Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 16, 1922, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Washington Conference Called
Wonderful Success by
Noted Scholar
Europe Convalescing; Britain
and U. S. Expected to
Work Together
Dr. Alfred E. Zimmern, who with
Madame Zimmer, has come to the Uni
versity to give a course of lectures by
special invitation, sounded a note of
guarded optimism for Europe in his
address last night at the dinner given
in their honor by the faculty at Hen
dricks hall.
Among the, points of greatest inter
est made by Dr. Zimmern are the fol
The Washington conference on
arms and Pacific problems has been
a great success (provided the treat
ies are ratified).
The League of Nations is function
ing in Europe and doing a great
deal to stabilize Europe, in spite of
American non-membership.
Europe has gone back to work.
The greatest sufferers from the
present situation are the industries
of Great Britain and the United
The fall of Lloyd George ministry
will mean the beginning of better
relations with both Prance and Ger
It is Britain’s fault, and not
Prance’s, that the two governments
have drifted apart in their policy
toward Germany. Britain through
Uoyd George loaded upon the rep
arations a sum in pensions and kin
dred expense a sum three times in
excess of the amount which Germany
could legally be expected to pay.
Under the Pioncare government,
France is working to a better under
standing with Britain and America.
The best policy toward Germany is,
first, reasonableness of terms, then
firmness in insisting on their fulfill
Dr. Zimmern held the audience of
more than a hundred faculty men and
their wives and faculty women for over
an hour giving an insight into Europe
in reconstruction, into the Armament
Conference, the League of Nations, and
other interesting subjects.
“The Washington conference was a
wonderful success in all that it was
competent to do,” said Dr. Zimmern.
In speaking of the far East and Pacific
questions let me first attempt to im
press you with what it meant to the
British to give up her naval supremacy.
The fact that we accepted the plan is
a wonderful tribute to the confidence
that exists between the two English
speaking peoples. The days of naval
supremacy is to be replaced by a su
premacy shared by your nation and
ours. This means a tremendous respon
sibility. As far aB I can see by looking
into the future, Britain and America
are going to work together. Not only
this, but they are going hand in hand
to win the confidence of the rest of
the world.”
Conference Methods Praised
“The Washington Conference has
been a success not only in what it has
achieved but also in the method of its
achievement. They have not pursued
the tacticB of the Peace Conference by
trying to settle the affairs of the
whole world at once but have worked
on the basis of taking one region of the
world and working out its problems
“If you should ask me whether the;
people of Europe are working, my ans-,
wer should be that there has been a |
wonderful improvement in the years
since the war. This has been more
true of agricultural nations than of
the industrial which have been handi
capped in selling outside.
“Europe has passed through a tre
mendous ordeal, one not only of ex
pense and casualties in war, but also
in the dislocation of their industrial
and agricultural system. The reason
that their finances have been in such
confusion in the central countries is
that they had to begin their reconstruc
tion by buying raw material from na
tions overseas which had better money *
than they had.
Genoa Conference too Late
“The greatest mistake made by our
statesmen is that they failed to adopt
the co-operative plan of reconstruction.
The Genoa conference comes just three
▼ears too late. Had it been called
(Continued on page three)
Cantata Olive to Calvary to be Given;
Lenton Organ Recitals Postponed
Until March 26.
There will be a special Vesper ser
vice given at the Methodist church on
Sunday, March 19, by the University
Vesper choir under the direction of
John Stark Evans. The service will be
entirely musical and the following solo
ists will appear: Madame Rose McGrew,
George Hopkins, Glen Morrow, Eloise
McPherson. The feature of the ser
vice will be the Lenten cantata “Olivet
to Calvary” by Maunder. Mr. Evans
■ will be heard at the organ.
Contrary to previous plans the Len
ten organ -ecitals by Mr. Evans will
I continue until Easter, being given on
i Mareh 26, April 2 and April 16.
The culmination of the Lenten mnsi
i cal treats will be the cantata “The
i Seven Last Word? of Christ” which
; will be given on April 9. This is said
I tf- be of even greater musical interest
j than was the St. Cecelia Mass given at
j Christmas time. The University choir,
i directed by Mr. Evans and assiste 1 by
! Madame Rose McGrew, soprano, John
B Siefert, tenor, and J. Erwyn Mutch
baritone, will render the impressive ser
Work in Interhouse and Interclass
Contests Commended by Head
of Physical Education
The work of the women’s physical
education department for the term will
culminate in a monster gymnasiur ’im
onstration Friday night at 8_ jock
when more than 550 freshnr - "d
sophomore girls and uppercla- gq^ ;rs
in the department will taki , n
gymnastics, drills, folk dan nili- }
tary tactics and apparatus j^t)ers
The big new gymnasiu> a its
will make the demonstrati^^^re in
splendid equipment for spp^, 3 work
teresting than ever before .*nd the
physical education department invites
all students, members of the faculty,
and Eugene townspeople to come and
see what has been done during the
past three months.
The demonstration will start with
a grand march in which all of the
gymnasium classes will take part, in
cluding the majors in the department
and the corrective students. This will
be followed by a gymnastic drill in
which about 175 girls will take part.
The freshman majors will give three
folk dances and all of the freshman
classes will take part in games and
feats with the basketball and appara
tus. The next event will be military
tactics and gymnastic drills by the
upperclass majors. The evening will
end with the annual interclass track
meet in which 12 girls from each claBS
will compete for the Hayward indoor
track cup for women.
The department has made a special
effort this term to base gymnasium
work on activities which were natur
ally more interesting to the girls. The
contest instituted by Miss Florence
Alden, head of the department, at the
beginning of the term has stimulated
much competetive interest not only
among the individual girls but also
between the different classes. The
stunts on which the girls are scored
include many which prove beneficial j
in the class and house activities, such
j as baseball pitching, basketball throw
j ing, high jumps and rope climbing.
The basketball and swimming sea
sons were unusually successful not only
from the standpoint of the results of
the games, but also the number who i
took part, according to Miss Waterman
and Miss Winslow, who have been
coaching these sports. So many girls
turned out for swimming that it was
added to the list of doughnut sports. I
Kappa Alpha Theta won the first ser
ies. In the class meet it was neces
sary to have three duel meets instead
of one as before.
About twice as many girls played in
the interhouse and class basketball ser
ies as last year, and Miss Alden ex
pressed herself as being especially
pleased with the games. “The girls
play unusually good basketball,” she
said, “their indnranee indicates splen
did preliminary training.” She also
commended the girls on the splendid
spirit shown.
That the Bible is the product of
man’s religious experience, and that it
is the expression of man’s growing
idea of God will be the theme of the
third of the round-table discussions, at
the “Y” hut led by the Rev. W. H. L.
Marshall of the Eugene Congregational
church, this afternoon from 5 to 5:40/
This is the last of the three discus
sions led by Mr. Marshall at the hut.
Thursday, rain, southwesterly winds. >
Reserve System Methods to
be Outlined in Speech
by Portland Man
Technical Aspects of Subject
Will be Discussed With
Advanced Classes
A. L. Mills, president of the First
National Bank of Portland, and one of
the foremost figures in financial cir
cles of the northwest, has been secured
to deliver the assedbly address today.
This is the last assembly of the term.
As an officer in the Federal Reserve
System, Mr. Mills is well able to speak
with assurance on his topic, “The
United States Government in Bank
ing.” It is probable that he will out
line the development of federal inter
ests in banking and give a brief history
of federal experiments in banking in
the past, with particular bearing on
the development of the Federal Reserve
System and the part it has played in
tiding the country through its most
acute financial crises.
Held Good Sper,,:er
Mr. Mills comes here with a reputa
tion as a fluent and capable publie
speaker, able to handle a topic such
as he has chosen in a clear and inter
esting style. Members of the faculty
whohave heard him say that he is
very forceful and that they have a
I high regard for his ability. He has
been much in demand throughout the
state, and his speeches have met with
success wherever delivered. Two months
ago he addressed the students at O. A.
C. on some similar topic, and reports
indicate that he made a very strong
impression. He also delivered an ad
dress at the inauguration of the presi
dent of Reed College a year ago.
This is the first time for a long
period that a man prominent in finan
cial circles has addressed the assembly.
It was only by a fortunate opportu
nity that Mr. Mills was able to come
to the campus, as business interests
require his almost continuous presence
at Portland.
After his graduation from Harvard
in the early eighties, Mr. Mills came
direct to Oregon, starting his financial
career in a small bank in Eastern Ore
gon. He then worked in a Walla Walla
bank, and after a few years there came
to Portland and became connected with
the First National Bank, the presi
dency of which he has held for a num
ber of years. He has had a large
part in building up this institution, and
is regarded as a very able banker.
Prominent in Public Life
Despite his many business interests,
Mr. Mills has had time to devote to
public affairs. He is a member of the
Board of Overseers of Harvard Univer
sity, and is prominent in many public
At 3 o ’clock this afternoon he will
meet some of the advanced classes in
finance as well as any students who
may be interested, in room 105 of the
commerce building. His talk then will
be on some of the more technical as
pects of the Federal Reserve System
of banking.
Miss Florence Garrett will render a
vocal selection.
Father O’Hara Gives Greater Part of
Collection; Port1 and Man and
K. of C. Other Donors
There are now about 500 volumes,
of general Catholic literature, in the
Newman club library. The greater part
of this library has been donated by
Father E. V. O’Hara, pastor of St.
Mary’s Catholic church of Eugene.
The second largest donation was $100
given by a non-Catholic man of Port
land, Oregon, while the Eugene Knights
of Columbus come third with a dona
tion of $75. Other donations in the
way of books have also been received
from various sources.
Among the books now contained in
the library are the complete works of
Cardinal Newman, lives of the saints,
Catholic Encyclopedia, various works
defending Christianity, the writings of
the fathers of the church, works deal- j
ing with Christian architecture and
books treating on the Church and Sci
ence. In addition to the bound vol
umes there are also kept many of the
current Catholic magazines.
Father O'Hara is, at the present time, j
planning an addition of works of the
Catholic fiction writers and poets to j
the library. 1
Seventeen Canoes Will Enter
Event; Organizations
to Plan Together
Street Will be Used; Funds
Indicate Probability of
Permanent Bleachers
The results of the canoe fete are
as follows:
Alpha Delta Pi .Bachelordon
Hendricks Hall .Chi Psi
Delta Delta Delta .Sigma Nu
Kappa Alpha Theta ...
.Kappa Delta Phi
Thacher Cottage .Friendly Hall
Gamma Phi Beta ....Delta Theta Phi
Susan Campbell .Kappa Sigma
Pi Beta Phi .Phi Sigma Pi
Delta Gamma .Phi Gamma Delta
Alpha Sigma . Delta Tau Delta
Chi Omega .Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Alpha Chi Omega.Sigma Chi
Zeta Rho Epsilon ....Phi Delta Theta
Kappa Kapga Gamma .
. Kappa Theta Chi
Alpha Phi .Alpha Tau Omega
Delta Zeta .Beta Theta Pi
Oregon Club women and men will
work together on a float.
As a result of the above lottery,
which was held last night at the meet
ing of the general Junior Week-end
committee, all the men’s and women’s
organizations are now paired off for
the annual mill race event. This shows
that 17 floats will be entered.
Plans for the Fete are shaping out
well, according to Harold Simpson,
chairman of the event. Permission has
been obtained from the city to use the
street along the mill race. The com
mittee is still working on the lease,
which it hopes to secure in a few days.
This is necessary this year if the plan
to erect permanent bleachers is carried
out. According to present indications,
sufficient funds are to be placed in the
hands of the committee to erect perma
nent bleachers which will accomodate
a considerable crowd.
All committees for Junior Week-end
are lining up their work, with a meet
ing of the general committees every
Wednesday night. With the opening of
the Spring term concentrated work will
start in earnest.
The publicity committee is the most
active at the present time, getting out
advance literature on the annual cam
pus event.
Cases Treated by Health Service on
Decrease Since January
The number of cases being treated by
tho University health service has been
steadily decreasing since the epidemic
of grip in January. At the office it
was said that this reduction shows that
the students have done a lot of work
in helping overcome the epidemic of
This month there have been very few
:-ases of colds treated; some days there
have been none. There have been eight
operations. The daily average at the
infirmary has been between four and
During February there were 67 pa
tients at the infirmary; 44 being cases
of grip; three operations and 18 mis
cellaneous cases.
Piece by Earl Kilpatrick Published
In Book of Readings
An article on Pleasant Hill, Oregon,
by Earl Kilpatrick, director of the ex
tension division, has been published in
a book of readings on “The Rural
Community” by Professor N. L. Simms,
professor of sociology at the Massa
chusetts Agricultural College.
This article formed a chapter in the
rural survey of Lane county, published
in 1916. Professor Simms has pub
lished this book of readings for college
use, and uses the material on Pleasant
Hill to show the type of community
which is held together by the school,
the Union High School being the bind
ing factor among the small towas of
this community.
Secretary Putnam of the campus “Y”
is arranging a series of lectures for
next term to take the place of Dr. A.
R. Sweetser’s lectures, from 15 to 5:45
on Wednesday. Dr. Sweetser’s series
of lectures will end this week.
Correct Dress to be Shown High
School Women; Portland Firm
to Loan Sport Clothes
During the week end of April 14 and
15 which will be given over by the
University to the entertainment of
visiting high school editors the Wo
men 's League will stage a style show
for the benefit of the women editors.
This is an entirely new idea on the
Oregon campus, although it has been
successfully carried out at other insti
tutions of collegiate rank. The motive
behind tho idea is to give the prospect
ive girl students an idea of the proper
clothing for a college woman, not only
on the campus but at social functions.
Frocks and sport clothes will bo ob
tained from supply houses of Portland
and some will bo furnished by the do
mestic art students of the campus.
Those in charge of arrangements for
the style show which will be held on
April 14 are Catherine Nicholson, Wil
hemina Beckstead, Savilla Week, Phebe
Gage, and Foarl Lewis. A committee
meeting will be held tomorrow at 5
o’clock in the Women’s building, at
which further plans will be discussed.
Entire Company Enters Into Spirit
of Sixteenth Century Drama
Staged Last Night
“Tho Merchant of Venice,” which
was produced last night in Guild
theatre, was one of the most successful
Shakespearian plays ever produced on
the campus. The work of Professor
Fergus Reddio who played Shylock, and
who directed the play, and that of
Charlotte Banficl was exceedingly fine,
and the whole company entered into
the spirit of the sixteenth century
drama with keen interest. The set
tings were simple, which greatly facilit
ated the changing of the scenes and
shortened the time between the acts.
Th play was composod of five acts,
two of which wore divided into two
scenes. Tho fourth act, which shows
the court of the Duke of Venice, where
the trial of Antonio, the merchant,
takes place, was exceptionally good, and
the scene between Launcelot Gobbo,
the fool, played by Claire Keeney, and
Old Gobbo, his father, played by John
Ellstad, won much praise from every
one who saw the production.
Hildegarde Repinen, who has boon
seen several times on the Guild hall
stage, played Jessica, Shylock’s dough
tor, well. This role was in extreme con
trast to the other moro serious roles
she has played this year. Nerissa, the
friend and companion of Portia, was
played by Sadye Eecles.
Two solos wore sung, one by Delbert
Faust, who played the part of Gratiano,
who snng under the window of Jessica,
and the other by Viola Powell, who
sang during the casket scene when
Bassanio was trying to choose tho cas
ket which held the picture of Portia.
Bassanio was played by Norvell
Thompson, who had not been seen in a
Guild hall theatre production since he
played the lead in “Why Marryt”
last fall. This role is one of the most
important in the whole play, and it
was handled very well by him.
The play will be staged both tonight
and tomorrow night.
Proceeds to be Used to Buy Furniture
for Association Rooms
Plans have been made for a silver
tea to be given at the Bungalow early
in the Spring term, the proceeds of
which will be used for additional fur
nishings for the association rooms, ac
cording to Miss Dorothy Collier, sece
Mrs. George Bohler was recently ap
pointed chairman of the committee in
charge of arrangements, assisted by
Mrs. Dean Walker.
New rugs were laid during the past
week which were purchased from the
proceeds of the Rummage Sale held in
February, and it is hoped there will be
drapes hung and a davenport installed
very soon.
Helen Harper, violinist and Hildred
Hall, pianist will go to Cottage Grove
Saturday to play for a formal tea to be
given by a group of the ladieB of Cot
tage Grove Saturday afternoon at the
Hotel Bartle. The musicians will be
entertained Saturday night by some of
those who are giving the tea.
Delta Zeta announces the pledging
of Myrtle Bice of Bend, Oregon.
Results to Show Men Who Will
Defend Oregon in All-State
Meet Here April 14-15
Aspirants for House Teams are
Turning Out Every Night;
78 Already Signed Up
The results of the intor-class relays
to be staged on Hayward field Satur
day will determine the tracksters who
will defend Oregon in the All-state
relays to be held here on April 14 and
15, and in the Seattle Relay Carnival.
It will be necessary for those men
chosen to stay here over the spring va
cation to get in shape to meet these
other tenms, according to Coach Bill
Hayward. *
Saturday's moet will also be a de
termining factor in picking the relay
team to represent Oregon at Penn State
on April 27, 28 and 29. Hayward’s
plans for a team are not panning out.
Some of the men who ho was depending
on have apparently quit coming out
with no excuse. Spearow is the only
man now that Bill can depend to up
hold lemon-yellow aspirations in the
famous meet. “I haven’t got time to
fool with a man who knows that I am
depending on him and doesn’t show
up,” Bill said.
Hayward Is Pleased
The coaches are arranging the regular
nightly practice so that all men in the
snme event are on the field at the same
time, adding materially to training ef
ficiency. Hayward is much pleased
with the way in which his proteges
are picking up in their class work, and
it is unlikely that any of them will be
ineligible because of class work.
“We want them to koep their grades
at four and above,” Bill said, and most
of them are fulfilling his expectation.
Whenever a trnckster's grade card
shows him low in any subject, he has
Bill to reckon with.
Judging from early reports the Inter
Organization track meet to be held
next term is going to bo a big success.
Already five houses have turned in lists
of men who expect to turn out, the
total being T8 to date. Many of the
aspirants are turning out but Bill says
that he is not going to check up on them
until the first of the now term, because
most of them need all thoir spare time
to put in on their studies. However
Bill said that he would keep a close
tab on them after that, and the men
will have to turn out regularly in or
der to compete.
Frosh Meet Planned
Whilo it is probable that the fresh
men will not have a track moet away
from home this year they stand in lino
for several good meets here. Chemawa
and the Kugene High are on the list.
Pacific is anxious to got a meet with
the yarlings, and so is Cottage Grove.
Beside these they will take part against
the O. A. C. rooks in both the All
State Relay and the Oregon-O. A. C.
meet. Tf they do not win many honors
this year they will at least get a lot
of valuable practice that will stand
them in good stead next year. There
are enough of them getting experience
this year to at least put Oregon in a
bettor place than she now stands.
University Regulations Require 60
Yards; Ten With Difficulty is
Longest Distance Made
Just another victim of University
regulations is the plight of Wilbur
'‘Bib” Hoyt, a senior who is, or rather,
was, to graduate in June.
Bib’s records show that lie will no
doubt have plenty of languages, sci
ence, economics, history and so on “ad
infinitum” but he does lack the ability
to swim 60 yards and University re
quirements say that ho has to make up
this deficiency. Bib found this out last
fall and for almost six months he has
conscienciously tried to learn to swim,
but with little success, for the best
record that he has chalked up so far
is a 10 yard endurance, accompanied
by strenuous splashing and spitting.
The first trouble that he had in his
attempts to learn the manly art of
swimming was his inability to keep his
feet from sinking. Three months of
hard work remedied this but the result
was that he couldn’t keep his head
up at the same time.
Bo Bib’s last months of college life
will consist of a grim struggle between
watery discomfiture and graduation
with the odds all in favor of the former.