Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 09, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Doughnut Meet Will be Held
Some Time in AprilL
Regular Varsity swimming starts
next week under the supervision of
Coach Barnes, who states that practice
will be held on every Monday, Tues
day, and Thursday at 4:15 o’clock
sharp. Other hours devoted to swim
ming will be Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at 11, at which time men try
ing out for doughnut swimming should
do their practicing.
If the men turn out and try to make
something of the sport, it is the present
plan to schedule several meets, one to
be with the Agricultural College, and
one with the Multnomah club if pos
sible. “The number of meets which
are scheduled depends entirely on the
men,” said Coach Barnes, “for if they
do not take any interest in the sport,
and will not train for it no meets will
be scheduled.”
The doughnut swimming meet is to
be held some time during the latter
part of April, and will include botli
diving and straight swimming events.
No organization will have to furnsh
a complete team in order to enter, but
may enter only one man if that is all
that they wish to. The events accord
ing to present ideas will include a M
yard dash, which will be held in heats,
but all the rest of the races will be held
on the time basis. There will be a 100,
and 220-yard free style, a 100-yard
breast stroke, and a 60-vard back
The diving events will be the regular
required events: straight front and
jaeknife. In addition to these three
there will be three optionals, which
the men can pick themselves. The
points given in the meet will be on the
saiu° method as used in boxing and
■wrestling with five points for first,
three far second and one for third.
1'l.e J resent outlook for a strong
swimming team is not good, but some
of the men who are showing up best
are Lvle Palmer, Lawrence Cook, and
Ralph Taylor among the upperclassmen,
and Horton, Calvin Arhiir, Yoran, and
Erikson for the frosli. All freshmen
with any swimming experience, or with
ability along this line are urged to come
out and work with the Varsity, in order
that the team next year will have some
experienced men on it.
All men who intend to take part in
doughnut swimming should come out
and train, so that they will be in con
dition for the meet. This was not done
in some cases in the wrestling and box
ing meet, and as a result several knock
outs were recorded. This lack of train
ing, according to Coach Barnes should
be avoided as much as possible.
Experienced divers for the Varsity
are entirely lacking, and everyone with
the least promise should report to
Coach Barnes as soon as possible. The
men showing promise in this line of the
water sport are Young, Faust, Angel,
Gourley and Hay.
An able instructor will be at the pool
every day from 2 until 4:15.
Prominent Men oi State Among Leaders
for Annual Summer Gathering
Seattle Lawyer to Preside
Two of the prominent leaders of this
year’s summer conference of the Y. M.
C. A. which will be held at Seabeck,
Washington are Norman P. Coleman,
president of the Loyal Legion of Log
gers and Lumberman, and the Reverend
Harold L. Bowman, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church in Portland. Both
of the men have visited the campus
and have addressed the student as
Frank S. Bayley, a prominent attor
ney of Seattle, who will be in Eugene
March 15 to speak at the United Sun
day School Rally of the University
“Y,” will preside at the conference
this year. The other leaders will be the
Reverend Merle N. Smith, of the First
Methodist church of Pasadena, Cali
fornia, Ethan S. Smith, of the Seattle
“Y” Preparatory school and the Rev
erend Henry C. Mason, pastor of the
University of Washington Congrega
tional church.
The charge for the regular student
delegates will be board and lodging.
$15, registration fee, $5 to cover pro
gram expenses, an addition to trans
portation charges. According to the
bulletin issued, the round trip boat
charge from Seattle to Seabeck is $1.50.
A higher rate of board and room will be
charged for those who are present only
part time.
Three of the eight members of the
field council and advisory committee
of the Y. M. C. A., which work in con
nection with the “Y” student depart
ment in staging the conference, are
students of the University of Oregon.
TheyVre Roy Veatch, Vernon P. Dun
can, and L. P. Putnam, the campus
“Y” secretary. Duncan was originallv
elected as the delegate from O. A. C.
but he registered at the University
last fall. The council members are
elected each summer at the conference.
Lieutenant M. E. Knowles, indoor
range officer of the military depart
ment, reports that most of the cadets
in the department have shot all but one
or two of the stages of firing on the
range. Cadets who have not shot these
must do so within the next two weeks.
Increase is 60 Per Cent During Last
Year: Drama 57 Per Cent; History
54 Per Cent; P. E. Fourth
The school of architecture ami allied
arts leads the list of 15 schools on the
campus in percentage of increase in
major students for the school year
1921-22 over 1920-21. Tlie list, de
cently compiled by the registrar’s of
fice, includes 15 departments and
schools having more than 35 major stu- :
j dents. The school of architecture has
had an increase of 60 per cent during
; the last year. The department of
economics shows the least gain with an
increase of only one per cent over the
preceding year.
Drama and the speech arts are a close j
second with an increase in enrollment
of majors of 57 per cent. The de- j
1 partment of physical education comes
next with 48 per cent more major stu- j
; dents than last year and law and jour
nalism tie with increases in their re
spective schools of 46 per cent each.
I The other schools and departments as
they are listed follow wifti the pereent
j ages of their increases during the past
year: Education 43 per cent, Romance
languages 41 per cent, botany 39 per
cent, English literature and rhetoric i
j 30 per cent, chemistry 23 per cent, !
business administration 22 per cent,
pre-medics and zoology 8 per cent, mu
sic 3 per cent and economics one per
Game is Rough; Eddie Durno
is Outstanding Star
Last night the men’s gym was the
scene of a hard fought athletic contest
which was a cross between a basketball
game and a tumbling contefet. While the
Aggie mentors won the tumbling events
hands down with approximately 300 falls,
the Varsity physical artists kept their
minds on the sport that netted the points
and ran up a total of 27 against 18 for
the invading phalanx.
To say that the game was hotly con
tested would be putting it mildly, as there
were times when a majority of the play
ers entered for active service found them
selves seated involuntarily on the floor.
A few brilliantly acted scenes were put
on by Coaches Rutherford and Hunting
ton in the Aggies’ territory. Both Shy
and Dick spent about an equal amount
of time in the leading role but Hunting
ton lowered the visiting coach’s batting
average considerably by holding him to
three field goals, whereas in the game
last week at Corvallis Rutherford went
hog wild and amassed a grand total of
21 points.
Eddie Durno had some hard luck in
the initial canto when he and Phil Ringle
both thought they were about to inter- j
view some Aggies and crashed into each ]
other full tilt, netting Eddie a badly
cut head which supplied enough gore to
make what approached a battle royal at
times, seem realistic. In spite of his
injury Durno was the outstanding star
of the evening and succeeded in netting
some pretty baskets; repeatedly he drib
bled through and took a shot with in
vading instructors hanging on deter
minedly. Phil Ringle was going nicely
at guard and got three baskets to offset
the three he allowed Coleman.
The lineup:
Oregon, 27 O. A. C., 18
Durno, 11 .F.Coleman, 6
Scott, 6 .F.Rutherford, 8 j
Bohler, 4.C.Hubbard, 2 j
Huntington .G.Hager, 2
Ringle, 6 . Willey
S. Rathbun
Referee—Roy Bohler, Willamette.
Read the Classified Ad column.
Natron, Goshen, Pleasant Hill and Back
Via Pacific Highway Route of
Jaunt Set For 9:30 A. M.
The last University hike scheduled
for this, term will take place Saturday,
March 11, River and hill country will
be traversed by the hikers who will
leave Eugene on the Springfield car
leaving downtown at 9:30 a. m. and
from the University at 9:40. The party
will go to the end of the line and then
hike to Natron, crossing the Willamette
river at this point and hiking on to
Goshen over the old road near Pleasant
hill. From Goshen those who wish to
do so may take the train back to Eu
gene while the remainder of the .party
will hike back to Eugene over the
Pacific highway.
T)r. D. E. Lancfield, of the biology
department. will lead the party. Fifteen
cents is all one needs to participate
in the hike, 10 cents for carfare and a
nickle for hot coffee and cream,, which
will be served. Those owning cameras
are urged to bring them and to use
them on the trip, as a number of beau
tiful views will be seen, according to
those who have seen that part of'the
The state of the weather will not
cause the postponement of the hike.
Many people failed to .make the last
jaunt due to the fact that they be
lieved that it had been postponed on
account of heavy rains. As a conse
quence the Condon club suffered a de
ficit in the coffee fund, since only
some dozen people participated in the
The completion of next Saturday’s
trip will mark the end of this term’s
hikes. The idea of all University
hikes for recreation and incdentally
for instruction was first suggested by
the hikes committee of the Condon
club, campus geologists’ society, and
svas worked out in cooperation with the
recreation committee. The two prev
ious trips taken this term have been
pronounced decided successes by those
ivho participated. Longer trips are
planned for next term and will include
points in the Cascade and coast range
Y. W. girls will sell 1000 popcorn
balls which they will have ready- for
distribution before the assembly hour
this morning. The money- derived from
the sale will be added to the fund being
raised to pay the expenses of the dele
gates to be sent to the national conven
tion in April, and the girls hope to
dispose of the full number of popcorn
balls on hand. Charlotte Clark and
Elsie Lawrence are in charge of the
Moderately priced!
You’ll need one of
them this Spring.
We excell in—
General Repair
Picture Framing
Artist Supplies—Art Goods
Fred Ludford
Paint, Wall Paper and Art Store
922 Willamette St. Phone 749
If You Could See
the fine grade of material that goes into
the mattresses we make, you would
know why they are such a comfort.
The floss comes from Java, the best
quality in the world.
Obrien Mattress & Upholstering
391 East 8th Ave.
Phone 399
Big General Number Promised
for Last Issue of Term
March 15 has been sot as the date
on which the final issue of the Lemon
Punch will appear, according to Stan
Kisman, cdtor. The issue promises to
be a big eng, comprising 28 pages, with
several full-page cuts, 22 in all. The
number will not be a feature issue as
previously, but a general number, and
so will cover a wider field of wit and
The cover for his issue of the Punch
is being drawn by Ray Bethers, well
known for his illustrations and car
toons. There will also be a full page
by Doc Braddock.
This is the fourth issue of “Lemmy”
this year, and all the efforts of the
staff are concentrated on making it a
big, live, snappy number. All contri
butions indicate that it will fulfill
At a meeting of the staff to be held
the early part of next week, plans for
the May issue of the magazine will be
discussed and officers for 192,1 will be
The present officers of the staff are
Stanley Eisman, editor; Harris Ells
worth, manager; Allen Carncross, liter
ary edior: Ernest Haycox. Edwin Hoyt
and Hoc Rraddock, associate editors,
and Helen Dougherty, honorary adver
tising manager. The art staff is coiti
l'osed of Owen Calloway, Ray Bethers,
Wilbur Hulin and Beatrice Morrow.
The Varsity Rifle team will hold a
shoot with O. A. C. the first of next
9et the Classified Ad Habit.
American Jitney
H. L. SNELL, Mgr.
Phone 129
City or Country
19 E. 9th Eugene, Oregon
Carrolls’ Specials
2-qt. Fountain Syringe 98c
Kodak Albums, 50-page 19c
Razor Strops . 49c
Common Sense Purses 29c
Kewpie Dolls . 9c
Lemon Cream 50c
Miolena Powder & Puff. 75c
Palmolive Soap, 3 for 25c
Azura Face Powder $1.00
Azura Toilet Water $1.50
Big Ben $3.50
Baby Ben $3.50
Jack O’Lantern $3.00
Sleepmeter $2.00
America . $1.19
Ladies’ Hand Bags 98c, $2.98
Stomach & Liver Pills 25c
Bay Rum, half pint 50c
Witch Hazel, half pint 25c
Carrolls’ Pharmacy
(Graduate Registered Pharmacists)
783 Willamette Phone 25
Next to McMorran & Washburne
The'Eugene Packing Company
We Patronize Home Industries.
Phone 38 675 Willamette St.
Successors to the Wing Market
Full Line of Groceries and Cooked Foods at All Times
Hot.... Chicken.... Tomales
Individual.. Chicken.. Pies
Baked beans a specialty.
This Week Only
New Style $5.00 Gillette Safety Razors
Now Now
While They Last
Opposite I. O. O. F. Temple
The Year’s Biggest Attraction
Dancing Vaudeville Carnival
MARCH 10th
See Little
The Miniature Pavlowa
In Dances of the Orient
■.iSKS'wm ii
Frank Wright
Tenor Song Bird
“Down the Old Church Aisle”
Mr. and Mrs.
Sid Woodhouse
Fancy Exhibition Dancing
Regular Admission ■
Get Your Date Now Not a Dull Moment 1
A A «?♦ AAA.
That’s a big word and in common slang it means weight.
It is used frequently in football coaching—and when di
rections are followed and “beef’’ is used in the right way,
it adds materially to the strength of the team.
BEEF means just as much in the line of food. Good juicy
steak goes a long ways toward building up a good healthy
constitution. Eat more of it.
| BroderS Bros Meat Market |
T PHONE 40 <|