Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 07, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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2.84 Is Made; Friendly Hall
Leads Men With 3.09;
Delts Get Trophy
Alpha Chi Omega again holds first
place in scholarship among the living
organizations of the campus for the
spring term 1921-22 with an average of
2.84, according to figures recently com
piled by the office of the Registrar.
Kappa Alpha Theta runs second with
2.87, and Alpha Delta Pi is third with
an average of 2.94. Delta Tau Delta
leads the national fraternities for three
terms with a standing of 3.19, while
Friendly Hall for the third consecutive
time leads all the men's living organ
izations on the campus with 3.09.
Permanent Possession Won
According to the customary award
ing of such trophies, Alpha Chi Omega
is entitled to the permanent retention
of the silver loving cup presented an
nually by the Portland alumnae of Chi
Omega sorority to the woman’s organ
ization holding first place in scholar
ship, having held this place for three
successive years.
The group composing the present
chapter of Alpha Chi Omega has been
organized on the University of Oregon
campus for ten terms, nine of which
they have stood first in scholastic av
Delta Tau Delta is entitled to the sil
ver cup promised by the Interfrater
nity Council to the men’s fraternity
running first in scholarship for three j
terms in succession.
The house averages are as follows:
1. Alpna Chi Omega.2.84
2. Kappa Alpha Theta.2.87
3. Alpha Delta Pi.2.94
4. Pi Beta Phi.2.95
5. Zeta Kho Epsilon.3.06
6. Friendly Hall.3.09
7. Hendricks Hall .3.13
8. Detla Gamma .3.15
9. Kappa Kappa Gamma.3.17
10. Delta Tau Delta.3.19
11. Alpha Phi .3.24
12. Alpha Sigma .-.3.28
13. Susan Campbell Hall.3.29
14. Delta Zeta .3.30
15. Gamma Phi Beta .3.32
16. Delta Delta Delta .3.33
17. Alpha Tau Omega ..3.36
18. Beta Theta Pi .3.37
19. Thacher Cottage .3.38
20. Kappa Delta Phi .3.41
21. Phi Delta Theta .-3.60
22. Kappa Theta Chj ......3.612
23. Phi Sigma Pi .3.613
24. Phi Gamma Delta .3.615
25. Chi Psi .3.62
26. Chi Omega .3.64
27. Sigma Nu .3.66
28. Kappa Sigma .3.694
29. Sigma Chi .3.697
30. Sigma Alpha Epsilon .3.70
31. Bachelordon .3.92
32. Delta Theta Phi .4.02
Basis for averages: Honors—0: I—1;
II—2; III—3; IV—4; V—5; F—6.
Incompletes are not counted.
Fractions of hours are not averaged.
Military and gymnasium are both
Women’s average .3.18
Men’s Average .3.58
General average of houses .3.37
A score of University students in
terested in the spiritual' development
on the campus met at the Y. M. C. A.
hut, yesterday and discussed plans for
organizing the various religious bodies
now working here into one force.
Talks were made by L. P. Putnam,
student secretary, the student pastors
and a number of the students. The
Thursday afternoon metings, which
start next week, were outlined.
The purpose of the weekly meetings
is to keep the Christian men of the
campus organized for campus work, ac
cording to Secretary Putnam. Discus
sions by some of the religious leaders
of the state will be given and an op
portunity for the men to consider the
vital problems of their lives will be
made possible.
Webster Ruble, president of the cam
pus Y is in the infirmary, and was un
able to be present at the meeting.
Former Emerald Editor Furnishing
News to People of State Relative
to Campus Activities
The opening of the fall term on the
University campus brings to light the
existence of a new student body officer.
Leith Abbott, president of last year's
senior elass and a former editor of the
Emerald is this year holding down the
chair of director of student body publi
city of the University of Oregon.
Abbott has been one of the most
popular students on the campus during
his four years here, and one of the best
of the journalism news chasers. Hence
it was tha^ at the close of, the last
spring term, the student body felt that
they could lose neither Leith nor his
ability. So Leith works now with Jack
Benefiel, sending out stories to the
state papers, about everything from
high scholarship to football.
“Just at present we’re a little han
dicapped by lack of an office,’’ said
the new student official. “About the
15th we expect to move into the Ten
Million dollar campaign shack back of
the Ad building, and then we can get
things a little beter organized.
“When I get in there I intend to
file all of my material, aud to cheek up
on all the stories I send out, and the
way every paper in the state treats it.
I will go along with the football team
op. its trips, as publicity man, and see
that the people en route know some
our team.
• ‘ When the glee clubs go out on their
annual trips. 1 will also send out news
stories about them and their accom
plishments. In fact, my job is to see
that the people of the state of Oregon,
and some of the surrounding states for
that matter, too, know what the stu
dents of the University, individually,
and collectively, are doing.”
Yes, without doubt, Leith is a news
hound. When he was asked about the
football prospects he replied that they
were good since there were a number
of lettermen back, “and,” he added,
” there is a flock of good timber on the
All-Coast C-ross Country Meet
Scheduled For Nov. 11
All branches of track athletics both
varsity and frosli, including cross coun
try, begin Monday afternoon, according
to Bill Hayward, coach and trainer.
Fjeshman cross country and track start
at the same time, Bill also states.
Cross country running which this
year will be a big feature in the con
ference fall sports, will take precedence
over other track and field sports for
the next two months. With an all-coast
meet scheduled here on Armistice day,
and a probable meet with O. A. C.,
great interest is already manifested;
among the distance runners. Glen |
Walkley, a varsity star in both cross
country and track, will have charge of
the squad this fall.
Workouts for varsity track will be
under the direction of Bill Hayward
himself, while Hank Foster will direct
the Frosh aspirants. All men who pos
sess any ability in either track or field
work are urged to report Monday,
whether they have taken the physical
ability test or not. Tests for these
men can be arranged later.
(Continued from page one)
ample, an instructor looses the key to
his class room. The janitor opens the
door that morning and word passes to
the shop that Professor Dropit in room
so and so in such and such a building
has lost the key to the temple of learn
ing . Presto, before night a new key
has been produced which will unlock
the temple and has been placed in the
hands of Professor Dropit. Or, if a
freshman weary after an all night’s
vigil at the bonfire slumps down in a
classroom chair and the same collapses
under the unequal distribution of
weight, it is sent to the shop. Before
many days the chair has been repaired
and is in as good a condition as when
it was new.
Five experienced wood workers con
stitute the force in the carpenter shop.
W. H. Marshal is the foreman of these.
According to Marshal the woodworking
fraternity at the University shop keep
busy about 365 days each year. “We
never catch up, much less get ahead of
our work, ’ ’ he declares. Many thou
sands of dollars is saved each year for
the University by the work turned out
by the shop, says John L. Hanna, the1
superintendent of construction.
(Continued from page one)
time pep. Their addition to the line |
will help out a great deal, as they both 1
are two-year letter men and among the j
best linemen on the coast at present.
Bill Spear Wins Footrace
Light workouts were the order of the
day yesterday and sprinting and signal;
practice featured. In a special 50-yard >
run by Bud Brown, Bill Spear, Yonder;
Ahe, Latham and Shields, Bill Spear j
came off winner, with Brown last. Hay-1
ward proposed a race between Brown ;
and McKeown but called it off because '
such a contest would doubtless be in
terrupted by darkness.
The entire squad is in the best of
condition for the contest today and
will probably give as speedy an exhi- j
bition of the grid game as has been'
seen here for a long tii^p. Cog Camp
bell is rapidly coming down to his nor
mal weight of 210 pounds, so should
give a good account of himself if he
gets in.
Chapman and Latham have been al
ternating at punting, and Chapman
will probably start this department of
the game, with Latham always at hand
to relieve him. They are both good for
around 45 yards at any time and are
gaining distance with every day of
Tables in Upper Part of Library Al
ways Filled to Capacity
Early scholastic application seems
to rule io the University this term, if
recent statistics from the reserve desk
of the library are +o be considered.
On Wednesday, tie first day of regu
lar scholastic work, 655 books passed
over the counter of the reserve divi
jsion. Thursday 755 books were issued
I by the same department. Librarians
in charge of the upper division of the
] library state that the new tables are
[always filled to capacity and there is
• keen competition for elbow room at
i times.
Come early if you want a seat in the
reserve section.
500 Are Enrolled in Military;
R. 0. T. C. Men Urged to
Turn Out for Band
Regular drill, which this year
will be embellished by a fifteen-minute
yell practice preceding each period,
will begin Tuesday at 1 o’clock. All
members of the R. O. T. C. will report
in uniform at the grandstand at Hay
ward field, the sophomores in Section
A. and freshmen in sections B, C, and
Art * Rosebraugh, yell king, will be
present and will lead a spirited 15
minute noise fest, after which the ca
dets will be regularly organized into
permanent companies.
Over 550 men have already enrolled
in the military department, accroding
to Lieutenant-Colonel Sinclair, com
mandant, and the hearty cooperation
of every member will be necessary in
order to round the battalion into shape
for participation in Armistice day af
Exercises Not Compulsory
“Participation in Armistice day ex
ercises will not be compulsory this
year, ’ announces the commandant,
“but the cadets should be willing to
devote a part of this day to assisting
the townspeople in celebrating.
“Although we have but four drill
periods before November 11, we hope
to perfect our organization by that
time so that the students will take en
ough pride in their work to want to
participate. ’ ’
The drill system this year will be en
tirely rearranged, and much better re
sults under the new regime are looked
for. Freshmen will drill two hours a
week, with an hour class conference,
while, the sophomores will put in one
hour in the field, and will have two one
hour classes.
A supply of new uniforms has just
been received, and for the first drill
period Tuesday, every man is expected
to don his 0. D. outfit, and be present.
Band Flans Started.
Plans for the band this year are al
ready under way, under the direction
of Bob Stewart, a leader of long ex
perience. Members of the band will not
be selected for at least a month, it is
stated, and for the present all aspirants
will meet and practice^at the regular
drill hour.
An especial appeal for bass, baritone,
alto and trombone players has been
sounded by Bob Stewart, band leader,
and anyone, whether under or upper
classmen, w'ho can play these instru
ments is urged to come out for prac
tice. Uniforms for the band this year
are to be distinctive and atractive, and
every effort will be made to make the
organization one of the best on the
Freshmen and New Men Are Urged
To Tryout
Professor Clarence D. Thorpe, coach
of debate and oratory, will represent
the University at the state debate lea
gue meeting which will be held at Reed
College in Portland today. Such a meet
ing is held annually at one of the col
leges or universities in the league,
which is composed of debating teams
from Oregon Agricultural College, Reed
College and the University of Oregon,
and the time, question and other de
tails of the annual triangular debates
between the three institutions are de
cided on.
Professor Thorpe says lie anticipates
a very successful year for the Oregon
team as site former varsity debaters,
Paul Patterson, Ted Rice, Claude Rob
inson. Boyd Iseminger, Charles Lamb
and Ralph Bailey, have signified their
intentions to enter the tryouts, the date
of which will bo published later. The
veterans will have no better chance to
mgke the team, however, than some
promising new material, Professor,
Thorpe says, and he urges freshmen
and new students to enter the tryouts.
Although they will not be eligible for
varsity debates during the fall term,1
the experience gained may be valuable
in obtaining a place on the team for
the debates in March.
Dr. Schafer and Dr. Williams Will
Lecture in Summer Term
Two instructors well known to the
University campus have already been
engaged for 19-3 for the campus
branch of the summer session. One is
Dr. Joseph Schafer, former head of the
department of history here and now
director of the Wisconsin Historical
society. In 1921 Dr. Schafer lectured
in the Portland branch of the summer
session. In 1922 he was unable to ac
cept the University’s invitation. He
is so authentic in his field and is so
popular in the summer session consti
tuency of this state that he has been
invited annually for several years.
The ether instructor is Dr. Ben Will
iams. an alumnus of this University,
who is now on the faculty at Pennsyl
vania. Dr. Williams lectured in the:
campus summer session this year and\
made such a success that he was forth-1
with psked to return in 1923. His]
field is political science.
Dean Ilovard of the physical educa
tion department went to Portland yes
terday afternoon to attend the opening
meeting of the American Physical Ed
ucational association. He will give a
report on the Western District conven
tion which was held in Eugene last
Delta Gamma announces the pledging
of Ethel Prather of Los Angeles, Cal
Ziegfeld’s Elaborate
Screen Drama
and star cast
Pathe Review
Harry Reed at the Morton
Evenings 30c, Afternoons 20c
Children 10c
The same democratic good fellowship
that rules the campus will be found in our
store, and we extend a cordial welcome to
the old and new students.
Good Food, Fair Prices, Efficient Service
Our Aim
Fair prices, honest weights, cheerful and efficient serv
ice and QUALITY GROCERIES is our formula for suc
Always a complete stock of fancy and staple groceries,
our own Bakery and Delicatessen goods at moderate
prices. Come in and see for yourself, or phone in your
order and we will be glad to deliver, 8:30. 10:30 A. M.;
1:30 and 4:30 P. M., both east and west side. Special low
wholesale prices to managers of Sororities and Fratern
Dice Grocery Co.
Eighth and Olive Streets 3 Phones, 183
Only Experienced, Licensed
is an affliction that brings
ready sympathy from all of
us; the sight of a blind per
son makes us realize as noth
Moody’s Dcep-Curv*
Kryptok Lenses
Are Better
ing else can, just how much our eyesight is worth to us.
You cannot be too careful of your eyesight. Neglected defects
of vision are not only a present handicap, but may result ser
iously in the future. Take care of your eyesight in time.
We will absolutely guarantee “satisfaction or your money
back” within One year from date of purchase, of any pair
of Spectacles or Eye Glasses purchased from us for cash. We
will also repair or replace the broken frames or bows of
same for same length of time free of charge.
Dr. Sherman W. Moody
881 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon
Meat You Will Relish
Because you know that it came from
the QUALITY MARKET and is Gov
ernment Inspected.
D. E. Nebergall Meat Co.
Two Phones, 36 and 37 66 East 9th Street
A Good Foundation
Is Very Essential to a Good Building
Is Equally Essential to a Good Store
—But alas! How many do you find standing on stills? We
cannot afford to misrepresent; we need your confidence. We
solicit your patronage on sound business principles.
Just Arrived
—A new line of ladies’ silk
waists in all colors, very
snappy, latest on the market,
at only $4.50.
Ladies’ Wool Hose
—All colors. Just the kind
you have been looking for,
at 65c to $1.50.
Ladies’ Pumps
and Oxfords—Gun Metal,
Calf, and Patent leather.
Real values at $2.95.
Men’s Whip Cord
—Made for men, only
Men’s Corduroys, special
only $3.45.
Stag Shirts
—all kinds at lower prices
than ever. Our price only
$6.50 to $8.50.
Men’s Wool Sox
of all descriptions. I’rices
25c to 75c.
Woolen Underwear
—Buy them here and pay
less, only $2.25 to $3.45.
—Heavy Cotton Union Suits
id $1.25 to $1.49.
All Wool
Union suits, heavy weight at
$3.98 to $4.98.
Just Received
—A new line of men’s
sweaters in very snappy
colors. If you are in need
of a sweater, it will pay
you to see ours at $4.50 to
Wool and cotton at very low
Men’s Shoes
Hi Tops and dress shoes
$2.98 to $12.50.
Flannel Shirts
of all descriptions. All wool
diirts $2.98.
Eugene Sample Store
X from P. O., Sixth and Willamette