Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 26, 1922, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Coach Hayward Will Enter 12
Contestants; Varsity Is
Conceded Chance
) Strachan, Walkley, Koepp and
Spearow Considered to
Be Point Winners
The deciding track meet of the sea
son is at hand. Tomorrow 12 Oregon
athletes, the best that Coach Bill Hay
ward has been able to develop during
the season, will match their prowess
against the cream of the west coast,
in the Pacific Coast-Northwest Confer
ence meet at Seattle. Most of the men
left yesterday. Hayward and Captain
<Jlen Walkley went the day before.
Plenty of time was allowed to give
the tracksters time to accustom them
selves to new surroundings- and re
cover from the effects of the train
Hayward and his proteges have had
an nphill fight this year, because of
lack of experienced material, but the
coach is well pleased with the way
things have turned out thus far. While
no record breakers have been un
earthed, the Lemon Yellow aggregation
has advanced to the place where they
are sure of a goodly number of points
against any competitors, and where
they may be expected to come out at
least among the first in this last big
meet of the year.
Spruits mil Be Close
The outcome of tlrP*lprints has been
^ the subject of much interesting specu
lation in University athletic circles.
First place seems to lie between Ole
Larson of Oregon and Vic Hurley of
"Washington, and while Larson out
distanced the U. of W. veteran in the
dual meet here, it was only by a few
inches, it being reported that both
men broke the tape. Track followers
seem of the opinion that Hurley will
be able to make a better showing on
the home track.
Scotty Strachan is the best weight
man brought out here this year, and
it looks as though he had a cinch on
the shot put. He has come out easy
winner in this event against both the
Aggies and Washington, and no one
among the competitors has been able
to come up to his mark. Scotty will
also throw the javelin and discus.
Oregon Weak in Hurdles
Oregon’s most vulnerable spot is in
the hurdles. Neither high nor low
hurdlers seem to be able to break away
for a first place. Washington took two
places in the 120 yard high hurdles
last week on Hayward field, and all
three in the 220 yard low hurdles.
However, it is hoped that the rest of
the team will he able to overcome this
handicap in other events.
The veteran Oregon miler, Glen
Walkley, is in fighting trim for his
race, and it should be a good one from
all indications. Some very strong mile
^ runners have come out this year on
the coast, and no one has it on the
hip as yet. Walkley’s hard training
during the past two weeks has added
to his ability, and followers expect
that he will run a better race than any
previous one this year.
Bill’s mile relay team, composed of
(Continued on page four.)
'junior class to vote
j Four Offices Are Uncontested; Two
Out for Vice-presidency; Board
Appointed for Election
Nominees for the offices of next
1 year’s senior class will be voted upon
j today in Villard hall. The polls will
j be open from 11 to 2. Four out of
! the five offices are uncontested, leav
ing the office of vice-president the
: only one with more than one aspirant.
The name of Harold Simpson' will
appear on the ballot for president. For
vioe-president, Leona Gregory and Imo
gene Letcher are in the race, while for
the office of secretary Margaret Scott
is the only candidate, since the name
of Helen Clark was withdrawn yester
day. Ivan McKinney is unopposed for
treasurer, and George Gochnour alone
is out for sergeant-at-arms.
An election board composed of four
members has been appointed to take
charge of the voting. Nelson English,
Charles Lamb, Chloe Thompson, and
Katharine Pinneo are urged to be pres
ent in Villard at 11 o’clock. The fol
lowing persons are asked to be on hand
to count votes after the polls close at
2 o’clock: Haddon Bockhey, Harold
Deadman, Herbert Hacker, Ethel
Wheeler, Margaret Kern, Margaret
Winbigler, John Gavin and George
King, chairman.
Betty Pride, Georgia Benson, Aspire
to Vice-presidency; Election
Scheduled for Thursday
Florence Jagger was nominated for
president of the Women’s Athletic
association at a meeting held at 4
o ’clock yesterday afternoon in the
Woman’s building. A large number of
candidates, all of whom were nominat
ed at the meeting yesterday, will be
voted upon next Thursday from 4 to
6 in room 121 of the Woman’s building.
The candidates for offices are:
Petty Pride and Georgia Benson for
vice-president; Helen King and Adah
Harkness, secretary; Helen Clark and
Sue Stewart, treasurer; Henryetta
Lawrence, reporter; and Christine
Heckman and Mary Clerin, custodian.
The heads of sports will be elected
from the following: canoeing, Mildred
LeCompte and Augusta DeWitt; ten
nis, Mildred Brown and Dorcas Conk
lin; basketball, Helen McCormick,
Grace Sullivan and Marjorie Flegal;
track, Dorothy McKee and Charlotte
Howells; baseball, Helen Glanz and
Mary Hathaway; swimming, Agnes
Schultz and Maude Shroeder; hiking,
Mildred Crain; hockey, Agnes Christie,
Carmel Sheasgreen and Harriet Veazie;
and archery, Catherine Spall and Mary
Florence Jagger, secretary, gave a
report of the meetings of the western
section of the athletic conference held
here May 12 and 13. The treasurer’s
report was submitted by Ruth Austin.
Campus Athletes Barin’ to Meet Town
“V” Team Saturday Night
Elimination contests are in progress
among the doughty ping pong players
at the “Y” hut in order to pick a team
to meet the city Y. M. C. A. quintet
in a tournament next Saturday night
at 7:30 on the city “Y” tables.
The ten high men among the campus
eligibles now are: Takeo Yamane, Jose
Gorriceta, Ernest Hendrickson, Max
Maccoby, Walter Belt, John Dye, Lo
renzo Lomboi, Henry Karpenstein, Ed
Howard, and Santiago Wacay. From
the above ten will be selected the best
five who are to meet the downtown
Girls9 Glee Club Triumphs
In Melodious Twilight Sing
Soft voices, rich in harmony, blended I
with the evening song of the birds and!
of the night wind, in the twilight con-!
cert of the girls’ glee club, held on*
the steps of McClure last night.
When the first clear notes of “Indian
Mountain” by Cadman rang forth
across the campus, the sun was just1
setting behind old Deady. The gentle:
wind from the sweet smelling reaches
of the upper McKenzie carried the
melody far down through the blooming:
array of flowers which skirts “Hello!
Lane” and for a time the usual mat-j
ter-of-fact air of the campus was
changed into a dreamland.
The ever popular “Allah’s Holiday”!
had a charming eastern thread whieh
ran through the composition and trans
ported the pensive crowd far away to
the land of mosques and sultans. A j
► more difficult work was “A Dream”:
by Grieg. The intricate interwoven
parts, done so well, were a true tribute
to the work of John Stark Evans, the
Of all the mass singing, “Songs My
Mother Taught Me” was the best done
and had the most appeal. A rather sad, I
thoughtful note predominated, and
there was a suspicion of moisture in
the eyes of some who stood near enough
to get the full significance of the
It was just as the dark green of the
ivy-clad walls of old McClure were fad
ing into deepening shadows of the'
spring evening that the triumphant
note of “My Day," interpreted by the
silvery voice of Joanna James, floated
to the audience, which stood spell
bound on the soft turf in the twilight.
The program was concluded by three
Indian songs by Cadman, “Land of the
Sky Blue Water,” “Far Off I Hear a
Lover’s Flute” and “When the Moon
Drops Low.” The happy thrill of the
first and the romantic touch of the
last were a fitting close to the group.
Presentation Program Will
Take Place in Woman’s
Building at 2:30
Prominent Artists and Art
Critics to Judge; Many
Guests Expected
The opening of an oriental treasure
house, such as the Chinese Aladdin prob
ably never dreamed of in the days of his
glory, will occur when the University of
Oregon formally receives the generous
gift of Mrs. Gertrude Bass Warner to
the institution. The gift is known- as
the “Murray Warner Collection’’ in
memory of the donor’s husband, who
was for many years a representative of
the United States government in China.
The motive of Mrs. Warner in present
ing this rare collection of easte»« art
antiques to the University is twofold, to
open the doors to the students in the
study and appreciation of art, which is
not merely a plaster cast of classic stat
uary, or a modern half-tone of old mas
terpieces, and secondly to try to bring
the people of America into closer sym
pathy with those of the east by ac
quainting them with the ideas and ideals
of the Orient, woven into the very fabric
of the rare tapestries, and welded into
the antique brasses, as art, world-wide,
expresses the spirit of ifs creators and
Faculty Art Work Exhibited
Coincidental with the acceptance pro
gram of the University, which begins
it 2:30 o’clock Monday in the Woman’s
building, is the jury day of the school
of architecture and allied arts. Twenty
prominent artists and art critics from
She entire Northwest have been invited
to serve on the jury, judging the work
of the art and architecture students.
Among them are the faculty members of
:he Washington state schools, and the
Portland preparatory schools. On the
same day the school presents an exhibi
tion of the work of its faculty in the
Woman’s building.
Governor Olcott to Be Here
Governor Olcott, Superintendent and
Mrs. J. A. Churchill will be among the
prominent guests on the occasion. Fif
teen hundred invitations have been sent
;o state residents to attend the program,
he administration feeling that an oppor
tunity to view such a collection should
ie shared by as many as possible of the
people of the state. The Museum, which
is on the third floor of the Woman’s
Duilding, immediately across the hall
from the Woman’s League rooms, in
which conventions are frequently held,
will be open from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. on
May 29, the day of acceptance, and from
2 to 4 p. m. daily thereafter.
After the program there will be a re
jeption in the Woman’s building, for
Mrs. Warner and a few friends, and tea
will be served. Those receiving with
Mrs. Werner are Mrs. Fairbanks, Mrs.
Schroff, Miss Fox, Mrs. Seaton and Mrs.
Lawrence. Mrs. Hale, Miss Tingle, Miss
Kerns and Mrs. Sam Bass Warner will
pour. Ella Rawlings and Bernice Alt
stock, president and president-elect of
the Women’s League will introduce the
guests to those receiving.
Program la Arranged
A student committee has been appoint
ed by President P. L. Bartholomew to
consider the preparation of a student ap
preciation of the gift, to be expressed at
the acceptance ceremonies. The program
as given in the invitations which have
been sent throughout the state follows:
Music—University of Oregon Orchestra,
Bex Underwood, Director.
Address—Dr. Campbell.
Music—University of Oregon Girls' Glee
Clhb, John Stark Evans, Director.
Address—Judge Chas. H. Carey.
Music—University of Oregon Men’s Glee
Club, John Stark Evans, Director.
Acceptance of the Murray Warner Collec
tion—Mrs. George Gerlinger, Board of
An appreciation of the gift on behalf of
the stndents will also be given by a
student representative.
Dr. John Straub, dean of men, left
Wednesday for various places in Ore
gon where he will deliver commence
ment addresses. On Thursday he will
speak to the graduating class at Echo,
Friday at Stanfield, and Saturday at
West Linn. Last week Dean Straub
addressed the classes at Westport and
Beaverton on Thursday and Friday
evenings, respectively, returning to the
campus Saturday morning.
Self-sacrifice Is Keynote of
Sumner’s Assembly Talk;
Counsel Is Given
Oregon’s Progress .Interests
Speaker; Notes Changes
for the Better
An earnest appeal to the University
students to be “ Oreathearts' ’ and to
undergo self-sacrifice in order to help
those less fortunate in life’s struggles,
was made by the Bight Reverend Waiter
T. Sumner, Episcopal bishop of Oregon,
who addressed the regular assembly
Thursday morning. His topic was
“Greatheart,” the altruistic character
from Bunyan’s * ‘ Pilgrim’s Progress, ’ ’
who was endowed with the virtues of un
selfishness £md self-sacrifice which
were the keynotes of Bishop Sumner’s
‘ ‘ Selfishness is the seeking of one’s
own good at the expense of another, ’ ’
declared the bishop, in endeavoring to dis
close the pernicious effect this vice has
upon the welfare of humanity. Individ
uals are so obsessed with selfishnoss that
soon they become creatures of self-pity.
They deceive themselves into believing
that “the world owes them a living, and
that the world has not done for them
what it has for others.’’ They go on
lamenting their condition so that
life becomes intolerable.
Causes of Selfishness Given
The bishop explained that selfishness
on the part of individuals was from two |
causes. In the first place a knowledge j
or philosophy of life is entirely lacking, |
he said. This weakness can be overcome
through the teachings of Christianity, j
The other cause is that false attitude to
ward life of wondering why a more de
serving allotment of all the things seen
in this world is not possible.
Another factor that branches out from
selfishness is pain, said the bishop. Few
there are that can bear up under it foT
their own sakes or for the happiness that
may accrue to others. “Pain,” as he
expressed it, “is a wonderful messenger,
and can be of the greatest use to human
ity.’’ Unbearable to the point, of des
pondency, pain should develop in the in
dividual a strong character wherein lies
the potent power and willingness to serve I
Then if individuals do not make a suc
cess in some calling which they undertake
they become sadly disappointed, he con
tinued. But this should not hinder a
man; he should not give up the fight. 1
Disappointment an Incentive
Instead, disappointment ought to be
an incentive to continue life’s struggles
until some satisfying task is accomplished. |
Don’t try to be anybody or don’t try to !
accomplish anything and you will not be j
disappointed,’’ he advised. As one goes j
forward in life, greater responsibilities {
are inevitable and greater discourage- j
inents are bound to come. Nevertheless j
it is a necessary counterpart of life, and ;
whatever comes there is no occasion for ‘
Bishop Sumner further asserted that
the character of man continues to be
built up under the tortures of prosecution
and injustice. “It is a mighty gratify
ing thing that the papers show up the
men who have committed themselves to
wrong, for they should strive to do good
thereafter,’’ he added. Under any cir
cumstance in which an injustice has been
done you go forth in a spirit of love to
right the wrong, not in a spirit of re
Faith an Assurance of Content
Contact with some institution where j
many unfortunate people are secluded
from the outer world would reveal to any
rational being the foibleness of self-pity,
he emphasized. Nothing broadens the
character more and widens the viewpoint
than the experience of witnessing, for
instance, in some hospital the miser
ableness of humans who are really
happy. “Faith in the power above that
all things are done right” is an as
surance of peace and contentment.
Every man has a certain God-given
gift that he should make the most of,
explained the bishop. Coupled with hope
and courage no being can fail to reach
his goal in life.
At the opening of the address, Bishop
Sumner spoke eommendably of the great
progress made at the University. “All
the changes are for the better, but that
which counts for the most is the spirit of
the University. The University is not
its bnildings and its faculty staff. It is
(Continued on page four.)
Points Awarded for Distance; One
Girl Has Becord of Thirty
Miles Covered
Ten per cent of those entering the
hiking contest, one of the athletic
events scheduled for women this term,
will receive letters, the latter being
awarded to the entrants having the
highest individual scores. No points
are given for a hike of less than five
miles, each five miles counting five
points and each mile thereafter count
ing one point. Places hard to reach
receive extra credit. A hike to Baldy
from Eugene counts 25 points, from
Springfield, 20 points. Spencer’s Butte
and Pisgah mountain each count 15
miles. The points are kept on cardB
in the entrance to the Woman’s build
ing, and all records are to be entered
within a week of the time when the
walking was done.
The house with the highest average
number of points wins the contest, the
number of points being divided by the
number of girls in the organisation.
At present Hendricks hall is the only
house which has recorded any points.
Twenty-eight hall girls, all of whom
have done at least five miles, have a
total of about 290 miles, making an
individual average of more than ten
miles. One of the entrants has 30 miles
to her credit.
Tennis Matches and Canoe Races to
Be Part of Program Tomorrow;
Letters to Be Awarded
The finfil game in girls’ class base
ball, tennis singles and doubles, canoe
racing between the freshman and sopho
more classes, archery and volley ball
contests and the awarding of letters
and trophies are scheduled as part of
the program of the ninth annual Field
Day to be held here tomorrow.
“Our aim is to use a largor pereent
age of girls each year in Field Day and
to play the sports for sport’s sake,”
said Margaret Russell, this year’s presi
dent of the Women’s Athletic associa
tion. “It was for this reason that in
dividual rewards of intrinsic value
have been abolished.”
Competition in girls ’ class baseball
has been keen this year, the sophomore,
freshman and senior classes each hav
ing lost only ono game, while the
juniors have lost two and tied a game
with the seniors, resulting in a score
jf 19-19.
The senior and sophomore teams will
meet today and the winning team will
meet the freshmen for the Hayward
baseball cup on the women’s athletic
field at 9:00 tomorrow morning.
At 11:30 the final class canoe race
will be held, Marie Strube and Augusta
DeWitt representing the freshmen,
Helen King and Rosalia Keber repre
senting the sophomores.
Tennis singles and doubles have been
scheduled for 10:30, Hazel Hatch play
ing for the freshmen in the singles,
May Lindley or Gertrude Andre for
the sophomores, Dorcus Conklin or
Wave Lesley for the juniors, and Alice
Kvans for the seniors. The teams for
the doubles will be decided by the
elimination match to take place today.
Two girls will be selected from each
class to take part in the archery con
test scheduled for 1:15, while at 2
o’clock the seniors will play the sopho
mores in volley ball.
The final tennis matches, both singles
and doubles, will be played off at 3
o ’clock.
The awarding of trophies and letters
for this year for the winning class and
doughnut teams will take place in the
Woman’s Loague room at 4:00, at
which time the Hayward baseball cup
will be presented to the winners of the
Field Day game, the juniors will re
ceive the Hayward cup for track, the
sophomores the Cummings swimming
cup, and Hendricks hall the cup for
doughnut basketball.
Letters will be awarded t» the Ore
gon club and Hendricks hall teams
for doughnut basketball and to the
senior and junior classes for class bas
ketball, Kappa Alpha Theta and Hen
dricks hall will win letters for dough
nut swimming, the doughnut swimming
meet being won by the Thetas, while
the sophomore team will receive letters
for class swimming.
Hendricks hall and Oregon club
teams will get letters for doughnut
baseball, the class team to receive
awards being decided by the game to
Four letters will be awarded for
archery and six for tennis, the four
for archery going to the two high teams
and the six for tennis going to the
four girls taking part in the final
doubles and two taking part in the
final singles.
Letters will also be awarded the
junior class track team and four let
ters will be given for the two teams
participating in the final canoe race.
Peg Beatie, Mary Alexander,
Elizabeth Griggs, Take
Next Three Offices
Less than One-half of Those
Enrolled Cast Votes
for Next Year
Bernice Altstock wu elected presi
dent of Women’s League when 431
University women east their ballots in
Villnrd hall yesterday.
Other officers for next year who
were elected yesterday are: Vice-pres
ident, Margaret Beatie; secretary,
Mary Alexander; treasurer, Elizabeth
Griggs; sergeant-at-arms, Cleo Base;
reporter, Geraldine Boot; delegate to
women’s conference, Miriam Schwartz.
Will Attend Conference
The newly-elected president and dele
gate will attend the conference of the
State Federation of Women’s Clubs, to
which the University Women’s league
belongs, at Tillamook, May 30 to
June 2.
None of the voting was very close,
except for the reporter’s position.
Only a little more than half the mem
bers of Women’s League cast their bal
lots, according to Ella Rawlings, past
president. Bernice Altstock, who is a
junior, and winner of the Oerlinger
cup, had 309 votes to Leona Gregory’s
83. Margaret Beatie had 234 against
Chloe Thompson’s 184. Mary Alexan
der won the secretaryship from Nancy
Wilson by her 293 votes to Miss Wil
son’s 129. Two hundred and thirty-six
votes were cast for Elizabeth Griggs
for treasurer, against Georgia Benson’s
191. Cleo Base was elected sergeant-at
arms with 247 votes to 178 for Edwina
The closest competition was for re
porter; Geraldine Root won the posi
tion with 213 votes to Marguret Skav
lan's 208—a majority of only five.
Miriam Schwartz received 232 votes to
Lurline Coulter’s 194.
Nominations Made Monday
Voting took place yesterday from 9
o’clock to 2 o’clock. Nominations
were made at a meeting last Monday.
Officers of Women’s League who
have just ended their term of office
are: president, Ella Ruwlingf; vice
president, Elsie Lawrence; secretary,
Murgaret Jackson; treasurer, Bernice
Altstock; sergeaut-at-urins, Mary Alex
ander; reporter, Nancy Wilson.
Faculty Members to Be Guests at
Osburn; Class of ’22 and Alumni
to Give Dnce June 3
The senior class of the University
high school will give a banquet at the
Hotel Osburn tomorrow night, having
as their guests President and Mrs. P.
L. Campbell, Dean und Mrs. H. D.
Sheldon, Prof, and Mrs. H. R. Douglass,
Mr. and Mrs. George O. Goodall, Mrs.
Anna Landsbury Heck, Mr. Rollien
Dickerson and Miss Ethel Wakefield.
Harold Gordinier will act as toast
master, and responses will be made by
Dean Sheldon, Robert McKnight and
ltuth Comfort Miller.
On June 3 the class will unite with
ten members of last year’s class, which
was the first to graduate from the
University high school, in giving a
dance at the Anchorage. Dorothy
Evans, Lloyd Young, Frances Burnett
and Floyd Ruch form the committee
in charge. Patrons und patronesses
will be Dr. und Mrs. R. T. Burnett, Dr.
and Mrs. J. M. Miller, Dr. and Mrs.
Kimball Young, Dean and Mrs. Shel
don, Prof, and Mrs. Douglass.
Football Practice
To Begin Monday
Football practice will be resumed
Monday afternoon when Shy Hunt
ington wants every football player
and aspirant In the University to
turn out... The preparation for next
fall will be started.
“The regulars and new men must
turn out Monday, and thereafter
for about two weeks,” Shy an
nounced yesterday. The work will
consist mainly of formation drill
and perhaps some scrimmaging. It
Is absolutely essential that every
regular and all others who want to
place on the team turn out immedi
ately*, declared Coach Huntington.