Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 26, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Faculty and Students Are Engaged In
Various Kinds of Scientific
Research Work
Work in the psychology department
is progressing rapidly. There has been
a 25 per cent increase in the elementary,
classes and a 'Mi per cent increase in
laboratory classes this year. The labs1
oratory assistants are Thomas Cuts
fortli, who has been assistant two years,
and Florence Riddle, both graduates.
The undergraduate assistant is Cecil
Research is being carried on by I)r.
E. 8. Conklin, Dr. H. R. Crosland and
Dr. R. H. Wheeler and by five students.
Dr. Conklin is working on the ways
and means of getting scientific and ad
equate measurements of character
traits, lie has a paper prepared for
publication now and some of the pre
Minimum charge, 1 time, 25c; 2 time*,
46c; 5 times, $1. Must be limited to 6
line*, over bhi* limit, 6c per line. Phone
961, or leave copy with Bwinesa offiee of
Emkrald, in University Preen. Payment
in advance. Offiee hour*, 1 to 4 p. m.
Lost An opal ring Saturday night.
Vault'd as keepsake. Finder please
bring it in to the Emerald office. Re
ward. (58-026.
For Rent—Furnished rooms for men
students. Two blocks from campus.
Two in room at $7.50 each per month.
1193 Onyx 8t. 61-024-28.
For Sale—Oldtown canoe in perfect
condition. Call Paul Stuloy, Phi Gam
ma Delta or write W. Tt. Duron, 179 N.
Commercial St., Salem. 60-021-27.
If not satisfied with present location,
call at 1353 Peeeh and give ’em a look
over. Two double rooms, tlireo blocks
from campus. You’ll liko ’em.
Dressmaking, altering, repairing, sew
ing of draperies and linens for fraterni
ties. Mrs. Fannie L. Stanebis, 652Vi E.
13th Ave. Phone 341 Y. House to roar.
3 04N3.
Lost Ifed Parker Duofold fountain
pen, name on top of barrell, lost bo
tween Villard and Oregon building.
Finder call 1306 or leave'at Emerald
office. Reward. 07-026-27.
Gold band dinnerware
26-piece set at $4.25
. 42-piece sot at $8.50
50-pieee set at $12.20
All above sets are open stock patterns.
Charlet Bargain Btore, 63 W. 8th.
Phone 1122
39 0 15 N15
liminary work of his research problem
is ready.
Or. Orosland is working on problems
in proof reading and the most common |
mistakes made in correcting proof. ^Ie|
has lately had an article in the Psy
cological Review.
Or, Wheeler is working on the ac
quisition of skill and the types and at
titude of mind working toward effi
/• i( ncy in control of muscular move?
ments* Ho has had a paper, “The De
velopment of Meaning," in the Amer
ican Journal of Psychology and is to
have one in the next issue of the Psy
cological Review.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval-!
!is, Oct. 2C.—The studsnt tumbling team !
and a troupe of gymnastic dancers!
fioiii the department of physical educa-1
tion for women have been invited to
lake j art in the program of the Oregon
Health exposition in Prrtland October
:»f>. Btreruous practice for the tumb- j
ling has already been started under the (
direction of Coach “Bob” Hager.
Use the Classified Ad for your wants.
Ladies’ and Gent’s Garments
Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired.
Superior workmanship. Special i
prices to students.
Phone 1142-.T 360 11th Ave. E.
Saves Your Time —
and gives
yon more
spare time
A revelation to every student who is
tired of the pen. Will turn out your theses,
themes and all your writing, neatly, legibly
and quickly.
The most complete of all portable type
writers— because it has the Standard Key
board and many other “big ma
chine”features. Yet it’s so small that
it fits in a case only 4 inches high.
Price, complete with case, $60.
Jffice Machinery & Supply Co.
917 Willamette St. Eugene, Or.
Remington Typewriter Co.
88 Broadway, Portland. Or*
P.imgon'Rfbtwms for RemindtoTi Pnrtah& Typtwriters
50c each—$< a dozen
Monarch Cafeteria
Best Home Cooking
956 Willamette
Opposite Retc Theatre
Day and Night Classes Now Being Organized
Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Typing, Burroughs Machines
Ask for Kates
10th and Willamette Sts.
Phone 666
.Diending by Chesterfield’s
method (based on our private
formula) produces a mild
cigarette that is at die same
time completely satisfying.
No other combination of
tobaccos achieves this result.
Chesterfield’s Turkish-Do
mestic blend can’t he copied.
of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos—blended
U/K state it as onr honest bo
” Uef that for the price asked.
Chesterfield givey the greatest
value is Turkish Blend cigarettes
ever offered to smokers.
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.
Fhe profits of the store are divided
among the students. We make the
profit as a margin of safety. Do all your
buying at the Co-op. It pays. Your
divided depends on how much you
trade at the Co-op. Tell us your Co-op
number and have us put in on your
slip. We sort the slips and enter the
amounts on cards. After June 1st the
dividend is declared.
Homecoming is November 1 1 th—we
know it, but how about the rest of the
state? You can tell them with Home
coming envelopes. Beautiful design, in
red, green and brown. Use one every
time you write and write often.
Bunches of ten—10 cents.
Then a mug of Root Beer
from our barrel will refresh
Here in the Co-op, just two minutes from classes, you can
mail your letters (every evening except Friday and Saturday
the mail goes down town at 8 o’clock), cash your checks, get
friendly advice and information. Has it ever occurred to you that
in this same Co-op you can invest a dollar in membership and
reap dividends from the business? The students store. Re
member the Co-op is your store.
Our fine line of bar candies
and salted nuts “hit the spot”
for that between-class hunger.
Dr. Schoenfeld’s s k e t ch
box -s in three sizes, priced
from $5 to $ 1 0. Pastel Crayons
in P ree assortments. Charcoal
pastel, water color and many
oth r drawing papers.
Keuffel-Esser and Dietzgen
instruments, Whatman and Ar
nold drawing and tracing
papers. T squares, triangles,
curves. Higgins Inks and
Bring in your films for devel
oping and printing. We have a
fine line of Campus and Mill
Race views, and a choice selec
tion of house pictures.
and Pencils
Sheaffer, Waterman and
Swan Fountain Pens. Ever
sharp and Sheaffer Pencils,
insure yor fountain pen by
having your name engraved on
the barrel.
Buy at the CO-OP Always
E. A. C. S.