Sigma Delta Chi Edition The features of this issue are the editor ials written by news paper men of the state. Sigma Delta Chi Edition0 THE WEATHER Thursday—Showers west, probably fair and cool east. VOLUME XXIII. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1922 NUMBER 139 PROMINENT EDITORS INITIATED OREGON IRACK MEN HAVE GOOD CHANGE IN SATURDAY MEET Varsity’s Squad of 12 Can Annex Northwest Honors if They Are in Best Form Six-School Competition May Split Up Score so that 35 Points Are Enough to Win Oregon, with 12 men entered in the Pacific Coast - Northwest Conference meet at Seattle this week, has a good chance to take the meet, in the opinion of track followers on the campus, for although the Varsity has lost dual meets to both O. A. C. and Washington, six colleges will be competing at Se attle, and with the points split six ways, the athletes of Oregon have a chance to garner about 35 points, which would easily cop the honors. The 12 men who leave today to rep resent Oregon are: Larson and Ober teuffer in the 100 and 220-yard dashes; Walkley in the mile and two-mile; Koepp in the two-mile; Peltier in the 880; Kuhnhausen in both the 120-yard high hurdles and the 220 low hurdles; Spearow in the pole vault, broad jump, and high jump; Strachan in the shot, javelin, and discus. The mile relay team, which should give a good ac count of itself, is composed of Sunde leaf, Wyatt, Risley, and Rosebraugh. NINE ARE LETTERMEN All but three of the 12 men are let ter winners, but of those having letters, only six have won another one this year, the Seattle meet being their last chance to make good this season. Sun deleaf, Walkley, Wyatt, Kuhnhausen, and Strachan will represent Oregon for their last time Saturday, and the track team next year will greatly miss the services of these veterans. Glen Walkley, especially, will be greatly missed as this is his third year and makes his third letter. Walkley last year set a new coast conference record in the mile at the meet held in Eugene by circling the track four times in 4:28. This record still stands Lut may be broken again in the meet at Seattle by either Walkley or one of the O. A. C. runners, Scea and Swan. SPEAROW BEST ALL-AROUND Ralph Spearow, spending his first year on an Oregon Varsity, is by far the most versatile performer on the squad and is counted on for two firsts, and may also take the high jump, though he has some stiff competition in the latter event. He also will have •to step out in the pole vault, as an ©. A. C. man made 13 feet last week in their dual meet with Washington State. Larson, who has beaten both Hurley and Snook in the 100 this year, will have the race of his life on his hands Saturday as both were beaten only by inches. The claim was made that (Continued on page three.) Co-eds Neglect To Say ‘Hello’ “0”Men Assert Tabulation by Two Athletes Exposes Underclassmen and Women (Editor’s Note—The following story was brought in by two prominent ath letes on the campus, both prominent in other activities. The figures are vouched for by both of the men, who were merely trying out the tradition which makes Oregon famous, while they had nothing else to do. The fig ures indicate that some serious thought should be devoted to the subject or this tradition, the one which has made Oregon known throughout the country as a democratic institution, is liable to be lost forever.) Monday night two students of the male species were parked on the library steps. To their minds came the idea: Why not try out the old “hello” tra dition and see if it was really true that the “hello” was being forgotten. So one took the initiative and tried to inveigle “hellos” from the passing students. The other with a trusty pencil and score pad tabulated the re sponses and the non-answers. The night was soft and balmy and the stars overhead lent a very suitable atmosphere to induce joyous “hellos” to spring spontaneously from laughing lips. But alas! the “hellos” had to be jarred out in most cases, and not many spoke unless spoken to. Of those who spoke first, three were women and eight were men. In each case those that spoke first were all well known by the two inviting the “hellos.” The 11 were all members of the upper classes. Four upperclassmen passed by but they could not be counted, as they were in love, and love hears not and sees not. Counting the ones that spoke, there were 51 that answered and 59 that did not speak. Those that did not answer were divided as follows: 47 women and 12 men. The men that took the cen sus, if it may be called that, were very, very sober and in no way was the count wrong. The time being in the evening when everyone should speak, especially on nights such as these, was chosen because the two searchers for “hellos” wanted to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Both men are well known on the campus and no ex cuse would hold that they were un known to the students. The two have been in athletics, one is a letter man, and the students know them well. Moreover, not knowing a person is not sufficient reason for not speaking. As far as is known, this is the only tabu lation that has been authentically taken and if anyone should doubt this, let him take the initiative and watch the result. The co-eds being the worst offend ers, it should be up to them to speak first and not sail by with upturned chin, gazing at the glories of heaven, for if they try to see mortal man they will get many “hellos.” The under continued on page three.) Vida Sherwood Kidnapped ********* Assailants Quickly Caught The peace and tranquility of the campus was disturbed by the loud screaming of women and the cracking of pistol shots early yesterday after noon when Vida Povey 8herwood and Alice Thomas, both of the Delta Gam ma house, were roughly seized and muffled by three bad men who alighted from a big, black car at the curb and assailed them while they were sitting on the library steps. The three men were dressed in long overcoats pulled high around their faces, and caps pulled over their ears, when they stepped from the car, un noticed. One of the bandits held the crowd off with two pistols while the other two threw blankets over the girls’ heads and carried them to the ear. Several shots were fired to ward off the crowd which stood spellbound, too startled to interfere. The women were placed in the car which was left guarded by a fourth man, the engine running and ready for instant flight. They sped down Thirteenth street to ward Springfield. At that moment LeBov Anderson, law school sheriff, happened along. He commandeered a passing machine which was driven by John Shumaker and gave chase to the escaping machine. During the early part of the kidnap ping, two professors of the law school, Justin Miller and Sam Bass Warner, were in the foregorund. When they saw the bandits seize the two women they sought shelter behind the senior bench and called to a host of football heroes in which were Hank Latham, Scotty Strachan and Spike Leslie, as well as Eddie Durno, physical educa tion director, to go to the aid of the screaming women and give what succor they were able. Not a hand was turned to rescue the unfortunate women from the clutches of the bandits, however. Mr. Warner and Mr. Miller remained secure in their place of hiding through out the ordeal. Fortunately Sheriff Anderson had the faster machine, and the bandits were apprehended near Springfield. They gave their names as James Pear (Continued on page two.) BISHOP SUMNER TO TALK AT ASSEMBLY; 'GREATBEART'TDPIG _ Churchman Tells Only Title of Address; Is on Eighth Visit to Oregon Campus Week-end Events Praised by Visitor; Junior Prom and Canoe Fete Much Improved - i Eight Reverend Walter Taylor Sum ner, Episcopal Bishop of Oregon, will deliver an address entitled “Great heart” before students and faculty members at the 11 o’clock assembly this morning in Villard hall. This af-; ternoon, at the end of a very busy week on the campus, the Bishop will j return to Portland. Walter Jenkins,! baritone, of Portland, will sing. He' was formerly a Y. M. C. A. song leader in camps during the war and has done' community song directing. The bishop would vouchsafe no more information than the admissoin that “Greatheart” was indeed a very well known character. He did not want/ he said, to give away the details of' his speech beforehand. “I am intensely interested in young people,” Bishop Sumner said. “The hope of Oregon and of other states is the present generation. The past gen eration has made a sort of a mess of things and I look to the young people as the ones to set things right.” FIGURES QUOTED He quoted figures which he said he got from President Campbell to the effect that only 31 per cent of high school graduates in other states went on to a higher institution of learning, whereas 68 per cent in Oregon con tinued their education. This, he said, means that Oregon is to have a wonder fully well educated citizenry. And if the character building keeps pace with the intellectual growth, Oregon will be the finest of states. Today closes the bishop’s eighth visit of a week’s duration to the Ore gon campus. He accepted an invita tion eight years ago, he said, and has continued doing so every year sinee. His time since his arrival last Friday has been one continual round of en gagements. Dinners, teas, luncheons, talks, conferences, have kept him con tinually busy. The amendment passed at the last election te provide for the bringing of musicians to the campus fcr concerts was highly commended. The bishop (Continue a on page lour.; RECEPTION IS PLANNED FOR DAVID CAMPBELL In preparation for the David Camp i well Home-coming which is being ! planned on the occasion of the return ! of the renowned pianist to the Uni j versity on June 2, when he will appear in concert, a meeting will be held to inight in Dean Straub’s office at 7:30. At this meeting plans for welcoming Oregon’s famous alumnus and former faculty member will be laid, and the committee is anxoius that everyone be present. According to the success of the bril liant musician both in this country and abroad, the concert which he will pre sent here upon his return to the Ore gon campus, will be one of the most important events of the year in mus ical circles. His return is eagerly awaited by many friends nere and by all who have heard him piay and know of his marvelous ability. It is planned to make his home-coming an important event in the school year. The following have been appointed on the David Campbell committee which will meet tonight. Anyone who is unable to attend is asked to notify Marian Linn, 840; Luella Hausler, 947, or Adah Harkness, 1317. Susan Campbell—Julia Raymonds. Hendricks hall—Augusta DeWitt. Gamma Phi Beta—Georgia Benson. Pi Beta Phi—Virginia Pearson. Delta Gamma—Margaret Powers. Delta Delta Delta—Margaret Fitz simmons. Alpha Delta Pi—Helen Harper. Kappa Kappa Gamma—Helen Caples. Alpha Chi Omega—Gwladys Keeney. (Continned on page three.) OREGON KNIGHTS TO BE MADE BAIDAL MEMBER ON FRIDAY Tom Austin, of Washington Knights of the Hoo>k, Will Be Installing Officer Underclass Organization Is Growing; Local Outgrowth of Freshman Committee Formal installation of the Oregon Knight chapter of the Intercollegiate Knights will take place here Friday even ing at 8 in the regular meeting place in the Woman’s building. Tom Austin of the Knights of the Hook chapter at the Uni versity of Washington will arrive in Eu gene today and will be the officer who will install the local chapter. Following the formal installation a banquet will be held at the Anchorage for the 72 members of the Oregon branch. Present will be Phillip Janney, newly elected faculty member, as well as Presi dent Campbell of the University, John MacGregor, newly elected president of the A. 8. U. O., and Lyle Bartholomew, the retiring executive of the student body. OTHER CHAPTERS INSTALLED Chapters were established in Idaho and Washington State college last week, which are known as Knights of the Ball and Chain, and Cougar Guard chapters re spectively. It is expected to expand to include the University of Montana, Mon tana State college, Standford, and other institutions in the near future. The Knights of the Hook at the Uni versity of Washington from which the present national organization has sprung, was formed in the fall of 1919 by a small number of men at that university for the purpose of assisting the yell king in di recting pep rallies and as originally plan ned was to exist only during the football season. HANDLE TEAMS Gradually the work of the Knights be gan to assume an importance which final ly resulted in their attaining a permanent place in the university. Handling of vis iting teams, ushering at various func tions, selling tickets, maintaining tradi tions, and many other duties have come to be part of the work of the Knights. Teams visiting the University were greatly impressed with the activities of the organization and carried the idea back to their schools with the result that similar clubs were started. The culmin ation of the rise of these organizations is the present scheme of forming a national body of Knights at the different insti tutions for the purpose of effecting a more smoothly working machine of the members. MEEK STUNT DUKE The Oregon Knights as on the campus are the outgrowth of the freshman tradi tion committee commonly known as Pro tra-co. Last fall the members of the pre ceding year and the members of the com mittee at that time were re-organized to form the present body. James Meek was elected stunt duke, with George Neale holding the office of chancellor of the exchequer and Marc Youngs that of royal scribe. At the last meeting Tuesday Ed Tap fer was elected chancellor of the exche quer and Gordon Wilson royal scribe for the next year. James Meek will hold the office of stunt duke until next February. The pin of the new organization is a shield with a red stripe running diagon ally across it. A silver helmet is mounted in the center, with the letters “I K” on it. Freshmen Can’t Keep Track of Their Hats Now Freshmen who purchased new head gear after the destruction of their green lids during the Junior Week-end exercises are pretty negligent with their new hats and caps, according to the janitor at the library. Freshmen who enter the library hang their hats in the cloak room and forget to redeem them when they leave. The janitor believes this is due to the fact that the green lids were usually wadded up and stuck in the pocket whereas the new headgear cannot be so treated. The result is that the underclassmen hang their hats and caps in the cloak room and leave the library thinking the little green lid is safely stuffed in a rear pocket. Campbell Boosts Sigma Delta Chi President P. L. Campbell, honorary member Sigma Delta Chi, elected 1918. “The inflaonce of Sigma Delta Chi is being very powerfully felt in college journalism. Its ideals are making them selves manifest in the University publi cations and the whole movement is in the direction of a journalism looking toward the best standards in collego life,” is the statement made fy President P. L. Campfell, honorary member of that or ganization since 1918, when interviewed on the subject. President Campbell went on to say that he was in full accord with the policy of Sigma Delta Chi regarding the taking in of members of the staffs of city and country newspapers, as he belives it is sure to be of great importance. “Sigma Delta Chi has my hearty ad miration and I wish for the chapter at the University of Oregon, among others which have been making a fino record, many years of steady growth and increas ing influence.” The style of journalism used in The Emerald, says President Campbell, is fine. There is a crispness and a style that is full of vigor, which indicates a supply of good talent. There is a certain freedom of life on the Oregon campus which lends itBelf to spontaneous expres sion. This fact is noticeable in all depart ments of the paper, the editorials as well as the news and is worthy of a great many of the national journals, is the be lief of President Campbell. Sigma Delta Chi was founded April 17, 1909, at DePauw University, for the purpose of fostering higher ideals in the field of journalism. It was established on the campus April 10, 1919. MONDAY WILL BE LAST JURY DAY OF ARTISTS The last jury day of the term in the school of architecture and allied arts will be held on Monday, May 29, and at this time all the awards for the work of the students during the year will be announced, At the close of the day a banquet will be held at which the prizes will be presented by a num ber of judges who have been asked to be here for the occasion. For the school of architecture the judges will be W. G. Holford, Joseph Jacobberger, John Bennes, A. E. Doyle, William Purcell and Carl Linde of Portland, George Gove of Tacoma; Carl Gould, head of the department of architecture at the University of Washington, and It. Weaver, head of the same department at Washington State college. Three former students who will return to serve on the jury also, are John McGuire of Tacoma, and Glen Stanton and Irving Smith of Portland. Those who have been invited to serve on the jury for the normal and fine arts departments are: Mrs. H. C. Wortman; Miss Dunlap, school docent of Portland; Miss Esther Wuest, school supervisor of art in Portland; Everett Babcock, Mrs. Lee Hoffman, Harry Wentz and N. B. Zane, both of whom are instructors in art in the schools of Portland, and Judge Charles Carey. All of these are well known throughout the state as able art critics and many of them are artists themselves. The banquet for all the faculty and students in the school will be held at 6:30 at the Hotel Osburn on Monday evening and tickets will sell for 75 cents. All members of the University faculty or student body who are in terested may attend the banquet by buying their tickets from members of the students’ Allied Arts league. At this time the medal which is presented annually to the student who graduates from the school of architecture with the highest record throughout his course by the American Institute of Architects will be presented, as well as numerous cash prizes in all the de partments. THREE PROMINENT IN INITIATED HI SIGMA DEETA CHI Six Honorary Members Taken from Active Editors and Publishers of This State Frank Jenkins, 0. C. Leiter and R. C. Hall Join Order at Meeting Held in Osburn The Oregon chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, national honorary journalistic fra ternity, last night initiated three of the honorary neophytes who were elected to membership last woek. The three are O. C. Leiter, managing editor of the Portland Telegram; Frank Jenkins, present editor of the Eugene Morning Register, and R. C. Hall, superinten dent of the University Preas. The other prominent newspaper men of the state who were elected by the Oregon chapter will be initiated whenever it is convenient for them to come to Eugene for the ceremonies. Mr. Jenkins has been with the Reg ister for about ten years, having come from the middle west. He has been constantly with the Register and has worked his way up to the editor's chair. Mr. Hall is at present superintendent of the University Press and a member of the faculty. He is a former news paper man, having worked with sev eral of the newspapers on the Pacific Coast. PORTLAND MEN ELECTED The other men who were taken in by Sigma Delta Chi are Horace E. Thomas, city editor of the Portland Oregonian; Fred Lockley, assistant to the publisher of the Oregon Journal, and Albert Hawkins, editorial writer on the Oregonian. Mr. Thomas is a newspaper man well known throughout the state and the northwest. He has been with the Ore gonian for about 10 or 15 years and has held the post as city editor on that paper for about eight years. Mr. Leiter, now managing editor of the Telegram, is also a man of wide acquaintance in the newspaper field. He was with the Oregonian as city editor prior to Mr. Thomas. He left that work to publish the La Grande Observer. Later he went to New York where he took a position as special writer on the Tribune. About a year ago, after returning to Portland, he joined the staff of the Telegram and has been manuging editor for four months. LOCKLEY PROMINENT Mr. Lockley is a familiar figure about the state, both in the newspaper »nd other fields. He has done much editorial and feature writing for the Journal. He went to the wur as a Y. M. C. A. secretary and acted as correspondent for his paper. He does outside writing for the Bookman and the Bunset Magazine. Mr. Hawkins has a reputation among those who know him us one of the mainstays of the skilled editorial staff of the Oregonian. He has done some interesting research work and has be come somewhat of an authority on the history of Oregon and the northwest. Before joining the staff of the Ore gonian he worked on several other papers in the northwest and on the Pacific coast. He edits and publishes the Pacific Drug Review. Filling of Sunken Parts of Hayward Field Under Way Work of filling in the sunken and uneven portions of Hayward fiold is now proceeding under the direction of John L. Hanna, the superintendent of buildings. According to Mr. Hanna, a great amount of dirt will be required to make the fill. He believes that the work will not be completed before neit fall. All the debris left on Kincaid field after the Junior Week end clean up will be hauled to Hayward field to help complete the fill. PLEDGING ANNOUNCES Bachelordon announces the pledging of Lawrence Cook of Portland.