Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 13, 1922, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Two Hour Line-up of Music,
Oregon Spirit, Costs
Only “Two Bits”
Junior Week-end Stunts Show
Well in Campus Movies;
Husted Villain
Although the college night program
Friday is in the nature of a rally, dates
and good clothes will be in evidence,
according to Lyle Bartholomew, student
body president, who is working with a
large committee in staging theaffair.
A varied program approximately two
hours long has been planned and every
thing is now ready to present the rather
novel effect of having all the Univer
sity musical organizations and the ath
letic department of the school combined
in a grand revue of college life.
Lots of Harmony
A selection from “The Only Girl” by
Victor Herbert will be the number
which Bex Underwood will feature in
the orchestra work. The symphony or
chestra has gained a reputation for pro
ducing real harmony this year and their
work is sure to be well received.
“From the Land of the Sky Blue
Water” and “The Moon Drops Low”
will be the offerings of the girls’ glee
club to the program. Both numbers
were encored time and time again at
the home concert and should be a bright
spot in the program, according to cam
pus music critics.
“Skinny” Reid to Play
The men’s glee club, which recently
attained a striking success on their
southern Oregon tour, will present “The
Shores of Sighing” by Chaffin, and
“Invictus” by Huhn. Their deep
throated melody is sure to please the
hundreds of preppers and students who
will be present.
Ronald “Skinny” Reid, formerly of
Ellison-White chautauqua’s lineup of
musical celebrities, and at present ac
companist for the men’s glee, will play
Rachmaninoff’s “Prelude” first as a
massive number, then as a jazz piece.
Bill Hayward with a lively talk and
slow-moving pictures of many of the
world’s famous athletes will be there
to give the crowd an idea of a veteran
trainer’s experiences in the world of
Junior Week-end Shown
Then will come a film showing the
activities of last Junior Week-end, fea
turing Dave Husted as the “renegade
frosh,” Hildegarde Repinen in a cam
pus study scene, and all the freshmen
of 1921 going through the ignominies
of Froshdom. The tug-of-war, burning
of the caps, and the wielding of the
senior paddles are also shown among
the other Junior Week-end frolics.
The climax of the evening will be
the presentation of football letters to
17 football men, basketball letters to
the girls of the 1921 team, and possibly
basketball letters. Difficulty in ob
taining some of the sweaters and pins
which were to have been presented will
(Continued on page four)
New Organization Recognized and
Favored by Student Council;
Only Eight Eligible
An order of the “O” among the
co eds of the campus was officially
recognized and favored at the meeting
of the student council last night. The
organization will be modeled after the
men’s letter group and will include only
co-eds who have earned an official “O”
The organization was started several
weeks ago but action by the student
council has been pending on the report
of a committee appointed to investigate
the proposed plan and the constitution
which the co-eds have drawn up. This
report was favorable and the motion
for the recognition of the Varsity or
ganization was unanimously passed.
The co-eds who are eligible for mem
bership are Winifred Hobson, Helen
Nelson. Valiere Coffey, Emily Perry,
Dorothy McKee, Charlotte Howells,
Marjorie Flegal and Helen King. Their
letter awards were received in swim
ming and basketball.
The Council instructed the secretary
to call to the attention of the managers
of student dances down town the reso
lution passed some time ago requesting
these dances to be called off when
(Continued on page three)
University of Washington Course Re
quires Fifteen Months at Sea
for Prep-Seamen
University of Washington, Seattle.
April 12—(P. I. N. S. Special)—Thirty j
students in maritime commerce are at
sea this quarter, bound for the Orient,
Europe, South America, the east coast
and Africa.
N, M. Smith, ’25, William MaeAd
anis, 23, Ray Hay, ’23, R. L. Ringler,
’23, and Howard Shaw, a graduate stu
dent, are among those who have left
school this quarter to go to sea.
The department sends men as seamen
on passenger liners or freighters. Many
students make enough trips to qualify
for a third mate’s license when they
graduate. Fifteen months at sea and
an examination are required. The navi
gation course in the maritime commerce
department prepares for this examina
A student going as an ordinary sea
man clears $48 a month and can easily
save $100 in the three months, accord
ing to R. F. Farewell, associate in the
maritime commerce department. Many
students are promoted after the first
few trips. One student became quar
termaster on his second trip.
A few positions in the shipping of
fices are being filled by students
through the maritime commerce de
Vaudeville to Be Staged May 6; Novel
Entertainment Promised; Dance
Will Be Held April 22
The campus luncheon will be discon
tinued this year as a feature of Junior
week-end. Feeling that it was voicing
the opinion of the student body, the
general committee at its meeting last
night decided that the University has
outgrown the traditional event. Guests
will be cared for in the same manner
as at other meals.
Plans for financing the erection of
permanent bleachers and carrying on
the other events of Junior Week-end
are being completed. Junior Vaude
ville will be put on May 6. This event
is being well worked out, and a novel
and enjoyable vaudeville is promised
by the juniors.
Next week, April 22, a student body
dance will be staged by the juniors, as
an additional means of revenue. The
dance is to have good music as a fea
ture, and a large crowd is expected.
The larger amount of money needed this
year is due to the erection of the
bleachers, which will mean a consider
able burden this year but will provide
a permanent contribution to the an
nual festivities.
A work party is planned for Saturday
morning, and an effort will be made
to get all the men of the class of ’23
out from 8:30 to 12:00. The work in
cludes clearing the ground and pre
paring bases for the bleachers. Lum
ber has been ordered, and the actual
work of erection will commence next
week. W. K. Newell, superintendent
of properties, is furnishing men to help
in the construction.
Although this year’s Junior Week
end is to be shorter than those previ
ously held, every day will be crowded
full, as shown by preliminary announce
ments made by the program committee
last night. Events now scheduled in
clude two baseball games with O. A. C.,
dual varsity track meet with Univer
sity of Washington, dual frosh meet
with O. A. C., departmental exhibits,
canoe fete, prom, campus day, burning :
of caps, tug-o-war.
The usual circular letter to prospect
ive preppers is not included in the ac
tivities of the publicity committee this
year. This was abolished as being an
ineffective means of reaching the high
school students. All efforts are cen
tered on publicity in the various high
school and town papers throughout the
state at the present time. Colored
window cards and posters will be sent
broadcast within the next two or three
The canoe fete committee is urging
all houses to start work on their floats.
Names of the floats are to be in by
May 1.
The various committees for Junior
Week-end are all well organized, and
are now actively working on the event.
Finances are being carefully arranged
for this year. Each committee chair
man is given a certain limit of ex
Dean Ellis F. Lawrence of the school j
of architecture and allied arts ad- 1
dressed the class in home decoration
and a number of guests on Wednesday
afternoon on the subject of home-build
ir.g from the point of view of the archi- j
tect. He emphasized particularly the
importance of adapting the architecture
of houses to the landscape and showed
a number of slides which illustrated his
various points.
Great American Writer Is
Eulogized by Lecturer in
Opening Address
Poet-Essayist Was Greater as
Man, Is Opinion of His
Close Associate
Rambling on in true Emersonian style,
and allowing his thoughts to flow at ran
dom in giving a sincere characterization
of Ralph Waldo Eemersou as he knew
him, Charles J. Woodbury, lecturer, and
onetime associate of the poet-essayist, re
cited some reminiscences of the scholar’s'
personal life before a gathering in Vil
lard hall where he lectured yesterday af
ternoon. Mr. W'oodbury, who will be the
assembly speaker this morning, eulo
gized the great American scholar from
the standpoint of an intimate knowl
edge of his methods and ideals. He
picturized vividly the habits of the man,
and attempted to make him stand out dif
ferent from other figures iu literature,
both in style and purpose.
Man of Honest Effort
Mr. Woodbury pointed out that Ralph .
Waldo Emerson was a man who made an
honest effort to stand on his own feet.[
lie was not bothered or otherwise em
barrassed by adverse criticism. ‘ ‘ Mr.:
Emerson was an easy mark for the
critics,” said Mr. Woodbury. ‘‘He paid'
no attention to their upbraidings, and
even refused to answer them. To others1
he replied, ‘ You tell your ideas as you
see fit aud I will express myself in my
own way. The reader will in the end judge
for himself.’
‘ ‘ Mr. Emerson is the originator, the
emancipator, the liberator of one’s own
thought. Do not expect from him or
ganic argument. Emerson is to be read
as is Scripture—a few passages at a time.
One challenges the soul, the other the
mind. ’ ’
Did Not Write for Publication
In speaking of the methods which
Emerson used in the construction of his
writings Mr. Woodbury said, ‘‘He never
wrote anything for publication nor did
he believe in writing for occasions. AH
his works were prepared originally for
lectures. He refused to alter his orig
inal manuscripts for the Bake of unity of
subject. He never would be the victim of
a continuous ‘ firstly, secondly and third
ly. ’ Nevertheless his writings have
thought and power. He Baid himself that
usually the first expression of thought
was the best. He told me ‘ a perfect
expression of condensed thought will
scan! But, oh, how he himself would
alter his own composition. Drop by drop
was how he changed his water to wine.
He finally got his expressions into the
choicest language. ’ ’
Did Not Care for Influence
Mr. Woodbury wants the influence
which Emerson exerts to be universally
recognized. ‘ ‘ Emerson did not want to
be an influence, ’ ’ he said. ‘ ‘ If he
could have given love to the heart and
spirit to the soul by keeping himself out,
he would have done so. He did not want
there to be an Emersonian school, nor
did he desire disciples. But Emerson
must have exerted an influence. Haw
thorne told Sanborn that he must ‘get
away from Concord and the pernicious
influence of Emerson.’ Emerson was
contagious. Hawthorne and Emerson
could never agree. Their one walk to
gether was a failure. But when Haw-!
thorne lost the custom house Emerson
pitied him and invited him and his fam
ily to live with him and his wife. He
could never take any one into intimacy,
but he was loyal to his literary associ
Emerson a Great Commoner
Mr. Woodbury picturized Emerson as
a great commoner interested in all types
of men. He went about conversing with
farmers and blacksmiths and haunted the
footsteps of the country storekeepers.
“These men do not know what to do with
their thoughts,” said Emerson, “but I
“First of all,” Baid Mr. Woodbury in
summing up, “Emerson was greater as a
man. He stood upon the independence!
and originality of a man. That was his
matrix. ”
Mr. Woodbury will give another talk
on Emerson at the assembly today. He
will leave for Whitman College tonight,
which will be his next stopping place on
his tour into the East.
Pi Beta Phi announces the pledging
of Elizabeth Stevenson of Portland and
Felicia Perkins of San Jose, California.
Best Speakers in State Will
Discuss Problems of
High Schools
Program Includes Variety of
Sports and Play Besides
Conference Work
The vanguard of Oregon high school
students coining to the University cam
pus to attend the three nil-state con
ventions of high school student body
presidents, secretaries, and editors and
managers of publications will arrive in
Eugene today. A total of at least 300
representatives from all parts of the
Willamette valley and the state at
large is expected.
The best speakers and foremost edu
cators of Oregon have been secured to
address the conferences, and indications
point to the best meeting of prepara
tory students which has ever been hold
an the University campus, according to
statements made today bv Alfred
Powers of the extension division, Lvle
Bartholomew, president of the Associ
ated Students, and Helen Carson, secre
tary of the student body.
Hospitality Is Emphasized
“We are calling this conference on
a strictly business standpoint,” said
Bartholomew, “and T know that every
Oregon student will do his best to keep
the good name of Oregon hospitality
before the students of the Oregon high
schools and the people of the stato at
large. The place of the University of
Oregon in state education is at the
head of the preparatory schools, where
they can keep in intimate touch with
the high school students and encourage
as many as possible to take the road
to higher education.”
Following is a list of the delegates
classified according to high schools
from which they are coming and the
jfficial capacity in which they arc at
tending the conference:
Salem: Kenneth Perry, editor of An
nual; Leah Ross, associate editor
Clarion; Lucile Moore, editor Clarion
(also vice presidnt of 8. B.); Ruth
Peck, associate editor of Annual.
Oregon City: Bud Baxter, editor An
nual; Peter Laurs, manager Annual;
Dwight neges, assistant manager An
nual; Albert Crossenbacher, represen
tative from Annual staff.
North Bend; Hobart McDaniels, busi
ness manager Hesperia; James Co
valt, assistant manager Hesperia;
Sumner E. Bryant, principal and fac
ulty adviser.
McMinnville: Hugh Parker, editor An
nual; Alice Cameron, editor McMinn
villan; Joy Laughlin, assistant editor
McMinnvillan; faculty adviser.
Medford: Arliene Butler, editor Hi
Times; Helen Holt, feature writer
Hi-Times; Dorothy Newman, associ
ate editor Hi-Times; Rowen Gale,
snapshot editor Crater; Alta Knips,
assistant editor Crater; George Mans
field, editor Crater.
Jheridan—Carol Chapman, editor Run
Hood River: Viola Colvin, associate
editor paper.
it. Helens: Lillian Wyss, editor 8. II.
H. 8. Critic; Naomia Bunnell, busi
ness manager Critic.
Bugene: Miss M. D. Kinsey, faculty
adviser Eugenean and E. H. 8. News;
Floyd Milne, editor Eugenean and E.
IT. 8. News; Blonde! Carleton, editor
Eugenean and E. H. S. News; David
John, faculty adviser; Eloise Buck,
associate editor Eugenean and E. II.
8. News; Alma Koepp, junior editor
Eugenean; Robert McLean, sopho
more editor Eugenean.
Lakeside: Reginald Menegat, editor
Buzz 8aw; Signie Christiansen, secre
tary Buzz Saw.
Washington High School, Portland:
Rodney Keating, editor Lens; George
Knorr, business manager Lens;
Charles Pilchard, Btaff of Lens.
Purner: Thelma Delzell, editor News
West Linn: Jack Hempstead, editor
Green and Gold, and Outlook; Mar
vin Heckman, manager Green and
Klamath Falls; Ruth DeLap, editor
Albany: Vera Horner, faculty adviser
Whirlwind; Olga Jackson, editor
Whirlwind; Marie Rohrbaugh, busi
ness manager Whirlwind; Olive Bar
ker, assistant editor Whirlwind.
Sutherlln: Reed Lafft, 9ied Klawisch,
‘associate edi
Wesley Thompson;
8ara Cal23u
Spring Training Shows Promise for
Successful Grid Team, in Opinion
of Coach “Pop" Warner
Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.,
April 12—(T. I. N. S. Special)—Sixty
candidates appeared at the second day
of spring football practice under Stan
ford’s new coach, “Pop" Warner. “T
am highly pleased with the present
turnout,” Warner said, “but would like
to see more heavy men turn -jut for
instruction. We are starting with the
simplest rudiments of tackling, running,
and the like. Everyone will get the
same treatment.
“With what varsity material there
is left from last year, plus the new
material which has already come out,
there is a good chance of developing a
strong ’team.”
Andy Kerr, freshman coach at. Pitts
burg last season under Warner, will
take charge of football here next fall
until Warner is released from his Pitts
burg contract in 1924. Kerr is not here
at present and spring prnctice is being
conducted by Coach Warner, and
Thornhill, recently line coach for Centre
college. E. P. Hunt, Berkeley high
school athletic director, has been given
I the freshman coaching position for
next fall. TTo played under Warner at
j Indiana in 1912. making his reputation
, in coaching at Berkeley high school
since 1918.
“Resolved That the Principle of the
Closed Shop Shall Be Adopted”
Will Be Question
, The affirmative team of the U. of O.
women's debating squad will meet the
i O. A. C. team at 8:15 on Saturday
I evening at the Guild theatre, while the
i negative team will debate with O. A.
' C. \s affirmative team in Corvallis. The
subject, “Resolved that the principle of
the closed shop should bo adopted,” is
the question which the national Pi
Kappa debating society has been using
this year, and is of national interest.
Williams university vs. Rodluud uni
versity, and O. A. C. vs. University of
Washington have already debated on
this subject this year.
“I think our team members are very
much alive on the question,” said Pro
fessor C. D. Thorpe, the debating coach.
“I promise a very interesting debate on
a very interesting question, although I
can’t make any prediction as to the
possible outcome.” He commended the
girls, who have worked every day dur
ing the spring vacation upon their sub
The negative team is composed of
Edna Largent and Florence Furusot,
and the affirmative toam of Glenn
Frank and Mae Fenno.
Mr. Savage, the debate coach of
Salem high school, and Mr. Erickson,
debate coach of Willamette univorsity,
have been procured as judges. The
third judge has not been chosen.
Dean Robbins of the school of busi
ness administration addressed tho vo
cational education group of Lincoln
High school of Portland yesterday af
ternoon, on the subject of “Business
Administration as a Profession.” The
dean left for Portland yesterday morn
ing at 4 o’clock and will return tomor
Thursday—Occasional rain or snow;
moderate west winds.
Cinder Track Is in Excellent
Condition and Weather Is
Only Doubtful Factor
Program for Two Afternoons
Is Given Out by Hayward,
Director of Meet
Hayward field is now iu readiness for
the first annual All-state Relay Car
nival which will take place Friday and
Saturday afternoons. The cinder track
is in splendid shape for tho coming
trackstors, and several improvements
have been made to facilitate field
events. Good weather is all that is
required to make the meet a success.
It is not known definitely as yet the
number of schools sending representa
tives, but several high schools are ex
pected to add their names to the grow
ing list. Linfiold college, Pacific, Wil
lamette, Reed and Chcmawa have al
ready sent in their lists of entrants,
and Conch Hayward is expecting moro
to arrive before the day of the meet.
According to Graduate Manager .lack
Renofiel, Cottage Grove, Springfield,
.Junction City, Creswell and Eugene
high schools will probably send teams.
Albany and Mt. Angel colleges will not
be represented, according to Hayward.
Program Is Announced
The program for Friday commences
at .'t:GO, and the events are in the fol
lowing order: 100 yard dash, Class B;
high jump, Class A; shot put, 16-pound,
Class B; broad jump, Pentathlon; half
mile relny, Class B; half mile relay,
Class A; pole vault, Class B; two mile
relay, Class A; javelin throw, Pentath
lon; half mile relay, Class C; broad
jump, Class B; 22 meter, Pentathlon
(218.72 yards); two mile relay, Class
B; javelin throw, Class B; 440 Telay,
high schools; discus throw, pentathlon;
high school shot put (12 pounds); med
ley relay, Class C (first two men run
220 yards each, tho third 440 and the
fourth 880); 1500 meters (1640.43
yards) pentathlon.
Events Are Listed
Saturday’s program commences at
2:30 o’clock. The events are listed as
follows: 100 yard dash, Class A; Bhot
put, Class A; broad jump, high schools;
pole vault, Class A; milo relay, Class A;
high jump, Class B; 100 yard dash, high
schools; milo rolay, Class B; broad
jump, Class A; javelin throw, Class A;
4 mile relay, Class A; mile rolay, class
C; 120 yard low hurdles, Class A; 120
yard low hurdles, Class B; half mile
relay, high schools; medley relay, Class
B; medley relay, Class A.
Tho meet will be directed by Bill
Hayward, which assures its boing run
off on time with no long waits
for the spectators. Hayward has had a
world of experience in speeding up
meets, and with the facilities at his
disposal in both truck and field events
will be able to stage the meet in good
I Pot and Quill elects Nancy Wilson to
j membership.
Breach of Promise Suit Lost;
All a Joke Insists Defendant
“We find for the defendant. A. wo
man who haw never been kissed haw never
■been engaged.”
So read the verdict turned in by the
jury after only ten minutes deliberation
in the breach of promise suit instituted
by Mary Etta Shelton against Lyndon
Meyers, which was tried Tuesday evening
in the circuit court room of the county
“It was all a huge joke,” said Lyndon
Meyers when placed on the stand, “and
Miss Shelton was the only one who took it
seriously.” He admitted that he had
j given her a ring, but had done so in a
| joking manner and stated that he had
paid only ten cents for the ring. “I hate
to spend the money, but it is worth ten
cents to become engaged to a good girl,”
Meyers is alleged to have said when buy
ing the ring. He maintained that at no
time had he ever kissed or caressed her,
and that he never took her to any social
' function, saying that he surely would not
have failed to do either of these things,
nor would he have given her a ten-cent
ring if he really intended to marry her.
The plaintiff’s witnesses, however, des
cribed the scene in Professor Warner’s
Procedure III class March 8 when Meyers
placed the ring on Miss Shelton’s finger,
and even repeated the ardent declaration
of love which he is said to have uttered.
They also told of the intense mental suf
fering through which Miss Shelton passed
after Meyers failed to keep his appoint
ment with his “almost bride” a^d the
“minister” at the Anchorage March 24.
An atmosphere of solemnity pervaded
the court room during the trial, ami the
spectators were several times visibly af
fected by the recital of the suffering the
plaintiff had undergone. One of tho
most touching scenes of the whole trial
was enacted when Miss Shelton first took
the stand and between sobs told how her
life had been ruined by the conduct of
the defendant. The chopped onions she
had concealed in her handkerchief added
greatly to her suffering.
William Coleman, attorney for the de
fendant, attracted favorable attention by
his pointed, concise questions, as did Lo
Roy Anderson, for the plaintiff. Both
students were complimented by Judge
Skipworth on their handling of the case.
Particularly eloquent was Anderson’s
plea to the jury, his description of the
enormity of Meyer’s offense in so un
feelingly tricking the plaintiff bringing
tears to her eyes and blushes to the
cheek of the defendant himself.