Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 09, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association_ '
Floyd Maxwell Webster Ruble
Editor Manager
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued daUy
except Sunday and Monday, during the college year._____ -
News Editor ..Kenneth Youel Associate News Editor ....Wilford Allen
Daily News Editors
Margaret Scott Ruth Austin
John Anderson
Arthur Rudd Wanna McKinney
Sports Editor .-.-. Edwin Hoyt
Sports Writers—Kenneth Cooper, Harold
Shirley, Edwin Fraser.
Nignt bailors
Earle Voorhies George H. Godfrey
Marvin Blaha
Fred Michelaon ^an ^yons
News Service Editor ......... Alfred Erickson
Radio Service Editer . Don Woodward
Exchanges ____ Eunice Zimmerman
Special Writers—John Dierdo rtt, Ernest J. Hay cox.
Society Writers—Catherine Spall, Mildred Burke.
New. Staff—Nancy Wilaon, Mabel Gilham, Owen Callaway, .florine Packard. Madalene
Logan, Florence Cartwright, Helen King. John Piper, Herbert Larwin, Margaret Powers.
Genevieve Jewell, Rosalia Keber, Freda Goodrich, Georgiana Gerlinger, Clinton Howard, timer
Clark, Mae Hallack, Martha Shull, Ernest Richter, Herbert Powell. Henryetta Lawrence.
Geraldine Root, Norma Wilaon. __
Associate Manager —.-...-.—..
Advertising Managers --—...-...—
Circulation Manager ---
Assistant Circulation Manager -
Proofreaders -
Collections —--—.....y-;y—
Advertising Assistants .. Karl Hardenburgh, Kelly Branstetter,
. Morgan Staton
.......... Lot Beatie, Lyle Janx
..... Jason McCune
. Gibson Wright
Jack High, Don Woodworth
. Mildred Lauderdale
George Wheeler, Leo Munly
Entered In the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon a. second-claw matter. Subecnption rate.,
$2.25 per year. By term, 75c. Advertising rates upon application.
Editor 666
Business Manager 961
Daily News Editor This Issue
Margaret A. Scott
Nittht Editor This Issue
Fred Miehelion
A Sense of Fairness
The various fraternities and living organizations on the campus
are not receiving the proper cooperation of faculty members and
instructors in class work in their effort to induce better grades
among their members. This point was clearly demonstrated at the
end of the fall term of work when it was brought out that many
students who had apparently been doing good work 4n their classes
received failures in their final markings.
Such a practice should be investigated at once and where in
structors are not using the discretion expected of them in ,giving
grades out to students at the end of each month, some steps should
he taken to bring about the enforcement of measures which would
remedy such a condition. The members of the living organizations
and the fraternities have made an honest effort to cooperate with
the University officials in their attempt to bring about higher stan
dards at Oregon. They thoroughly believe in the principle and they
have concentrated in the effort by arranging a system of carefully
checking up on the members at the end of each month of work.
In an organization of some thirty members, an average size, the j
system of monthly grade cards is the only check which can be made,
on the work of the various members by the heads of the organiza
tions. The accomplishment of higher standards cannot be complete
without a sense of responsibility being instilled in the students in
dividually, and this sense of responsibility is in the majority of cases
a direct outgrowth of the discipline which they meet in their various
Too much emphasis, then, cannot be placed upon the care and
seriousness with which instructors consider the matter of signing
the monthly grade cards brought to them by the students. The
privilege of taking these grade cards to their instructors has been
granted to these students by the administration, with a realization
of the benefits which can be derived from such a plan. And wher
ever the cooperation of the individual instructor is requested it should
be given.
The individual students must have some method of protection.
They can only know by ascertaining their grade from the instructor
at intervals just where their shortcomings are and what steps should
be taken to remedy them at once, and the necessity of protection is
sometimes obvious.
In all fairness a student should not receive an average marking
upon his monthly grade card and then receive a flunk as the final
grade in a course. If anything will encourage a spirit of "getting :
by” it is a spirit of carelessness on the part of the instructor who
does not regard the monthly grade cards sent out by an organization
of sufficient importance to warrant serious consideration.
Swiftly and Silently
The day for the “male of the species” to stroll on the eampus ,
without a single rod rent in his trousers poeket has long since dis
appeared. With the “broke-’ organizations continually appealing
for financial aid. no self-respecting student can afford to refuse to .
buy their offerings of pastries and confections, which violate all the
training rules laid down by trainers and coaches.
Now. if these organizations are to continue to exist, and that
is a debatable question if they must continue to prey upon the pocket
book. why in the name of Diogenes can they not confine all their
“bargain" days to one great day of carnival attraction? All can
then get a hand in the pot, the day can be satisfactorily arranged
with the office which issues the State aid checks, and concessions
can be granted along “the great white way" or “the sawdust trail
or some such suitable arrangement, and this same relieving process
will accomplish its purpose, swiftly and silently.
A healthy desire on the part of organizations to eliminate added
expense of excessive competition has been evinced lately and is a
step in the right direction. The number of entries in the canoe fete
is to be limited and the number of organizations allowed to compete
in the April Frolic has been cut down. Economy appears to be the
keynote of this sort of action and wherever it is possible to do so,
that policy should prevail.
Lives there a man with soul so dead
Who never to himself hath said:
“School be -; I’m going to bed.”
—Daily Kansan.
Notice* will be printed in this column
for two issues only. Copy muBt be in the
office by 4 :3U o’clock of the day on which
it is to be published and must be limited
to 25 words.
Hawthorne Club — Meeting Thursday
night, 7 :.'10, Woman’s building.
Thomas Cutsforth speaks on “The
Alleged Sixth Sense in Relation to
Problems of Touch.”
I’reshman Girls—Don't forget March
17 is the last date for the payment of
your student friendship money.
Dial—Meeting Thursday evening at
7:30 in the Women’s building.
University Vesper Service—Methodist
church, Sunday afternoon at 4:30.
Address by Bishop W. O. Shepard, of
Portland. Music by the University
choir. Offering for the vestment
Dial—Will not meet Thursday, March
9, but will meet Thursday, March
16, 7:30, Woman’s building.
Tabard Inn—Luncheon at Anchorage
this noon.
Phi Theta Kappa—Luncheon Thursday
noon at Gampa Shoppe.
Mu Phi Alpha—Meets Sunday after
noon at 2:15 p. m. at music building.
Business and program.
Furniture Appropriate and
Unique in Design
An addition to campus traditions is
the establishing of the Lemon Punch
room in the Anchorage, where the head
quarters of Hammer and Coffin, humor
ous publishing society, will be main
tained. The room, on the second floor
of the Anchorage, was recently opened
and promises to be one of the interesting
spots of the University and will increase
in interest as it assumes its place among
campus traditions along with the his
torical room maintained by the historical
committee of the university where tro
phies and campus data are preserved.
Illustrations to be Kept Here
In the Lemon Punch room will be kept
the files and illustrations of the maga
zine, a panel of members of Hammer and
Coffin, material and data relating to the
society. The furnishings are appropriate
for the headquarters of the organization,
and are unique in design. In the center
of the room is a large black oblong table,
curiously resembling the large black box
conspicuous at funerals. In the center
of the table will be placed a seal about
15 inches by 10 inches, on which will be
designed a gold hammer. This piece of
decoration is being completed by Ray
Bothers of the Art staff of the Punch.
Another article which will be conspicu
ous will be the large black cabinet with
i silver hammer for ornamentation. On
the walls of the room will be riumnted j
the originals of the drawings of the I
Punch and the panel of Hammer and!
Coffin members.
Room Will be Open to Public
The room will be used as the head
piarters and meeting place of the soci- j
?tv but will also be open to the public
,vhen not in use.
The members of Hammer and Coffin
mblishing society on this campus are
■Stanley Eisman, Doc Braddoek, Harry j
■Smith, Roscoe Hemmenway, Ernest Hay
■xo, Warren Kays, Si Sonniekseu. Mason
Jillard, Hal Simpson, Ep Hoyt, Harris
Ellsworth, Wilbur llulin, Herbert Lar
on, Allen Carneross, Kelly hraustetter,
• wen Callaway, and Helen Dougherty
md Beatrice Morrow, honorary members.
1 lu> mooting ot' tho student council,
vhich was scheduled for last night,
i. s been postponed until next week,
'onsoquontlv no action will be taken
tntil then upon the resolution just
mssed by the music activities com
nittoe regarding the creation of a spec
al music fund to provide the neces- i
ary guarantees for artists' recitals by
aiding a tax of 50 cents to the present
tudent body fee.
Seniors expecting to receive degrees
rom the University in June are asked
o call immediately at the registrar’s
>ffice to make out their application
dunks. If these blanks are not filled
>ut at once, much confusion will re
ult in the spring term, as it is neces
sary that the registrar know what de
;r<c the applicant wishes before the
inal summary of hours may be made.
Read the Classified Ad column.
Open Forum
To the editor:
Your issue of March 7 contains an
account of Dr. Caswell’s speech at the
Presbyterian church, in which he is
quoted as saying, “If the student
wishes to live a life of service, the
field of science is open and offers
many opportunities.”
May I suggest a concrete example
from the many opportunities before
you, and emphasize the fact that wealth
and fame doubtless await the solving
of the problem following:
(a) What is the lifting power of a
given amount of vacuum space?
(b) Is there a metal, pure or alloy,
sufficiently light and tough to with
stand air-pressure around a vacuum
space with a lifting capacity of a ton?
50 tons.
(e) If there is such a metal that,
with bracing and cross-sectioning for
the purpose of creating numerous
j vacuum and air compartments, is able
| to withstand such pressure, why should
I we not construct subairships and navi
gate them at any desired height of air
I pressure, using air for ballast, just as
1 we now navigate submarines, using
water as ballast ?
The destruction of our latest dirigible
through ignition of gas, and the prob
ability that any gas used for buoyancy
is apt to escape through accident and
cause disaster, should start anew the
search for a lifting agent that can be
renewed, multiplied or lessened accord
| ing to barometric pressure.
Now, if there is anything wrong
| with my line of reasoning. I shall be
I thankful for correction.
Yours for a world-famous laboratory
here on the campus, I am,
J. E. TORBET. Springfield, Ore.
To the editor:
I hope we are all reading Charles
Alexander’s stories of wild life in the
coast range that are running these
current months in the Blue Book maga
zine. They have so much unusual obser
vation and incident and so real a style
about them that it is a pity to miss
the finest things any Oregonian has yet
done for his state in the writings of
When Miss Louise Lovely, screen and I
stage star, comes to Eugene at the Eu
gene theatre March 11 and 13, she will }
bring with her her entire company on
her first transcontinental tour. It is the
first time that a star of such magnitude
has ever gone on tour with an attrac
tion complete. Miss Lovely brings with
her her latest screen success, “Life’s
Greatest Question.” in Vhieh she is
supported by an all-star cast including
Roy Stewart, Eugene Burr, Harry Van J
Meter. Dorothy Velerga and others.
“Their Wedding Night” is a twenty- j
minute dramatic sketch, in which Miss
Lovely is supported by an eminent Eng
lish actor, Wilton Welch. j
In addition to the sketch. Miss Love
ly presents for the first time on anv
stage a decidedly unique and interesting
vaudeville playlet, “A Day at the
Studio,” in which the stage is trans
formed into a regular studio. Real
pictures are made before the audience.
In the pacture made by Miss Lovely,
and which will be shown at the Eugene
theatre later, Miss Lovely has for her
cast in the afternoon, children selected ,
from the audience: in the evenings she
will use young ladies selected by her
from her cast. The attraction will be
at the Eugene theatre only on March 11
and 13.
Make your appoint
ments for
Marsel and Hair
for the Formals
Madame Shaffer
Hair Dressing Parlor
:S2 Willamette (Above the Varsity)
"Last Days of Pompeii" Will be Giver,
at University High School
“The Last Days of Pompeii,” a six
reel pictorial drama taken from the
famous novel of Bulwer Lytton, will be
shown at the University high school
Friday night under the auspices of the
senior class. Proceeds from the play
ft'ill go into the senior class fund.
The reproduction of this thrilling
rhoto-masterpiece was made in Italy
md the scenes in it are said to be
very realistic. Vesuvius is seen erupt
ing and the hot lava from the crator
leseending upon the doomed city.
As a special feature Alice Baker and
Joanna James, both members of the
['Diversity women’s glee club, will 3ing.
rhere will also be other musical fea
Head of Physical Education at Beed
Guest of Department Here
Miss Emma Heilman, who is the
guest of the physical education depart
ment, is being entertained by Susan
Campbell hall during her visit on the
Miss Heilman is head of the physical
education department at Beed college
and is reviewing that department here.
“You should certainly be thankful for
having such a wonderful physical edu
cation department here and for having
such efficient instructors,” said Miss
She also expressed the opinion that
the clinic work is very helpful.
Students read the classified ads; try
using them.
“Follow the Trail”
has bought a few new light
globes and will throw a jig
Friday and Saturday nights.
After the dance you will
naturally stop in a t >t h e
P. S.—Bill’s Orchestra will
m play.
The New
Auto Strop Razor
With all the merits of the old $5 model
Now selling at
Start the day right with a clean, smooth
You Know the “Auto Strop”
W. A. Kuykendall, Inc.
The REXALL Store
Others Charge More
than we do for OREGON MEMORY BOOKS
Our Price, $3.50
For the same thing for which you would pay more to others.