Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 14, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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All Junior Men Will Help in Building;
University Carpenters Also
to Assist
Active work on the new permanent
bleachers to be erected along the mill
race just above the Anchorage on the
property belonging to the City of
Eugene will begin Saturday morning
at 8:30 o’clock, according to Chuck
Lamb, chairman of the Junior Week
end committee. The bleachers will be
of strong foundation and will accom
inodate 1200 people if the present plans
are followed in detail.
W. K, Newell, superintendent of Uni
versity property, will have charge of
the construction work and will use a
force of men in addition to the men
of the junior class who arc requested
to come out and assist in the work
which begins tomorrow.
“We want every able-bodied man in
the University to como out Saturday
morning and bring saws, hammers, and
all sorts of tools and get, a spirit of a
real campus day,” said Lamb yester-i
day. “The success of Junior Week-end
depends upon the amount, of individual
effort which every man in the class
will be willing to put forth, and the
class cannot fail.”
The work for Saturday as it has
been outlined will include clearing of
the brush and laying the foundations
for the bleachers. The lumber which
the carpenters under the direction of
Mr. Newell will use in the construction
of the stands will be delivered Monday
and the land must be roady for the
active work to begin on the stands
proper by that time.
Committees Attempting to Make Affair
Most Novel of Kind Ever Held;
Secrecy Prevails
Tho annual sophomore lottery, sched
uled for Friday night, April 21, has
been advertised with “Chinese” signs,
and tho Chinese lottery effect will
carry through the whole affair, accord
ing to Jimmie Meek, who is in charge.
Tho plan of drawing is something en
tirely new in tho way of campus “luck
nffnirs” and those in charge contend
that it will bo tho “gquarost of the
square” mixes.
Tho committee declares that tho lot-1
tory announcement will bo ono of tho
biggest surprises that the campus has
received for years. Tho drawing was!
conducted in front of tho wholo com-1
mittco and was done in such a novel
manner that tho class of ’24 will be!
kept guessing until tho very night of
the dance.
An effective decorative scheme has
been hit, upon and the features will bo
nlong the line of the decorations. Tho
wholo affair is being kept a secret and
promises to be one of the raro social
events of the term.
Jean Hailey, Jack Myers, and Garmel ■
Sheasgroen are the feature committee,!
while Eddie Edlund and Margaret A1
exander are to choose the music. TTilde
garde Ropinen and James Meek will
arrange decorations.
A five piece orchestra, composed of
“Hill" McHride, “Dizzy" T-uper, Ray
Oraham, Ted Oslniru, and Prentice
Gross, has been engaged.
(Continual from page one)
1ho Jury hay displays and other special
pieces. In (ho departments of normal
niul fine arts (In* studios will bo upon
to visitors and special displays will bo
oxh ibit od.
All informal toa by tho Woiuon’s
loadin' will bo a part of tlit' program
for this afternoon, whoa tho campus
visitors will moot tho University women
in Alumni hall. A musical program and
several short talks will bo on tho pro
Y W. to Have Open House |
On Saturday, immediately following
tho st\lo show, tho V. \Y. (’. \. will
hold “open house” and the delegates
arc invited to tho hut to rest and have
tea while draco Tigard, retiring prosi
dent of tho S \V. ('. \ . gives a short
talk. The women’s employment bureau
will also give information at this time
for the benefit of tho visitors.
Tins evening a bampiet will bo held
at llet'dri. ks hall for the visiting dele
gates, members of tin* student council
and faculty. Tho speakers will be
President (\ mpbell, iVan Straub, Dean
Fo\. Mean Mien ami Arthur Montgom
ery of Salem.
the student or prof,
1 the superb VENUS out
rix.ds all tor perfect penei\
work. 17 bUeL degrees anti
3 copying.
American I.oad
Pencil Co, ^
JLto Fifth A TO.
Now York v /
Our new barber shop will please you
DEAL & HOUSER 41 West 8th
All Late Popular Sheet Music 30c
“Doo Dah Blues”
“’Ginny Shore”
‘‘Goodbye Shanghai”
“My Sweet Gal” 4
“Teach Me” 4
“Montana” <
Why pay more?
Morris Music House
912 Willamette Phone 59
New Easter Blouses
Odd Fellows Building 9th and Oak
Rock Springs, Utah \ T
and Beaver Hill
630 Willamette Street • Phone 412
Our Aim—
Is to put the maximum
quality in our printed
products at a price that
is fair only to you and our
selves. Beyond that or less
than that should concern
neither you nor us.
Brodie & Company
Where Quality Is Everything
26 W. 7th Ave. Phone 363
Supreme Hair Nets
Double mesh, cap shape,
It’s New! It’s Here!
Reddy Ruffle Garter Elas
tic in two color effects.
59c a yard.
Clever New Silk and Cotton Hose
Most recent of new arrivals are these smart
heather weaves for women. Nude heathers; combin
ations of black and green, black and gold, tweed
greys, black and navy, brown and gold—ultra smart!
The pair, $1.25.
Rolled Top Sport Hose
Fancy colored, rolled top, woolen hose in smart
golf patterns. Heathers of brown, green and ma
roon. In great demand by girls that hike, and golf
and for general outdoor wear. All sizes at $1.25
and $1.50 pair.
Black and Grey Silk Tweeds
Pure thread silk with lisle heels, toes and tops.
A new hosiery introduction that is distinctly smart!
& All sizes, $1.75 pair.
f Buster Brown Silk Hose
| The favorite for all-time wear; pure thread silk.
5* Lisle heels, toes and tops. Shaped to the foot; tight
r fitting ankles. Trim looking and durable. The
b pair $1.25.
Full Fashioned Hose
Lustrous, heavy quality, pure thread
silk hose. Superb in fit and finely fash
ioned. Women will find these a par
ticularly desirable hose for “best”
wear. The pair, $2.19.
The Shady Lady
Guild Theatre
50c 8:15
Moore Sign Works
Signs of All Kinds
Banners, Posters, Bulletins
Signs You Can Read on the Run
C. B. Moore, Prop. Phone 700
630 Willamette
(l/lowersjor (§aster
Easter greetings, April showers;
Speaks to you of blooming
Say it with flowers on Easter
morning. It will tell your mes
sage better than in any other way.
We have the variety that will
please you and also the recipient
of your attentions. And our prices
are moderate. Your phone order
will have prompt compliance.
Eugene Floral Co.
92 East 9th Phone 321J
on r/~r
The Home of
Kinds of Good
691 Willamette Street Eugene
Calla Lilies
Saturday, April 15
Let us provide your Easter Bouquet
Actual retail value 50c apiece
One free with a 75c purchase
Make this store your headquarters
Red Cross Drug Co.
Chas. H. Croner, Manager
We deliver Phone 1 50
Festival Week End
Oregon Annual State Relay
Today—3:30 Saturday—2:30
Baseball—Pacific U. vs. U. of O.
Today—4:30 Saturday—10:00 A. M.
University Night
Glee Club—Orchestra—Stunts
“An uproarous time for everyone”
Are you always sure of yourself
and your future? Business is like
humans, we aren’t sure of it
either, but we are putting out
everything to make this as attrac
tive and comforting as possible.
The Rainbow