Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 15, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member Pacific Intercollegiate Press Asseciation
Floyd Maxwell Webster Ruble
Editor Manager
' official publication of the Associated Student* of the University of Oregon, issued daily
eaccpt Sunday and Monday, during the college year._
News Editor .Kenneth Youel Associate News Editor ....Wilford Alien
Daily News Editors
Margaret Scott Ruth Austin
John Anderson
Arthur Rudd Wanna McKinney
Sports Editor .....- Edwin Hoyt
Sports Writers—Kenneth Cooper, Harold
Shirley, Edwin Fraser.
Night Editors
Piarle Voorhies George H. Godfrey
Marvin Blaha
Fred Michelson Dan Lyons
News Service Editor .....
Radio Service Editor ....
Exchanges .
. Alfred Erickson
__ Don Woodward
Eunice Zimmehnan
Special Writers—John Dierdorff, Ernest J. Haycox.
Society Writers—Catherine Spall, Mildred Burke.
News Staff—Nancy Wilson, Mabel Gilham. Owen Callaway, Florin* Packard Madalene
Logan. Florence Cartwright. Helen Kina, John Piper, Herbert Larson, Margaret Powera.
Genevieve Jewell, Rosalia Keber, Freda Goodrich, Georgians Gerlinger, Clinton Howard, Elmer
Clark, Mae Ballack, Martha Shull, Erneat Richter, Herbert Powell, Henryetta Lawrence,
Geraldine Root, Norma Wilson.__
Associate Manager .
Advertising Managers --
Circulation Manager ...
Assistant Circulation Manager
. Morgan Staton
. Lot Beatie, Lyle Janz
.... Jason McCune
.. Gibson Wright
Jack High, Don Woodworth
Mildred Lauderdale
Advertising j^i*inta ”::"”Karl Harden^^hrKeUy Branst*tter, Georice Wheeler. Leo Munly
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon as seoond-claas matter. Subscription rates,
12.26 per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application._
Editor 666
Business Manager 961
Daily News Editor This Issue
Arthur Rudd
Nijfht Editor inis issue
Marvin Blaha
Merit Should Decide
As widespread as is the faculty conception that students partici
pating in activities cannot possibly make even an average grade in
the courses they are carrying, the student nevertheless resents this
attitude. Men and women engaging in activities do so because they
have loyalty at the bottom of their hearts and a sense of duty, which
is fostered by their natural love for a life of activity.
Faculty members who have pictured the studnet engaged in
activities as the poor downtrodden youth whose sense of loyalty to
his school has overshadowed the true purpose for which he should be
attending his classes, are laboring under an illusion. The student in
the case is just man enough, or woman enough, as the case may be,
to resent such an attitude when displayed by their instructors. A
student playing football against an opposing team does not ask for
quarter,—the same student takes his regular class work along with
the others, and neither will lie stoop to ask for quarter because he
has played on the football team. The same is true in every activity
in which students are engaged. The energy and ambition which
has been closely interwoven with their loyalty to their alma mater,
will not allow pride to stoop to such depths. An attitude of an in
structor to give favor to a student in this situation is an insult to
his or her pride.
Other instructors believe that even though members of their class
who are engaged in activities make it plainly evident that they are
keeping up the requirements, they still must be graded low because
it is inconceivable that such a student would be able to do his work
in class and still keep up the load of outside activity.
The merits of activities do not need to be extolled time and
again—true, these merits do not appeal to the professor of the “old
school” who sees no good in anything except the phonographic repro
duction of text books and lectures,—but perhaps opinions of this
type arc of little use in the battles of the world after all. The fact
remains that students engaged in activities are good losers; if they
cannot be put on a par with other members of their class and make
or lose their grades on merit alone, then they are not the type who
will succeed even in activities.
Favor is not asked by the actively engaged student, and such an
attitude on the part of instructors is plainly wrong.
A Policy for Distinction
l)r. Alfred E. Zimmern comes to the campus today for a three
day visit in accord with the University’s new policy which will mean
future visits of the sort from men eminent in their fields, a policy
which assures an educational distinction to this fast-developing insti
tution whose name commands respect in an ever widening territory.
Examinations loom near, but this is the only time at which the
scholar’s visit, about which so much has already appeared in The
Emerald, could be arranged, according to the administration. Only
one open meeting has been scheduled, and that for lluirsday night
at an hour given in another page of today's issue.
Dr. Zimmern is a great scholar, one of the younger men who are
preparing to take the lead, if they are not already doing so. in the
thought of the coming decade. A graduate in the present century
from Oxford, lie has reached distinction in his field, which is priinar
ilv a study of ancient 0recce, lie is professor of politics at the
University of Wales and is author of several widely read and authori
tative books.
Dr Zimmern’s coming and the coming of men like him means a
frcstieiiiinr «f Oregon’s educational fountain, l.ike Dr. Edgar Kobiti
son. and Dr. Charles Upson Clark, whose recent visits were the sub
joe[ of much laudatory comment, he brings red hot ideas from a world
where many things a re happening. Forget the exams for an hour,
and hear him.
The man who senses tragedy in the fast approaching term finals
mav be able to glean some comfort from these verses ot llarry
Kemp's titled "(ieology
‘•What matter if my life be passed
In laughter or in tears and groans 1
Some day compressed within a rook.
They’ll find the lime that made my bones/'
Notices will be printed in this column
for two issues only. Copy must be in the
office by 4 :30 o’clock of the day on which
it is to be published and must be limited
to 25 words.
Faculty—Dinner in honor of Dr. and
Mrs. Zimmern Wednesday, March 15,
6:30 Hendricks nail. All faculty
members and University staff and
ladies invited. Plates 75 cents, ’tick
ets at President’s office and from
members of the committee.
Living Organizations—All men’s and
womens’ living organizations have a
representative at the administration
building at 7:15 tonight. Houses
which will work together on floats
for the Canoe Fete will be chosen by
Crossroads — Thursday evening the
neighbors will first attend Dr. Zim
mern’s lecture in Villard hall, and
afterwards convene at the Woman’s
building for :>.n informal meeting and
discussion with Dr. Zimmern.
Announcement—Illustrated lecture at 5
o’clock at the “Y” hut tonight by
Dr. Sweetser, on “Salvation in the
Slums.” This will be the last of the
Supervised Teachers—There will be a
meeting of all supervised teachers at
the education building Thursday af
ternoon at 5 o’clock.—-H. R. Douglass.
Announcement—Will the students hold
ing out pie plates from the recent
Y. W. pie sale please return them
as soon as possible to the Bungalowf
Pi Lambda Theta—Meeting Wednesday
evening, 7:30 in Women’s room, Wo
man’s building.
Pot and Quill — Meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:30 in rooms. Members
please bring MSS.
California Club—Meeting Thursday 7
p. m. at 105 Commerce to discuss va
cation plans.
The French Club—Meeting at the Y. W.
C. A. at 7:15 this evening for the
last session of the year.
“Black Cat” Will Print “Cheerful”
In Early Issue With Personal
Sketch of Author
Mary Lou Burton, a junior in the
school of journalism, has had a 2000
word short story, “Cheerful,” accepted
by the “Black Cat” magazine. It will
appear in an early issue, as will a per
sonal sketch of the author.
The story is Miss Burton’s first
printed work. The theme is a humor
ous one, concerning a girl and a cof
fin. An undertaking firm, new in a
town, is not doing a thriving business,
and decides to hold an “opening,” even
serving afternoon tea. For the oc
casion a blond girl is advertised for
to pose as a corpse in one of the cof
fins. The advertisement is answered
by a girl who has been fined $50 for
speeding. Her subsequent adventure
completes the tale.
“Black Cat” makes a specialty of
encouraging young writers. Rupert
Hughes received his first $100 check
from that magazine. Jack London's
first, published story was purchased
by it, and some of the first stories of
Hllis Parker Butler, Juliet Wilbur
Tompkins, James Francis Dwyer, and
Octavius Roy Cohen appeared in its
Miss Burton is a member of Pot and
Quill, women's honorary literary so
ciety. She is taking Professor W. F.
(1. Thacher's short story course. Mr.
Timelier says of her, “She has always
done creditable work, and possesses an
interesting vein of originality. Tier
subject matter is varied, and never,
apparently, in one particular line. Her
style is always distinctly individual,
never imitative.”
Faculty Dinner and Receptions Planned
for Visit on Campus of Noted
English Educators
Mrs. Alfred H. Zimmern, wife of the
noted Rritish author and lecturer, will
address a mass meeting of the women
students of the University Thursday
afternoon from 4 to 5:30 in the Wo
man's building. Mrs. Zimmern is an
accomplished musician and an author
ity on French life and customs, on
which subject she has been lecturing
in Portland. The topic of her address
has not been decided upon but she
will no doubt talk to the women inform
ally on some subject of general inter
Dr. and Mrs. Zommern will be enter
tained at the home of Dean and Mrs
Colin V. Dytncnt during their \ is •
Kngene and Dean Elizabeth Fox has
asked a few friends to meet Mrs. Zim
worn at tea in her apartments Wednes
day afternoon.
\ faculty dinner will be given for
the guests at Hendricks hall Wednes
lav evening and Thursday afternoon
all the faculty and the students are
ski'd to meet Mrs. Zimmern in Vlum
ni 1 dl of the Woman's building.
S:- nford University, Dalit'., March
H, P I \ s w i - I ftv"j
Rogers was elected captain of the 19-3
team. Rogers has been a member of
the team for two years, playing for
Physicians on Campus Accept
Transmutation Report
The announcement recently made
from Chicago that the element tungsten
has been changed to helium, a rare
elementary gas, by the application of
excessive heat is wholly plausible, and
beyond doubt possible, in the opinion
of both Dr. W. P. Boynton and Dr. A.
E. Caswell, professors of physics.
It has been an accepted theory in
certain scientific circles for some time
that it is possible to transmute the
elements into other substances, but
never before,'in Professor Caswell’s
knowledge, has any man been able to
prove the validity of the theory.
In the experiment just finished,
tungsten, a rare, infusible and heavy
mental element, was changed into heli
um. Terrific heat of about 50,000 or
60,000 degrees was used to bring about
the change. According to Dr. Caswell
this is hotter than the temperature of
the sun or the hottest star.
The theory that the atom is inde
structible has been exploded by the
experiment, for the process of transmu
tation, Dr. Caswell stated yesterday,
which was used by the Chicago chem
ists, consisted of breaking down the
tungsten atoms and rearranging them
into helium atoms.
Dr. Caswell said that the elements
were considered unchangeable up to the
time when the radio active groups were
discovered. It was found in their case
that decomposition by natural methods
soon set in and separated the original
substance into various parts. He point
ed out that uranium decomposed into
helium and lead, while thorium changed
| into helium and bismuth and so on
through the whole group.
Such changes came only through na
j tural action and never until the recent
experiments have men been able to arti
ficially produce such changes. Prof.
Caswell thought that this advancement
might open a new field for scientific
Costs of helium gas for commercial
purposes will not be greatly lowered.
Dr. Caswell thought, because of the
great cost of the metal used and the
expense of the necessary methods. The
present system of gathering it from oil
fields and hot springs will be much
cheaper, in his opinion.
Banquet for Dr. Zimmern Cause for
Shift to Monday Night
The meeting of the executive council
has been postponed from this Wednes
day to Monday evening, March 21, ac
cording to an announcement made by
Lyle Bartholomew, president of the
A. S. U. O., this morning. The ban
quet at Hendricks hall on Wednesday
evening in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Alfred
E. Zimmern will attract a number of
the members of the council and for this
reason the meeting will not be held
until Monday. At that time a num
ber of reports will be heard concerning
the athletic policies to be followed this
spring. As this will probably be the
last meeting of the term all members
are urged to attend.
(Continued from page one)
Fox yesterday. “I have suggested
only minor technical changes in the
wording of some of the motions to come
up. I consider that the propaganda
carried on by Miss Ila Nichols in inter
esting the various organizations in the
changes has been an excellent piece of
work. Meetings have been held with
the heads of the women’s organizations'
and with the committees of the wo
men’s league. Good work has been
done in testing out student sentiment."
At a meeting of representatives from
all the women's organizations held
March 3 the changes in rules, as pro
posed were sanctioned. They will be
presented to the student council for
consideration today. No opposition is
anticipated from the students.
Our Reputation
as Shoe Repairers 35
years in Eugene is
your assurance of
satis faction.
Miller’s Shoe Shop
43 W. 8th . Eugene
Underclassmen to Have Name
Engraved on Interclass Cup
The sophomores defeated the juniors
by a score of 55 to 10 last night in the
final swimming meet of the girls’ inter
class series, thereby winning the cham
pionship and the distinction of having
their name engraved upon the women's
interclass swimming cup. The seniors
claim second place by virtue of a 421^
to 281^ victory over the freshmen.
The most interesting event of the meet
was a free style two length race in which
Marie Strube, freshman, defeated Wini
fred Hopson, senior. Until last night
Miss Hopson was undefeated in either
the class or doughnut meets. Agnes
Schultz was high point winner, scoring
15 points for the sophomore team.
Muriel Meyers, also sophomore, did good
work, scoring 13 points.
Practice for the varsity meet with O.
A. C. April 29 will begin immediately
after spring vacation, Miss Catherine
Winslow, swimming coach, announced.
According to Miss Winslow, the girls
have shown unusual interest in swimming
this year and with the good material
brought out in the house and class meets
she hopes to develop a team which will
show up well against O. A. C. More
than 60 girls took part in the doughnut
meets and 40 in the interclass meets.
(Continued from page one)
Helen Casey and Walt Fisher, both
Oregon alumni, have charge of the ap
pearance in Roseburg, where the club
will sing at the Liberty theatre, on
j Friday, March 31.
The final concert will be heard at
Oakland, April 1, at the Bungalow
I theatre. A dance is being planned by
one of the Oakland lodges as an enter
tainment feature for the visitors.
According to reports received from
the towns to be visited the appearance
: of the club is being looked forward to
| with considerable interest and alumni
1 are promising a ‘good time. A number
of social events have already been
\ planned.
Publicity matter, including window
cards and press matter is being sent
out by the manager, who is predicting
a successful tour for the organization.
The club program, which will be simi
lar to that given in Portland, is in
good shape for presentation, says the
director, John Stark Evans.
Use the Classified Ad for your wants.
Dr. Sweetser to Lecture on Christianity
for "Down-and-Outers
Thc Evidence of the work of Chris
tianity in the slums, as revealed by the
transformation in the lives of the
“ down-and-outer” when he feels the
touch and call of the Master, will be
the substance of Dr. A. R. Sweetser’s
illustrated lecture, “Salvation in the
Slums,” at the campus Y. M. C. A. hut
this evening at 5 o’clock. This will be
the fifth and last of a series of
lectures which Dr. Sweetser, head of
University botany department has been
giving at the “Y” hut during the win
ter term.
Dr. Sweetser is basing his lectures
especially on James’ Varieties of Re
ligion, McAulav’s Work of the Salva
tion Army in the Slums and Begbie’s
Christ-born Men.
Get the Classified Ad Habit.
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