Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 07, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Benefiel and Howe to Uphold
University Stand in
Stanford Case
Graduate Manager Jack Periefiel and
Professor If. ('. Howe, Oregon’s represen
tatives to the Pacific Coast Conference
Athletic association, teft yesterday af
ternoon for Portland where a meeting of
representatives of all members of the
conference is being held today to deter
mine what shall be done in the Stanford
' ease.
This case deals with a post season foot
ball game which Stanford has scheduled
with the I niversity of Pittsburgh for
December '.'10. The reason for complaint
of the game is that it will intcrefor with
attendance at tin* annual New Years
championship game which is scheduled
under tin' direction of conference of
ficials in the future, and is to lie taken j
‘Hit of the hands of the Tournament of
Poses committee, which has handled.it
for the last few years.
Stanford athletic directors maintain
that they are in the right in this case
and should be allowed to schedule games
as they desire. The officials further state
that they will withdraw from the confer
ence rather than cancel the proposed
game. •
Conference Is Threatened
Drastic action by the members of the
conference assembled at Portland today
might mean the dissolution of the con
ference as it is hard to believe that Cal
ifornia will stand by the rules of the
conference if it means the giving up of
the big annual game with Stanford.
This is the second time in the last two
years that the southern institution has
como in contact with (lie conference rul
ings, ns last year Stanford, California
and Washington made an attempt to take
over active operation of the conference
by forming what they termed “(lie big
three.’’ This soon blew over though as
the three institutions, although among
the most powerful on (ho coast, found
they would be unable to dictate. Stanford
is now jibing with the rulings again and
if action is taken lo cancel the game
slates she will withdraw.
About (he only way to make (hem re
consider (he question would be to have
all other members of (lie conference call
off all scheduled games with Stanford
and refuse to schedule others. This would
no doubt prove effective, but most of the
colleges would not be willing to go to such
extremes, so it looks ns if the southern
school is going to get away with the!
Division Is Proposed
One way to settle these annual squab
bles with the California schools would
be to divide the conference into two
parts having the northern part include
the schools in Washington and Oregon,
thus eliminating the necessity of long
trips and unnecessary expense. The win
ners in the two divisions could then moot
to sot tic the coast championship, the
winner of that game then meeting a team ,
from the Hast in the nnnual Past-West
An arrangement of this sort would
not only serve to cut down expenses but i
would eliminate much of the quarreling
over schedules, and would also make the
work of the conference much easier iin it
is verv bulky and unwieldy at present.
The California schools under this ar 1
raiigenient could then do their quar
reling among themselves and would prob- I
ably quit it altogether.
Mr. Fairbanks and Miss Korns Lose
Valuable Collections in Fire
During Summer •
iVi-onal loss, which money cannot
replace, is one of the disastrous effects
of the tin which destroyed the Tine
Arts building last summer.
The entire art collection of Avard
Fairbanks, an instructor in the depart
ment, which he has kept since the be
ginning oi his oan-or at the age of
twelve v ars, vas completely destroyed.
Vrofessot Fairbanks had kept a photo
graphic record of all his work, includ
ing pLitcs ami equipment for develop
iag which also was destroyed. The
‘•Mother 11 roup/* which Mr. Fairbanks
is modeling to be done in marble for
th.' entrance to the Woinau *s building,
was saved however. Janitor Baird,
proved that he had the art department
at heart, for in the midst of the con
fusion lie dashed out with the model.
Miss Kerns lost $.'!7o0 worth of val-.
liable art piece*. Practically all of the
equipment of the art building was de
stroyed and until the new building is
completed the art students will be work
ing under many difficulties. The need
for equipment is very great and the slo
gan “Ten Million Dollars in Ten
Years’’ is heartily supported by the
Fine Arts department, according to Pro
fessor Schroff. Professor Schroff hirn
self was very fortunate, as all of his
paintings were in the Woman’s building,
except those which had been sent to
Portland for sale.
That the freshmen inf the University
may start life on the campus, with as I
little handicap as possible from unfam
iliarity with University life and cus-1
toms, and especially with Oregon tra
ditions, the student administration is
instituting the custom this year of "a
series of conferences, during the first!
month of school, in which the older
students, and the faculty members will
be given the opportunity of meeting
the members of the incoming class.
At each of these conferences, some
faculty member or upperclassman will
speak to the freshmen on some phase
of the scholastic or student life.
The first of these meetings will take
place next Tuesday afternoon, when
Dean Colin V. Dyment of the college
of literature, science and the arts will
speak on “Scholastic Standards, Kules
and Requirements. ” At the second
meeting, Dolbort Obcrteuffer, last
year’s yell leader, will speak on “Uni
versity of Oregon Traditions,’’ and
“Student Activities’’ will be the topic
of John MacGregor,' president of the
associafed students, at the third meet
Dr. Harold Leonard Bowman pastor
of the First Presbyterian church in
Portland, and a frequent visitor to the
campus, will address the fourth confer
ence, on the topic “The By-Products
of University Life.” Dr. Henry D.
Sheldon, dean of the school of educa
tion will complete the series with an
address on “The Big Objectives of Uni
vcrsity lOducation. ’ ’
Minimum charge, l time, 25c; 2 times,
45c; 5 times, $1. Must be limited to 5
lines, over this limit, 5c per line. Phone
961, or leave copy with Business office of
Kmkkalp, in University Press. Payment
in advance. Office hours, 1 to 4 p. m.
Room for 4 girls 2 meals. Call 412
E.-13 or Phono 141(5 .T. 12 07-8.
Room and Board by the month.
Phone 487 R, 13D09 Oak St. 14-07.
Lost—A bunoh of keys on or near
the rumpus. Return to Mrs. Datson,
Friendly Ilall. Reward. 15-07-8.
Rooms for Olrls—Modern. 8(H) Ferry.
Phone 501 R. 13-07-10.
Room and Board for men 536-llth
avenue K. 10-06-tf.
Woodstock Typewriter for sale. 536
11th avenue E. 11-06-tf.
Private Lessons In French—Plume |
724-R. Classes arranged to suit your
convenience. C-05-tf. i
Wanted Girl student for 3 1-2 hours;
work every day except Sunday. 1260
Patterson St. 5-05-7.
For Rent Two furnished rooms 1415
University avenue, ('all mornings or
after 5:30 p. m. 0-06 7.
For Rent Desirable room, furuaee
heated near campus for University wo
man.. 127 13th Vvo. E. 17 07 It’.
For Sale Full dress suit and Tuxedo.
Like new. Si/e 3S. Price $50 or will
sell separate. 43 W. 5th. 7-05 7.
Coed room and board, near campus,
$35.00 per month. 600 E. Kith .Vvo.,
1‘orner Patterson, Phone 70S 1..
IS 07-12.
Dressmaking, altering, repairing, sew
ing of draperies and linens for fraterni
ties. Mrs, Fannie L. Stansbie, 632'.j E.
13th Ax e. Phone 314V. House to rear.
3 04N 3.
Found Leather wallet containing
ards, receipts, etc., bearing name of
L. E. Angell. Owner may have same
by calling at Emerald business office
and paving for tbis ad. 16 07.
Phone 342
Special prices to Students
Hotel Osburn Cleaners
Phone 342 8th and Pearl
Probation Claims Thirty-Nine;
Scholarship Committee
Makes Statement
Fourteen students were flunked out
of the University at the end of the
spring term for having failed either
to make three hours in that term or to
make seventeen hours in their last two
Thirty-nine other students went on
probation at the end of the spring term
for failure to make nine hours. Those
of the 39 who have returned will flunk
out in December, unless they sueceed in
passing in 17 hours for the two terms.
The foregoing figures were given out
yesterday afternoon by the scholarship
committee, which also added the follow
ing statement:
“There is no' University law or Uni
versity custom requiring the scholar
ship committee to re admit, after nine
months, students who have flunked out.
The rule (U. It. 90) reads: ‘A student
dropped from the University under any
of the provisions of this (scholarship/
code may petition the scholarship com
mittee for readmission after nine calen
dar months have elapsed.’
“This rule is permissive merely and
not mandatory. Until about one year
ago flunkouts were permanent. The
faculty then modified the scholarship
code to permit the scholarship commit
tee to readmit at its discretion any stu
dents of whose scholastic promise it
is convinced, but usually the commit
tee does not readmit.’’
The list of probationers and flur.k
ers is commonly highest in the fall
term: next highest in the winter term,
and lowest in the spring term. The
scholarship committee is said to con
template going over the records of stu
dents now in the University to deter
mine whether those students whose av-'
erages are very low should not be drop
ped as well as those who failed to make
seventeen hours in two terms. The
University’s bachelor degrees are at
present protected in part against the
V student by the requirement that 140
hours must be above V before gradua
’i he memhers of the scholarship com
mittee are Dr. F. L. Shinn, Dr. Henry
l>. Sheldon, Dr. E. C. Robbins, Miss
Mary Watson, and the chairman, Dean
Colin Dvment.
The Lunch Box
1 1 th, between Alder and Hilyard
of high quality and at a price to suit the
student s pocketbook
Anchorage Raceway
We have canoes for you to rent after
noons and evenings, Saturdays and
Go canoeing often now, as we will
close in a few weeks.
Paddling instruction free to either boys
cr girls.
Problems of the Near East root in mecea of Arabia. The re
ligious aspects of these questions, historic and prophetic, are
interesting. All this will be discussed in a sermon by the
Rev. Frank Fay Eddy
at the
Sunday Morning under the title
“The Sword of Mohammed”
Solo by Ralph Hobart, Cellist
Services at 10:45 A. M.
The church is located at East ilth and Ferry Streets
a cigarette
can do
When we tell you that
there is no other cigarette
at Chesterfield’s price which
contains such fine Turkish
and Domestic tobaccos, we
state the fact. It’s true.
And when we tell you
that Chesterfields satisfy,
we state another fact. It’s
the utmost a cigarette
can do.
Let Chesterfields prove
Of finest Turkish and Domestic tobaccos—blended
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Licgftt & Myers Tobacco Co.