Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 14, 1922, Image 1

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Oregon Daily Emerald
Dr. Woodbury Brings Audience
Closer to Emerson
and His Group
Incidents Told Draw Thoreau
and the Alcotts Vividly
Before Hearers
A smallish old man with a kindly
face stepped forward on the platform
at Villard hall yesterday morning and
won his audience with a smile. With
out preliminaries, Dr. Charles J. Wood
bury, associate of Emerson, Thoreau
and the Alcotts half a century ago,
carried his audience back at once into
Emerson’s study in the days when this
circle reigned supreme in literary
America. The speaker’s very dress, the
conventional long black coat, high
white collar and black bow tie, helped
to transport his hearers into the atmo
sphere of those earlier times, and he
pictured those great literary figures
with a faithfulness that made them as
real as the speaker himself.
Ralph Waldo Emerson was portrayed
to the students of the University, not
impersonally as a historic figure in
literature, but as an intimate friend,
because Ur. Woodbury thinks that to
understand Emerson’s work the reader
should know something of the man’s
personality. As one of the few sur
vivors of the Concord group of writers
spoke, it was as if the famous New
England scholar himself were telling of
his life.
Met Emerson at 62
Dr. Woodbury, who was once the
associate of the essayist, also spoke of
Thoreau and Louisa May Alcott, both
friends and co-workers in a group of
noted writers. “It was when Emerson
was 62 years old that I first met him,’
said Dr.'Woodbury. “Even then he had
retained all of his agressiveness and
did not show his age. His eyes at times
had an introspective look and his face
wore the expression of a seer.”
The speaker, introduced by Presi
dent Campbell, told informally of his
experiences with the literary people of
New England. He wandered at random
over various incidents in the lives of
those he knew. He gave brief personal
glimpses, and it was one from their
midst who was speaking.
Once or twice the speaker brought a
ripple of laughter from the audience by
relating some peculiar anecdote of the
life and philosophy of Emerson. It was
said that when one of the contempor
aries criticised Emerson for what he
termed lack of sociability he was asked
the basis of his criticism. “Oh, when
he talks to you he acts like he were ad
dressing a large and intelligent audi
ence,” was the reply.
Always iteaa opeeuuca
Dr. Woodbury declared that when
Emerson wrote some of his theory of
self-reliance he stated that “all that
society gives to a person is composure.
One of Emerson’s habits was to always
read his speeches. Instead of looking
his hearers in the eye lie would gaze
intently into space o- would occupy
himself with shuffling his manuscript
while presenting his theories.
“Emerson believed that manners and
morals go together,” said the speaker.
“His own manners had an exquisite
charm I never knew him to be late at
an appointment. He was punctual be
cause of his regard for men as men.
Anything odd or peculiar in the dress
or action of a person is said to have
been exceedingly annoying to the poet
GSSfl Vist.
Dr. Woodbury was also a personal
friend of Thoreau. He described some
of the details of Thoreau’s life and his
interest in nature. He told of the trips
which he had taken with the naturalist
through the woods and of the things
which he had learned. “He knew to a
dav when the wild flowers would cast
their seeds and he was familiar with all
the life of the wild creatures." said Dr.
Aleott Home Visited
The home of Louisa May Aleott was
frequently visited by Dr. Woodbury.
He described the various incidents in
her life and told of the surroundings in
which she grew up. It was when she
was seven years old that she wrote a
plav, which was acted out by the neig.
bors. When she was 16 her first story
was published and it was several years
later that she joined the army as a
Dr. Woodbury spoke Wednesday to a
gToup of students in addition to his ad
dress to the student assembly. He left
(Continued on page three)
Practically Every College on Coast to
Compete in Washington
Meet, April 29
University of Washington, April 13— j
(P. I. X. S. Special) — Washington’s
1922 track season opens at 2:30 p. m. i
Saturday, April 29. in the Stadium, j
Practically every college on the Pacific j
coast will compete for first place in'
this classic.
According to Coach Clarence “Hec”
Edmundson, this will be the third and
largest Washington relay carnival ever
held. More colleges have entered this
year than in any previous carnival.
A wide diversity of events is prom
ised by the program. It includes seven
college relays, two 100-yard dashes, a
pentathalon, a 200-meter dash, a 1500
meter run, two relays between King
county high schools and University
freshmen, and the interfraternitv relay.
The feature event of the meet is ex
pected to be the 100-yard dash. Victor
Hurley, the Washington sprint ace who
won that event last spring, and Casey
Anderson, who placed second, are the
pair whom Edmundson thinks will
probably represent the purple and gold
this season. Dave Metlen is a certainty
for the pentathalon.
Football Men to Receive Sweaters;
Basketball Awards May
Be Delayed
Tonight’s show at the Women’s
building is to be a regular old-fashioned
college night, according to a statement
made by student body president Lyle
Bartholomew yesterday afternoon.
“This is going to be a pep-fest that will
send a thrill down the backs of all
those present and show <jur prepper
guests what the Oregon spirit is really
like when it overflows with enthusiasm j
and fun!” was the opinion unanimously j
voiced by the committee in charge.
The program has been repeatedly i
advertised for so many days in ad- I
vance that most of the campus students
are familiar with its content. A selec
tion from Victor Herbert’s “The Only
Girl” will be the feature number of the
orchestra, under the direction of Rex
Underwood. “From the Land of the
Sky Blue Water” and “Where the
Moon Drops Low” will be the offerings
of the girls’ glee club. The men’s glee
club will present “The Shores of Sigh
ing” and “Invictus.” These numbers
will be followed by pictures taken last
Junior Week-end, featuring David
Husted as the renegade frosh, Hilde
garde Repinen in a campus study scene,
and all of the 1921 frosh going through
a sort of farcical Dante’s Inferno.
Of particular interest to the high
school athletes will be a series of slow
and rapid motion pictures of world fa
mous athletes, doing some of their
greatest “stunts,” explained by Bill
Hayward, Oregon’s well-known trainer:
and coach. Bill is pretty busy prepar
ing for the event and had not much
time to talk yesterday, but he did stop
to say that Gourdin of Harvard, doing
the 25-foot 2-inch broad jump in both
the slow and fast motion picture would
be one of his features. He will also
show pictures of some of Oregon’s fa
mous athletes in action.
The real climax of the evening, how
ever, is the presentation of the sweat
ers to the 17 football men, basketball
letters to the girls ’ team, and possibly
last season’s basketball sweaters for
the men. The last named event is not
a certainty, as the arrival of the awards
may be delayed by train service. If,
however, the basketball sweaters do
arrive, it is expected, says Graduate
Manager Jack Benefiel, that there will
be sweaters in the shipment for Jimmy
Meek, manager of the basketball team;
Pete Jensen, Varsity javelin and pole
vault man, and Walter Wegner, captain
of last season’s wrestling team. Don
Zimmerman, who is credited by Coach 1
Bohler as deserving a sweater, will wait
and try to win his sweater in Varsity
baseball this spring rather than take
the basketball sweater at the present
The men who will receive awards are
as follows:
Football — Reinhart, Brown, King,
Vonder Ahe, Laughlin, Johnson, Gram,
Leslie, F. Shields, A. 8hields, Callison,
H. Latham, Morfitt, Chapman, Parsons,
Howard. Clerin, Havslip (Mgr.).
Basketball (if sweaters arrive) —
Rockhev, Altstock, Couch, Goar, Ed
lunds, Bellar, Andre, M. Latham, Bur
nett, Zimmerman (no sweater), Meek
(manager), Jensen (javelin and polo
vault), Wegner (wrestling).
Girls’ basketball—Emily Perry, Lucy
Van der Stene, Dorothy McKee, Char
lotte Howells.
Julia Opp of Portland and Henrietta
Gouy of Marseilles, France, now in the
French department of the University, ]
were pledged last night by Chi Omega.
Cinder Track Is in Excellent
Condition Despite Recent
Rainy Weather
0. A. C., Linfield, Chemawa,
Reed, Cottage Grove and
Eugene High Coming
The stage is set, and with everything
in readiness and waiting for the start
er ’s gun, the first all-state relay will
start promptly at 3:30 o’clock this
afternoon on Hayward field. In spite
of the recent rains the new cinder path
is in excellent shape and the oval is
certain to be fast under foot, though
it may be wet.
Today’s events will consist of: 100
yard dash, Class B; high jump, Class
A; shot put, 16-pound, Class B; broad
jump, Pentathlon; half mile relay,
Class B; half mile relay, Class
A; pole vault, Class B; two mile
relay, Class A; javelin throw, Pentath
lon; half mile relay, Class C; broad
jump. Class B; 22 meter, Pentathlon
(218.72 yards); two mile relay, Class
B; javelin throw, Class B; 440 relay,
high schools; discus throw, Pentathlon;
high school shot put (12 pounds); med
ley relay' Class C (first two men run
220 yards each, the third 440 and the
fourth 880); 1500 meters (1640.43
yards) pentathlon.
Entrants Are Classified
The entrants are divided into four
classes as follows: Class A, University
of Oregon and the Oregon Aggies);
Class B, Willamette University, Pa
cific University, Linfield College, Reed
College, Chemawa; Class C, the Oregon
and Aggie freshmen; Class D, Eugene
and Cottage Grove high schools. All
competition will be confined within the
above class lines.
The lists of entries have been coming
in all week and is complete with the
possible exception of Willamette Uni
versity, which may increase the nine en
tries now listed. The schools entered
in the relay have the following entries:
Oregon 29, Aggies 34, Linfield 16,
Chemawa 18, Pacific 33, Reed 14, Rooks j
13, Frosh 13, Eugene high school 16, \
and Cottage Grove high school 14.
Judges Are Selected
The field officials for the two days
are as follows: Referee, Walter Hum
mel; starter, Clyde Johnson; judges of
finish, Dean Dyment, Professor Ray
mond Wheeler, E. C. Simmons; field
doctor, Dr. Waller; clerk of course,
Leith Abbott; assistant, Tubby Ingle; j
scorer, Spike Leslie; assistant, Hadden
Rockhev; announcer. Bill Spear; press
steward, Floyd Maxwell; field marshal. ;
John Hanna; field judges and inspec
tors, Shv Huntington, George Bohler.
A1 Lomax, Neil Morfitt, Eddie Durno,
Karl Yonder Ahe, Louis Dunsmore,
Colonel Bairn, Sam Warner, Captain
Lewis, Peter Crockatt, Hank Foster,
Professor McDougle, George King;
games committee, Dean Bovard, H. C. )
Howe and .Tack Benefiel; track man-;
ager, John Palmer; assistants, Hull,
Doug Farrell, Bussell Gowans, Kenneth
Cooper, Lundehurg, Gene Kelty. George
Stuart, Hawkins.
Bill Hayward, who has charge of the
meet, makes the urgent request that all
persons not wearing badges stay off
the field, it being absolutely necessary
that all persons minus the proper 1
authority remain off the track. Bill said
in this regard, “It is necessary that
people without official badges stay off
the field; if they don’t we’ll have to
put them off, which will only prove
embarrassing to them.”
Director of Extension Division Compiles
Article for National Convention
Earl Kilpatrick, director of the ex
tension division, has been asked to
Bpeak on “Publicity Methods of Com
mercial Correspondence Schools” before
the National University Extension as
sociation which meets in Lexington,
Kentucky, on April 22. As he is un
able to attend, Mr. Kilpatrick has writ
ten and forwarded a paper to be read 1
at the convention.
In the paper, Mr. Kilpatrick urges
the regulation of commercial corre
spondence schools so that “those that
do not give competent instruction
should be persuaded or forced to mend
their ways or to retire from the busi
ness.” He asks that the National Uni
versity Extension association favor
legislation by Congress which would
give the Bureau of Education the right
to inspect, standardize and regulate all
interstate correspondence study instruc
Commandant of R. 0. T. C. to
Leave University After
Four Years Here
Four Year Courses Given for
Officers in All Branches
of the Army
Major Raymond C. Baird, head of the
University military department since
1919, will be transferred at the end of
this year, according to word received
yesterday from the war department.
He expects to receive orders within a
few days to attend the army school of
the line at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas,
for one year beginning next September.
The successor to Major Baird has not
been named and it is not known just
how long it will be before a command
ant for the Oregon R. O. T. C. unit will
be named. Major Baird took charge of
tlio unit in the fall of 1919, just fol
lowing the disbanding of the S. A. T. C.
The school of the line is attended by
officers who are chosen from all
branches of the army by the war de
partment. It is the second year of a
four-year course which includes special
schools for infantry, cavalry, and ar
tillery officers, schools of the line and
staff and the war college nt Washing
ton, D. C. There is no indication that
Major Baird will be reappointed to the
University following the completion of
the year’s course. The selection is
said to indicate an advancement in his
military career.
In commenting on Major Baird’s de
parture President Campbell said:
“Along with our sincere regret at the
loss of Major Baird there is very groat
gratification in the fact that he has
received the appointment to the school
of the line at Leavenworth instead of
to the preliminary school in Georgia,
which indicates the high estimation in :
which he is held by the war depart
ment. His work in the University of
Oregon has stood out in a notable way
in the fact that he has been able to
combine educational values with strict
ly military values to a very unusual
extent. His organization has won the
special commendation of the officers
whose duty it has been to inspect the
R. O. T. (i. units of the West. Major
Baird faced a difficult t.ask in assum
ing his duties at a time when, following
a general demobilization, the reaction
against the S. A. T. C. was at its height.
Both skill and judgment were required
to overcome the difficulties of the sit
uation and to place the R. O. T. 0. on
a strong educational basis. The Uni
versity of Oregon owes a debt of grati
tude to Major Baird for the important
service which he has rendered it in this
respect. His unvarying fairness and
courtesy have mane him a host of per
sonal friends on the University cam
Seniors—Place orders for graduation
announcements at Co-op before April
20.—Committee Chairman.
Eugene Filipino Club Special mooting
will be held at 8 o’clock in Dean
Straub’s room, Friday, April 14.
Oregon President
Gives Welcome to
Conference Guests
The University is glad to welcome
to its campus the delegates to the
conference of high school student
body presidents and other officers.
This conference was thought of by
members of the University student
body as an opportunity to serve
students in the high schools and is
being arranged and managed by
them with the assistance and co
operation of members of the Uni
versity staff and leading public
school officers. I am sure that the
discussions at the conference will
be mutually helpful and that the
delegates will take back to their
schools reports which will be of ser
vice in their school activities. It
is always a genuine pleasure to greet
high school visitors. I hope greatly
that they may all have an oppor
tunity not only to attend the con
ferences but to visit and become well
acquainted on the campus.
Teams Divided into Two Leagues which
Are Evenly Matched and Close
Competition Is Expected
The house captains drew for places !
in the girls’ doughnut baseball league
at a meeting Monday night. Those
drawing for League 1 were Delta Gam !
ma. Oregon club. Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Pi Beta Phi, Phi Omega, Zeta Rho Ep
silon and Gamma Phi Beta, and for
League 2 were Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha
Phi, Hendricks hall. Kappa Alpha
Theta, Susan Campbell hall, Delta Delta
Delta and Alpha Chi Omega.
In speaking of the series, Charlotte
Howells, head of doughnut baseball,
said: “The leagues are evenly matched
and there will be keen competition.
There is a great deal of enthusiasm and
the girls are turning out finely.”
The games will start Wednesday,
April 19, with Delta Delta Delta against
Alpha Chi Omega and Kappa Kappa
Gamma against Chi Omega. Thursday
Hendricks hall will play Alpha Delta
Pi and Gamma Phi Beta will play Ore
gon Club. On Friday Alpha Phi will
play Knppa Alpha Theta and Zeta Rho
Epsilon will play Pi Beta Phi. The
student umpires are to be Ruth Wolff,
Carolyn Cannon, Grace Snook, Alico
Evans and Charlotte Howells.
Pacific University Nine Here; Practice
Needed Badly Before Trip to
Seattle Next Week
Weather permitting, Oregon’s baso
ball squad will swing into action
against the nine from Pacific Univer
sity this afternoon on Cemetery Ridge
at 4:30 o’clock. The Badgers are hero
for a two-game series with the Varsity
but unless the game is played today
they will probably return to Forest
Grove without waiting for the sched
uled Saturday morning contest, accord
ing to Jack Benefiol, graduate manager.
It will require a drying day of sun
shine to put the Varsity diamond into
shape for the playing of the games,
which are grievously needed by the
Oregon squad as it is the last oppor
tunity for actual practice before the
series with the strong University of
Washington nino in Seattle next week.
Pacific university has an unusually
strong team and the series would go a
long wav toward preparing the locals
for the strenuous northern trip.
Tf the games should be played, prac
tically all of the men out for the Var
sity would have a chanco to show their
wares, as Conch Bolder has had but
little chance to get a line on his men
thus far. Ringle, Wright, Baldwin and
Gray will all get a crack at the lioaving
with Watson or Spring Johnson behind
the bat. The infield will be manned by
a crew picked from Terry Johnson,
Franz Boiler, Dinty Mooro, Svarvorud,
Goodrich, Jim Ross, Hunk Latham and
Bill Colling. Spike Leslie will not be
available for the first, game ns he is
one of the officials at the all state re
lay on Hayward field.
In the outfield Don Zimmerman will
work part of the time at least at. his
old berth in left field, while Sorsby,
Fargher, Couch, Anthony, Grotli and
Leonard will likely have a chance to
show their stuff.
Preppers Registering Early;
Are Ready to Consider
Serious Subjects
J. A. Churchill, A. C. Strange,
C. A. Howard to Take
Part in Program
They ’re from all over Oregon, and
they’re arriving on every train. Ap
proximately 100 registered yesterday, a
day before the specified time for regis
tration. J. A. Churchill, state super
intendent of public instruction, C. A.
Howard of Marshfield and A. C.
Strange of Astoria arrived on the cam
pus yesterday afternoon.
New faces are appearing on the cam
pus constantly. Oregon students moet
them on the street, one, two, three of
them, marching abreast, with their dis
tinguishing ribbons pinned to their coat '
lapels, and usually an Oregon Knight
in attendance, to see that they arrive
safely at tho houses where they are to
bo guests during the week-end. But
tho new students are not the only ones
who look about with interost, for to
many of the University students, such
and-such a visitor is so-and-so, who
was a freshman in high school when
the said University student graduated
from the same school. Much visiting
and renewing of old r -quaintances is
going on. The serious vork of tho con
ference begins this morning, after
which thoro will bo little time for any
thing but concentrated consideration of
the subjects in hand. The two days
allotted for the conference is a short
time to accomplish the needed work.
Conference Is Held
A conference was hold in President
Campbell’s office yesterday evening,
beginning at 8:15, where the problems
and program of the conference wore ex
plained and discussod by Lyle Bartholo
mew, student body president. C. A.
Howard of Marshfield, A. C. Strange
of Astoria, Professors H. Tt. Douglass
and F. L. Stetson of the school of edu
cation, Farl Kilpatrick and Alfred
Powers of tho extension division were
present at the conference.
A tour of the campus under tho di
rection of the Oregon Knights will be
a feature of this afternoon when tho
visiting students will be conducted
about the campus to visit the buildings
and the various departments. All pro
fessors will remain in their offices to
give interviews and personally conduct
the visitors through the departments.
Special Exhibits Featured
All the departments in the University
will be open to the delegates over the
week end and special exhibits will be a
feature of many. The department of
architecture is keeping on exhibition
(Continued on page four)
“Shady Lady" Star Could Go
To April Frolic, Thinks Writer
By An Observer
(Ions county critics may disagree for
time immemorial about the worth of
“The Shady Lady” as produced by the
Burlesque (dub, but one thing is certain
and that is if Delbert Faust, who plays
the part of Minnie Symperson, wasn’t
among those present at the April Frolic
the other night he certainly has less
confidence in his ability as a female
impersonator than those who saw him
act in Guild hall last night. Of course,
his voice is just a little—well, heavy
for that of a lisping co-ed but a little
camphor on a handkorchief would easily
convince anybody that he was merely
suffering from a spring cold. The only
thing that fitted him better than his
part was his dress, and that was noth
ing to be sneezed at, or in.
Perhaps if the novelty orchestra
which filed in just before the curtain
parted, had been along on a barnstorm
ing tour, the success of the production
would have been more certain. Old .Toe
Nightwatch himself can’t boast of as
many different keys as could this seven
piece group of harmony hunters. To
their credit, however, it must be ad
mitted that what they did play made
one wish they would cut loose and plav
like past experience has led us to be
lieve they can play. (Here’s hoping
they really meant to imitate a small
town municipal volunteer orchestra
practicing the second night after its
organization, otherwise somebody’s
feelings will probably be hurt.)
Joe Clark's nock and shoulders had
something that hinted of Greek art in
their curves and hulk, but it was Atlas
rather than Venus that they reminded
one of. As Belinda Treherno he made
excellent use of the deep, emotional
voice of which he is the master.
Fergus Reddie blossoms out with his
hair parted in the middle before the
play has progressed very far and tho
effect is not entirely unpleasant. In
fart, when he says “dammit” and
“hell—o” one is quite sure that Mr.
Reddie wouldn’t be a bad sort to go
fishing with. But just the same it’s
hard to imagine him becoming instan
taneously infatuated with Maggie Mac
Farland for even if she, Norvell Thomp
son, right up and admitted that she
was a “verra bonnie lassie” it cannot
be denied that her face was her fortune
and the Jast man she need fear was the
income tax collector.
• • •
Anyway, a farce is a farce and any
one familiar with “Boon” Keeney as
he appears on the campus in his devil
may-care black sombrero and “keep
away-from tobacco” cigarette holder,
will enjoy seeing him emulate a low
land widow who has a bad case of
rheumatism gathered, presumably, when
digging peat out of a muggy marsh. He
does very well as one "who’d be more
o’ a mither than a wife t’ ye.”
• • •
"The Shady Lady” will be repeated
again tonight at Guild theatre.