INFIRMARY TREATS 7.S84 CASES IN THREE MONTHS Careful Watch Kept of Student Health. Says Dr. Bovard With a total of 7.584 treatments given during January, February and March of 1922, the University health service in the three months of the winter term took care of 7S per cent as many cases as were treated in the entire year preceding January 1, 1022. This enormous increase, according to Dr. John F. Bovard. director of the health service, is not due to the im pairment of health conditions on the campus, but to the daily growing num ber of those who report at the slightest warning of cold, sore throat, eye trouble or minor injuries, so that infection may be warded off. The winter term was heavy also on account of the season but now, with spring on its way, la grippe, pleur isy, bronchitis, and tonsilitis are mak ing way for a smaller number of poison oak cases—resulting from spring hikes and picnics—and for minor injuries re ceived in spring sports. During the epidemic the health ser vice was working iinder pressure to take care of the cases that came up and it was through its vigilance and the cooperation of the students and those in charge of the different houses that a much more serious situation was avoided. In January, 1,496 treat ments were given, including patients at the dispensary, in the infirmary, and 202 house calls by nurses and doctors. Thirty-seven operative cases were cared for at the infirmary, the Uni versity health service’s hospital. These included tonsilectomies, operations for hernia, appendicitis, and nasal dis orders. Patients ill with la grippe in the infirmary numbered 97, miscellane ous 52, making a total of 186 patients, 789 patient days, or slightly more than half of what were taken care of in the apVmnl roar nrpnPflincr DOUGLASS INVITED EAST Education Professor Asked to Teach at Wisconsin Summer Session Prof. H. R. Douglass of the school ef education has received an appointment to teach classes in education at the University of Wisconsin this summer. His acceptance depends on the obtain ing of an instructor to take his place in the summer school here, and it is not probable that such a substitution will be made, ns Mr. Douglass is sched uled to teach a course in educational tests and measurements. Such a course is a new development in education and there is a great demand for it. At present there are only a few instructors on the Pacific coast who give the course and it is difficult to obtain any one from the east for a six weeks’ ap pointment. Prof. C. A. Gregory of the school of education will have classes in educa tion at the University of Montana this summer. Dr. B. W. DeBusk will teach in the University of California, while Prof. F. L. Stetson will handle the ex tension division work at Portland. Dr. H. D. Sheldon, dean, will remain on the campus for the Oregon summer ses sion. TO WELCOME GUESTS (Continued from page one) tor Santiam; Alma Nendel, editor Hi Life. Corvallis: Leston Lemon, manager Chintimini. Pendleton: Irva Dale, vice-president O. H. S. P. A. Airlie: Dorothy Gross, assistant editor H. S. Mirror; Bernice Ulrich, writer news notes Enterprise Independent; Bertha Shenk, writer news notes for Dallas Obsesver; W. H. Carney, prin cipal and faculty adviser; Lillie Cal kins, editor H. S. Mirror, Airlie. Cottage Grove: Miss Price, faculty adviser Cee Gee; Ethel Mackey, edi tor Cee Gee; Brighton Leonard, busi ness manager Cee Gee (also S. B. president); Margaret Galloway, as sistant editor Cee Gee. Newberg: Robert Brown, editor N. H. S. Echoes and Senior Magazine; Chester Newlin, business manager N. H. S. Echoes and Senior Magazine; Miss Virge I. Anderson, faculty ad viser. The Dalles: Miss Teressa Cox, faculty adviser Steelhead; H. G. Miller, fac nlty adviser Steelhead; Mrs. H. G. Miller; Gertrude Fredden, editor Steelhead. Student body officials who will at tend are: Salem: Marie Rostein. secretary of S. B.; Lucile Moore, vice president of 8. B. (also Clarion editor). Oregon City: Philip Paine, president of 8. B.; H. Quenton Cox, secretary of S. B. North Bend; Louie Anderson, presi dent S. B.; Wanah Randle, debater; i Mary Dutch, debater; Mabel Banley. coach; Sumner E. Bryant, faculty ad viser. Sutherlin: Orville Merritt, president S. B.; Earl Smith, secretary S. B. McMinnville: Grant Osborne, athletic manager; Gail Vinton, president of 8. B. Monroe: Kenneth Masson, president 8. B.; Leora Makon, girls’ reprsenta tive. Hood River: James Johnson, president S. B.: Livona Peterson, vice president S. B. Airlie: Lyle Hadley, president S. B.; Laura Wienert, secretary S. B.; Ber tha Englehorn, secretary senior class. Coquille: Lorin C. Schroeder, president S. B. Lakeside: Reginald Menegat. presi dent S. B.: Signie Christiansen, sec retary S. B. Maupin: Erma Morris, freshman presi dent: Clifford McCorkle, sophomore president: Mabel Cyr, junior presi dent: Lester Crofoot. senior presi dent. Portland: Washington High School— Robert Hodson. president S. B. Veronia: Harry Keasey. WalterviUe: Gladys Innman, presi dent: Rozella Smith, secretary. West Linn: Mildred MeKillican, pres ident; Evangeline Christensen, sec retary. Newberg: Florence Hester, president S. B. Cottage Grove: Brighton Leonard, S. B. president. Corvallis: Four members S. B. and faculty advisers. CAMPUS Y. M. STARTS AFTER $50 LOAN FUND Committee Appointed to Attempt to Reach Goal; First Contribution Made by Nebraska Woman An instance of student service on the campus, started in a small way, is the boys' loan fund of the University Y. M. C. A. which is now being raised by a student committee appointed for that purpose. The goal of the committee is a $50 fund. Previously the limit of the fund was $6. A few years ago, when Mrs. C. R.. Donnelly, now the Hut mother of the campus “Y,” was in Arizona, engaged in mission work, she met a woman of some small means who, while staying in the south to regain her health, be came interested in Mother Donnelly’s work. Last fall, when the woman had re gained her health and returned to her home in Nebraska, Mrs. Donnelly, who had maintained a continuous corre spondence with her, wrote to her friend describing something of her work in the tTniversitv Y. M. C. A. on this campus. In the return letter from her friend, Mrs. Donnelly found a check for $6, which the woman wished Mrs. Donnelly to give or loan to someone’s boy who might be in need of it. As Mrs. Don nelly knew no particular boy who was in need of money at that time, she laid the sum by, and later loaned it out in small sums to boys who were in sore straits for means to pay their “lab” fees. The entire sum is “out” in vari ous hands most of the time, and as the work has continued, the need for a larger sum has arisen. It is expected that the $50 fund will be raised by the end of the month. “As this is a fine chance to show student’s humanity to student,” said L. P. Putnam, “Y” secretary, “I hope that the sum will be largely raised by student contributions at the ‘Y’ hut office.” LIBRARY SOLICITS DATA Material on Pacific Northwest Wanted in Oregon Collection Material regarding the state of Ore gon and the Pacific Northwest is being solicited by the University library for i1s special Oregon collection which oc cupies a room of its own in the Library building. The library wishes to build up this collection, whsoh now contains about 050 volumes, Deluding books if C:egon history, description and trin.l, Oregon documents, books by Oregon authors, and reports and publications of various Oregon societies and organisa tions. The library’s collection of Ore gon newspapers now numbers about 1450 volumes. Additions along this line of material will be gladly received by the library as well as gifts of back volumes of many medical, law, scientific, literary, technical and sociological periodicals which are still needed to complete the files in the library. Many useful gifts if this nature are received every year. CO-EDS ORDER OF “0” (Continued from page ona) student body functions were billed. It is said that a misunderstanding has arisen over the proposed program for this week-end and as a result an at tempt was made to stage a dance down town on Friday, the same evening that “College Night” will be held on the rampus. Immediate awarding of sweaters and emblems at the close of each athletic season, rather than on an official fra ctional award day, is the desire of the Order of the “O.” In the past the pre sentation of letters to the deserving athletes has often been delayed for some time. “All the letter men want their awards as soon as possible,” said George | King, football letterman, at the council meeting. “The men would like to be rewarded at the end of each sport sea son. They are willing to help out in staging one big award day, by turning in their sweaters and receiving them again at an official presentation.” The sentiment of King prevails in the rank of the Order of the “O.” At a recent meeting the topic was discussed and all members were in favor of im mediate awarding of sweaters. CLASSES TO SERVE MEALS Home Economics Girls Have Charge of Ordering. Serving and Preparing The food preparation and food prob lem classes of the home economics de partment have started a series of daily meals which they are serving to invited guests and regular boarders. The girls have full charge of the or dering, preparation and serving of the food and must keep a detailed account of the food values and the time and money spent in preparation. All vari eties of meals, from a simple buffet lunch to a formal dinner, are included in the series. ART SALE NOW BEING HELD Money Will Be Used to Buy Case for Gift to School Proceeds from the sale of Easter ; cards and other articles made by stu dents in the normal arts department of the school of architecture and allied arts will be given to purchase a case for part of tlio art collection recently given the University by Mrs. Murray Warner of Kugene as a foundation f ir a University museum. Members of the Normal Arts elub, under tli direction of Miss Kerns and Aliss Avakian, have made a number of cards, neckties, lamp shades, woven runs and various other useful articles which are now on sale at the studio. Orders will be taken for any articles similar to those displayed, by members of the club at the close of the sale to night, and by representatives of the club in each women's living organiza tion on the campus during the rest of the week. CANDY SALE TO BE HELD V. W. C. A. girls will sell home-made candy at the performances of “The Shady Lady" to be given in Guild hall Thursday and Friday evenings of this week. The proceeds from the sale will be added to the fund being raised to send the local delegate to the national convention of the association this month. Grace Tigard and Lelaine West are in charge. Candy will bo sold in 10-eent bags. U. of O. Students We Specialize in Mending Soles Our present University patronage is the verification of our good work PROGRESSIVE SHOE SHOP Why Rent? | Buy Your Own We have secured a number of f L. C. Smith Bros, model 5 type- | writers which we are rebuilding to sell at $60 with new guar antee. Special rate, $10 down,$5.00 a month. Office Machinery & Supply Co. inc. Successors to Valley Sales Agency EUGENE, OREGON FREE a 25c package of Jonteel Talcum with a 50c jar of Jonteel Cold Cream A 75c combination value for 50c W. A. Kuykendall,inc. The Rexall Store 870 Willamette Street ■ nseaRri ■: ■: rv'rKamansKi ‘Follow the trail” 1 Easter Candies ■ ■ of all kinds, from chicks to gift boxes. Good? Oh man! J. W. Sheahan W. A. Edwards ■iiiiiatiiiiaiiiiniiiiaiiiiaiiiaiii Eugene Business College A Modem School of Business Shorthand Typewriting Bookkeeping, etc. Reasonable Rates—Efficient Instruction A. E. ROBERTS, President Phone 666 Eugene, Oregon Spring Is Here Phone 827 832.OLIVE ST» •• • The Shady Lady A Burlesque-Comedy Guild Theatre -O Tonight and Tomorrow Night -0 Curtain at 8:15 Tickets at Box Office 50c Note: This is not a Shakesper ian production. * i t 5 EASTER Make your Easter a real one by having a real dinner and filling up for once. Meat is necessary for every or any good meal. Make your plan now for the best Easter yet. BroderS BrOS. Meat Market 80 West Eighth Phone 40