Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 10, 1922, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
University to Clash With 0, A,
C, and Reed in State
Triangular Meet
Oregon's Prospects Good With
Six Veterans Ready
To Turnout
The forensic artists of the University
of Oregon will mount the platform for
the first linguistic wrangle of the year,
December 8, when they tangle with
Reed College and Oregon Agricultural
College in the annual state triangular
debating contests. Paul Patterson,.
manager of University forensics, re
turned yesterday from a meeting of
representatives from the three institu-,
tions which was held at Portland over
last week end, and at which was con
structed the agreement by whieh the
debaters are to be regulated.
Patterson conferred with Managers j
Graham of Heed and Good of O. A. C.,;
and came to an agreement with them
that virtually the same rulings would
apply to the meet this year a's have been
in use hitKerto.
Industrial Court Is Subject
The question which will be the sub
ject of controversy this year is “Re
solved: that a federal court with power
to enforce its decisions should be es
tablished' for the adjustment of indus
trial disputes.” A two-man team for
each side of the question will repre
sent each institution. The negative
teams will travel this year, with Reed
coming to Oregon, Oregon visiting O.
A. C., and O. A. C. going to Portland i
to meet with Reed. Each speaker is
to be limited to argument of 20 minutes,
and will be allowed a five minute re
1’aul Patterson, veteran memuer 01
the debate squad and manager of for
ensics, is hopeful for Oregon’s chances
this year. Patterson captained the Ore
gon teams to victory last year. It was
then that the power behind the smooth
working machine was recognized in the
person of Clarence D. Thorpe, professor
of public speaking, and coach of debate
in the University. T,horpe served his
first year in this capacity last year and
was practically unknown in debating
circles in the state. He stepped out,
showing his unsuspected ability, to de
velop reliable argumentators, and cap
tured not only the championship of
the state by defeating Reed College
and O. A. C., but led his teams to vic
tory over the University of Washington
and Stanford University in the Pacific
Coast conference championship debates.
Thorpe maintains his usual reticence
concerning the prospects for the year
and hesitates to voice propitious en-^
thusiasm for the prospects this year.
But Patterson himself may be taken as
an authoritative spokesman of the
Outlook Is Promising
“The prospects are exceedingly
good,” said Patterson. “The outlook
has never been better as far as the
chances for the championship are con
cerned. We have six lettermen in the
University, and all are showing promise
for the year’s task ahead, the develop
ment of a championship team. Besides
myself those who will supply the per
sonnel for the squads this year are
Claude Robinson, Boyd Iseminger,
Charles Lamb, Ted Rice, and Ralph
Bailey. These were members of last
year’s championship teams, and there
(Continued on page two.)
Alumni Members Well Represented On
Mailing List; Parents Also
Among Subscribers
‘‘I could not get along without my
daily copy of the Emerald. It is bad
enough to know that I shall never go
back to the old school.” This is a
statement made by John Houston, ’21,
now living in Klamath Falls, and is the
opinion of many alumni who are send
ing for their copies of the Emerald.
Money in the form of mail orders,
checks and stamps is coming in from
all parts of the United States in re
sponse to letters sent out recently to
alumni from the circulation manager’s
office of the Emerald. Five hundred
letters were sent out last week and al
ready many answers have been receiv
Almost every state in the Union is
represented on the mailing list. Be
sides the alumni subscribers who are
to be found in all parts of the United
States, there are many advertisers
throughout the country who are send
ing in subscriptions. The University
sends copies to the high schools of the
state and exchanges are carried on with
the state’s leading newspapers. It is
interesting to note that Representative
C. N. McArthur, an old Oregon student,
is still a loyal subscriber to the Emer
ald. Parents of students are also among
the subscribers.
Strenuous Practice for Game
Brings Out Material
Showing lots of fight but woefully
lacking in experience and team play
Baz Williams’ freshmen fotball squad
faces a hard week of practice in prepar
ation for its first game of the 1922 grid
iron season with Mt. Angel college next
Beports from the Catholic institution
indicate that Mt. Angel has one of the
best elevens that has represented her
in years and the fact that the colleg
ians have already participated in one
or two games makes it evident that Ore
gon’s yearlings will have tough going.
“It will be putting up a practically in
experienced team against a squad of
veterans, since the Frosh have been to
gether altogether too short a time to
handle many plays and formations very
efficiently,” was Baz’s comment on the
game last night. “However,” he added,
“we are going to put in a week of hard
work and it may be assured that the
frosh will give their opponents lots of
Jack Bliss Returns
Prospects for the year were given a
big boost last night by the return to a
suit of Jack Eliss, husky tackle, who
was injured in the first practice of the
fall. Bliss will undoubtedly prove one
of the mainstays in the line as he
weighs close to the 180 mark and last
year was on the all-California interscho
lastic eleven. The good news of Bliss’s
return was somewhat marred, however,
by the rumor that Sherman Smith, a
Grants Pass lad who has been showing
up well at end may be forced to with
draw from the squad for the season be
cause of heart trouble. Smith was
scheduled for a medical examination
late last night and it is doubtful that
he will be allowed to continue football.
His inability to play may prove quite
a blow as he showed prospects of devel
oping into a capable wing man.
A new member of the coaching staff
began work last night in the person of
Bob Earl, varsity guard of several years
ago. Earl will fill the place of Dot
Medley who was forced to resign be
cause of conflicting duties. He was a
creditable performer during his period
(Continued on page three.)
Summer Session Students Find
Time for Outdoor Diversions
The summer session of a state uni-1
versity is pretty apt to be rich in ma
terial for the humorist, cartoonist, and j
sociologist—or it may be one extrava
gant feast of recreation and inspira
tion, depending upon one’s point of
view. At the summer school on the
campus last summer there was a percep
tible mingling of both viewpoints since
many more regular students remained
than is ordinarily the case, and, owing
to the effort on the part of Dean Dy
ment to centralize the graduate study
on the campus, many teachers, princi
pals, and school superintendents attend
A flip and flighty flapper of the
regular session happening unwarned up
on the campus might have been amazed
to see a hoary superintendent and a
buxom primary instructor in heated col
loquy over a game of croquet, and
would have gazed with astonishment at
flying horseshoes tossed to and fro un
der the nicotine tree by the collective
strong right arm of the guardians of
the younger generation.
At the houses of residence daven
ports grew mossy, pianoB dusty and
telephones cobwebby while the inhabi
tants hiked among the hills under the
guidance of Dr. Bovard or played dom
inoes and tiddledy winks. Outdoor
sports seemed to be the most popular,
and on one week-end a three day trip
was made to the Tnree Sisters.
The remaining students of the regular
session kept the millrace oiled and in
good working ord*r and attended “en
masse” th? tea.', dances and par.ies
given by Women’s League of the sum
mer session.
Warren Keys and other unprincipled
members of the Hammer and Coffin got
out a summer humorous magazine under
the poetic title of “The Summer
Breeze” and ruined several teachers fi
nancially by their vigorous sales cam
continued on page three.)
Character of Major-General
Wood Is Praised by Oregon
Man Who Was in islands
Commercial Concern Has Been
Drilling for Oil Without
Getting Results
“Major General Wood commands uni
versal respect in the Philippine Is
lands,'’ said Pr. Warren D. Smith, head
of the Geology department, in an in
terview recently. “This is not due so
much to his military prestige, or" his
enormous capacity for work, or his ex
ceptional executive abilities and sev
eral other qualities which he possesses
in a marked degree; but chiefly to his
character, which makes him stand out
above all others. A great majority of
the stories written in the American
newspapers regarding the Philippine
situation are misleading or contain only
Dr. Smith has just returned from a
two years’ leave of absence which he
spent in the Philippine islands as chief
of the division of mines of the Bureau
of Science.
“The Philippine islands are no worse
off than many other countries.; and bet
ter than several European countries,”
Dr. Smith said. “When General Wood
came to the islands as governor-general,
the exchange rate-, was very high,. at
times as high as 14 per cent; but since
he has taken hold, the exchange rate
has dropped to 1-2 per cent.
“Most Filipinos desire independence,
I believe; and I personally think that
desire is legitimate. The United States
will do the right thing for the Fili
pinos. and that which seems best for
both the United States and the Philip
Autonomy Is Probable
“It is probable that some plan will
be worked out whereby the Philippines
will retain the protection of the United
States and at the same time have auton
omy. The ultimate solution, though,
depends more on the Filipinos than any
one else,” intimated Dr. Smith.
“The social system of the Filipinos
does not coincide with the American.
There is a peasant class and an “ilus
trade, ’ or aristocratic class, but no mid
dle class as we understand it; and it is
this class that the government is trying
to develop as rapidly as possible.
“\V native-born Spaniard said to me,
‘No other country would do for the
Philippines what the United Stances is
doing; what your country is doing in
the Philippines and what it did in the
great war shows that its ideals are of
the highest.”
In his official capacity as chief of
the division of mines, Dr. Smith went
to the islands to complete work in
which he has been engaged from 1905
to 1914. This undertaking consisted
of investigating the natural resources
of that insular country. In regard to
this, Dr. Smith says, “The potential
wealth of the Philippines is enormous.
They have immense possibilities in
their agricultural and forest products;
and their mineral wealth may be great,
although it is yet undeveloped. While
there may be a small commercial sup
ply of oil in the Philippine islands, I
am not sanguine as to the possibilities
| for a large production. The drilling
operations of a subsidiary company to
the Standard Oil company of Califor
nia has so far proved that my surmise
is correct; drilling has been under way
for over a year w'ithout results.”
Coal Found in Islands
Coal, however, is everywhere in the
Philippine islands, finds Dr. Smith. It
is of the same general grade as that
found in Oregon and somewhat better.
For the most part it is of the sub-bitu
minous class, although there are mil
lions of tons of other grades in the
islands. One field alone is known to
contain at least 3,000,000 tons of semi
anthracite coal. A large deposit of la
tenitic iron ore somewhat like the Cu
ban deposits exists in the Mendanao
Dr. Smith was instrumental in the
framing of the mining laws which are
aimed to protect the Filipino and the
American citizen. These laws require
a company desiring to mine metals to
be either American or Philippine in
citizenship; but persons wishing to ex
ploit oil deposits must be either Amer
ican, Filipino, or citizens of a country
that extends the same privileges to a
citizen 6f the United States.
The Philippine islands are set forth
1 by Dr. Smith as one of the most inter
| esting parts of the Pacific region. He
| designates it as a part of Malaysia, a
connective between Asia and Australia
; Many geological formations found in
. (Continued on page four.)
Censure for Stanford
Post-Season Contest Incenses
Three Stars Ineligible
Meeting in Portland Saturday, the
Pacific (.'oast, conference adopted reso
lutions of reprimand and forwarded them
to Stanford university. The offense of
which Stanford was guilty was in sche
duling an intersectional game with Pitts
burgh university in the new Stanford
stadium for December ,'10, just two days
before the annual east versus west inter
sectional game which tentatively at least
was to have been played at Palo Alto.
The resolutions drawn up by the confer
ence meeting held that Stanford had not
“exercised the proper frankness in ne
gotiating for a game with Pittsburg
as early as August when Dr. Barrow of
Stanford had told the summer meeting of
the conference that the stadium could be
had for the conference intersectional
The six weeks delay caused by the
secret negotiations of Stanford also were
instrumental in causing a less satisfac
tory financial arrangement with the
Tournament of Roses committee for the
use of the Pasadena stadium; the Pasa
dena people having offered the confer
ence approximately $100,000 ns its share
prior to the announcement of the Pit.ts
burg-Stanford contest. Arrangements
were completed Saturday whereby the
conference is to receive $70,000 from the
Pasadena committee ns well as the right
to select its own and'the eastern team.
If Stanford’s plan of action remains
fixed, she will withdraw from the con
ference at once upon receipt of the repri
mand, according to a letter read at the
Saturday meeting from Dr. Barrow. This
letter said in part: “We could not can
cel the game with the University of Pitts
burg if we would. If the majority of
the conference members still feel that
our action was contrary to the best wis
dom of the conference or in any way
reprehensible we will have no alternative
but to resign from the conference.” The
answer to that paragraph of Dr. Barrow’s
letter is found in the closing paragraph of
the resolution of reprimand, to-wit: “The
Stanford-Pittsburg game is understood
bv all member# of the conference except
Stanford as in violation of the spirit of
the conference rule, but the embarrass
ment in the negotiations for the confer
ence game is regarded as Stanford’s most
serious offense.” Whether or not this
covers the “reprehensible” clause in Dr.
Barrow’s communication is for the read
er to judge.
Should Stanford withdraw from the
conference it would not of course mean ]
the cancellation of conference games. In
no way could this year's schedule bo at- \
footed. La future, well California has a
ten-year schedule with Stanford and both;
institutions are paying for their stadiums.
§o that is that.
In any event pressure will not be
brought to bear upon California to break
her contract with Stanford, which would
naturally cause California's embarrass-1
meat. In all probability should Stan
ford see fit to* withdraw several confer
ence colleges will certainly continue to
schedule games with the I’alo Alto college
and it is rumored that several will not.
The whole question brings up tho un
wiehliuess of tho present conference ar
rangement. Stretching as it does from
Moscow to tho the north and east and
I -os Angeles to the south and west, Idaho
would have to travel almost 2,000 miles
to play Southern California. Tho sug
gestion is current that two conferences,
one in the north, composed of Oregon,
Washington, O. A. 0„ Washington State
and Idaho, the other in tho south, with
Stanford, California and Southern Cali
fornia and possibly Nevada be formed.
Such an arrangement would interfere to
no great extent in the scheduling of games
and would certainly group the competing
institutions far better ns to conditions
and temperament. Certainly it. would
simplify matters of discipline.
As you may gather, tho conference
members put in a busy day in Portland
last Saturday but they were not too busy
to nick Oregon fop a husky lineman by
declaring Cogs Campbell ineligible. It
was brought to light that Campbell had
left Oregon Agricultural college with
10 hours of incompletes, which when
changed to flunks on his O. A. C. to
Oregon transcript, were thought to bo suf
ficient grounds for making him ineli
gible. Howover, Oregon wasn’t nlone
in losing ntheltic assets, for it came up
that Mush Hjelte, tho tnll scantling who
was tho Oregon Aggie basketball team
last winter, had twice entered the Uni
versity of California and twice boon
sent rejoicing with a pageful of F’s bo
himl him. Idaho was another sufferer
in losing Bob Fitzko; this howover was
a mere question of routine as Fitzko
had played frosh football with the Uni
versity of Wyoming last year. Fitzke
won the Whitman-Idaho game with
drop kicks last Saturday at Walla
Well-Known Men Will Speak
At Future Meetings
Pledge day, an annual event in tho
University, will be held this year, Thurs
day, October 26, it was announced yester
day by Karl W. Outhank, executive sec
retary. Pledge day at the University,
which was inaugurated by ex-Governor
West in 1912, has during that length of
time come into a place distinctly its
own. It is now regraded as one of the
most important days in campus life—
a day when all students make public ac
knowledgement of their debt to the people
of Oregon. It is a day when the new
student is suddenly confronted with the
inspiring realization of duty to the state
of Oregon and to the citizens of the
state. Governor Ben W. Olcott, who has
thrice administered the pledge will again
have charge.
Other assembly dates »rc. November
9, pre-Homecoming week, In which all
students will make prepartions for
Homecoming; November 16, Frank Ir
vine, editor of the Oregon Journal, Port
land, will speak; November 23, Ernest
Tucker will lie the speaker; December
14, Dr. Warren D. Smith, head of the
geology department, who has recently re
turned from the Philippines, will tell of
his experiences on the islands.
I Declaring that if the attendance justi
fied the use of the Woman’s building
for assemblies, Karl Onthank, execu
tive secretary to the president, stated that
that place would be used in preference
i to Villard hall this year.
| ___
Dr. W. P. Boynton and Arthur Bram
ley have recently published a pamph
let entitled “A Modification of Van
Der Well’s Equation.” Dr. Boynton is
head of the physics department and M>.
Bramley graduated from Oregon two
years ago, after which he took a post
graduate course for two years. While
at the University Bramley was a mem
' her of the Honor society. He is now
1 at the University of California.
Captain of Senior Guard As
sures Square Deal
Really now, will tlio freshman-soph
omore mix scheduled for next Saturday
be square?
John MacGregor, student body presi
dent, says the men will be square and
Delbert Oberteuffer, captain of the sen
ior guard, insists that it must. Now
what more assurance could bo given
that the mix is going to be the squarest
in the history of the University?
To prevent any irregularities or in
fringements on the rules of fair play,
Captain Oberteuffer has called out the
senior police to supervise the Bquarest
mix yet. Arrayed in sombreros and
decorated with stars of burnished steel,
(Continued on page three.)
Choice of Quarterback Lies
Among Brown, Burton
and Johnson
Shields Will Be Able to Play
Against Multnomah
Next Saturday
\ arsity hopes for victory this year,
at a high point last week, arc greatly
lowered as a result of the Willamette
game, in which no less than five first
string men wore badly injured, and
Troy McCrnw, one of the best linemen
out, had a knee wrenched so seriously
that he will be out the rest of the year.
Another serious injury was that to
Quarterback Hal Chapman, who had
a ligament in his leg wrenched and will
be out of the game for at least two
weeks. This necessitates the develop
ment of a new man for calling signals,
the choice probably lying between
Ward Johnson, who played quarter part
of last season, Ken Burton, who played
that position on the frosli team two
years ago, and Bus Brown, who has
been acting quarter part of the time.
Campbell Lost to Team
Another bad omen for tho Oregon
team was I he finding of the Pacific
Coast conference at Portland Saturday
that Cog Campbell, 215 pound lineman,
is ineligible this year. Cog was show
ing up lino in practice and his loss will
be greatly felt, especially at this time
when so many men are out with injur
ies. “Mush” Iljolte, the Aggie foot
ball and basketball star was found in
eligible at the same meeting on infor
mation brought out by the California
Other men besides McCraw and Chap
man who wero injured were Gram, Par
sons, and Brown. Gram was hit in the
chest and will be out of the lineup for
at least two weeks according to Coach
Bill Hayward. Chuck ParsonB had his
back wrenched and will bo out for pro
bably three weeks, while Brown had an
unklo twisted, but will probably be all
right for the game with Multnomah on
CaHison Not Yet Beady
Prink Callison is out every night now,
but Mb loga are in poor condition, and
he will be unable to play for at least
two or three weekH, Bill Hayward says.
Dick Reed nnd Byler ate both in good
condition though, ami cither of them is
able to handle the pivot position Sat
urday against tlio Portland clubmen.
The only ray of light in the football
outlook is the fact that Tiny Shields
has practically recovered the injury to
his back, and may bo in the lineup
again on Saturday. Tiny’s presence
will help greatly, as ho is one of the
best guards on the coast at present, and
has held that position for the last two
years on the lemon-yellow teams.
The number of Johnsons out for foot
ball was increased -00 per cent yester
day afternoon, when in addition to
Ward, both Bill and Terry turned out
for line positions. These mdn both
played frosh football and may get a
chance before the season is over.
Willamette Oregon Jinx
The Willamette bunch seems to be an
Oregon jinx as in the game last year
three of the varsity stars were injured.
Billy Reinhart had his collar bone brok
en and was out for the rest of the year,
while DeArmond and Parsons were both
out for two or three weeks as a result
of the contest.
The game with Multnomah which
(Continued on pago three.)
Names Adopted at Open House
Show Wealth of Imagination
“Graham is my name,” said the head
of the masculine formation.
“I’m very glad to meet you, Mr. Gra
ham,” came the response. “Miss Crac
ker, Mr. Graham.”
Mr. Kodak did not search for Miss
Roll in vain. They were all there at
open house, Saturday night, even the
celebrated Hart, Schaffner & Marx con
cern were represented in rapid order.
Mark Anthony and Mr. J. Caesar had
humorous representatives. Mr. Hyde
met Miss Seek, Mr. Pillow, Miss Slip
et al., in the annual struggle for
cognizance or, if one’s memory was in
need of the eight free trial lessons of
the memory course, for at least pseudo
Home of the possible names and com
binations of such, while false, led un
suspecting pledges on. One might have
imagined himself in Europe with Mr.
Ireland hot on an England’s trail. Any
two names, which to the originators
seemed clever, were tried. Some old
studes even put on pledge pins and were
the recipients of numerous congratula
It’s the usual line of bunk given at
every open house ever held. One’s jaws
open with a smile mechanically every
ten seconds, one’s hand is gripped,
one’s toes stepped on, one is jostled,
pushed, shoved, bids adieu, and leaves
or is left prostrate, yet anticipating
the next line.
A few men were seemingly attached
to the wrong house, and it is reported
that one pledge became lost and made
the rounds all alone until ho happened
upon his brothers.
The music was good everywhere, and
contrary to former years the schedule
was closely adhered to, in spite of dis
tances between the various houses. On
the whole a lot of fun was prevalent
and everyone became acquainted.