confident
of victory and have doped out every
thing in their favor, forgetting only
one thing in the excitement and pleas
ure which they derive from their own
work, and that is the fighting Oregon
The following girls are asked to
meet at the Y. W. C. A. Bungalow at
j 5:15 this evening: Camilla Anderson,
Catherine Anderson, Vera Bellew,
Edith Bewley, Vera Booth, Margaret
Casad, Mary Chisholm, ltuby Cossman,
Vada Davis, Lena Eastwood, Wanda
Eastwood, Kathleen Gibson, Winnifred
Gibson, Mario Gilkeson, Mabel Harlim,
Jessie Hartwig, Mrs. lone Harkness,
Dorothy Kent, Esther Kerlee, Gladys
Kerlee, Alta Knipps, Lulu McLaughlin,
Ruth McCord, Gladys Moeller, Wilma
MacKeniie, Charlotte Nash, Lois
Mortland, Jessie Olds, Mary Ottinger,
Mildred Orr, Marie Porter, Esther Pike,
, Olive Pruett, Betty Pesterfield, Ce
celia Rosser, Violet Reed, Carrol
Strichler, Velma Bhull, Sue Stewart,
Ethyl Stone, Emily Stoneberg, Wanda
Templeton, Lois Youngs.
A telegram was received from How
ard Godfrey, representative of the lo
cal chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, at the
national convention of that honorary
fraternity. The convention is being
hold at Manhattan, ' Kansas. God
frey reports that the Oregon chapter
ranks among the first three chapters
in activities.