Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 05, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Communication With 0. A. C.
Will Again Be Tried;
Operators Wanted
Another attempt will be made by the
Emerald to exchange news items by
radio with Oregon Agricultural college
this year. Arrangements have been
made with Garrett Lewis, local com
mercial operator, to use his broadcast
ing station, K D Z J, to handle the mes
sages for the University of Oregon.
The department of physics at O. A.
C. will care for the articles to and from
the Barometer at Corvallis.
The Emerald installed its own sta
tion last year and communication was
successfully established until the gov
ernment directed that operation should
cease pending classification of this type
of service. This question lias now been
settled with the result that a confer
ence was recently held between Jacob
Jordan, of the department of physics
at the agricultural school, and Donald
Woodward, representing the Emerald,
at which it was decided to start the
service about October lo.
Mr. Jordan received notice from the
radio inspector that the situation had
cleared and that the school could pro
ceed with the work. It is thought that
reports of games and other special
items only will be handled at first. In
addition to sending to the Barometer,
Lewis will broadcast results of games
and any other University newTs of in
terest for all stations to pick up.
Lewis, who is an Oregon student, re
quests that any operators^ desiring to
operate the station should sign up a
list posted on the bulletinboard in the
library. Sleeping quarters will be pro
vided for the operators at the station
located at 1271 Emerald street.
The communications will be trans
mitted by wireless telephone so that
any receiving stations may be able to
get exchange news first hand.
Paving of Franklin Boulevard Hailed
As Solution of Bad Congestion
The paving of Franklin boulevard
from the Eighth and Eleventh avenue
railroad crossings to the city limits,
which is nearing completion, will af
ford two additional routes over which
the Pacific highway traffic may run.
Up to this time practically all of the
higlrway traffic has been routed over
Thirteenth avenue.
Because of the single outlet to the
highway the traffic over Thirteenth
avenue has been exceptionally heavy
throughout the year and has become a
menace to the students, who have to
cross the thoroughfare on their way
to classes.
In addition to the improvements on
Franklin boulevard, Kincaid street is
'being paved between Eleventh and j
Thirteenth avenues. With the comple
tion of these two projects the campus
will be completely surrounded by paved
Turnout Is So Large That
Coaches Drop 18
After three workouts under the
watchful eyes of head coach Eaz Wil
liams and his able assistants “Sheet”
Manerud and Dot Medley the freshmen
football squad is now slowly but sure
ly rounding into shape for its opening
game with the Mt. Angel collegians.
The second night of practice saw one 6f
the largest turnouts of Frosh gridsters
in the history of the University, Co in
all assembling on Kincaid iicld.
Lack of equipment and the fact that
many of the new arrivals were inex
perienced and turned out for the pur
pose of learning something about the
game forced the coaches to weed out IS
of the number, leaving only the heav
iest and most promising on the squad.
Because of the short time in which to
whip an eleven in shape the yearling
mentors must dispense with the teach
ing of the fundamentals of football and
proceed at once with plays and forma
tions. Those who desire to learn some
thing about football will have a far
better oportunity by turning out for
the spring practice, say the coaches.
The first cut leaves a nucleus of about
45 men on the squad but it is expected
that this number will again be swelled
before the end of the week,, as there
are suits and equipment for at least
IS more. Among the new men who are
making a good showing are McMillan,
formerly a center with Columbia "Uni
versity of Portland, and Jack Bliss, a
Berkeley high school star who last year
was named as tackle on the California
all-star interseholastie squad. Bliss is
handicapped by an injury to his knee
received in practice Tuesday night but
is expected to be back in the game by
at least a week.
The first real scrimmage for the first
year men will be held Saturday morn
ing on the practice field south of Hay
ward grandstand. After this workout
Coach "Williams will probably make an
other cut and will continue to wield the
axe until a squad of about 35 is obtain
ed, which is the number that will be
carried through the season.
Congestion in Houses Will
Be Relieved by Extension
of Time to Midnight
Open house for this term ■will be held
Saturday night beginning at 7 o’clock
and through an extension of time will
continue until midnight. The general
plans and line of march will be prac
tically the same as they were last year.
Because of the increased number of or-1
ganirations it will be necessary for the
men's groups to keep moving rapidly
and on schedule time. Miss Bernice
Altstock, president of Woman's league,
and a committee consisting of Miss
Dorothy Cushman, president of Oregon
Club, Miss Kate Piuneo, president of
Pan-Hellenic association, and Miss El
lon McVeigh, president of Susan Camp
bell hall, will formulate the schedule,
line of march which will be announced!
Oregon club and all women not asso
ciated with living organizations will
receive at Y. W. C. A. bungalow.
The social calendar for the term as
furnished by Mrs. Elizabeth Fox He
Cou, dean of women, follows:
Oct. 0. Y. M. party at bungalow.
Y. M. party at hut.
Oct. 7. 3-5 p. m. Reception 'of dean of
women and Woman's League,
open to all students.
7:30 p. m. Open house.
Oct. 13. Student receptions at churches
of the city.
Oct. Id. Freshman acquaintance party.
Open date for other class par
Oct. 20. Y. M.-Y. W. mix.
Oct. 21. Student body dance.
Nov. 3. Student body dance.
Nov. 10. Homecoming rally.
Nov. 11. 10 a. m. Alumni meeting.
Noon. Homecoming luncheon
Football game. U. of O. vs. W.
S. C.
Homecoming dance.
Nov. 17. Homecoming dance.
Dec. 1. or 2. Frosh Glee.
The University players of the dra
matics department will present plays on
Oct. 19, 29, 21; Nov. 9, 10, 11; and Dec.
14, 15 and 16.
Names of Winners Will Be Engraved
On Bronze Plaque in Gym
Acknowledgement of athletic distinc
tions in the physical ability examina
tions will be given to five high-point
men out of each of the four classes and
the liigh-point man in the University.
The Oregana wishes to extend a most hearty greeting to
both the old and new students.
i Film Developing
‘The Student’s Shop”
According to Professor H. A. Scott, di
rector of physical education, the score
will be determined by the proficiency
which the men display in each particu
lar test. Thus if a man high-jumps four
feet (the minimum), he is given one
point; then more points proportionately
to each successive height.
The physical ability examinations
may be taken by anyone; but freshmen
who wish to elect a certain sport must
first be able to pass the examination at
least by th; minimum number of points.
The tests, called a Pentathalon, con
sist of 'lie following five events and
minimum requirements to pass them;
High jump . 1 ft.
Bar Vault'.t ft. t in
Hope Climb .fid ft. in fii sec.
190 yd. Run.fi7 seconds.
100 yd. Swim.2 min. HO sec.
Lest year about fiOO men passed the
tests out of a total of 750. This year
the results are expected to bo about
the same. Those who pass the tests
may specialise in either boxing, west
ling, swimming, golt'. track, handball,
or football.
The results' of all those who have
taken the physical ability tests will
bo posted in the basement of the Men’s
Judging by the way the audience at
the Eugene theatre are receiving Har
old Lloyd's newest comedy in five parts,
“Grandma's Boy’’ exceeds the livliest
expectations for this much-discussed
and widely heralded film.
With its philosophy, romance, excit
ing clashes, satire on human weakness
es, pathos and optimism, “Grandma’s
Boy” is unlike anything Lloyd lias ever
done and displays the star ns an actor
of broader scope than his most ardent
admirers have known.
Harold Lloyd has never been seen to
such excellent advantage as iu “Grand
ma's Boy,” and never was there such a
comedy as this. It closes its local en
gagement today.
Delta Tau Delta announces the pled
ging of Alvin Hill, of St. Helens.
Phi Sigma Pi announces the pledging
of Rodney Johnson and Marvin Blaha
of Portland.
Get Ready for the Kick-off
Lineup with the
for Your Atheltic Supplies
You will find us next door to the Varsity.
Wo take this means of welcoming the old and
I new students of Oregon.
Imperial Lunch
Fred Gerot, Prop.
• ■ • ■ : t • ■ t *
Electric, fried waffles 6 A. M. to 11 E. M.
We specialize in Fresh Stax Foods.
A Notable Grouping
of Footwear for College Folks
Best of all, our prices are reasonable.
We’ve gathered together a notable variety of new Fall
Oxfords, Pumps and Boots—styles that every college indi
vidual will at once admire and desire.
Every Pair Pledged to Quality
828—Willamette Street—:828
“Where College Folk Buy Footwear’’