Oregon Sunday Emerald Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association Kenneth Youel Lyle Janz _^Editor __ Manager ERNEST HAYCOX, Sunday Editor Marvin Blaha, Managing Editor.G. H. Godfrey, Campus Editoi Features: Jessie Thompson, Earl Voorhies, Katherine Watson, Arthur Rudd, Edwin Fraser, Ep Ifoyt. General Writers: Clinton Howard, Hen Maxwell, Eddie Smith. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon as second-class matter. Subscription rates 12.25 per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application.__ PHONES B-isiness Manager .951 Editor .655 High or Low Brow? The greatest question is this teapot existence of ours is: What is highbrow and what is lowbrow? Forever we are asking ourselves if we have done right or if we have blundered,—by our natural and free nature—into the morass of the irretrievably damned lowbrows. Perhaps the most acute angle of this problem for us right now is in the domain of literature. There is no mistaking what is high brow literature, for it is labeled by our instructors in letters a foot high. Not that they have chosen, by themselves, the “worthwhile” from the “junk.” The collected opinion of several generations has in most cases done the job for them. Elsewise the job would still be undone. But where the literary labors of man begin to approach that subtle line which divides good writing from bad writing, the voices of critics assume babbling and quarrelsome tones, and high ethical concepts begin to get battered around in the forum of the erudite. All the while we who only want to get at a good story, stand by and puzzle. Some of us never reach a satisfactory answer. Others go along the road which leads to literature long, long ago written and established. By its very survival it must be fairly decent stuff. But there still remains a hardy gang of us who pass into another camp and make the night merry with any old thing we got our hands onto. We only ask that Ihe story fulfill the requirements long ago laid down by a master plot weaver, Wilkie Collins. “Make ’em laugh, make ’em cry, make ’em wait.” Tlio fhat hand of individuals the short essay herein printed, by Frank Crane, himself somewhat of a trenchant and glorified lowbrow* will have a definite appeal. To others it will only signify another literary moron sounding off. High or lowbrow? And in the offing there is always some vigor ous Mae Duff stirring the argument on with lusty shouts of “lay on!” Books FICTION: A LOWBROW OONFNSHION (Copyright 1!>21 by Frank Crane) The Well i■ I i\. or mystery story in Uio must interesting I'orni of lirtion. There are two divisions of stories: (1) Varus ntul (") other hinds. Warns are tales lold for the tolling. All that is supposed to be worth while in them is the story. All the fat of literature, including dosei i|d ions, philosophy and preaching, also eharaeter study and altnosphere, is stripped. Nothing is left, but tho lean meat and the bone of the narra tive. Those who read merely to bo divert ed like the yarn. Those who wish to improve their minds, nr read what everybody is talk ing about, read the novels that are other than yarns. The other kind is supposed to be su perior to the yarn. Heaven knows why. They are muelt eummvner, min-h easier to write, and do not require so high an order of creative ability. Knut Hamsun's two books, "Hunger" and "The tlrowth of the Soil," 1 have just read. Hamsun got the Nobel I’ri/.e. The books are a dreadful, dreary ox pause of dullness, unlit by plot, humor, j or flash of nobility. still, people seem to like that sort of stuff. They read " Fottei ism" and "Main Street," which are equally do pressing. The wind in them blows steadily from the east, the firewood is wet, and il is wash day and the baby is crying. Wo turn from such as these to a rat tling stun, where the author is eon teat to interest us in the people and their doings lie describes, and is not cent iitualh exhibiting his own Kgo, not trying to prove to you how lit’ry he is, and not showing you how many dis agreeable things lie cun think of. For instatin', 1 am here to confess l saved up i he ii\ i ubers of a de tot-live story maga/ine \ 1 always put by the parts of a serial until it is coin pletcd, and never rend a yarn 1 cannot tiniah at one sitting) and read in them the other night Carol In Wells' "The Luminous Face " It was not ponderous literature, but I was pu.’.ded, amused, and had a good time. And it is for that, l read novels. When 1 gel information, uplift, and the lik.-, 1 prefer it straight. Hut as to tietion, the tirst and great est requirement is that it be tietion and not something else. It should tie a tale that is, begin at one point, A, and proceed to another t point, H. The other kind just walks i around, loiters, so to speak. i It does not injure a stray to have a | purpose. Hut the purpose must be in ( the story itself. When the author is, i constantly i\p: doing and exhorting I .' lilid reflecting and otherwise impeding,) tho course of the talc by innumerable ' hurdb s of footnotes in the text, his product I- neither tish, flesh, nor fowl, “The Uood Samaritan" is good lie si tion. It has a purpose, but all the a proaohment is in ihe cracker at the \< end: "(in thou and do likewise." s From the New Vork (ilobc. C Poems THE ODYSSEY OF VERDANT GREEN Tlic Sophies sang truce, with the tumul t nous mix o ’er, And the Senior police had tabled their stars, While the Kroshies had sunk into rest, undisturbed My pains and afflictions and Soph given stars. When the Freshies lay fearless that night on their bunks, (■And tho Sophs meekly guarded their innocent slain) In the dead of the night a sweet vision they saw, And thrice ere the morning they dreamed it again. They thought from the battlefield’s dreadful array, I1 nr, far they had roamed on the old beloved track; I uas morning and the sunshine arose on t he way. To the home of their fathers that wel them back. ‘‘Stay, stay with us. Rest—thou art weary and worn,’’ And fain were the Soph-pestered Freshies to st ay; Hut coinage returned with the coming of dawn, While tear in their robust hearts melted —Clroenkin. Boomerang! To K. W. Poor Kitty! Ao wonder you were scared! How could you recite Lessons prepared Tlv pre\ hunt night ! Possessor of an elephant— Without Doubt \ mahout For professor! Buck brass Riding it to class! W here did he get it ! Where did YOU get itf Linklater. HONOR SOCIETIES (Continued from page one.) >’h students, men and women, Ralph oston; Texen Art club, art and arc hi- , eetur, students, tor men and women, ; ■ u\ Koepp; Kutnxian, literary, for loiueu, t'hloo Thompson; Hermian. ' ' ■ * e nation, for w.-men, Dorcas . • ii KI in: Samara, botany and bactcri- , "ity. tor women, Alice Thomas; Tre iii, women s voi atioual organisation, e,e.a Farnl ani; Order of the “O ” rtueu, George King. Gois-- honor organi. at ions, working *'ii r a committee, arc: Friars, for ehissmcn; ro Ko l.o, for soptio ioro iin’ii; ami Kwama, tvr sophomore lunon. Svri' 1 juwi Surip! is senior viety (or wo 11 ion, v»i which Marian ( rary is president. THIS WEEK o ° Lloyd George and Cabinet Resign National Political Situation Quiet Col. Owsley New Legion Commander S. P.-U. P. Controversy Unsettled Near East Situation Brightened Two Murders Hold Public Interest Portland Is Disturbed by I. W. W. Party polities, and opposition to hii Near East policy, are the prime cause: of the loss of the vote of confidenci which determined tjie resignation o: David Lloyd George, for seven year: Prime Minister of Great Britain. Tin vote was 186 to 87, opposing what i: known as Chamberlain’s policy ol pledging to coalition. Thus passes one of England’s great est men, q little Welshman who rost through sheer personality and ability to a position in Britain that surpasses even that of the king himself. An out standing figure of the “big four,” whieh included also Premier Orlande of Italy, President Wilson of the Unit ed States, and Clemeneeau, the famous French “Tiger,” he was the only one who survived the reactionary period following the great world war. Following the British custom, the entire cabinet at this time tender their resignations simultaneously with Lloyd George. Bonar Law, a leader of the opposition, is slated to be the next prime minister. The political situation nationally is rather quiet, but in Oregon things are seething, although little has happened that can really be called outstanding. Both the Republicans and the Demo crats are thoroughly organized. Walter Pierce, the Democratic nominee, is bas ing his platform on a revision and re duction of taxes, while Governor OI cott is standing firm on his perform ance of his present term. The American Legion, at a five-day session held in New Orleans, elected Col. Alvin O. Owsley as Legion com mander, voted to vigorously support the adjusted compensation bill, and to do all in their power to aid those dis abled in the war. Enthusiastic recep tions were accorded General Pershing and other noted Americans who ad dressed the convention. The next meet ing will be held in San Francisco. The Southern Pacific-Union Pacific controversy over the Central Pacific railroad, which passes through Eugene, slid holds a great deal of interest in Oregon, and along the entire coast. The Southern Pa. .fie has asked for use of the road until the controversy is set tled, and points out numerous reasons why the line should be left in their hands. The two lines are so inter woven, they claim, that separation would be almost impossible, and at best a lengthy and wasteful procedure. The Near East situation brought about by tlio fracas between the Turks ami Greeks, now seems well in hand. The intervention on the part of the allies, although lacking in force, has been more or less effective in quelling what might have been an all-European entanglement, fraught with internal and external trouble. Two outstanding murder mysteries have gripped the press during the past week. The salacious ease of the mur dering of a minister, Reverend Edward Hall, ami Mrs. Eleanor Mills, a singer in his choir, in New Brunswick, New Jersey, is still unsolved. In the other case Mrs. lla/.el McNally ot Hammond, Ind., was accused of mur dering her twins. She claimed, how ever, that the twins never existed, and that she had hoaxed her husband into believing he was a father by using two dolls. Because the state could not prove that the twins were actually dead, the supposed mother was acquit ted of the charge of murder. Portland has been not a little dis-! turbed by an influx of I. W. W.'s. due to the present longshoremen’s strike. The situation is well in hand, however, and no serious trouble is contemplated. The Ku Klux Klan has offered its ser vices, and the state militia is in readi ness should it be needed. BUGOLOGISTS. GEOLOGISTS (Continued from page one.) but we were not molested by the Cave-1 men themselves. The party disbanded after a thorough ippr ciation of the unsurpassed marble, •uvorns. and each joyously went his, vav; .Or. Packard to hunt down new ; 'ossils in their native haunts, and the a rest of us to our various vacation : mrsuita, i 1 the Camp is history now. but < \or once in a while one of the fel ons delve* into the box so careful y » sicked by the curator of invertebrate sileontoiogy and solves the riddle that ur.-led him the worst those evenings by * he fire. \t ,i't! You surely were a s”ail! You are complete from head to tail 1 N t w you onyl need to have a name 1 'll let some paleontologist Wri- you up in Latin just Be, use the peer fool thinks he must ' But my job's finished jus: the same! 1 Read the Classified Ad column. t A Bag o’ Nuts Dust —You're crazy. Musty—Me vrazy? Dusty—Yes, you're crazy. Musty—No, I’m not crazy; are you crazy ? Dusty—Xo, I'm not crazy; you’re crazy. Mas y—So I'm crazy and you’re not crazy. Well than, I’ll stay like I am. I walked with her in the moonlight, The sun was blazing blue; We dodged between the hailstones And marveled at the view. i , That Junior Dance . Hundreds of c-inderellas i Awaiting princes, i Hurry! , The music begins. , Help! 1 I can’t stand on one foot forever! Who’s got my slipper? Darn Jimmy Meeks! Xo, I didn’t have rubber heels. Did you think I could wear that? Migosli, I’m no elephant! Yes, that’s mine— jXo, I’ll put it on— My, but I'm glad that little fellow didn’t have it! jUhuh, Jimmy’s so clever. THE WINDOW (Boom —, School of Business Administration) Outside this window, ! Which is tightly closed, in order to ;keep dangerous drafts from blowing away the professor, I can see: First, merely a part of the brick wall I of the building; j . Then, many telegraph wires, going rapidly up and down the street; Thirdly, the branches of a tree; And lastly, a considerable amount of blue sky, With clouds wandering about on it. J.-MT * * # To write poetry You have to be born A poet. To write prose you have To practise With your pencil, And pehaps your Head. But To write Thisdamstuff All You need is ) A typewriter. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.—anon. * * * “Dusty” hollohs: Awake! Awake! The dawn is here! The air .is filled With Atmosphere. GRIM TALES ATTACHED TO DONATED RELICS Human Blood-Stained War Club and Doll Sporting Toupee Made from White’s Head in Collection A war club stained with human blood and a buckskin doll ornamented with hair that once adorned a white woman’s head, so the story goes—grim remind ers of the days when the redman waged • war against his rivals—are part of the - Indian loan collection donated to the - I'niversity of Oregon by Mrs. Ada B. Mil bean. The war club is made of ironwood and was at one time the property of a brave of the Pima tribe, according to the story told to Mrs. Milliean. The Pima used the weapon to settle a dif ficulty with an Apache. Then lie buried the club among the rocks near his camp, according to tribal custom, and re mained away from the other members of his tribe for seven days until he was considered "purified,” following the Apache V death. The club shows the marks of expos ure, bearing out the story that it was hidden for a time by the Pima warrior after his encounter with his rival. A discolored streak is still visble on the head of the weapon. The buckskin doll is an innocent looking plaything until the visitor, ex amining the collection, notices the brown hair on the doll’s head. He is prompted to inquire where the hair .•ante from. The story told by the In dian donators is that it was scalped from a white woman, the visitor is in formed. Mrs. Milliean has a necklace of tur quoise made from stones given to her >y the Pimas. The Pimas say they ob :aiued them from the ruins of a pre list oric people called the “Ilohocams.” Die ruins of an ancient civilization core mar the Indian school at Sacaton, Vriz., where Mrs. Milliean taught. Ex >er?s from the Smithsonian Institute uni scientists from other places have tudivd the Casa Grande ruins, as they ire called, but have remained puzzled egarding the people who built the an ient civilization. 'AKES YEAR TO MAKE PICTURE The return of P. IV. Griffith of the pic picture is the significant film choduVd for the Heilig theatre fir our days, starting Monday. Those re orts ot scr. cn magniliieuoe and tuniul lou# story of winch have come to this ity apropos of "Orphans of tie term*’ arc to be realized in the pro uctun’s debut locally. Lillian and Dorothy Gish, together i one film for the first time since It arts of the World,” play the two paau roles, both profoundly emo onal. i m iRiKiiiKH aanram-ns. itjnnnH Fashion P rk Clothiers You Don’t Wear a shirt until the board of health gets after vou My Goodness Look at that shocking hat! We have a new Schoble ready for you—come and get it Green Merrell Co. men’s wear 713 Willamette Street “Onetof Eugene’s best stores” Eugene Steam Laundry The place to get your laundering done when you w'ant it done right and with a snap. Phone 123 ELECTRIC WAFFLES Hot and Crisp Crcm Our New Waffle Irons. For a good meal any time The Imperial Lunch FRED GEROT, Proprietor Oysters, Steaks and Chops our specialty. The Varsity SUNDAY DINNER From 12 to 8 P. M. MUSIC—6:30 t0 8 P. M. ONE DOLLAR RELISH Canape of Sardine SOUP Chicken with Rice FISH Baked Salmon Aux Fine Herbs ENTREES Choice of Fried Spring Chicken, Maryland Baked Virginia Ham with Sweet Potatoes Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, Au Jus Baked Stuffed Young Chicken SALAD Lettuce and Tomato VEGETABLES Whipped Potatoes—Cauliflower En Creme DESSERT Vanilla Ice Cream with Small Wafers Assorted Pies / Coffee Tea Milk