Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 07, 1922, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Battlefields of France Are
Carpeted With Masses of
Red Poppies
Member of University Party
Impressed by Scenes
At Oberammergau
By Nancy Wilson
“European scenery is tailored look
ing, with forest trees clipped and brush
piled into fagot heaps, everything is
well-kept with the exception of the
battlefields,” is the impression Mrs.
Anne Landsbury Beck has brought
back from her summer's trip abroad
with the Landsbury party.
“In France,” said Mrs. Beck, “I felt
like Tom Sawyer when he made his
trip down the Mississippi and found
the country colored as it had been de
ducted on the map in his geography.
I remembered France as a country, and
1 found it green. Cherbourg, where we
landed, the country sloped down to the
water like a green carpet. Only the
battlefields are gray, and they are rap
idly being reclaimed. There were no
weeds, only a few dandelions, and the
red poppy, which is almost a pest in
France. In every nook and cranny it
springs up, and if there is a spear of
soil growth in the battlefields, it is a
poppy. ’ ’
Battlefields Being Reclaimed
Mrs. Beck was impressed with the
courage of the French people and the
indominable way in which they are tak
ing up their normal lives and making
an attempt to reclaim the lands ruined
by the war. One of the dominant char
acteristics of the French people, Mrs.
Beck believes, is their love of country.
The very guides, she says, speak of
their country and its history with a
tenderness and feeling peculiar to them
There were no words to describe her
impressions of Paris, said Mrs. Beck. It
was as gay and interesting and charm
ing as her most extravagant expecta
tions. The operas, with the cafes and
promenades in the theatre building it
self; the Luxembourg gardens; the love
ly buildings, arranged and built with an
eye to the best setting, all commanded
interest. ‘ ‘ The charm of Paris build
ings lies in the fact that they are all
placed to be easily seen in spite of the
surrounding buildings of less interest,”
said Mrs. Beck.
Cemeteries Neatly Kept
Mrs. Beck and her party visited the
battlefields and the cemeteries in
France and found the latter scrupu
lously well-kept and laid out with such
care in plots and streets that by going
to the hostess house and giving the
name of anyone buried in the cemetery,
the grave could easily be found with
the most simple instructions. The Ger
man cemeteries are as well-kept as any
of the others.
“In Switzerland,” said Mrs. Beck,
laughingly, “I ran out of words the
first day. Switzerland presents a re
markable combination of law, order,
self-respect, beauty and picturesque
ness, and above all cleanliness. One
could eat off the streets. The Swiss
radiate independence and hospitality.
“There are no words for the moun
tains and the country in general. It is
as complete as scenery on a stage. Here
and there as one looks about one sees
little pictures like a stage. The moun
tains are not as wild and rangy as our
western American ones.”
Shoemaker Leads Band
In Interlakefi Mrs. Beck made the ac
quaintance of a shoemaker who led the
(Continued on page two.)
Manager Benefiel Negotiating With
Railroads for Rate Reduction
Frosli who wax eloquent or vocal at
late hours of the night received as a
prize a dip in the mill race for their
pains, or rather the pains of those who
suffer thereby. Glee club men and am
bitious young warblers who desire to
be members of the famous Oregon vocal
organizations may get a dip in Great
Salt Lake if plans of Graduate Mana
ger Benefiel materialize.
During the past summer Mr. Benefiel
and the railroad representatives have
been discussing a proposed rate cut for
University teams and glee clubs that
take a trip during the coming year. Al
though it is not known just what the
outcome of these negotiations will be,
it is felt sure that a good trip is in
store for those w'ho make the club.
Tryouts will be held Tuesday, as pre
viously anouneed. John Stark Evans
will be in charge and the old members
of the club will assist in judging the
quality of the rvork done. The loss of
a number of old men has left a number
of places open and already several am
bitious student singers are preparing a
song for presentation at the tryouts.
Aubrey Furry, president of the club,
is making plans for the coming year
and regardless of whether the Utah
trip goes through or not a number of
trips are already assured.
Organization Plans to Usher
At Assemblies
New members of the Oregon chapter
of the Intercollegiate Knights will be
elected to the organization next Tues
day evening at 7:30 in the Woman's
The prospective nominees will be sug
gested by the alumni and active knights
in conjunction with the president of
the respective houses. A meeting was
held Wednesday night to organize the
ushering at the Thursday assemblies,
which the underclass service men will
henceforth handle.
The intercollegiate Knights is an or
ganization of freshmen and sophomores
with the idea of rendering a type of
Service to the campus of’*he University
not heretofore covered. Entertaining
visiting teams, ushering at games, as
semblies, and other gatherings, is only
a small part of the field covered.
The idea originated at the Univer
sity of Washington several years ago
and remained locally on that campus
until last year when the scheme spread
to other institutions. It was then de
clared a national body and chapters
were granted to a number of colleges
on the coast. The charge was confer
red to the University of Oregon last
One freshman from each men’s liv
ing organization and two from the in
coming class are eligible to election.
The national pin i$ a small, white
enameled shield with the letters “I
K” embossed. A local enlarge pin
worn by charter members only consist
of a bronze helmet. James Meek is
stunt duke for the year of 1922.
Volumes Received From France and
Spain; Local Donations Made
The University has received several
fine contributions this fall of theses,
books and papers for the library. The
medical department of the University
of Toulouse, France, has sent about
700 of its published theses and a num
ber of publication : on exchange have
been received from Junta para Ampli
cacion de Estudios e Investigaciones
Cientificas, Madrid, Spain.
Other recent gifts of books have been
made by Mary Etta Shelton, Union;
I Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Williams, Eugene;
' and Mr. Benjamin Atherton, Portland.
University Post Office Moved,
Now Housed With Supply Depot
Don’t look for the campus postoffice
behind the Ad. building any more. It
isn't there now.
Sometime last summer the geol
ogy department requisitioned the space
back of the administration building for
laboratory purposes, and the campus
mail station was compelled to find a
new location.
At present the campus postoffiee is
located in the small one-storied frame
structure just south of the extension
division which formerly housed only the
supply depot. Due to the lack of build
ing space on the campus it is now nec
essary for both the campus postoffice
and the supply depot to be housed un
der one roof.
VT. F. Landrum, formerly conected
with the Eugene postoffice, is the cam
pus postmaster. He succeeded H. M.
Fisher, who has been made superinten
dent of buildings.
At present two deliveries of mail are
made from the Eugene postoffice to the
campus station. An equal number of
deliveries are made from the campus
' station to the various departments in
an automobile recently acquired for
1 the purpose. According to Landrum.
I a large amount of mail is now on hand
; for students. Unless this mail is called
for in the near future it will be re
turned to the writer’s address.
The campus office is now favorably
located so far as the handling of mail
is concerned. The extension division,
the biggest patron of the campus sta
tion is located only a few feet from
the office. Since much of the freight
handled by the supply depot is shipped
to Eugene by parcel post, the location
of the postoffice in the same building
with the depot is found to be very ad
Work Found for Total of 114
First Week Through
Y, W, and Y, M,
Housing Problems Handled
At Hut; Rooms Available
For at Least 300
Through the efforts of the Y. W. C.
A. on the campus permanent positions
were found for thirty girls for the com
ing year while fifty men working their
way through the University received
steady employment during the past week
through the Y. M. C. A.
Temporary work was given thirty-four
girls and odd jobs amounting to over
$700 were furnished for University men.
Of the thirty girls given employment
t wenty have positions in Eugene homes
where they are working for room and
board, while fourteen are doing general
housework, serving, clerical and general
stenographic work.
“The town people have responded won
derfully and sixteen homes are still open
for girls wanting to work for their room
and board,” said Miss Davis.
Thirty girls are working, one to two
hours a day doing odd jobs as tutoring,
caring for children, typewriting, and of
fice work.
During the summer ninety students ap
plied for work, but only seventy-six of
these reported to the employment serv
ice. Twplve are yet to be given work.
Mrs. C. R. Donelly, secretary for the Y.
M. C. A. stated that the call for old
jobs by the men had been particularly
great during the past few weeks.
For the fall term of last year employ
ment amounting to over six thousand dol
lars was furnished men students through
the efforts of the association and Mrs.
Donelly stated that she was sure more
employment would be furnished during
this term than was given then.
The handling of practically all the
men’s rooms has been done at the hut this
fall. There are rooms available for at
least 300 more students. Mrs. Donelly at
tributed the abundance of available rooms
this year to the large number of Euj
gene people who have' opened up their
homes to the students. The average price
for a room, with two in a room, averages
about $35 a month.
Mrs. Donelly also handles an emer
(Continued on page two.)
Paintings Are to Be Gift of Mr.
And Mrs. Robinson
An art collection of unusual merit is
to be given the University by Dr. and
Mrs. ,T. W. Robinson of Jacksonville,
Oregon. The collection consists of water
colors, oil, ami pastel paintings, portraits,
landscapes, and still-life scenes all of
which are the works of Regina Dorland
Robinson, deceased daughter of Dr. and
Mri. Robinson.
Miss Robertson has exceptional talent
according to all art critices. She stud
ied in Philadelphia under Ilenry Ritten
burg, in New York and San Francisco.
She began painting at the age of six
years. She is the first native Oregon girl
to win so much recognition in art and
if she had lived she would have done won
; derful work, according to Professor
: Sehroff of the art department.
The Oregon Journal, in 1916, at the
.time Miss Robinson’s work was on ex
iliibition in Portland, commented that she
I was a genius of extraordinary ability and
that her works of still life were very
; good.
Dr. Robinson came to Eugene Thurs
; day to see about making preparations fox
the housing of the collection. He said he
wanted the University to have the work"
because his daughter was an Oregon girl.
He wishes the works to remain in the
state and hopes that the students will
study the pictures. He will send only tin
best works. Mr. Robinson undertook the
study of art so he might better be able
to understand her work. “Misty Morn
ing, ’ ’ a water color scene is one of Dr
Robinson’s favorites among the painting
: The e Jleetion will be installed in tlx
dancing room of the Women’s gymnas
ium until the art building is completed
The collection will be called ‘1 Tie
Dorland Robinson Collection.’’ Mis
Robinson was an only child. She passe
away five years ago at the age of twen
ty-five years.
Douglas University Graduates
Hear Talks by President
: Campbell and Others
Douglas county alumni and former
students of the University of Oregon
fired the opening gun, figuratively
speaking, of the University building
and development campaign when they
met in Roseburg Thursday night and
organized to support the endowment
project. President Campbell was the
principal speaker.
The meeting was one of the largest
gatherings of graduates ever held in
Douglas county, alumni being present
from Boseburg, Glendale, Southerlin,
Yoncalla, Wilbur, and Oakland. As a
result of plans worked out, a permanent
organization was made effective with
Walter Fisher, ’13, president. The
Douglas county alumni association will
become an active force in support of
the endowment campaign.
The organization committee appoint
ed by Mr. Fisher following his election
is as follows: Dr. Robert W. Langley,
’17, of Biddle, Oregon, chairman; Judge
J. W. Hamilton, O. P. Cosnow, M. S.
Hamm, superintendent of public schools,
Mrs. O. C. Brown, Mrs. Oscar Gorell,
F. Nortlirup, Joseph A. Denn, Harry W.
Booth, and Fred Strand. Mr. Denn
was elected vice-president of the associ
ation, and Ethel Tooze Fisher, secre
Campaign Phases Discussed
While President Campbell outlined in
most complete detail the plan of the
campaign which is largely educational,
others discussed phases of the cam
paign. Captain Lamar Tooze, ’16,
spoke of the definite obligation of alum
ni to support their alma mater. O. P.
Goshow expressed the opinion that an
endowment plan to meet University de
velopment was wise. It took account
of the fact that the people of Oregon
have supported higher education loyal
ly and that private benefactions must
care for new buildings within the next
few years.
Judge Hamilton, president of the
board of regents, and who presided
Thursday night, spoke of the great ser
vice of the University to the state. He
discussed the recent rapid growth of
the institution and its needs. Unless
an endowment fund is created through
private gifts the University is faced
with a definite limitation of enrollment
or of lowering of standards. Speaking
as a member of the board, ho declared
that neither of these expedients would
be acceptable.’ To limit registration by
imposing a comparatively high entrance
fee would bar the young men and wo
men of limited means from entering the
University. To lower standards would
place Oregon in second place among the
universities of the cuntrv.
Basis Is Cooperative Effort
j w c want everyone to have an un
derstanding of tlio great significance of
education in the state,” said President
Campbell. ‘‘The success of the Uni
versity of Oregon is based on cooper
ative effort,' the individual home join
ing hands with the board of regents,
the executive officers and the faculty.
‘‘The great irresistible tide for edu
cation which is flowing through the
country finds its origin about the fire
sides of thousands of homes, as fcjir
James Barrie so aptly put it recently
when discussing university education in
Scotland. The American family de
mands a broad, liberal and ample op
portunity for higher education for its
‘‘Perhaps another reason for the de
sire of our mature citizens to see to
it that the future leaders of America
j have a sound educational opening is
that since the war we have come to
realize that civilization has not measur
ed up to the point of safety. The fu
ture of civilization, the safety of the
world, the prosperity of every nation
rests with education. Statesmen, wri
ters, legislators, in fact all leaders, are
j pointing this out.”
Personal Contact Emphasized
f There cannot be wholesale higher ed
ucation, said the speaker, of the good
values gained through personal contact
of teacher and student are to maintain.
The pressure must be relieved with in
creased facilities. President Campbell
pointed out that in spite of interest in
higher education, recent figures of the
U. 8. Department of Education show
that less than 1 per cent of the popu
lation in America is availing itself ol
the facilities of higher education. Ore
(Continued on jjags two.)
Vocal Cords
To Get First
Chance Today
The thundering thousand, supple
mented by an additional battery of hus
ky voices that have cheered high
school teams in many parts of the state,
this afternoon at the Oregou-Willani
ette game on Hayward field, will for
mally be introduced bv Art Rosebraugh,
yell king. Although the big yell prac
tice of the year is not scheduled until
a week from today when Multnomah
comes south with a group of star grid
sters to mix with the Varsity, the yell
king last night announced that ho
would give his vociferous crew a real
warming up today.
It is probable that Dell Oborteuft'er,
veteran of the football campaign last
fall, will be drafted into service this
afternoon to assist Rosebraugh in mak
ing his vocal barrage effective. “Obio”
last year drowned the O. A. C. noise
makers with a flood of noise during the
big home-coming game and is a disciple
of bleacher support for the team.
All members of the Thundering
Thousand—and that includes every
man in the University who can make
noise vocally or otherwise—are request
ed to occupy the seats in the south end
of the bleachers, leaving the other side
ot the grandstand for the women. This
will eliminate all temptations to “pig”
and it is the belief of the yell king,
will enable the freshmen to get the
spirit which will be so essential in the
big games of the year.
Williams Has Almost Fifty
Candidates in. Squad
With the experience gained by five
strenuous workouts already this week
the freshmen pigskim artists are ready
for their first real scrimmage of the
year on the practice gridiron south of
Hayward field at 10 o’clock this morn
ing. This scrimmage will enable the
coaches to determine to somo extent
who will be caried throughout tho codl
ing season.
A squad of nearly 50 yearlings has
been practicing each afternoon on Kin
caid and though the majority are lack
ing in weight, indications are that a
speedy eleven can bo developed with
constant practice, says head-coach Will
iams. An abundance of good players
have been turning out for nearly every
position except that of quarterback,
where Anderson, the Coos Bay youth,
seems to have the jump on his rivals.
However, none of tho men have been
seen under actual fire and this morn
ing’s scrimmage may reveal prospects
hitherto overlooked.
Coach Williams and his assistants
have already begun teaching their pro
teges a few plays and formations so
that they may be in the best form pos
sible for the first game, with Mt. An
gel next Saturday. The fact that tho
Frosh will have had only a little more
than a week of practice to prepare for
this clash makes it impossible to pre
dict anything very optimistic, accord
ing to Williams. Coupled to this handi
cap b the fact that the Catholic lads
have already been practicing a month
and are said to have an unusually
strong team this year. Cast Sunday
they defeated tho Highland Park team
of Portland .'15 to 0 and in all proba
bility they will give the Krosli a hard
battle. f _
Bachelordon announces the pledging
of Floyd Sherwood of Eugene.
Little News Filters Through
From Salem Regarding
Visiting Eleven
Second-String Men to Get
Chance Today if Game
Appears Safe
The Oregon Varsity will enter the
name against Willamette today with
their opponents about as much of a
dark horse as a football team can be.
This is the first game for the Salem in
stitution, and no dope has been forth
coming from their camp except that
they have a much stronger team than
The probable lineup to bo used by
Coach Huntington this afternoon will
be liyler at center, Floyd Shields and
Parsons as guards, Yonder Alio and Me
Keovvn tackles, and Brown and Spear
tis ends. Chapman will probably start
at quarter and Latham at full, but tho
two halves have not boon selected yet,
from among Johnson, King, Jordan or
Brain. Tergeson, Kus Brown and Bur
ton mav also be used, unless it turns
out that the visitors are stronger than
Roy Boliler’s Material Good
What little information has drifted
through from the Willamette camp is
to the effect that Coach Roy Holder
I has a much heavier lino than last sea
son, and also has an experienced back
held. The Bearcats may prove a dan
gerous team after all, although the
general trend of opinion is that the
dope favors Oregon by about four
The Bearcats slipped a surprise over
on the Varsity last year, in the game
played at Salem, when thoy held them
to a 7 to 3 scoro, and according to re
ports from their camp aro out to boat
the Varsity this year if such a thing
is possible.
If the game pans out as expected this
l afternoon and the Lemon Yellow grid
dors get an early jump on the visitors
Coach Huntington will probably use
most of the men on the squad to see
which ones stand up under rqal work.
Some of these men who aro expected to
get into action are McCrnw at taeklo,
Campbell at guard or tackle, Bliss at
end, and several others who aro out
for line positions.
Two New Men at Practice
Two new men turned out last, night
in the persons of Bill Johnson and Er
! nest Shields. Bill played center for
| the Fresh team two years ago, and
j turned out for Varsity last season, but
I after having an arm injured laid off
tor the remainder of the year. Ernest
j Shields is a younger brother of Tiny
I and Floyd and bids fair to take the
place of either after they leave Oregon
I this year. He is a transfer from O.
A, (where lie played Kook football
j t wo years ago.
Hick Bead will probably not get in
| to the game at all today, as his shoulder
was bruised in tackling practice last
night, and Bill Hayward thinks it best
! for him to lay off tackling for a time.
Brink Callison and Tiny Shields are
both rapidly getting into condition,
and will soon have back all their old
(Continued on page three.)
Campus Carpentry Shop Is
Very Busy Place These Days
A carpenter shop fully equipped with i
j lathes, saws, planes ami all other kinds
of whirlygigs used in the making of
; shavings, sawdust and splinters is maiu
| taiued by the University of Oregon.
If you don’t believe this drop around
someday to the old building located
I back of the extension division and
, watch a keen, humming band saw
throw up a cloud of sawdust as it
! chews its way through a tough board.
Hotter proof still, see if you can find
a trace of your initials carved in a
study room chair arm when you were
a freshman. Chances are ten to one
I that the chair has been discovered in
its mutilated condition long before this,
was sent to the carpenter shop where
j the arm was detached and run through
a planer which obliterated your initials
1 and that chair is in use again.
Many thousands of feet of lumber is
I worked up each year by the shop in the
making of tables, desks, chairs, shelves,
lockers ami numerous other wooden fix
tures found about the University. All
the new study tables in the reserve sec
tion of the library were fashioned iu
various departments and all the wood
tbo shop. Most of the cupboards and
pigeon holes found in the various de
partments and all the wooden lockers
m the mens gymnasium originated
there. In fact whenever you see an
admirably wrought wooden fixture in
ary of tho buildings on the campus you
can bo pretty certain that it was made
in the carpenter shop or at least, if
it was not made there, it will end up
there sooner or later.
As before implied the shop is engaged
iii the repairing of old things as well”
as the making of new things. For ex
(Contiuued on page three.)