Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 08, 1922, Image 1

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    Oregon Sunday Emerald
Enrollment of Fall Term Will
Probably Reach 2275 in
A Few Days
In Spite of Strict Entrance
Requirements 1000 New
Students Enter
Exactly 2125 students have registered
in the University during the first week
according to an announcement made by
Begistrar Spencer, siiAltaneous with
the closing of the office yesterday noon
for the regular Saturday afternoon hol
iday. No more cards may be filed until
tomorrow morning.
Acording to the registrar’s announce
ment, the figure, 2125, includes only
full-time students in Eugene, and dis
regards both special students in the
school of music and students on the
campus of the medical cshool in Port
land. University authorities expect
the registration figures to run as high
as 2275 for the fall term, during the
next week, with the appearance of
many date registrants. The adminis
tration rejects, also, some 150 candi
dates, who wished to enter this fall,
but lacked sufficient credits, or had
not taken, in high school, the sort of
work which best fitted them for study
in the University. Another bar to many
prospective students, this year, was the
non-resident fee to be paid by students
registering from points outside of Ore
gon. The authorities have been some
what stringent, this year with regard
to entrances, because of the rapidity
with which the institution is outgrow
mg its resources.
Freshman Class Large
In spite, however, of the number of
entrance requirements, the freshman
class this year is the largest in the his
tory of the University. According to
Registrar Spencer’s figures, the number
of new full time students in the Uni
versity, most of whom are freshmen,
and a few of whom are students enter
ing from other institutions of higher
learning, amounts to 1000.
The percentage of growth in fulltime
attendance at Uugene for the last three
years has been:
Academic year 1920-21.0.8 pet.
Academic year 1921-22.17.2 pet.
Academic year 1922-23.H pet.
In anouncing the registration figures
the administration authorities made the
following statement.
“There has been a steady increase
since the year of the ‘big jump,’ which
was 1919-20, the first year after the
soldiers returned. In that year the full
time growth was 55 per cent. It was
that jump which led to the passage of
the second millage bill in May, 1920,
by 60,000 majority. The additional
growth since, has been provided for
by the University, out of the second
millage. ’ ’
Restriction Needed
The administration estimated that
had not such restrictions as were pla
ced upon entrance to the University
in force this term, that the increase in
fulltime attendance would have am
ounted to twenty, rather than eleven
per cent.
In the seventies of the last century,
Dr. T. S. Campbell, the father of the
University’s present head rode down
the'Willamette valley, as a circuit rider,
of the Christian denominations,
and with him he brought his young son.
And the wheat field, surrounded by a
rail fence, with the two large oak trees,
now designated as the Condon oaks,
was President P. L. Campbell’s first
impression of the Pniversitv.
Twenty or thirty years later, when
the President took charge of affairs,
the state University was well on its
wav, with 188 students. In the first
decade of the President’s control of
the University added approximately
400 to its registration, for in the year
1909, the list contained the names of
619 students.
Tremendous Growth
Oregon’s seat of learning had as yet
a smal population, and its financial re
sources were correspondingly small. In
the early 1900’s the income of the Uni
versity amounted to about $42,500 from
appropriations, and $15,000 from miscel
laneous funds. Today the income of
the University approaches the $900,000
Then, the area of the campus amount
ed to 12 acres, now the University
buildings cover eight times that am
ount of ground.
But if the 'Uni\»«rsity grew steadily
in the first decade and a half of the
twentieth century, it began to grow by
leaps and bounds, when the result of
the war impetus was felt. In the school
year of 1915-16, there were 877 students
registered in the University, and the
following year of 1916-17 showed an en
rollment of 1036. The next big jump
in registration numbers came in 1919
20 when the enrollment jumped to 1785
from the 1318 of the proceeding year.
Again in the last school year the regis
tration of the University of Oregon rose
to 2241, from the mark of 1891 of the
preceeding year. The following list is
sued by Registrar Spencer’s office
shows the growth of the University
Game Is Bunk;
Millions Asked
The only regretable feature of yes
terday 's game is that the score can’t
be converted into dollars and applied
on the “Ten Million in Ten Years”
Au intangible sense ,pf incomplete
ness prevailed over the spectators un
til it was remembered that “Flash
light” Eeed was A. W. O. L.
“Hunk” Latham must have seemed
like a war time air raid to the strug
gling Bearcats.
I The Aggies are beginning to show
1 interest in the Oregon squad as evi
denced by the presence of numerous
rpresentatives from the farmer’s terri
tory. Perhaps their interest may be en
hanced by yesterday’s showing.
Certain Oregon tracksters seemed
greatly impressed yesterday at the way
in which the game was being carried on,
shouting lustily and continually “Hot
dog!” (10 cents).
From the side lines Geo. King resem
bled a U boat in action, when plowing
through the Willamette defense.
Willamette made good yardage for a
few downs with off tackle bucks. The
only thing that stopped them was the
fact that the opposing tackle wasn’t
permanently ‘ ‘ off. ’ ’
Colonel Leader graced the front row
of the grandstand yesterday, showing
by oral enthusiasm that Oregon spirit
is not confined entirely to University
What the Bearcats lacked in backing
from their bleachers was made up for
in fight.
Class of ’26 Will Have Leader Immune
From Pranks and Position Will Be
Respected on Campus
The freshman class will come into its
| own this year, as the frosh class has
never done before. This was the tenor
of the welcoming address of Dean
Straub to the men and women of ’26 at
their first meeting, held in Villard hall
Friday afternoon. According to Dean
Straub, the presidency of the freshmen
is to be respected this year, and the
man elected to this position is guar
anteed absolute immunity from the
pranks played upon men in that posi
tion in former years. Henceforth this
office is to be an honor, to be sought for
and prized.
In his address of welcome to the class
Dean Straub advised every student to
begin right by doing his or her best
work from the start, in order that the
increasingly high standard of the Uni
versity of Oregon be not only kept up,
but raised with each succeeding year.
Above all else, said Dean Straub, hon
esty is the biggest virtue. He conclud
ed his welcome by inviting the first
year men to come to him in all matters
where his advice is needed, saying that
he is never too busy to meet a fresh
Class elections will be held Tuesday
afternoon in Villard hall. Those ap
pointed by Dean Straub as nominating
committee are Frank Pest Jr., Dorothy
Dodge, Marjorie Cooper, Gladys Moore,
Nellie Moore, Constance Cleaver, Eu
gene Richmond, Mildred Bateman, Jack
Riverourgh, Emery Marks, Sam Treiger
and Roland Ebev. Nominations will
be announced in Tuesday’s Emerald.
The committee appointed ltio take
charge of the details of the freshman
mix to be held next Saturday evening
is Marie Swearengin, Helen Gunton and
jJack Crocker.
from school year 1912-13 to the present
i Year Granted
1912-13 .203
■1913-14 .212
11914-15 .107
! 1915-16 .123
1916- 17 .137
1917- 18 .164
1918- 19 .144
1919- 20 .200
; 1920-21 .226
1921-22 .256
Full-time Total
Students Enroll
691 1572
732 1733
818 1661
877 1685
1036 2113
1199 2394
1318 2547
1785 4362
1891 5554
2241 7185
In accordance with the growth of the
student registration, additions were
! made each year to the faculty of the
! University, in order to care for the
i growing classes. In the year 1909-10,
there were 52 faculty members at the
! University, and in 1919 the number had
I grown to 87, approximately a 70 per
cent increase. In the following year
the number had grown to 137 and last
; year 153 faculty members were on the
: University roll. An interesting fact
in connection with these two years in
crease in the faculty list, is that in the
school year of 1921-22, each faculty
member was teaching 11 per cent more
pupils than during the preceding year,
in spite of the increase in the teaching
! staff.
The old, original campus was sur
rounded by a rail fence, and was lim
ited to the ground .now squared by
Eleventh, University, Thirteenth and
Kincaid streets.
Faculty Members, Musicians,
Students, Repeat Phrase
' “I Do”
Many Affairs Are Surprises;
Several Happy Couples to
Live In Eugene
Campus romances, subject ot so much
joking, cause for so much amusement,
j brought about many marriages during
the past summer.
| Most notable of all, because they
managed to keep it a secret, is the cam
pus romance of Miss Elizabeth Fox,
dean of women, and Professor E. E. De
Cou of the mathematics department.
They admit that they can’t imagine
how they succeeded in giving the cam
pus the surprise of its life, when they
announced their approaching nuptials.
They were married in New York, on the
fifth of September, and are back on the
campus now, with their offices, as us
ual, in the Administration building.
Seeing each other between classes has
always been a part of University ro
Romance of Music
The campus got another start in the
marriage of Aurora Potter, Delta Gam
ma, ’21, to Rex Underwood of the
school of music. Miss Potter had been
in New York for a year, studying mu
sic, and if appreciation of that art lias
anything to do with it, this was an
harmonious marriage. The two had set
the date of their wedding for July 31,
and motored to Salem on the 27th to
see about a license. They decided,
however, that there was no use putting
off till tomorrow what you might do
today, so the ceremony was performed
then and there, and they set off for
Carmel-by-tlie-Sea, the California art
ists’ colony, where they spent their
Another marriage showing the advan
tages of an education was that of Ruth
Scott, ’23, and Norman Byrne, Chi
Psi, ’21, which took place at Newport
on the 12th of last month. Mr. Byrne
is an instructor in the philosophy de
partment, and Miss Scott was one of his
students, the two making a special
study of the problem of philosophical
and-otlierwise love. They are both
back on the campus now, Mrs. Byrne
working for her degree, and her hus
band continuing to be an instructor in
the department of philosophy.
The Kappa Sig propensity for pig
ging had an example in the marriage
of Lillian Manerud, Chi Omega, ex ’24,
to Francis Beller, ex ’23, varsity bas
ketball man. The two were married
shortly before the beginning of school,
and are making their home in Eugene.
The element of surprise in these cam
pus weddings seems to result from the
fact that so many cases of romance, of
long standing, exist at the University
that any sudden crisis, such as a wed
ding, leaves classmates and fellow stu
dents startled. Austrid Mork, Alpha
Phi, ’21, didn’t even tell her sisters
what was going to happen, when she
and Joe Williams, Alpha Tau Omega,
ex ’21, were marired on September 9.
! Their pleasant associations for favor
ite scenes around the University will
have plenty of opportunities to be
kept alive, for they, too, are living now
in Eugene.
Still Assisting Maxwell
Mildred Lauderdale, Chi Omega, ex
’23 is still assisting Floyd Maxwell,
Sigma Chi ex ’23, on the business staff,
just as when he was editor of the Em
erald. Her duties have, of course,
changed, but are none the less congen
ial. The two were married in Portland
on September 25th, and went to Sea
view for their honeymoon. Their homo
will be in Portland, where Maxwell is
working on the Oregonian.
Seaview also was the scene of an
other Chi Omega honeymoon. Betty
Green, ex ’25, was engaged when she
came to the University, so that hers
might be called with greater accuracy
an ofT-the-campus romance. She was
married to William Driscoll, of Port
land, September 23. Mr. and Mrs.
Driscoll will make their home in that
The delights of the campus romance
will not be entirely lost to Helen Du
Buy, Kappa Kappa Gamma, '22, and
“Pink” Lawrence Manerud, Beta The
ta Pi, ex*’23, either, for they, too, are
living in Eugene.
Matrimony and Journalism
Mauna Loa Fallis, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, ex ’23 (there seems to be
some relation between all these “ex’s”
and all these romances) worked as li
brarian on the Oregon Journal until her
marriage to Walter Wharton, of Port
land, also on the staff of the Journal.
Another recommendation for the train
ing of the University school of journal
I ism. Their home is in Oswego.
Carolyn Montague, Kappa Alpha The
ta, ’22, and George Beggs, Beta ’21,
, were married in Portlnad last month,
1 and will make their home there.
Eugene will be the home of Lucille
McCorkle, Alpha Phi, ’21, and Leslie
“Nick” Carter, Sigma Chi, ex ’21, who
(Continued on page two.)
Grid Material Plenty
Shy’s Job Is One of Selection
Backfield Has Big Six
By Ep Hoyt
Never before has there been such a
wealth of promising football material
available for the construction of a scor
ing machine. With two lines ami three
backtields composed of men who are
capable of upholding Oregon's grid tra
ditions a strong team is assured, a
team that looks like champions this
early in the season. Of course, good
material does not necessarily guarantee
a winning team but this year that ma
terial is experienced, fast and capable.
A line is assured that will average at
least 185 pounds and probably a little
more, which football history discloses
is plenty heavy for any line. Further
more there will be at least two and in
some cases three candidates for even
line berth. At center, for which is
necessary a sure passer and a strong
offensive and defensive player, there
is at present much potential competi
tion. Prink Callison who showed his
ability at a pivot man in the homecom
ing game against the Aggies two years
ago has the call. Of course Prink's
injured leg will ke p him out a while
yet but he is out in a suit. Then Dick
Reed who looked good any place in
the line last year looks like the solu
tion f the center problem next year
when Prink will not be eligible. Reed
has an injured shoulder at present but
he will soon be all right again. Horace
Byler who is playing at center now will
probably be shifted back to a guard or
tackle position next week. Then there
is Fat Wilson who performed at center
for the freshmen last fall. Wilson has
three years ahead of him and while he
has little chance to be used regularlv
this fall he will be in the running next
The ends seem competency taken
care of with Rud Brown, twice a letter
winner at that position, on deck, and
with Bill Spear and George Bliss, soph
omores out. Spear looks like a comer,
especially in the forward passing de
partment, his long arms and lieigth en
abling him to jerk a pass out the blue
something after the uncanny manner in
which Hunk Latham does it. George
Bliss has not been used as much as
Spear but he will likely make his letter
at end this year and may be expected
to fill Rud Brown's shoes next fall.
Bracher, another sophomore and till re
cently a candidate for a tackle position,
is nw out for end and being fast, quick
and fairly efficient on the business end
of a forward pass will be used consider
ably before the season is over.
Certainly there is no shortage of hus
ky candidates for the center of the
line. Vonder Ahe, Cogs Campbell, Mc
Keown are sure line openers at tackle
while the guard situation for the year
is roseate with the Shields boys, Tiny
and Floyd, Chuck Parsons and McCraw
on the job.
Karl VonderAhe, whom the Hawaii
ans referred to playfully as “the man
two pounds less than a horse,’’ fills up
the right tackle position nicely. Von
die is going good this, his last, year,
and his size and speed make him an ex
ceptionally valuable man.
While Spike Leslie, by graduating,
left the other tackle vacant by all the
portents and omens and flying of birds,
it will be a long way from vacant with
Cogs Campbell in there.
McKeown has developed wonderfully
this year. He will be practically a
regular this year and will be used in
most of the games. McKeown and
Campbell both weigh well over 200
pounds and are fast for big men.
What is true of the tackles is true
of the guards, they are big men and
Taken from Observatory Once Main
tained on Skinners Butte and
Taken to University
A remarkable time piece, elegantly
fashioned in a rare hardwood, adorns
the upper floor of the Administration
building. This clock once constituted
a portion of the equipment in an ob
servatory maintained by the University
on Skinners butte but was removed
many years ago when the observatory
was dismantled and since that time
has rested silent and practically for
gotten in the supply depot.
It now rests in atmosphere consistent
with its aristocratic lineage.
The case of this wonderful dock is
constructed of glass and rare circassion
walnut. Once the case was varnished
but now the varnish has so deteriorated
that only a dull and natural golden
brown hue of hard wood completely
seasoned by time is discernible. Many
years ago some cabinet maker, with
infinite care and patience, assembled
the panels which compose the case of
Oct. 14—Multnomah Club—Eugene.
Jet. 20—Whitman College- Pendle
Oct. 28—Idaho—Portland.
Nov. 11—W. S. C.—Eugene.
Nov. IS—O. A. C.—Corvallis.
Nov. 30—Washington—Seattle.
fast and have all had experience. Floyd
Shields and l’arsons will bear the main
brunt of the work for a time until
Tiny is absolutely in shape for the
coaches are taking no chances on said
Tiny, he being one of the best if not
the best guard in the conferences.
Chuck Parsons was used some in the
backtield last year but has found his
niche at guard. Parsons displaces some
190 pounds avoirdupois and is a moan
hand for the opposing line. Flovd
Shields is playing his second year at
guard and is playing it well. Floyd
is one of the most consistent workers
on the squad and is a hard man to get
through. Troy MeCraw the fourth can
didate for guard is serving his second
year on the squad, he will be used as
utility guard.
Especially abundant is the material
for the bacltfield. The “Big Six” are
on the job with little to choose between
them and all working at top speed. The
Big Six is (for the benefit of those who
have not seen it in action of lato) a
four cylinder scoring machine with two
interchangeable cylinders. Its person
nel follow's: Hunk Latham fullback,
Ilal Chapman quarterback, while Jor
dan, King, Johnson and Oram fill the
halfback berths between them. There
is little to choose between the respec
tive members of the first string back
field, they work together with fine pre
cision and admirablo distribution of
work. None of them seem to be stars
or feel that they are stars, so uniform
is the caliber of their endeavor. And
this is true of the whole team which
simplifies Coach Huntington’s task for
a self-admitted and loudly acclaimed
“star” is a delicate proposition for any
coach to handle.
But mention of the Big Six does not
end the backtield possibilities and
that’s the beauty of the backfiold situa
tion. Buss Brown, alternate quarter,
who hails from Illinois and who played
fullback on the Knox college team two
years ago, looks like a marvel, speak
ing in a football way. Jens Tergeson,
who has been smashing the first Btring
line hard all fall, looks good. Ken Bur
ton who was unable to play last year
but who will be remembered as a star
on the frosh team two years ago is out
and will make a strong bid for action.
Eddie Kirtley and Jack Myers, subs
last year, are looking fit and may break
into some of the lineups this fall. Art
Sutton, a sophomore, is another back
who will have to be reckoned with.
The one serious injury of the scrim
mages this fall laid out Dutch French
who was counted upon strongly by
Coach Huntington. Fronch played a
smashing game and was hurt while hit
ting the varsity line too hard for early
season work.
“I’m getting to be a coward,” said
Shy Huntington the other day. “I’m
honestly afraid to let those boys scrim
mage. I simply can’t afford to lose any
of those backs.” Just two scrimmages
in two weeks and two injuries—the
first to Dutch French, a twisted knee,
and this week Russ Brown, a twisted
ankle. Lorn* Star Dietz, famous for
years as the coach of Washington State
team that beat Brown University in
one of the first intersectional games,
had little faith in scrimmage and sent
his men into game after game with no
intervening practice of that nature.
the clock in such a manner that his
joinery can well be considered perfect.
The top of this massive time piece
for it stands almost seven feet from the
floor is crowned and richly carved with
the same material as that used in the
body, wood carving is considered to
be practically a lost art but carefully
and exquisite design wrought in the top
piece of this clock must have been ex
i ccuted in the better days of wood carv
| ing
Green caps are no longer in vogue at
the University of Wisconsin. The ver
dant skull cap—badge of the humble
freshman—has been discarded and in
its place the babes now wear a chapeau
built like the hats worn by enlisted
men in the U. 8. navy, but green in
color and decorated with six red ribs
running to the center of the crown, and
a red “W” on the front of the brim.
A colored button on top of the crown
indicates the college to which the men
belong. Engineers wear a purple but
; ton, agricultural students a brown but
I ton, letter and science students a yel
low button. This is to identify the dif
ferent majors and promote the making
, of acquaintances.
Varsity Squad Starts Slow
But Comes Back Strong
In Second Half
Johnson Makes First Score;
Willamette Comes Close
Only Once
By Ed Fraser
After playing ragged football against
Willamette in the first half of yester
day 's game, the Varsity came back in
the second half and by scoring 30 points
made the total 37 to 0. Oregon seem
ed to grow stronger as the game pro
gressed and after the first quarter the
Bearcats were at no time dangerous.
Oregon scored the first touchdown af
ter eight minutes of play, a 25-yard
end run by Johnson paving the way
after which Chapman carried the ball
over and converted for the extra point
by place kiekiug.
Willamette threatened only once dur
ing the game, this being toward the
end of the first period when Zeller,
Bearcat right, half, received a 50 yard
punt of Latham's and ran it back ten
yards, thus starting an attack on the
Oregon squad which carried them back
to the 15 yard line. Oregou held hero
and an attempted drop kick failed, this
ending the only rally of the game for
Willamette Loses Chance
In the last period with the score 30 to
0 Willamette fumbled on their own
ten yard line, but recovered when Ore
gon failed to push the ball over in four
downs. Akers substituting for Parsons
at. guard broke through the Bearcat
line and blocked the punt which was
recovered by Bliss for the last touch
The Varsity seems to bo distinctly a
second half team, for in both the gamo
against Pacific and yesterday’s contest
they had things practically their own
way in that period. In yesterday’s bat
tle the interference of the Willamette
backs was better than that of the Ore
gon men, but in the second period Chap
man, Latham, King and Jordan broko
through for long runs on nearly every
other down.
Hal Chapman and Ilunk Latham are
two of the hardest hitting and shiftiest
backs that Oregon has had for a long
time, and when bnckod up by such
halves us King, Jordan, Johnson and
Oram are hard to stop.
Substitutions were the order of the
day and slowed up the game quite a
bit, especially in the last period when
un entire new backfleld wont in for
Oregon. Troy McCraw who substituted
for Parsons in the first quarter had his
leg wrenched on the third play and will
be out of the game for a couple of
Oregon Teamwork Best
The Oregon men showed better team
work and better condition than the
Bearcats, us four or five of the visitors
were either carried or helped off the
field during the game, while the Var
sity lost only two men this way, these
being McCraw and Gram.
Hunk Latham besides being a good
gainer is also a clever punter and aver
aged well up around 45 or 50 yards yes
terday. The Willamette punter Zeller
also got off some nice kicks but his
average was brought down by soveral
bad attempts.
The Oregon substitutes all played a
fast, game with the special mention of
Bliss, Akers and Burton. Akers at
guard broke through and blocked a
punt which Bliss recovered, while Bur
ton who went in during the last quar
ter pulled some clever work in breaking
up several atempted Willamette passes.
The team as a whole showed a great
deal of improvement over the game
with Pacific and with the next week’s
practic should be able to show the
Multnomah club a stiff game.
Lineup Is Given
Oregon—37 Willamette—0
Latham .fb. Sherwood
King .Ihr. Zeller (Cap't)
Johnson .rhl. Isham
Chapman .qb. Bain
Spear .ler. Carey
McKeown .ltr. Baggot
1 Parsons .Igr. Stolzheise
Byler .c. White
Shields . rgl. Jones
Vender Ahe .rtl. Warner
Brown (act. Cap’tJ. rel. Patton
Substitutions: Oregon—Jordan for
King, Gram for Johnson, McCraw for
Parsons, Parsons for McCraw, Terge
son for Gram, Akers for Parsons, King
for Jordan, Johusno for Tergeson, Bliss
for Spear, Burton for King, Kirtley
for Chapman, Tergeson for Latham, and
Myers for Chapman. Willamette—Cra
mer for Sherwood, Bird for Carey, Dun
nette for Isham, Baggot for Moores, Al
lem for Baggot, and Warner for Skir
Heferee: Sam Dolan of O. A. C.;
Clyde Johnson, umpire; George Bolder,
head linesman.