Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 04, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Today what appear* to be the largest
student body ever assembled on the
University of Oregon eampus will set
tle down to regular class work.
With two days yet remaining in
which students may file cards at the
Begistrar’s office, reports from the var
ious schools and departments indicate
that practically all of them have en
rolled a larger number of students than
were taking work in the same divisions
of the University last fall.
The Registrar’s office would give no
figures regarding the number of stu
dents enrolled during the two days of
registration already gone by, but the
heads of the various departments and
deans of the schools in many cases were
confidently predicting increases of en
rollment in their classes of from ten to
thirty per cent before the close of the
day’s registration yesterday.
The school of journalism had enrolled
188 students last night and many of the
old students who are already on the
campus or who are known to be plan
ning on returning during the present
week are not included in thiB number.
During the fall term of last year 142
students were enrolled in this school.
Dean Sheldon of the school of educa
tion felt confident that the final reg
istration would show an increase of at
least twenty per cent in education ma
Enrollment in the school of architec
ture and allied arts is larger than it was
last fall according to an estimate by
Dean Lawrence.
i' .v r -*i - • -<• '■ «• f -t. *■ '■ tti
We invite you.
And we expect you to come to this store for your
§uit, overcoat, hat and furnishing goods.
Because this is a new store with the newest and best
»f everything, including hand-tailored, well-fitting suits,
Gtordon hats, Eagle shirts, Shawknit hose, in fact every
thing men wear of standard quality, moderately priced.
Woolen Mill Store
337 Willamette Street
Phone 1500
—Clothes Designed by Kaufman
The T^ew Fall Suits
Showing a special design new Pen-gate
shoulder featured in five attractive models
This is one of the new fall models all of
which are styled in varied proportions to fit
and please young men. Fabrics for fall are
more durable, patterns new and pleasing;
the fine tailoring satisfying; the prices are
lower and the better wear means economy.
We Guarantee our clothes
and Better”
Every year it happens — the old University
increases in both quality and quantity—and
we’re glad to see the growth of this Mighty Ore
gon, we feel ourselves to be a part of this great
institution and we welcome both the old and new
Old Timers Know
and the hew ones will soon find out that we have
the student headquarters for dinners, lunches,
fountain supplies, candies and pastries. Our new
French Pastry Artist is on the job and putting
out the freshest, most delicious novelties that
ever tickled a student palate.
When lonesome or hungry—visit
Herm Burgoyne, Prop.
The Spirit
of the
Is the
Campa Shoppe
Nothing is too good for the old team that makes the
other 47 states sit up and take notice.
Nothing is too good for the student body of Oregon
that makes the “old fight” possible.
To Prove This
We have completed an establishment that equals any
thing on any campus. All this would be nothing without
the most important thing connected with a place of this
Good efficient and courteous service is the most im
portant thing we have to offer. Our cuisine has been im
proved by the addition of a new daylight kitchen and
equipment, making sanitary food as nearly perfect as pos
sible and it is always
Let us show you
Our New Kitchen
New Banquet Boom
Ye Campa Shoppe
H. R. Taylor
Ask About