Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 26, 1922, Image 1

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Governor Olcott Comes Here
Today for Fourth Time
To Administer Vow
Veteran Chaplain Will Have
As His Topic “Romance
of Oregon”
“As a student at the University
which is maintained by the people
of Oregon, I heartily acknowledge
•he obligation I owe. The opportun
ities open to «ne lie-e for securing
training, ideals and vision for life I
deeply appreciate, and regard as a
sacred trust, and do hereby pledge
my honor that it shall Be my most
cherished purpose to render as boun
tiful a return to the Oregon people
ami their posterity, in faithful and
ardent devotion to the common good,
as will be in my power. It shall be
the aim of my life to labor for the
highest good and glory of an ever
greater commonwealth.
The twelfth annual pledge service of
the University of Oregon, in which the
students acknowledge their debt to the
state, will be held this morning at 11
o’clock in the Woman’s building. Gov
ernor Ben W.. Olcott will administer
the pledge and Colonel W. S. Gilbert,
chaplain of the O. N. G. and a member
of the board of regents, will be the
speaker of the day, with “Romance of
Oregon,” as his topic.
Governor Olcott has administered the
pledge for the last three years and will
make the trip to the campus especially
for that purpose. He will read the
pledge to the. student body, and at its
conclusion the students will rise in tok
en of their assent.
Gilbert Is Veteran
Colonel W. S. Gilbert, the speaker of
the day, has served for 25 years with
the state and United States armed for
ces, which entitles him to the rank of
ccionel. He served with the 3rd Oregon
in the Philippines and again on the
Mexican border, after which the old 3rd
was demobilized. When the world war
broke out, Major Gilbert went to France
with the 162 infantry with which he
served with distinction during the en
tire war.
As the musical feature of the pro
gram and symbolizing the spiyt of the
day. the Men’s Glee club will sing the
pledge song, the music and words of
which were written by John Stark
Evans, of the school of music, especial
ly for the pledge day services. In addi
tion to the singing of the pledge, the
other musical features of the program
will be a selection from the “Fortune
Teller” by the orchestra, Mighty Ore
gon by the orchestra and glee club and
an entrance march by the orchestra.
Program Is Full
Bcause of the crowded program, there
will be no time devoted to announce
ments, according to Karl Onthank, as
the program is already filled. The stu
dents are asked not to start to leave
the room until the first strains of
“March, March on Down the Field”
ard begun and then to file out in the
usual order.
Pledge day was founded in 1912,
when Governor West administered the
pledge for the first time. At that time
there were only 600 students registered
in the University. The service was j
(Continued on page three.)
Reduced Rates Will Lessen Expense,
Enable Return Saturday; 800
Expected to See Game
A special train over the Oregon Elec
tric, leaving Eugene at 7:30 Saturday
morning and departing from Portland
southward bound that same evening,
will carry l niversitv of Oregon rooters
and band to the state metropolis for the
Oregon-Idalio game.
Art Rosebraugh, captain of the Thun
J dering Thousand, in explaining the ad
vantages of this special, pointed out
that students will be enabled to make
the round-trip on the same day, there
by greatly lessening expenses. The
ticket to Portland for the big inter
collegiate clash will sell for a few cents
over the $5 mark.
Although the autumnal rains may
keep a few students on the campus Sat
urday, especially residents or the dry
parts of the state who are not yet ac
climated to the mists of the Willamette
valley, Rosebraugh expects that 800 or
more will go north oil the special to
1 boost for the varsity in the pivotal
game of the season.
Students making the trip to Portland
j nave been reminded that their student
body tickets will entitle them to obtain
' seats in the Multnomah stadium at a
reduced rate by taking these tickets to
tire Co-op. Seats can be obtained for
!00 cents when the student body ticket
. is shown.
Crippled Team Off for North
Today in Poor Condition
Coaches Ba* Williams and Skeet
Manerud, and Manager Jack Day, witfi
a freshman football squad of 20 men
will leave Eugene at 5 o ’clock this af
ternoon for Seattle, where the Oregon
gridsters are scheduled to battle with
the University of Washington frosh in
the stadium Saturday afternoon. The
Oregon babes, as a result of numerous
injuries in the Columbia game last Sat
urday are in poor condition for this
tilt, undoubtedly the the hardest on the
season’s schedule, and the coaches ex
press little or no hope of a win.
“The freshmen this year have Deen
' cursed with one of the liardest schedules
of any team in years,” said Baz last
i night. “All the games come right in a
row without a single Saturday in which
to rest up and recover if hurt. As a
result we are facing the big game of
the year Saturday with at least half a
dozen men in poor condition to play
because of injuries. If we had been
given a week’s lay-off for the contest
we might have got into a fair shape
'to give Washington a stiff battle. But
as things stand now, the best I can pre
dict is that the Frosh will not take
the beating that the Oregon freshmen
got from Washington last year.” Last
year’s score was 42 to 7.
Rook Game Soon After
Baz also bemoans the fact that after
the Washington game only a week re
mains for the yearlings to get in shape
for the traditional fracas wtih the O.
A. C. Books. If more men are injured
at Seattle, the team will be greatly
hanidicapped for the Aggie tilt.
As things now stand the freshmen
lineup will miss the services of Wilcox
and Bailey, two lighting guards, who
were injured in the Columbia game.
These two are in such a bad shape that
they cannot be taken on the trip this
afternoon. Purvine and Shreeve, half
backs will be taken along but it is only
a matter of luck whether they will last
throughout the game Saturday, because!
they are both badly bruised. Several
others are in a bad way but will be tak
en aldng nevertheless. The failing
strength of the first year gridsters was
(Continued on page three.)
Vachel Lindsay Will Not Come
Until Later; “Why? B-Cause”
He made a mistake. Vachel did. Or
perhaps it was just a case of poetic li
cense. You can't expect a poet to be
accurate about figures. Anyway, Mr.
Vachel Lindsay will appear here No
vember 28 instead of October 28, as
has been announced. Word was receiv
ed from Mr. Lindsay’s manager yester
day that he had made an error in say
ing he would be here in October; he
meant to say November.
Somebody must have muttered or
somebody stuttered, or it just happened
Bee-cause, as Mr. Lindsay himself has
expressed it in one of his whimsical
Two old crows sat on a fence rail.
Two old crows sat on a fence rail,
Thinking of effect and cause,
Of weeds and flowers,
And nature’s laws.
One of them muttered, one of them
One of them stuttered, one of them
Each of them thought far more than he
One crow asked the other crow a riddle.
One crow asked the other crow a riddle;
Ifhe muttering crow
Asked the stuttering crow,
“Why does a bee have a sword to his
Why does a bee have a sword to his
fiddle t”
“Bee-cause,” said the other crow,
BBBBBBBB B-cause.”
Just then a bee flew close to their rail:
"Bz z z zzz zzzz”
And thoge two black crowB
Turned pale,
And away those crows did sail.
Why t
"Buzzzz zzz
Chester Fitch, Medford and
Donald Smythe, Butte, Get
Honorary Recognition
Superior Scholarship Shown
By Two; Dr. Wheeler to
Speak Nov. 1
With the election of new members
I comes the announcement, from the of
ficers of the Condon club, Oregon chap
iter of the Geological and Mining So
ciety of American Universities, that the
plan of holding open meetings and
bringing to the campus prominent
speakers to wpeak ou geology and its
allied sciences will be continued this
year on a greater scale than in former
Election of two active members, two
honorary members, eight associate mem
bers and one associating member was
made known yesterday morning by Ian
Campbell, president of the local unit
of the national honorary geology soci
ety. Harold McConnell, of Torpedo,
Pa., and Homer A. Wise, of Bozeman,
Mont., were taken into the organization
as active members. Active membership
is open only to geology majors who have
won recognition through marked schol
arship. The honorary members are
Chester Fitch, of Medford and Donald
Smythe, of Butte, Mont. Mr. Fitch, a
graduate from Williams college, owns
a large fruit ranch near Medford and
has an active interest in all the natural
sciences. Each year when students from
the geology department go to Jackson
county to study the Ashland quadrangle
Mr. Fitch cooperates with them by map
ping out the fossiliferous areas and tak
ing them to places of geologic interest.
Many of the new species of extinct
faunal life found in the beds of the
ancient Cretaceous seas by the students
have been given the name of fitchi,
honoring the naturalist.
Smyth© Back from Peru
Mr. Smythe is a graduate from the
University geology department. He re
cently returned from South America,
where he was in the service of a copper
incorporation mining in the high Andes
near Lima, Peru.
The associate members elected by the
geology club include Ford E. Wilson
of Salem; Guy Armuntrout, Karl Von
der Ahe, Don Johnson, Ollio Mercer,
11 of Eugene; Francis Linklater, of
I Hillsboro; Don Wilkinson, of The Dal
lies, and Mac McLean, of Eugene. Phil
Brogan, of Antelope, a journalism stu
dent who is also interested in geology,
was elected an associating member.
On November 1, Dr. Raymond H.
Wheeler will appear in the first open
meeting of the Condon club this
year. He will have as his subject, “The
Role of Anthropology in Human Af
fairs.” This meeting is to be held in
Condon hall in the Administration buil
ding next Wednesday evening at 7:30.
On December 6, Professor A. R. Sweet
ser will appear in a public lecture under
the auspices of the club, having as his
topic “Lichens and the Part They Have
Played in Geological History.” Other
activities to be held by the Condon club
will be made known later.
Two Parade Campus
Yesterday the two men elected to ac
tive membership, Harold McConnell and
Homer Wise, paraded about the campus
with geolog; picks and Aearing crim
son and white, the Stanford colors. The
national headquarters of the Geological
and Mining Societies of American Uni
versities is located at Stanford. The
society was founded in 1892.
Later in the season, probably a week
from today just before the assembly j
hour, McConnell and Wise will
entertain the campus populace by cook
ing flapjacks over a fire. The two in
itiates will be garbed in the accouter
ments of a miner and are supposed to ■
flip the cakes into the air wrhen brown
ing both sides. Every time a flapjack
misses the frying pan in its descent, the
other elects will administer a “hot
hand” to the neophyte. This will be i
the first time the Condon club has stag- i
ed its public initation in four years. !
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval-;
lis, Oct. 25.—Homecoming, November j
18. is to be a whirlwind affair this year, j
Plans are under way which promise
“something doing” every minute. The
annual U. of O.-O. A. C. football game, |
a tie for two years, is expected to draw
the biggest crowd in years. Among
lother attractions will be the bonfire
Friday night, the bag rush Saturday
morning, luncheon for “old grads” Sat
urday noon in the college tea-room, and
as a climax, the big homecoming dance. |
Thirty Hours Only Are to Be
Used for Construction;
Holiday Is Asked
Committee for Handling All
Drives Named; Request
Already Presented
Tlie plan for limiting the length of
time for the construction of the annual
Homecoming bonfire to 30 hours and
providing a new plan for organization
was recommended by the student conn
(’i- at + He regular meeting last night,
'l'he resolution will be presented to the
faculty and provides that no work shall
be done on the bonfire until Thursday
noon. Freshmen will be excused from
all classes Thursday afternoon and Fri
day, according to the terms of the plan.
Final decision will be made by the fac
Committee Is Provided
If the student council plan goes
through all preliminary work will be
done beforehand. Poles dn which the
pyre will be constructed are to be erec
ted in advance. All the planning is to
be under the supervision of a commit
tee of 35 members. This committee will
see to it that all freshmen are listed
and are assigned a definite part of the
work after the starting signal has
sounded Thursday noon. It will also
be the duty of the committee to have
sources of material spotted, in order
that there will be no delay in gathering
the wood.
Margaret Scott Chosen
Margaret Scott was unanimously
elected; University historian for the
year. The eleeton was the result of
the report of a nominating committee,
and late last night it was reported that
Miss Scott had accepted the position.
Her staff will be announced at a later
Senior Week Favored
On the recommendation of the Tradi
tions Committee it was decided to make
Senior Leap Week one of tho traditions
of the University. The date for this
year was set for October 30 to Novem
ber 4.
A request for permission to put on a
drive for European tollego students who
are in need was presented. It was re
ferred to a committee which is being
formed similar to the one which acted
last year. It was proposed to bring
speakers here from other colleges and to
put on a drive for three days.
The appointment of a standing com
mittee to handle the visits of literary
nien to the campus was approved by tho
Season Will Close Decomber 14; Quos
tion on Allied War Debt; Cup
Will Be Given
Representatives from practically ev
ery woman's organization on the eam
1 ns met yesterday afternoon in the
| commerce building to arrange plans for
i do-nut debate. The debate season will
begin soon and will end by the first of
December in order that the best girl
debaters can try out for the varsity
team. The tryouts for the girls’ var
sity team will be held on December 14.
As in former years, a cup will be
awarded to the winner of the do-nut
debates. Oregon club won the cup last
year. Hendricks hall won the shield on
the previous year, having been winners
in do-nut debate for three consecutive
The question to bo debated bv the
[women this year is, “Resolved: That
11 ho United States should cancel all Al
lied war debts, with the exception of
Great Britain.”
Zet-n Kappa Psi, women’s national
honorary debating fraternity, will su
pervise the debates this year. Lurline
Coulter is head of this society on the
All members of the teams will meet
next Tuesday evening at 4:15 in the
commerce 1 uilding.
First of Series on Inventors
And Business Men
The film, “The Benefactor,” to be
shown in the commerce building this
evening gives an intimate picture of the
life and work of Thomas A. Edison.
From his birthplace and early home in
Milan, Ohio, many interesting sketches
of his boyhood life are pictured.
lie is shown at the age of fourteon in
a cellar laboratory experimenting, and
also in his early occupation ps a pub
telegraph operator where he began his
lirst, electrical experiments is pictured.
Events leading to the great inven
tions of his career such as the incandes
cent lamp, the dynamo and the multiple
system arc shown.
Tin' picture in being shown under the
auspices of tho University chamber of
commerce, and is one of a series which
tho chamber will offer the student body.
Through the chamber, the school of
business administration is endeavoring
to bring to tho University the best
industrial films of the country, thus
giving the student a chance to know
something about the technical process
es in industry and also something of
tho lives of the better known business
men and inventors.
The film this evening will bo shown
;it 7:30 in room 105, commerce building.
No admission will be charged and
anyone interested may attend.
^ * * ♦ * # # * ¥
Several Strong Features Outlined
Outlines for the Homecoming celebra
tion, oply 16 days distant, were clearly
defined at the meeting of the Homecom
ing committees last night.
In the adoption of the Armistice
Day theme into the Homecoming pro
gram, in the “naturalizaton” and offer
ing of the oath of friendship to grad
uates of other alma maters during the
Homecoming week-end, and in the pro
posed reunions of other colleges here,
all grouped around the Oregon Home
coming, the University has added three
strong features to its annual program
and has formed stronger ties with the
state at large.
The usual University “blow-out” and
night rally will be held on Friday night,
after which the freshman bonfire will
be lighted. Yell King Art Bosebraugh
is in charge of the rally, and Jack Mey
ers is in charge of th'e parade. It is
the plan to have enough trucks this
year for all the students to ride, in or
der that they may devote their time to
noise-making. About $500 will be ex
pended for fireworks for the students,
and a loving cup will be presented, as
last year, to the organization presenting
the most ingenious noise-maker.
The faculty will decide concerning
the freshman bonfire next Wednesday
afternoon, November 1, and the senti
ment of the committees is that the
freshman class will do its reputation
justice and provide a good fire, at the
same time respecting the faculty deci
sion. The fire is the big thing Friday
night, and the entire student body will
turn out and help, rather than let it
be a fizzle should the frosh prove crowd
ed for time, according to Leith Abbott.
Mammoth is the word to be used to
describe the parade which will be held
/celebrating the peace program and Arm
istice Day, Saturday morning. The
American Legion is the pivot of the
affair, and all the Legion posts in tho
county will send delegates. All of the
Eugene organizations and lodges will
parade and the citizens will join in. The
Legion will not parade in uniform. Half
Couch is working to have every organ
ization in the University turn gut its
members to march informally in the!
parade. The idea of the University and
town committees is to have one great
parade of citizens mingling in the lino
of march, with many bauds to celebrate |
peace, by an absence of military re-!
On Saturday afternoon Ilayward field
will be the scene of many gala events
beside the Qregon-W. 8. 0. football
game. At 1 :.'iO p. m. the Pacific Coast
conference cross country race will start
and will later end on the Sold. In honor
/of Armistice day, a flag will be raised
on the pole on the field which will be!
donated to the University by the Am
erican Legion, and a 111 gun salute will i
be fired to the national emblem. There
will follow the annual Order of the ‘O’
parade, and between halves the “uat
uralization” ceremonies, and the spe
cial rooters feature will take place, and ’
probably also a serpentine.
Plans for the Homecoming ball, to be
held in the Armory and the Woman’s
building are still in a formative state,
and the committee under the chairman
(Continued on page three.)
Strong Line and Fast Backs
of Vandal Team Have
Fine Record
Latham, Johnson, King on List
of Injured; Callison and
Shields to Play
l.laho moots Oregon at Portland Sat
unlay in the annual contest between the
two schools, and if the predictions of
the Oregon coaches are of any value the
northern team lias the best chance this
year that they have ever had to win
their game from the Varsity gridsters.
Since athletic relations between tho
two schools were opened in 1900 the
Idaho teams have never been successful
in landing a victory, so for the last
seven or eight years they have looked
forward to the Oregon game as their
biggest contest.
The Vandals this year have an ex
ceptionally strong line, and a fast bnck
lield, and in two early season games
have made a record for themselves, as
they beat Whitman three to nothing
iind held Washington to a two to noth
ing score.
Chances Look Even
This would seem to indicate that they
have about an equal chance with the
Lemon-Yellow men as both won ijom
Whitman by a margin of three points.
Hinco the contest with Whitman at Pen
dleton last Saturday though, tho Oregon
squad has boen greatly weakened by
urther injuries to some of their star^,
and will have to play a lot faster ball
against Idaho than they have boen
showing in practice if they want to
Many of tho injuries nro to backfield
men, and Chuck Parsons who made a
•strong record in his freshman year in
the backfield lias been shifted from the
lino to halfback position in practice,
and may play in that position against
the Vandals.
Hunk Latham and Ward Johnson
both have injured legs and their chan
ces of getting into tho contest Satur
day are small. George King had his
hands injured in the Whitman battle
and will be lucky if ho recovers by Sat
Strong Line Needed
The line is being strengthened for
action against the Vandals by the ad
dition of Tiny Shields and Prink Cal
fison, but Idaho has one of the strong
est lines on tho coast this year, so the
varsity will need all the additions they
can muster.
Prink Callison and Terry Johnson
have been added to the training table
and are both expected to bo in shape for
Idaho. Terry is a lineman and has
been making a line showing at end in
Tho Idaho game is tho first letter
game of the season for the Oregon team,
and also the first Pacific Coast confer
ence game, so a great deul is at stake.
If Oregon wins wo have a good chance
with any of the teams, while a loss will
rather put the teum out of the running
for coast honors.
Men Out-Number Women By
Nearly 200 Majority
The University now has a total en
rollment of 2181 students including spe
cials, according to the latest reports
from the registrar’s office. The men
are nearly 200 in the majority, but the
percentage of women is high compared
with that of former years. The number
of men is 11811 and women 998.
A large number of students take spe
cial courses and also a comparatively
large number of graduates aro taking
advanced work or studying for master
i he total number of students is div
ed among the four years as follows:
Men Women
Freshmen .852 315
Sophomores .302 260
Juniors .219 198
Seniors .204 160
Graduates . 34 22
Specials . 38 27
K. 11. U. Specials . 30 15
Law Specials . 4 1
Registration for the fall term is dos
ed and all desiring admittance at this
late date will bo refused entrance un
til next year, it is understood.