Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1922, Sigma Delta Chi Edition, Page 2, Image 2

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    Member Pacific Intercollegiate Press
Official publication of tbe Associated
Stndents of the University of Oregon,
issued daily except Sunday and Monday,
during the college year.
Entered in tbe postoffice at Eugene,
Oregon, as second-class matter. Sub
scription rates $2.25 per year. By term,
75 cents. Advertising rates upon appli
Editor 055 Business Manager 951
John Anderson
Edwin Fraser
Fred Michelson
There is a good deal for peoplo to mull
over in their minds in the recent state
ment of the governor of Missouri that
the farm boy of the country as a whole
gets his education in a school which aver
ages 121.0 days a year, by comparison
with the facilities offered the city boy,
which are the equivalent on the average
of 171.5 days a year. Tho comparison
might be extended further if data were
available. The typical school in the coun
try districts of the United States—al
though this is not true in particular of
Oregon—is a one-room, one-teacher
school, with scanty equipment, no labor
atory and usually no library. The city
school on the other hand has both labor
atories and libraries, or convenient ac
cess to them. An even more striking con
trast, however, is disclosod by tho state
ment that tho city school invaribly has all
of the eight grades and leads to four
years of high school in addition. The
rural school-—again taking the country
as a whole—has the alternating grads
system of trashing and stops at or before
the eighth grade.
That this does not apply to the states
which are the most advanced in education
is the more important to us bocauso it
may have dulled the keen edge of our
Sense of duty as citizens of the nation
at large. But it cannot be gainsaid that
in this respect, the interests of all tho
people of all the states are mutual. It
is impossible to foster ignorance, or to
permit it, in one community without im
periling every other. Tho illiterate, who
are apt to be the incompetent vocational
ly spending, of one state are destined by
their votes ns future citizens to infuoneo
the destinies of their fellows in evry
other state. Florida and Oregon, Maine
and Arizona, are one in the common
stake they hold in the preparation for
citizenship, and for right liviing, of all
tho people of the nation.
We have emphasised the contrast bo
tween urban and rural schools, and have
mentioned that the average opportunity
for education is much manlier in other
states than it ih in Oregon, because we be
lieve that this matter of opportunity for
education runs to the fundamentals of
equality in American life. A distinctive
foautrc of the development of the Amer
ican people has been the passion for edu
cation by which above all other peoples
they have been distinguished. This has
been iluust rated bv the persistence of the
movement away from the country and
toward the city, which has been actuated
so largely by the desire of people to ob
tain education for their children, and by
the fact that the statist having the repu
tation for maintaining the best schools
have been favored above others in immi
gration, for this reason chiefly. Both for
the purpose of curbing the cityward move
meat before it has attained uneconomic
proportions and of obtaining justice for
imw who ongnt not to no compelled to
emigrate in order to go to school, it is
essential that the opportunities for edu
cation shall be equalised. Tt goes with
out saving that equalization should be ac
eomplirhed by the process of building up.
that the present lowest should be brought
to the standard of the highest, that there
shall be no tearing down, no recession at
any point along tho line.
The problem hen is ouo of teaching
people to think in national terms, to roe
ogni.e tho obvious tact that duty in edn
cation is not circumscribed |>v state lines,
and ospeeially of impressing upon the in
habitants of the more fortunate common
wealths tho peril they risk in maintain
ing an attitude of self complacency For
the badly equipped and ill adjusted
citizen of a generation hence is going to
bo a source of danger to the nation wheth
er he hails, from Maine or Georgia, and
the citizen of the most distant school
district is not going to be able to escape
the consequences of a narrow minded and
parochial policy.
lilt* Hunwvr tu mr ar^uuirui uu1
opponents of federal aid (which is not to
1m' confounded with federal supervision)
in education, that education is in every
detail the duty of the individual state,
is that not all of the states have per
formed that duty. We weary of waiting
for equalization by the slow process of
time, particularly when we belive it both
unnecessary and perilous to wait too long.
We would hasten the time when the right
to all education that a boy or girl can
profitably utilize will be regarded as
fundamental, without regard to the ac
cident of geographical situation or the
economics of locality. The most expe
dient, because it is the most feasible, rem
edy is federal aid.
Among the results of the election that
is now nearly a week old must be listed
the fact that the tax reduction issue,
which was so prominent in the begin
ning of the campaign, was lost in the un
derbrush before the end was reached.
About all that is left behind to remind
us of it is the initiative measure whose
purpose is to repeal the millage taxes
by which the University and the Agri
cultural College are supported.
It is not particularly difficult to un
derstand why this measure should have
survived the tidal wave that overwhelmed
the remainder of the much discussed econ
omy program. It is not far from the
truth to say that in Oregon there are men
who would be willing to Bee their taxes
increased if thereby they could be assured
that the state’s institutions of higher
learning would be crippled. Having been
fighting the schools for years, they were
not going to lose this opportunity to get
in ji blow—and they did not.
Higher education has had a hard
struggle in Oregon. For years it was the
football of politics and was an issue in
every legislature. Hut it has gained
steadily in spite of opposition, and it is
a fact of the utmost importance that it
has gained because it has been able to
command consistently the support of the
people of the state. The schools have
won, practically without exception, when
their case has been carried to the elec
No doubt they will win again if the
millage bill repeal goes on the ballot next
fall. They will win certainly if in their
recent years of comparatively easy cir
cumstances they havo remained as close
to the public as they were before these
easier years. Each year at taxpaying
time there is a great deal of wild talk
about the iniquity of high taxes and
about tho need for reduction, but the
people consistently vote to retain and
pay for that which they want. They will
vote to support the schools if their faith
in them remains strong.
Tt is a pity that from time to time
the University of Oregon and the Oregon
Agricultural College must go forth and do
battle for their lives. In a common
wealth whose future depends so largely
upon adequate education of its citizens,
it is to be regretted that the schools are
the first and favorite target in every
campaign for retrenchment. But every
cloud has its silver lining and this cloud
is no exception to the rule. Knowing that
their existence depends upon their con
tinued usefulness, Oregon’s state schools
are spurred constantly on to meet the
real needs of those whose tax contribu
tions support them. Thus they arc kept
people’s schools, specializing upon that
which is useful and uplifting and free
from many of the frills whose value is
open to question. That is something that
is truly worth while.
It is only a matter of days until the
University closes its doors for the sum
mer, when the various students enrolled
will scatter themselves throughout the
state, to take up positions in various
walks of life during the vacation period.
These months are usually busy ones for
the student. In the three months time
allotted, he or she is usually making a
desperate attempt to eart> necessary funds
to return to the University in the fall,
at the same time indulging in a few weeks
of recreation. In most cases there is lit
tle thought given to matters pertaining
to the University.
In this edition of The Emerald, the
neophytes of Sigma Delta Chi, wish to
bring to the minds of the departing stu
dents that Oregon is their University and
it should merit a portion of their time.
In these days of unrest when the people
are working to throw off the yoke of tax
ation. there has sprung up organized op
position to the millage bill. This move
ment if allowed to go to completion will
strike at the very heart of the Univer
sity. Too long has Oregon been thwarted
in her up hill climb by lack of finances.
We cannot allow a reversion to former
conditions just at a time when the Uni
versity has begun to come into its own.
If every Oregon student will take it
upon himself or herself to be a personal
representative of the institution both in
actions and in deeds, the chance for a
bigger and better Oregon will be immeas
urable increased.
Stanford's third annual Labor Day
was hold May 17 at tho Children‘a
Convalescent Homo. All classes in tho
university wore postponed in order that
•he undergraduates niijrht help beautify
the grounds about the home.
I'se tho Classified Ad for your wante.
Notices will be printed in this eotama
for two issues only. Copy moot be in the
office by 4:80 o'clock of the day on which
it is to be published and mart be limited
to tt words.
Coos County Students—Meeting at 7
p. m. Thursday, 764 Mill Bace drive,
across mill race from Kappa Sigma
house. Everybody turn out.
California Club—There will be an im
portant meeting of the California
club tonight in room 105 of the
Commerce building at 7:30. There
will be an election of officers for
next year.
Annual Seabeck meeting of the Y. W.
C. A., 5 p. m. Thursday, at the bun
galow. Various phases of the con
ference will be explained and illus
trated. All members asked to attend.
Track Men—All men who have partici
pated in any of the Varsity track
meets this year are to meet at Hay
ward field at 4 today for a picture.
Hawthorne Club—Meeting at 7:15 to
night in men’s room of Woman’s
building. Very important. Election
of officers.
Women’s Athletic Association—Meet
ing at 4 o’clock today in the Wom
en’s League room. Nominations for
next year’s officers.
Ye Tabard Inn—Meeting tonight at
the home of W. F. G. Thacher, 1626
Hilyard street, at 7:30 o’clock.
Girls’ Glee Club—All members be on
steps of McClure hall Thursday night
at 7:15.
Seniors—Saturday, May 27, is last day
to order caps and gowns at the Co
Hammer and Coffin—Meets tonight at
7:30 sharp at the Anchorage.
Dial—Meets tonight at 7:30 in the
Woman’s building.
Oregon Knights—Regular meeting to
night at 7:30.
Sigma Delta Chi
Initiates Take in
Crowd at Library
Clothes in the latest Brooks Model
dress suits, shoes to match, and two
quart hats two sizes too small, set dan
gerously over one ear duo to shrinking
of the goods or inflation of the cranial
cavity, John Anderson, Edwin Fraser
and Fred Michelson, neophytes of
Sigma Delta Chi, honorary journalism
fraternity, mounted the library steps
at 11 o’clock yesterday to open the
outlet to their journalistic steam on
topics which they deemed were crying
for attention. In the usual manner a
most cordial welcome was extended to
the speakers of the day by a receptive
audience, who strained listening ears
to catch every word that came from
the speakors ’ supply of authentic
knowledge. Loud cheers and praise
went up, reverberating again and again
across the boundless amphitheater in
which tho speakers were situated, each
time the delicious subtlety of the rap
idly coming jokes were apprehended.
Long after the last speaker had made
his closing statement and had taken
his leave from the pedestal, a rumble
of laughter wns still audible in the
crowd. As the speakers strolled leis
urely' back to their office where they
were at the time editing the college
paper, Mr. Anderson was impressed
with tho keen sense of humor with
which Oregon students were possessed.
Wrinkling his brow in an expression
of mirth, he said: “Those students
either got that later or it lasted longer1
than any joke I ever got away with
The speakers were well impressed
with the spirit of the Oregon students
and wish to have it circulated that they
will be pleased to respond to the cor
dial invitation extended to be the
guests of the University at some future
University High
To Present Play
Oscar Wilde’s production, “Import
ance of Being Earnest,” will be pre
sented by the senior class of the Uni
versity high school in the auditorium
*of the high school at $ o’clock this
The play portrays absurd circum
stances which arise when the affairs
of dashing young men and charming
young ladies are interfered with by a
meddlesome and aristocratic aunt.
I'ompous butlers arrayed in all the re
galia of their royal station add to the
absurdity of the situation. Tangles
are frequent and humor profuse.
The players consist of a well trained
caste of seniors, who have devoted
much time in rehearsing for the pro
duction. Harold Gordinier, Thomas
Going, Lloyd Young, Wilbur Hayden,
Helena Stewart, Gertrude Hill, Mar
garet Dovery, and Helen Reynolds will
play important roles in the production.
A gift estimated at from $5,000,000
to $15,000,000 has recently been re
ceived by the School of Law at the
University of Michigan. The name of
the donor, an alumnus, is unknown.
One of the greatest services a univer
may give to the student is to point out
his weakness and his strength, in order
that he may correct his shortcomings and
train himself for the work for which he
is best suited.—Daily Ulini.
Most of the B. O. T. C. boys are all
for this war department economy pro
gram. They are willing to go a step
farther and go without uniforms as well
as shoes.—University of Washington
Don’t get the “if" habit .... Kip
ling ’s poem entitled “If” is full of
thought and spirit. Bead it, think it,
and live it, and “if" will be relegated
j to the heap of obsoletes.—Arizona Wild
We got a good laugh out of watching
our leading social fusser dressing for a
“hard time" dance, striving to look
“rough" and “slick" at the same time.
—Ohio State Lantern.
Students who fainted while standing at
attention during the brigade review show
that they have omitted to master the
fundamentals of their drill.—Daily Illini.
Many girls succeed in keeping that
schoolgirl complexion by keeping it in
a box.—Columbia Spectator.
The Woman’s League board of the
University of Colorado has made loans
to seven girls this year to the amount
of $850. While the working capital of
the fund is small, it has proven ade
quate, for no request has been refused.
The prehistoric skull of some con
temporary of Adam has been dug out
of the bank of San Francisquito creek
at Stanford university. It has lain 18
feet below the level of the ground for
a period of from 2,000 to 10,000 years.
Phil Neer and Jimmy Davies, Stan
ford’s double tennis team, won the
Pacific Coast conference championship,
defeating the California team of Bates
and Conrad.
According to a decision of the board
of trustees of Pacific university, ex
service men will be granted free tuition
next year as they have in the past.
This is the fifth year that the award
has been made.
• • •
Five students at Ulinois Wesleyan
university were permanently dismissed
ship in Theta Nu Epsilon. Some time
by the board of trustees for member
ago the men were expelled from their
respective fraternities because of their
affiliation with T. N. E.
Sometimes, when topics of mutual in
terest are hard to discover, a man and a
woman will discuss “flappers.” Nine
times out of ten the man will find that
he had trod in dangerous waters once
he voices his opinions on flappers and
flapperism. It seems that almost every
one has his own idea of what a flapper
It’s just as hard to discover a girl
who will admit she is a flapper as to dis
cover a man who will admit himself to
be a “ parlor python, ” “ lounge-lizard, ’ ’
or any other of the species described by
those undictionary names. And yet one
young man had the consumate nerve to
tell a girl that he belives ninety-five
per cent of the girls at Oregon were
‘ ‘ flappers. ’ ’ His only apology was that
he grouped the particular girl to whom
he addressed the remark in the class
which comprised the remaining five per
cent. He did this when he saw that
that was the only answer that would ap
pease his friend. Mentally he probably
made reservations.
The term “flapper” has lately been
much abused. Originating in England,
the word still means in that country “an
honest, critical, active school girl, who
never flatters a man and is practically
at war with the other sex. She is a
sportswoman who goes in for the game
and not for the clothes.”
Tlio common use of the word in Amer
ica might be said to be the reverse of
this English definition. Flapper really
means a wild duck too young to fly, as
most, sportsmen konw. Applying this to
the human race, flapper means a de
lightfully innocent, young girl.
Had the young man explained himself
as holding these views of a flapper, he
might not have apologized by telling the
girl that she belonged to the five per
cent not flappers, or in other words
that she was the reverse of “a delight
fully innocent young girl,” which might
be taken to be “an uninteresting sophis
ticated old lady.”
Speaking of “lounge lizard,” “parlor
python,” “tea-hound,” “snake,” et
F ailing-Beekman
Awards Attract
Only 2 Seniors
Elaine Cooper and Wilbur Hoyt are
the only entries to date for competi
tion in the Failing-Beekman oratorical
contest to be held on the evening of
June 15 in Villard hall.
The Failing-Beekman contest is an
annual event, open to all seniors of
the University, carrying with it a prize
of $150 for first place and $100 for
second place. Very little interest has
been manifested in the contest this
year, according to C. D. Thorpe, debate
and oratory coach. But he is hopeful
that other names will be added to the
list of contestants. The orations are
to be original with the student giving
them and are to be limited in length
to 15 minutes.
The Failing-Beekman prizes are
taken from two separate funds left by
Henry Failing and C. C. Beekmau of
Jacksonville, both of whom were very
much interested in oratory. The prizes
is now awarded come from these two
funds; first prize from the Failing and
second prize from the Beckman gifts.
In last year's contest Aba Rosenberg
took first prize and John Uauoles won
second. °
Sixty co-eds of the department of
home economics at Oregon Agricultural
. ollege, were mistaken for a convention
of war mothers while on a recent field
trip to Portland.
cetera, who can offer a bona fide defi
nition for such terms? No one has of
fered a prize for the most acceptable
definition, but it might be interesting to
find the different views held among men
and women on this campus. They will
probably be found to differ as widely as
views held as to just what is a flapper.
Some awkward-limbed athlete who
never sets foot inside a woman’s house
except on the occasion of his house
dance when he must enter in order to
bring forth his partner of the evening will
tell you that ninety-five per cent of the
members of the male sex attending this
University are “lounge-lizards.”
A sophisticated gentleman who has
a wide acquaintance among members of
the fair sex and usually manages to spend
two or three evenings a term at each of
the various women’s houses on the cam
pus will tell you that only about five
per cent of the men attending Oregon are
“parlor-pythons.” He will usually add
that the particular man who is affording
him the keenest competition in the matter
of getting ‘1 dates, ’ ’ heads the list of the
five per cent.
The generally accepted meanings of
both ‘ ‘ flapper ’ ’ and ‘ ‘ lounge-lizard ’ ’
are that members of the human race who
might be classed under either of those
groupings, depending upon the sex, con
sist of students who apparently have no
interest in academic life other than as
affording a place to meet members of
the opposite sex and amusements with
which to entertain them.
A class in journalism not long ago
was asked to write a paper on flappers.
They almost unanimously agreed that ac
cording to the commonly accepted news
paper definition of ‘ ‘ flapper, ’ ’ the num
ber that might be classed as such at Ore
gon was minutely small. Although they
were not asked to write upon the sub
ject it is probable that they would have
declared the number of “parlor-pvthons”
here to be just as small.
Is everyone agreed
(Continued from page one)
son and’ Fred Main, both of the Phi
Delta Theta house, and Thomas Short
and Ted Gillenwaters, of the Alpha
Tau Omega house.
The ease will be tried June 6 in the
circuit court room in the court house.
Sylvester Burleigh will act as district
attorney and Borden Wood as attor
ney for the defense.
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