Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 22, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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By Clinton Howard
Flickering Lamps in History
* * *
Night Radiance on the Campus
* * *
Darkness Asked for Library Steps
» * * *
Ad Building Entrance Illuminating
* * *
Education Building Clows from Afar
* * *
Hall Lanes Called ‘Cay White Way’
Was it not on the eve of Waterloo,
that “bright shone the lights o’er fair
women and brave men’’? And was it
not by the light of flickering wall
lamps in Whitehall palace, that Charles
I went to his prison cell from the court
on the eve of his execution? And did
not James II, two generations later es
cape from the same place by tin- light
of the same lamps, to his boat on the
Thames, in which iie escaped to the
friendly coast of France?
Tall men and grenadiers, march by the
light of the lamps on the Oregon campus.
Lights. What lights? The lights which
cast their radiance over the tightly
closed front entrances of the Oregon
building and the .School of Business
Administration, in the sma'l hours when
the moon rides silently in the -ky, and
the frost seUlis on the grass of the
Oregon campus. Watch them some
And other lights . . . .the light along
the Deady walk, always grateful to the
late traveller because of the rudianco it
casts over the path, darkenod by the
double row of Douglas firs. The light
over the Seal in the sidewalk, and on the
porches of old Villard! The light in
front of the library. Some students wero
considering taking that light out and
restoring the darkness to tho library
steps, as it wits too wise for them. They
put that light too high.
Then, there nro tho lights in front of
the Administration building. They fairly
breath academic administration in their
copper-cast dignity. A student prank
adorning them with college cap and gown
would not go far wrong.
Far off in the south the lighth of tho
Education building glow like twin stars,
and the bright high hung lights of
Friendly hall light tho highway opposite
the Library.
And then there are probably tho most
vehemently condemned lights on the cam
pus.those which turned the lanes
leading to the women’s halls of residence,
into small but efficient gay white ways I
Lights and that’s all.
Verses on "Children of Beauty” Have
Brought Favorable Comment from
All Over Oregon
A short poem, outitlod “Children of
Beauty,” by W. H. B. Willeox, pro
fessor of architecture in the University
of Oregon, was read at u meeting of
the Portland Association of Building
and Construction, in the Multnomah
hotel, on Tuesday evening. The pur
pose of the gathering, which was pre
sided over by Ellis T. Lawrence, was
Minimum clmrtre, l time, 126c : it times,
4f»-: 5 times, $1. Must be limited to 6
lines, over this limit. 5e per line. Plume
Sol, or leuvi ropy with Kustness office of
KmI'KAI.U, in University Press. Payment
in advance. Office hours, 1 to 4 p. m.
Table Board Best home cooking on
the rumpus. 1 IS.s Alder. Uhouo 1229 .1.
For Bout Two room furnished apart
moat for students only, ('till at I’auipa
Shoppe. 61-021-22.
Board and Boom Convenient room,
close to campus, good home cooking.
118K Alder, l’hoao 1229-J. 62 021 22.
For Sale Cheap, good heavy over
coat, knee length, belt model, l’houe
1220 or see it at 676 9th Avenue East.
Lost Gray silk umbrella with part
amber handle. Lest day of frosh par
nde. Left in Oregon building. Beatrice
Fish, 6-13-22.
For Sale Oldtown canoe in perfect
condition. Call Caul Staley, Phi Gam
in a Delta er write \V. R, Huron, 179 N
Commercial St., Salem. 60-021-27.
Dressmaking, altering, repairing, sow
ing of draperies and liueas for fratorui
ties. Mrs. Fannie L. Stansbie, bo.1'., K
13th A\e. 1‘lione 341 V. House to rear
304 N3
Wanted Your kodak finishing bust
ness. You'll like the bright, snappy
pictures we make for you. Our 5 hr.
service is making a great hit. Andor
son’s Film Shop. Opp. Bex theater.
59-021 22
Gold baud dinnerware
26 piece set at $4.25
42 piece set at JS.50
50 piece set at $12.25
All above sots are open stock patterns.
Chariot Bargain Store, 63 W. 8th.
l’houe 1122
39-0-15 N 15
to hear addresses and short business
talks of a professional nature. Songs
also marked the evening’s entertain
ment. The poein, which has recently
brought much favorable comment
throughout the state, follows:
“Children of Beauty”
Oh, Light of Truth, by other name of
beauty known,
How may thy twin hand maidens,
Joy of Life and Love of Work,
Abide within the hearts of men,
Save thou art welcome there!
If Strife and Avarice usurp their place,
Or Unconcern and Insincerity,
Thy face shall hidden be within the
Of cruel curtains woven of man’s self
Thy grace shall be obscured by blurring
Of animosities—thy form remain un
Shall then not Joy, and Love of Work
| depart!
Hut if Man makes of thee a friend,
I Or woos thee as a lover might,
Thy smiles will make of Life, a Joy;
Of Work, a pleasant task.
| For these, like foster parents of thy
every child,
I Hha.ll shape its skill and build its qual
Around the need it shall fulfill.
Ilf that be common service to Mankind,!
With strength and fine simplicity will
they endow it;
He it to bear fair gifts unto the Soul,
Then, loveliness will they impart.
The role of one may humble be, an
other glorious,
Yet they shall brothers, sisters, be—
Thy Children.
Contamination of Food in Men’s Dor
mitory Spreads Fever Among 41
Contamination of food in Ferry hall,
men’s dormitory, and a human carrier,
was responsible for 41 eases of typhoid
fever at Washington State college
Thursday, according to Dr. A. W.
Simpson, state bacteriologist. The
fever was confined to the dormitory.
No new cases were reported yester
day, Dr. J. W. Kalkus, head of the
State College health service, said in a
statement issued last night. Every
precaution is being taken to avoid
spread of the disease, it was said, and
preventive measures are being enforced
through cooperation of students.
Routes to the
Composing Room
from the Shack
Routes to the composing room from
the Shack.
(For sober people only)
Put on your boots.
This is a dangerous route at night,
but one of the best during the light of
day. Starting from the door of the
shack (the one where the door opens
the wrong way), follow the board walk
for about 15 feet. Then turn at right
angles to your left. Cross eight-foot
ditch about 30 feet from point of ang
ling. Proceed ahead for about 25 feet
until wall of composing room is met.
Turn right angles to right for 18 feet.
Turn right angle to left for six feet.
Scrape feet off and enter door.
(Around the Horn; take lunch along)
Start from aforesaid wrong-opening
door, proceed along board walk for
distance of about 40 feet. Turn right
at gravel road. Follow road for 30
feet. Turn right into basement of Mc
Clure Hall. Turn left at first opening.
Proceed straight ahead into room
crowded with various printing ma
chines. Turn right at farthest wall
from point of entrance. Walk ten feet,
and there you are right in the compos
ing room!
(Athletes’ Route)
Leave shack by aforesaid W. O. D.
Summon all the agility you have and
leap ditch dead ahead, landing on the
sometime-to-be basement of new Jour
nalism mansion. Wade through mud
to other side, summon more agility and
leap other ditch onto bank. Proceed
Attention Students
Quality and Service for You
By the Two Macks
73 East 9th Street
rthaftlrT ^DaysStarting
jpai. 'rMonday
bu arrangement urith J(ate Claxton
iJJiih Cilhon &Dorofhij(]iyh
The Dynamic Upheavals
of the French Revolution, woven
together by the sweetest, tenderest,
yet most adventurous love story of
all history. The love story of two
orphan sisters.
Lower iloor, afternoons
80c, evenings itOe.
Balcony, afternoons 'JOo,
evenings 80e.
The original musical score
interpreted by Mr. Harry
Concert Number. "Sex
tette from Lucia.”
Friday and Saturday, Dustin Farnum in “Oathbound."
:o composing room door, scrape mud
'rom feet and ankles, and enter.
To Return to Shack
ft.-verse any of above methods.
Library Magazines and Beoks Bound
Here; Work Put Out at Great Speed
University publications are being
bound on the campus now. A bindery
has been installed in connection with
the University Press. Sigurd Paasche
has charge of the bindery. He has
had experience in the University of
California and Stanford binderies. He
is assisted by Miss Vera Fisher, daugh
ter of the superintendent of the Uni
versity grounds.
The library magazines and books are
bound there. M. H. Douglass, librarian,
said the work was exceptionally good
and can be put out much faster than
tlie down town establishments put it
Get the Classified Ad habit.
Mr. I. M. Right Says:
What cleaner in this town
keeps quality up and prices
down? Who in this whole
Northwest cleans and presses
the best? Who says a thing
and means it too as so few so
seldom do?
Why the
i i
1 • 1
| 1
1 We Offer for Your Selection §
= =
^ Keningston
Tlie latest creations in Fall neckwear in an
array of beautiful patterns—they wrinkle less
and wear better—$1.00.
1 Eugene Woolen Mill Store
C. J. FULTON, Manager
837 Willamette Phone 1500
“Night,” “Somone”
“I Just Want You,” “All over Nothing at All”
“When the Lights Go Down”
912 Willamette Oregon Song Books 75c Phone 59
We Sell Them—We Buy Them
We Rent Them
917 Willamette Phone 148
(Over Western Union)
Just Received: Shipment of Milady’s Smart New Pumps
Heralding the glad footwear news to our many customers who have been awaiting their
arrival. Eleventh hour creations too, and the other important feature is the fact they’re
priced so reasonable.
The Charm of Dainty Dancing
footwear are revealed in this splendid showing at Ax Billy’s.
—“On with the dance or other social func
tions—let joy be unconfined, providing one’s
shoes are smartly, dainty and comfortable
—For much of the pleasure of a party is in
the consciousness of correctly, comfortably
—A Rationally known brand. Their lines,
always clinging and moving with the foot,
retain their shapeliness; they keep their
trim, dainty charm. From the first light
steps of the evening to the last ones the next
morniner. dancine- feet need have nn fanr
For Shimmery Silk, a Satin Pump, Wonderful at Pair $6.50
Here’s a little satin pump that reveals a bit of silken hosiery-—altogether enchanting. So
slender, small, and svelte the foot looks in satin—and a high quality “Skinner’s satin. And
this dainty pump, with its Spanish heel, unusual strap, is very smart. And comfortable,
right from the first. Just see it on your foot!
New Patent Leather Two-Strap Pump, $6.00
—A particularly chich model for street wear
—opera cut, flat heel and welt sole. Of a
wonderful quality and the price is appealing
as well-—pair $6.00.
Patent Leather Two-Strap Pump, Pair $6.50
—Those who prefer the military heel will
be delighted with this one. Plain toe, beau
tifnlly perforated and a Brown-bilt creation.
Very special value at $6.50 pair.
What Will You
Do This Evening?
Sit around, lonesome and blue or come in and
enjoy one of our wonderful Sunday evening
chicken dinners?
Ye Cantpa Shoppe
Hersh Taylor