Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 29, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Appearance of Noted Player
Attracts Much Interest
“Walter Hampden is unquestionably
the greatest American Shakespearean
actor of today,” said Professor Fergus
Reddie in an interview anent the com
ing production of Othello and Hamlet
at the Eugene theater on May 1 and 2
respectively, “and probably the great
est Shakespearean actor of any coun
try since Booth.”
Mr. Hampden holds the record for a
straight run of “Hamlet” in this coun
try, according to Professor Reddie.
This record is 59 consecutive perform
ances, and altogether Mr. Hampden has
played “Hamlet” 400 times.
Great interest attaches to the act
that Mt. Hampden is a friend of Mr.
Larrimore, formerly a professor on the
Oregon campus.
There has been heavy buying of seats
by mail, said Professor Reddie, and rec
ord crowds for the two performances
are expected.
Several persons on the campus have
seen Hampden in performances in other
cities and speak very highly of his
merits. Mrs. Arma Smythe, who is now
editing Old Oregon, saw him in “The
Merchant of Venice” in New York last
year when he received curtain call af
ter curtain call and the audience fin
ally applauded for ten minutes and
until Hampden had changed into his
street clothes and again appeared be
fore the andience.
The appearance of Hampden in
Eugene is undoubtedly the greatest
thing in the dramatic line this year and
it is being looked forward to by many
of the faculty members and the stu
Adah Harkness Flays Augusta DeWitt;
Winner to Meet Marianne Dunham
for Championship
All games except one have been
played off in the second series of the
women’s varsity tennis contests, leav
ing Adah Harkness to meet Augusta De
Witt and the winner of the unplayed
Bet to meet Marianne Dunham. The
victors in these two games will then
be the final contestants for the cham
In the first round the victors were:
Marianne Dunham over Wave Leslie,
7-5, 2-6, 6-2; Inez Fairchild over Helen
McCormick, 6-2, 6-1; Mildred Brown
over Marjorie Baird, 6-4, 6-4; Augusta
DeWitt over Leah Greenbaum, 6-0, 6-1;
Adah Harkness over Dorkas Conklin,
4-6, 6-1, 6-2.
In the second round Marianne Dun
ham defeated May Lindley who had no
opponent in the first series, and
Augusta DeWitt won with two 6-4 sets
against Mildred Brown, both of these
girls 'having won in the first series.
Inez Fairchild is scheduled to play the
winner in a first round game between
Gertrude Andrae and Florence Riddle.
The latter players will probably forfeit
as the game should have been played
before Thursday. Adah Harkness, hav
ing no opponent scheduled for the sec
ond round, will meet Augusta DeWitt in
the third series.
All games in the third brackets are
to be played off by Friday and the
final games will be completed by May
Sigma Delta Chi and Alpha Phi Sign
Peace Pact, then Enjoy Dance
in Downtown Resort
Oregon’s own little “tong war” has
finally been settled.
It started away last fall at the Y.
M.-Y. W. mix when the Sigma Delta
Chi men published the “Fizz Bang” in
which there was a flippant item about
it being rumored that “members of the
Sigma Delta Chi were to be entertained
at dinner by the Alpha Phi tong in the
near future.” The rumsr proved bet
ter founded than the writer had antici
pated and not long after they were
given a dinner that far surpassed any
thing that had been dreamt of by the
irresponsible journalists. Reference to
back files of the Emerald will show
But the scribes felt that the score
was all one-sided, the first team at bat
having clouted out a home run, and
they wanted a turn at the offensive fin
a military sense) game themselves.
And time passed—and kept on passing
—until last week it was decided to try
in a small way to return the compli
Hence the notice in Wednesday’S(
Emerald, the one which led to each and
all members of Alpha Phi to spend the
day in answering questions as to j
whether thev had to resort to news
paper publicity in order to get all the |
girls together for a house meeting, or
if it was a sinister political move.
Hence the gathering of the clan at
the Delt house Wednesday evening at
8 o’clock.
Hence the single file parade down
Eleventh to ill-carried tunes and the
devions approach to the Alpha Phi
Hence the 11 girls lined up on the
front porch of said domicile for 15 min
utes at the approximate hour of 8.
Hence the two-by-each parade down
town, down the center of Willamette
street and to a well-known place of
Wednesday night terpsiehorean amuse
And hence the ‘‘Lost” notice in
Thursday's paper which was caused by
promiscuous planting of pins on the part
of some of the S. D. C. ’s under the in
fluence of the hilarity attending the
evening’s events.
So the “tong war’’ is settled. But
the men, at least, are unanimously and
diametrically opposed to the establish
ment of any league for the insurance
of permanent peace.
“Who wants to fightf”
Campus Cynic
(An open letter to one Carny)
Dear Carny: Yesterday, under the
soaring headline titled “The Crow's
Nest,” you addressed a dirty letter to
me, filled with a series of words that
only God and Noah Webster could un
derstand; words which properly belong
only to those high strung moments
when psychologists go nutty and tack
one incoherent syllable to another in a
sort of raving melody.
It seems, old bean, that I am a “meli
phangoid moha” of “paleopsychie in
tellect,” given over to “subreptions of
pallid veracity.” Well, alright, alright,
my dear Carny, quite so. But the more
I look at these edifying samples of the
dictionary’s worst moments, the more
I believe that only Webster knew their
meaning; they come much later than
the Lord’s era.
• • •
One thing, in passing, do I wish to
call you on: who said that I said the
R. O. T. C. was an alleged military or
ganization f I am always sure of my
facts before stating them, and believe
me, my dear Carny, I’d never allege
our own little army of Tombstone
Guards to have anything in common
with military formations or the In
fantry Drill Regulations unless I could
find some infinitesimal resemblance.
Have you seen them go through their
wand drill, Carny? You ought to. It’s
a pleasant relaxation. The irregularity
is so pleasing to an eye long jaded with
the monotony of form and symmetry
and cadence.
• • *
How come, Carny, that you suspect
me of running for office? True, I did
run last year, and got beat. But, you
know, unlike many of our contempor
aries on the campus, I am not a long
distance runner. Hope may spring
eternal in the human breast, but the
supply of gall and brass is irrevocably
fixed in the system. Once you exhaust
your supply you have none left. Of
course I am aware that some of the
boys, Bryan-like and brook-like, run
on forever. However, just look what
happens to these twain: the brook goes
down to the briny brink, and Bryan is
now desperately striving to keep him
self on that page of the newspaper
dedicated to advertisements of “Oxo
tone, the Blood Purifier.” and “Men
Only, Send for Descriptive Pamphlet.”
• • •
Under all this verbiage, my dear
Carny, I suspect you are trying to get
a little preliminary advertising free of
charge. Unless I am a political prophet
as false as a co-ed’s complexion, some
body on Thursday next will slowly and
impressively rise from those soft fir
assembly hall seats that have been
dented by the sitting of bored students
these many years, and will proclaim in
fresh, original lines, the absolute and
unqualified excellence of a certain man
they have in mind for a certain job
they have in mind.
And after working up gradually
through the successive period of the
birth, teething period, adolescence, and
final stage of mental immaturity, he
will spring your name in a surprised
tone, as if to say, “Here is the creator,
the sustainer, and the savior of all
our precious institootions and tradi
tions, and God be with you if you
don’t elect him.”
Forty naive nominators will precede
this particular nominator, and forty
naive nominators will succeed him.
And they’ll all sing the same old hymn
of glory.
Ton’re a paragon, my dear Carny,
according to yonr political director.
Two weeks before election time you’ve
taken a bath in the old family tub and
sprouted out as a blooming angel. But
do you know how you sprouted f From
the sediment of subsoil left in the tub
after you got through bathing. In
reality, just between us two, about the
only thing you’re good for is to lend me
eating tobacco in those troublous hours
between classes when the spirit Binks
low and the echoes of the jimmygilbert
guns roar down the valley, and the in
fernal smoke of hell and hot air as
cends from commerce gun pits.
But you are not the only one. Like
you, forty others have suddenly ac
quired whole toothfuls of Soeratie reas
oning, are become giants of the first
degree, work like the devil, and have
never shirked a committee meeting
sinee the snake and Eve held the first
In short, the report that I am a can
didate for office is not true. It is ab
solutely false. I wouldn’t have a po
litical job thrust on me. They are all
the bunkety bunk. I absolutely refuse
to serve. Oh, of course, if there was
an overwhelming desire on the part of
the campus
R J. H.
All Departments Will Participate in
Program in Music Building; New
Numbers to Be Added
All departments of the school of
music will participate in a musical re
hearsal on Saturday afternoon at 1:30
in the school of music building. Every
student in the school is expected to be
present. The program will be as fol
Valse Chromatique.Leschetizky
Claire Collette
Pierette—Air de Ballet.Chaminade
Mary Hardy
Ballade in A Plat.Chopin
Berenice Yeo
Flute Solo—The Secret.Gauthier
Maxine Moore
Etude Melodique .Rogers
Lucille Biggs
(a) Prelude .Ronald
(b) Dawn in the Forest.Ronald
Savilla Welk
Cello Solo—Slumber Song.
.-. Stephen Heller
Fredericka Teshner
Rider’s Song .Shumann
Josephine Burnett
Other numbers will be added to the
Campaign Support on Campus Only
Voluntary; $25 Highest Receipts
Received in One Day
The drive which the Salvation Army
has been carrying on this week to raise
money for the ensuing year has not
been as successful on the campus as it
has been in previous years. Canvassing
of the city of Eugene has been more
fruitful, however, and hopes for raising
the quota are high.
Last year the support of the indi
vidual organizations on the campus was
asked and good results were obtained.
The Army has decided to only erect a
booth on the campus and rely upon the
students to make voluntary subscrip
tions. As high as $25 have been re
ceived in one day, but Friday’s re
Noted Shakespearian
Walter Hampden as Hamlet
ceipts were almost nothing. No spe
cific sum has been set as a quota for
the University, but it is hoped that the
spirit of giving will take a more firm
hold before the end of the campaign.
Friday was the last day that the booth
was on the campus. Students who wish
to contribute may now place their mon
ey in the hands of the town solicitors.
The money which the Salvation
Army is raising is promised to be used
solely for the benefit of Lane county
except for a small portion which is sent
to the Salvation Rescue Home in Port
land. This home has done some worthy
work and some contributors have ex
pressed the desire that their money
should go to such protection of young
girls. Today is the final day of the.
C. O. Brown, an employee in the
Friendly hall kitchen, has a badly
scolded right arm as a result of the
accidental overturning of a pan of hot
milk he was removing from one of the j
ovens. The accident happened Tuesday
and he has now returned to work. The
burn is being treated at the dispensary.
Soiled, muddy shoes! That’s
where you lose, appearances i
will tell.
Here in this chair I’ll put a
glare upon them something
I’ll also fix those yellow kicks
and make them black as
No acids used, no shoes abused,
with black I treat you
Each pair I shine is right in
line with patent - leathers,
Selected stock that none can
knock, so keep this little j
It points the way to the
only kinds:
They are the Right
way Real.
Peter Sarecos John Papas
Rex Theatre Building
Moderately priced!
You’ll need one of
them this Spring.
We excell in—
General Repair
Service Our Aim.
Next to Oregana
EugeneTheatre 2 Eon °* t uEssMay 1-2
“Easily the Unique Event of the Dramatic Year.” N. Y. World
“Greatest of His Day”—“Best Since Irving and Booth”—
“Best of the Generation”—“Finest Since Edwin Booth”—
“Spirited, Thrilling Performances.”—N. Y. Press Comment.
/ ,1 A Cl Oh:
“OTHELLO*—Monday Evening at 8 o’Clock
(With Mr. Hampden in the Role of Othello)
“Cries of ‘Bravo’ Greet Hampden After Othello.”
“HAMLET”—Tuesday Evening at 8 o’Clock
“Greatest living Hamlet.”—N. Y. Post, Globe, Tribune, et. al.
68 consecutive times on Broadway—best record since Booth
“No one has succeeded in making a Shakespearean play so
palpitate and quiver with vitality and l*fe.”— N. Y. Times.
New York Post—“He is definitely and incontestably at the
head of all American tradegians.”
Boston Transcript—“Ablest actor in Shakespeare now on
the American stage.”
Chicago American—“Acting of the highest order.”
Philadelphia North American—“Most distinguished dra
matic event of the year.”
Baltimore Evening Sun—“His acting is unparalleled.”
Floor—10 rows $2.50; last 8 rows $2.00.
Balcony—2 rows $2.50; 2 rows $2.00; 2 rows $1.50
(Plus 10 per cent tax.)
IT is useless to look for a more
comfortable uniou suit than
the Vassar. Especially for sum
mer wear. The long life of its
fabric is more than matched by
the excellent fit afforded by pat
terns that run true to size. Arm
holes never bind; chest full and
loose; legs with extra room; but
tons on for good. All the elements
of a comfortable sum
mer. Priced at
Wade Bros.
Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
All kinds of Seeds, Grass Hooks, Garden Hose, Nozzles
Sprinklers, etc.
Chambers Hardware Co.
742 Willamette Phone 16
“In His Image”
William J. Bryan argues from biblical texts that God has made
man in his own imago. He would have us believe that accep
tance of evolution involves choosing between
Really no such choice is involved. It is merely a question of
accepting the traditional views of Mr. Bryan and his followers
or accepting the teaching of science as to
The above theme will be discussed by the Rev. Frank Fay Eddy
at the Sunday morning service at the First Unitarian Church.
The soloist at this service will be Mrs. Kimball Young.
The hour of service is 10:45. You are invited.
A Laraway Diamond
Will Make Her Happy
Yes, many people are planning right now the
happiness that is to follow the purchase of a
diamond. And as in years past we are contribut
ing our part and a valuable part too. Many dia
monds are just diamonds, but to the expert there
is a vast difference. Experience in judging dia
monds and values comes after years of study and
an intimate knowledge of market conditions.
In all of these particulars we are able to offer
you the best possible service.
You may wear a Laraway diamond while mak
ing payments.
Buy now the diamond
you expect to buy
Seth Laraway
Diamond Merchant and Jeweler