Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 13, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association _____
Floyd Maxwell
Webster Ruble
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued daily
axcept Sunday and Monday, during the college year.___
News Editor .Kenneth Youel Associate News Editor ....Witford Allen
Daily News Editors
Margaret Scott Ruth Austin
John Anderson
Arthur Rudd Phil Brogan
Sport* Editor . Edwin Hoyt
Sports Writers—Kenneth Cooper, Harold
Shirley, Edwin Fraser, George Stewart.
Night Editors
Earle Voorhies George H. Godfrey
Marvin Bl&ha
Fred Michelson Dan Lyons
News Service Editor . Alfred Erickson
Exchanges . Eunice Zimmerman
Special Writers—John Dierdorff, Ernest J. Haycox.
Society Writers—Catherine Spall, Mildred Uurke.
Near Staff-Nancy Wilson, Mabel Gilham, Owen Callaway. Florine Packard, Madalene
t |» j fc'ititr f, hn Piner Herbert Larson, Margaret Powers, Genevieve Jewell, Rosalia
Keber* Freda Goodrich, Georgiana Gerlinger, Clinton Howard, Elmer Clark, Mae Ballack,
Martha Shull, Herbert Powell, Henryetta Lawrence, Geraldine Root, Norma Wilson, D
Woodward, Mildred Weeks, Howard Bailey. ■____
Associate Manager
Advertising Manager
Circulation Manager ....
Proofreader .
Collection Manager .
Advertising Assistants
. Morgan Stanton
. . Lyle Janz
... Gibson Wright
. Jack High
Jason McCune
Karl Hardenbergh, Leo Munly
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon as second-class matter.
$2.26 per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application.
Subscription rates,
Business Manager 961
Daily News Editor This Isnue
Arthur Itudd
Ni«ht Editor This Issue
Ernest Richter
Whose Turn Now?
Lack of funds has been consistently held forth on all sides recently
as the reason for the abominable facilities for tennis players as well
as for the fact that better equipment has not been provided for the
members of the Varsity athletic teams. A perfectly good reason,
yet one which can only be met by the proper amount of persuasion
and the bringing of the true conditions into the light.
The athletic program here at Oregon this year has become a
pretentious student activity, and rightfully, for there is no question
ing the benefits of physical development. But it is high time that
obsolete equipment be thrown into the discard and needed facilities
added. The cry of lack of funds has apparently been sufficiently j
loud in the past and all agitation has been kindly suspended by those
who are suffering from the inadequacy of equipment.
In a University where the school of physical education has built
up such an extensive plan for the proper amount of physical exercise
for each student, the institution should not be found manting when it
comes to providing the means for efficiency in this physical training.
Three tennis courts for the entire student body and ragged nets and
uneven concrete flooring in these are one example of the need of
better facilities. The fact that teams entered in the intramural base
ball competition are furnishing their own equipment is another.
The need of more equipment for the members of the Varsity squads
who are participating in intercollegiate athletics is urgent, yet the
condition of the treasury of the A. S. U. 0. is such that economy
which far exceeds the better judgment of the coaches is imperative.
Since the value of physical education is emphasized to such a de
gree, which is not exceptionally high by any means, then the Univer
sity should be willing to aid financially in the providing of proper
facilities and equipment which will result in the most efficient train
ing. Very little help has been forthcoming from the coffers of the
University in the past, and the extent to which the students have
had to provide their own facilities includes the building of Hayward
Field with its grandstand and bleachers.
Where an institution is provided near a population center, gate
receipts at intercollegiate games help meet the needs. Here a dif
ferent problem is faced. Oregon must compete with the other institu
tions on the Pacific Coast and the teams here must be of the same
high quality in comparison that they have in the past.
This being true, then it is up to the University to do its bit. The
A. S. U. O. has about reached the limit.
The Democratic Solution
A prominent faculty member has proposed that since the six-day
week plan has been declared undemocratic and not in keeping with
the principles of a University where “work is legal tender for an
education,’ the sixth day he added along with an extra hour of credit.
Under such an arrangement, the present 3(5 weeks of the University
courses of a five day-week basis, could be shortened to 30 weeks with
the added day. Thus in the end there would still be ISO days of prep
art ion and recitation but the year spent at the University would be
shortened by six weeks,—and the need for the odd job would decrease
in proportion.
The readiness with which Kugene merchants respond to the re
quests of the University is further exemplified recently by the offer
ings of prize awards by several of the enterprising firms to students
interested in advertising. The prize winning ads will appear in The
P. J M.tcAiPey of Portland to Address
Campus Classes
P. J. MatAuley, advertising manager
of Meier and Prank s store in Portland,
will address the elass 111 advertising
Monday, May 1, at S* o'clock on some
phase of department store advertising,
Mr Mat Yuley visited the I'niveraity
last year and treated a favorable im
pressum among the students.
While on the eampus Mr. MaeAuley
will be the guest of the Kiwams elub
at a luncheon where he will make an
address. If possible Mr. MaeAuley will
probably speak to a larger meeting of
atudeuts in the afternoon.
Alberta Potter Made Gift of Expenses
by Orchestra Members
A gift of expenses for a trip to Port
land to hear Frit - Kreisler, the great
violinist, was made to Alberta Potter
by the members of the University or
cheatra at the last rehearsal. The pre
sentation was made in appreciation of
service as violinist and coucertmeister
for the orchestra, positions which she
has filled for three years.
On a tour just finished Miss Potter
appeared as soloist in every concert and '
won gratifying comment from the press
every where.
Notices will be printed in this column
for two issues only. Copy must be in ths
office by 4:3Q o'clock of the day on which
it is to be published and must be limited
to 26 words.
Any faculty member who can act as
host to one or more of the visiting
high school faculty members during
the coming conference please call
Norton Winnard at 1473 or 976
Hawthorne Club — Meeting in the
lounge room of the Woman’s building
Thursday evening at 7:30. Dr. Young
will read a paper and all members are
urged to attend.
Checkers — Play resumes at once/
Matches must be completed by April
22. Chess semi-finals should be
played off this week.
Ye Tabard Inn—Meeting tonight at the
Anchorage at 11 o’clock. Very im
portant. All members urged to be
Phi Mu Alpha meets Sunday at School
of Music for monthly business meet
ing and lecture on “The Opera,” by
John Siefert.
Fairmont Neighborhood Group meets
Monday, April 17, at Margaret
Casad’s home, 19th Avenue and Co
lumbia, 7:30 p. m.
Methodist Students—Pot luck supper at
5:30 tonight at church, after which
communion will be attended.
Dial—Meets Thursday evening, 7:30, in
club room on main floor Woman’s
Junior Women—Meeting of all women
in the junior class this afternoon in
Villard at 4 o’clock.
Sigma Delta Chi will meet at the An
ohoragc Thursday noon.
Phi Theta Kappa luncheon, Anchorage,
this noon.
Traveling Delegate to Make Addresses
to Campus Groups
Miss Mary J. Baker of the University
of Nebraska, who is traveling in the
interests of the world fellowship move
ment, a part of the Y. W. C. A.’s pro
gram of service, and is visiting colleges
and universities throughout the western
states, will be a guest on the campus
Tuesday and Wednesday. During her
stay here she will meet with the mem
bers of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet and the !
student volunteer band and wrill address j
an open meeting of the Idfe Service j
club on Wednesday.
Miss Baker will return to the campus]
later in the month to attend tho Mis- i
sionarv Conference which is to be held ]
in Eugene on April 28 and 29.
Claire Keeney and Darrel Larsen to
Entertain on Library Steps
More vari colored smocks will be dis
played on the library steps bfore the
assembly hour today; again Tabard Inn
sends its initiates through the trial by
egg ordeal to see if they possess the
eggsacting qualities of literary gents.
Clare Keeney and Darrell Larsen will
be the song and dance entertainers on
this occasion, and it is rumored that
the thespinn talent of these young men
will be engaged in a stupendous pro
duction of campus life. Their manager
guarantees that the audience will be
carried away on floods of enthusiastic
appreciation, provided however the
actors aren't carried away by floods
of eggs.
Women to Conduct Square Mix-up
Affair at Men’s Gym
Another lottery! Maybe it will be
a square one, but probably not. The
junior women are going to have it, for
a purpose.
The juniors are planning to have an
informal dance on April 21, the night
of the sophomore lottery, so that the
young ones won't get ahead of them, or!
perhaps it is because they had such a i
good time at their .Tazz Jinks. Any
way, it is supposed to be a ladies’
choice affair. In order to prevent any
rivalry or competition over the hand
some juniors, they have decided to have
a lottery and mix the class up a little.
No committee has been appointed
yet, according to Tommy Wyatt. The
dance is to be at the men's gymnasium,
if possible.
May 15 Set as Date for Choice of
Officers and Members
The annual election of officers of the i
Science club will be held at the regular 1
meeting Monday, May 15. At the same
time honorary members will be elected
to the society. These honorary mem
bers are seniors and graduate students j
who have been recommended for their
research ability. The membership of
the Science club includes faculty mem
bers of the science department, gradu
ate assistants, and those elected to hon
orary membership.
Present officers of the organization
are: Dr. H. B. Torrey, head of the
ecology departfuant. president; Dr. K.
b Williams, of the chemistry depart
neut, secretary.
The Periscope
An Observer
.Just as Socrates went about the streets
>f Athens showing the Greeks how little
;hey knew, the Oregon eampus needs
lomeone to go about showing the students
jow much more they should know—about
literature and poetry especially. This
wrings to our mind the question: Are we
Philistines? "We say yes, until we are
definitely proved the contrary. But
;he point is that we ran across a most
jxtraordinary piece of writing the other
day by Arthur Symons. If anyone ever
asks you what a critic is, simply reply
hat a critic is a man who can speak of
a poet as follows:
“(Speaking of Robert Bridges) others
nave concerned themselves with passions
more vehement, with thoughts more pro
found, with a wilder music, a more var
able colour; others have been romantic,
realistic, classical, and tumultous; have
wrought a remote magic into verse, and
have made verse out of sorrowful things
dose at hand. But while all these men
aave been singing themselves, and what
;hey have counted most individual in
themselves, this man has put into his
terse only what remains over when all
:he others have finished.”
Robert Bridges, for the edification of
:he uninformed, is poet-laureate of Eng
land. He is far too much neglected by
American readers, for in him you find
Joleridge’s requirement, “poetry in its
iiigher and purer sense.” There is no
ting highbrow about these remarks, or
it least we do not think so. You will find
much in literature which will have a pro
found influence upon you. life even
though when you say you don’t know
who Robert Bridges is some one points
their finger at you and says, “for shame,
After breezing about this campus dur
ing the warmest periods of several polit
ical campaigns, we feel sufficiently
“backgrounded” to suggest and urge
that it be demanded that the co-eds who
ispire to the important positions on the
Student Council and the Executive Coun
cil this spring be selected for their real
ousiness ability. These two bodies have
leen under our observation at intervals
luring the past year, and it would appear
;hat something more than mere popular
ity is needed in times when judgment
must be passed. Therefore we acclaim
igain that if it is true that strong polit
ical organizations do exist on this cam
pus among the co-eds, (which accusation
wo doubt exceedingly) they use. very care
ful judgment in their selection.
• • •
The “ burlesquers ” have appeared
amongst our midst despite what the man
from Coos county said.
Three from Campus Attend Portland
Home Economics Conference
Miss Lilian Tingle, head of the home
economics department, and Hazel Hauek
and Mattie Pattison, assistants in the
department, attended a conference held
in Portland during the week-end by
Mrs. Henrietta Calvin, national home
economi s expert of the Bureau of Edu
: cation at Washington, D. C.
The conference was attended by
teachers of home economics and domes
tic science from all parts of the state.
Matters of organization, teaching and
standardization were discussed.
The meeting was of special interest
because Mrs. Calvin, who as a repre
sentative of the Bureau of Education,
has been giving lectures and holding
conferences throughout the whole coun
try, was formerly head of the home eco
nomics department at O. A. C. and,
Miss Tingle says, is well known all
over the state.
Oregon Agricultural College, April 12
—(P. I. N. S.)—Commencement will be
Sagelawn ?
The new Earl & Wilson
soft collar
Sold exclusively by
Green-Merrill Co.
one week earlier this year than last at
O. A. C. The seniors will be formally
graduated June 5. The regular exam
inations for all students except seniors
will be given June 8, 9, and 10.
The Very Hat
for Me!
| Now and then you find a hat
that instantly takes your
fancy . We have so many
charming spring (or sum
mer) creations in the very
latest styles that we feel sure
“the very hat for you” is
among them.
It will be a great pleasure
to show you.
Mrs. Ruth
McCallum Carter
Rooms 1 and 2 Phone 652
Over First National Bank
The Eugene Packing Company
We Patronize Home Industries.
Phone 38 675 Willamette St.
Successors to the Wing Market
Full Line of Groceries and Cooked Foods at All Times
Hot—. Chicken.... Tomales
Individual.. Chicken.. Pies
Baked beans a specialty.
Published in
the interest of Elec
trical Development by
an Institution that will
be helped by what
ever helps the
Junior is learning
to be a banker
IF you are putting' in three hours a day in the electrical
lah, don’t he surprised twenty years later to find your
self promoting a public utility bond issue. Or if you start
in newspaper work, as like as not later on you will turn to
manufacturing or advertising or law.
\ ou don t know where opportunity' or inclination will
lead you. This tact has a great deal to do with your work
at college not so much the things you learn as the way
you learn them.
Don t think of education as a memory test in names and
dates and definitions. That knowledge is important, but
only as an incidental. Of far greater value is the habit of
getting at underlying laws, the basic principles which tie facts
The work of the pioneers in electrical experiment, at
first glance confusing, is simplified once you realize that
much of it hinged upon a single chemical phenomenon, the
action of the voltaic cell.
Analyze your problems. Look for fundamentals. Learn
to connect a law or an event with what went before and what
comes after. Make your education a training in logical
This ability to think straight, whether acquired in
Engineering or Arts, is the biggest thing you can get at
college. Its aid as a means to success applies equally to
whatever work you take up—since mental processes are the
same everywhere. It is the power which enables a mechanic
to become sales manager, a lawyer to head a great industrial
organization. Develop it, if you would be ready when your
big opportunity comes.
The executives of this Company have been
chosen from alt branches of the organisation.
It doesn t make much difference where you
learn to think straight, so longas you learn.