Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 13, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Tickets for Prom Will Be on
Sale Next Week
Plans are now nearly complete for
the-various events of Junior Week-end,
according to the reports of the com
mittees on the prom, the canoe fete, the
campus luncheon, and other parts of
the program.
Tickets for the prom will be placed
on sale during Tuesday and Wednes
day of next week. They may be ob
tained at the Co-op or from members
of the junior class who will handle
them in the various living organiza
tions. The committee in charge is urg
ing early ticket purchasing to avoid
the jamb at the prom Saturday night.
Tickets will sell at $1.00. The prom
is to be formal, but no taxis or flow
ers are to be included as a part of the
evening’s gaieties. Dancing will start
at 8:30, and a six-piece orchestra has
been secured. Punch and programs for
the occasion have been ordered.
Campus Luncheon Cost Beduced
Campus luncheon plans have been
greatly altered, due to the desire to
cut down expense, and a scheme has
been devised to reduce the cost per
student to a minimum. All girls’ or
ganizations will furnish sandwiches,
and men’s organizations will contribute
deviled eggs. Each student will be
charged 5 cents each for coffee, salad
and ice cream. This 15-eent chargo
will be the only outlay of money, and
no tax whatever will be placed on the
various organizations, as has been done
in the past.
Affair to Be This Morning in Sun
Parlor of Woman’s Building;
Solos on Program
The program for the Y. W. C. A.
senior breakfast to be held in the
Woman’s building thiH morning has
been announced by the committee in
charge. LeLaine West, president of
the association, will preside as toast
mistress. Dean Elizaboth Fox, repre
senting Mrs. Campbell, will speak to
the girls. Mrs. George Bohler, chair
man of the advisory board, will greet
the Bcnior women on behalf of the
board, and Margaret Jackson will give
a toast in the name of the juniors to
which Grace Tigard will respond in
behalf of the seniors Violin selections
will be given by Helen Harper and a
vocal solo by Viola I’owoll
Freshmen girls, under tho direction
of tho boosters’ committee, of which
Ednn Lnrgent is chairman, will be in;
charge of the serving, and tho clean-up j
work will be carried on under tho
supervision of tho bungalow commit
tee, in charge of Helen Addison.
Junior women who are attending are
reminded to bring 50 cents to pay for
breakfast for themselves and the senior
whom they are escorting. The girls
are asked to meet in the Alumni hall
at 8:110. Breakfast will be served in
the sun parlor and it is hoped to liavoj
it over by 10:110 so that it will not in
any way conflict with the campus
luncheon. A splendid menu and novel
decorations are promised and a large j
number of girls are expected to be on j
(Continued from page one)
formal gathering for all visiting moth
ers and their families at Hendricks
hall at 8:00 o'clock this evening. This
is the mode of entertainment which has
been substituted for the concert which1
wns to have taken place at Villardj
hall. The girls of Hendricks hall will
be hostesses at the reception. A mus
ical program will be given.
Sunday morning special services will
be held at the Eugene churches in
honor of Mothers’ Day. The feature
of the day will be the vesper services
to be hold at the Methodist church at
Minimum chars*. I time, 2£>c . ‘J lime*. {
45c : 5 times, $1. Must be limited to 6
lines, ov* * this limit, 6c tier line. Phone
1*61, or leave copy with itueineaa office of
Kmkkaui. in University Press Payment in
mlvntuar. Of tic# hours, 1 to 4 p. ni
PROTECT YOURSELF and your car.
Before starting on your vacation trip,
insure your automobile and buy acci
dent insurance for yourself. The sense
of security will add to your enjoyment.
Call Goo. O tioodall, telephone d-tilv.
ll>:l Mlt? 3
1 OR SALE Site for fratcruitx
house or private residence l.et SOxU
at northeast corner of Alder and Fif
teenth streets, Eugene Address F. (!
Frink, 310 Vniversity avenue, l’alo
Alto, California. IStlMttf
FOR RENT Excellent room for
transient guests, in the fraternity dis
triet and near the campus. Suitable
for parents or friends who are visiting.
Garage. Mrs Dunbar, 720 E lath St
Phono 1 I7R. DU M13-3
LOST Top of Schaffer pencil, be
tween University post office and So
ciology building. Finder please call
Esther Strieker, tiSS
LOST A gold fountain pen on black
ribbon. Call 947. 165 M17 3
3 o’clock. The services are to be held
earlier than usual to allow ample time
for making departing trains.
Program Given
The program, which is to be mainly
musical, promises to be especially
beautiful. Both men’s and women’s
choruses will participate under the di
rection of John Stark Evans, organist
and choirmaster. They will appear for
the firHt time in their vestry robes.
The program for the services is as
Organ Prelude
Antiphonal Service—Choir
Anthem—Consider and Hear Me....
.... Pfleuger
Miss Price, Mr. Johnson, and Choir
Scripture Reading
Solo—Ave Maria ....Mascagni
Organ Offertory—Improvisation..Evans
Hymn 481
Greetings from the University—Presi
dent P. L. Campbell.
Greetings from the Sons and Daugh
ters—Lyle Bartholomew, president of
the student body.
Response for the Mothers—Mrs. G. T.
A Tribute to the Mothers—Prof. P. S.
Interlude—Elegie .Massenet
Helen Harper, violinist
Nunc Dimittis—Choir.
Hymn 38.
All mothers and students are invited
to attend an informal program at Hen
dricks hall tonight at 8:30. The pro
gram for this affair follows:
Selections .Beta Trio
Vocal Solo .Roy Bryson
Vocal Solo .Gwladys Keeney
Violin Solo.Helen Harper
Piano Solo.Mildred Brown
Feature Dance.Dorothy Miller
Reading.Mrs. Avard Fairbanks
Duet.Bernice Altstock, Mr. Siefert
Pianologue.John Anderson in charge
Instrumental Trio.
If you were allowed behind the
scenes when Kolb and Dill present
“Give and Take” at the Eugene thea
tor tonight, you would no doubt think
that you wore in the shops of some
electric construction company or a
work room of some inventor.
In order to properly reproduce the
factory of the Baur Canning Co. (where
the scenes of “Give and Take” are
laid) with its motors and machines,
boilers and other implements, Kolb and
Dill have had a number of machines,
electrical contrivances, pulleys, belts,
boilers to make steam and run the
miniature factory that is shown in the
will be welcome to the special
services of the day at the 11
o’clock hour,
Presbyterian Church
The University pastor, Mr.
Giffen will preach.
Moderately priced!
You’ll need one of
them this Spring.
We excell in—
General Repair
Oregon Club Girls Defeated Yesterday
in Championship Match for
Baseball Honors
The Staples Cup for doughnut base
ball is still in the possession of Hen
dricks hall, who won the championship
game from Oregon club, 28 to 15, yes
terday afternoon at 5 o’clock.
Oregon club and Hendricks are ole
rivals, having also clashed last yeai
for the championship in baseball, ai
well as in basketball. The game con
eludes the doughnut series for th<
In the two contests which took placi
yesterday afternoon on the University
tennis courts, as part of the doughnu
tennis competition, the Oregon clul
won from the Beta team and th<
Friendly hall players won from Ch
Men Planning to Attend E. O. T. C. at
Camp Lewis Evade Disease
At least 15 sore arms are on the
campus today. For several days the
boys who will go to the summer camp
of the R. O. T. C. at Camp Lewis
have been dropping around at the dis
pensary to be vaccinated. The inject
ed serums are to insure immunity from
smallpox and typhoid fever.
According to the officers of the E.
O. T. C., all cadets wh# attend the
summer camp must be vaccinated if
they have not been previously innocu
lated. The officers have not deter
mined how many of the 30 cadets who
will attend the camp will have to be
President Campbell has gone to Port
i land to address a meeting of social
i workers and to speak at a luncheon
i given by the Portland alumni of the
University Saturday.
The Madonna Imperishable
Sermon by the Rev. Frank Fay Eddy
at the
First Unitarian Church, Sunday Morning
A tracing of the great theme of motherhood in human history.
A Special Mother’s Day Service with appropriate musical
program including a vocal solo by Robert McKnight and a
violin solo by Miss Calre Turlay.
The church is located at the corner of East Eleventh and Ferry
streets. The hour of service is 10:45 o’clock.
A Laraway Diamond
Speaks for Itself
When you purchase a Laraway diamond you get the satis
faction of knowing that it is backed by 30 years experinece
in the diamond business. This is an assurance to you that our
diamonds are well selected and that you are getting the best.
We have many to choose from. Come in and see them. Do not
feel that you are obligated to buy one. We are glad to show
them to you.
Any honest person may wear a Laraway diamond while
paying for it.
Seth Laraway
Diamond Merchant and Jeweler
Your Mother’s Favorite
Flower for Sunday.
Decidedly New!
Wool Terry Scarfs
in a glorious array of brilliant Roman
stripings. Soft luxurious sports scarfs,
stylish for all occasions and ideal for
wear with the Spring Suit. Two styles—
plain, straight and cape style. Beauti
fully fringed ends. Cape style has two
pockets anjJ nifty leather belt. There’s
a bit of jaunty swagger to them that
you’ll like.
Very moderately priced—
$2.98 $3.50 $4.50
r)ir Qt'flun
House Managers
Learned to
Depend on
For Good Meats
Others Are Finding It Out
Remember we close at 7 P. M.
D. E. Nebergall
Meat Company
Government Inspected Meats.
66 East 9th Street
Phone 37
Service Our Aim. Next to Oregana
A Cooling Drink
All our drinks are cold, including the water.
Students’ Shop
Film Developing Printing
Musical Dinner
It your mother likes music she will
enjoy this especially prepared program
by Mr. Aldred Sunday evening.
Special service you’ll want her to see.
Ye Campa Shoppe
Herschel Taylor