Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 04, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Art Building to Be Frame With
Stucco Coat; Good Base
Made for “Shack’’
As the quitting whistle blew last
night and the men laid aside their tools j
for the day, anyone interested in the;
new buildings being erected to house |
the s'diool of allied arts and arch it 'C-1
ture, end the school of journalism would
have noticed that many changes have
taken place during the past week.
The Art building will be a wooden
structure covered with fireproof stucco,
with the exception of the lobby and gal
lery, where the displays and collections
will be exhibited. That section will be
of brick and should be completely im
mune for any danger of fire, according
to John L. Hanna, superintendent of
The stucco type will be entirely new
on the Oregon campus. The frame for
the plaster coating is well along and
the general outline of the different
rooms may be easily discerned.
Difficulty Overcome
The difficulty experienced in placing
the foundations for the journalism buil
ding has been overcome and the final
pouring of concrete will be next week.
Minimum etuurpe, i time, 26o; 2 Qm,
4(c; i time*, $1. Moat be limited to 4
Him, vwr thU Halt, fte pur line. Phvne
(51, er leave cop? with Bueineee efflee «f
laaiU, in Untoereitr Preee. Perment
in advance. Office beam, 1 to 4 p. m.
'Furnished Booms for Bsnt to women
students—868 Hilyard 8t., Mrs. F. W.
Comings. Phone 744. 70-O27-tf.
Will the party who took a grey over
coat from the library cloakroom by mis
take about 9 o’clock last Wednesday
evening kindly call 1220. Frank De
spain. 83-N4-6.
Wall Pictures—We aro running spe
cial prices on just the kind of pictures
everybody wants. Como in and see
them anytime. We have what you want.
Anderson’s Film Shop, opp. Be* thea
ter. 82-N4.
Gold band dinnerwure
26-piece set at 84.26
42-piece set at $8.60
SO-piece set at $12.26
All above sets are open stock patterns.
Charlet Bargain Store, 63 W. 8th.
Phone 1122
38 0 15-N16
This building will be in the regular
brick style adopted for University
Mr. Hanna states that it is expected
to have the art building finished by the ,
first of the year, if no mishap occurs.
The new “shack” will not be completed
before March, however, as the brick
walls will not “go up” rapidly in cold
Faculty Member Believes Greeting
Fails to Meet Purpose
A member of the faculty who refused
to permit the use of his name, asserted
that th Oregon “hello” tradition was
“The apparent object of the tradi
tion,” he said, “is to foster the dem
ocratic spirit among the students.
Whether it succeeds in that respect is
to my mind very doubtful. It may get
many of us on friendly terms, merely
because we have a Bpeaking acquaint
ance, but this is scarcely democracy. In
fact since no one has ever defined ' de- \
mocracy,’ or organized any body of
men democratically, the mere greeting
of each other with a perfunctory “hel
lo” is of no consequence.”
“What yie ‘hello’ does, is simply to
get a feeling of fellowship—if the Y.
M. C. A. will excuse my use of their!
term—and perhaps it aids in mixing, i
However, so far as I am concerned the
In a Hurry?
You don’t have very much
time to eat these busy days,
so drop in where speed and
good food are synonymous.
The Lunch Box
llth, between Alder and
The University
What Is It Doing to Faith?
The above question will be discussed in a sermon Sunday
Morning at the
by the pastor, Frank Fay Eddy.
The soloist at the Sunday Morning Service will be
Richard Studley.
In the Church School, which meets at the close of the
Morning Service, the topic in the Religion in History
course will be “The Religion of the Earliest Nomads.’’
Location of church, Eleventh East at Ferry street.
Morning Services begin at 10:45 o’clock.
The congregation likes to describe it as “The Little
Church of the Human Spirit.’’
saying of ‘hello’ whenever a student
approaches and I am thinking deeply
on some phase of my work, is an an
noyance. It would be better, I feel, if
we did not try to put ourselves on the
same level as others; psychologically,’
at least, it is not sound practice.”
A. J. Daniels
Osburn Hotel Barber Shop
None Better
Only Experienced, Licensed
At Work or Play
You’ll find our eye glasses
pqually satisfactory. They
are made to stay on without
Moody’s Depp-Curv#
Kryptok Lenses
Are Better
Not every pair of eye glasses will do this. And the style of
mounting is not always at fault. No matter how well a
mounting is constructed it must necessarily be carefully ad
justed to fit your particular nose or it cannot give satisfaction.
We will absolutely guarantee “satisfaction or your money
back’’ within one year from data of purchase, of any pair
of Spectacles or Eye Glasses purchased from us for cash. We
will also repair or replace the broken frames or bows of
same for same length of time free of charge.
Dr. Sherman W. Moody
881 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon
Oregon Apple Day
This week has been declared APPLE DAY. The object is to
help move the large apple crop in the Northwest. Lane County
has a bountiful crop of choice apples, and we are offering
some of the best grades this week at special low prices. These
apples are all selected from some of the best orchards tributary
to Eugene, and we guarantee every box will be satisfactory.
Choice Jonathan Apples,
good color, fine eating,
box . 75c
Large King Apples, fine
for eating or cooking,
box .75c
Winter Banana Apples,
ready to eat, long keeper,
box .75c
Yellow Pippin Apples,
much in demand for their
fine flavor, box.75c
Delicious Apples, fancy
size and color, for eating,
box .$1.00
Northern Spy Apples,
fancy, long keeping var
iety, box.$1.25
In Our Windows We Are Showing Lane County’s
Above Prices Good Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of
Next Week
Dice Grocery Co.
Eighth and Olive 3 Phones, 183
Is Your
F urniture Dying
Is the davenport in your house
rapidly headed for the second
hand store and are the eltairs
oil the road that leads to the
After years of hard service it
is no wonder if they are begin
ning to look shabby. Any fur
niture would.
But why keep them if they are
oldf Bring the house up to
standard, Mr. llousemanager.
by replacing the worn out with
new furnishings.
We will be more than glad to
help you on your problem, when
you decide to buy.
Furniture Co.
Eugene, Oregon
Vote - 314lx|YES
Public Schools
Open to All, Good Enough for All
and Attended by All
All for the Public School and the Public School for All
One Flag - One School - One Language
Lark Bilveu, President
(.Paid Adv.)
Welcome U. of 0. Students
We serve $5.50 meal tickets for $5.00
Don’t fail to see us for good eats and pastry.
Dunn Bakery
Just off Willamette
Under new management
Baby Beef
a Real Treat
There is nothing that makes a finer dinner
than a well-cooked roast.
is meat insurance—all of our meats are
government inspected, and the prices are
no higher than others.
D. E. Nebergall Meat Co.
Two Phones, 36 and 37 66 East 9th Avenu^
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Cot