Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 09, 1922, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Sororities and Fraternities Will
Work Together in Decorat
ing Canoes
Work Under Way; Publicity is
Started; May Stage Dance
to Increase Funds
Men’s and women’s organizations
will work ogether in providing entries
for the Canoe Fete. This decision was
reached at the meeting of the general
Junior Week-end committees last night,
following a considerable discussion as
to the best plan of cutting down on
the number of entries. A meeting will
be held of representatives of the vari
ous organizations, at which time a lot
tery will be held, whereby each soror
ity will draw a fraternity as partner
in putting on a float in the Fete. This
will cut down the number of entries to
about sixteen. This decision is in keep
ing with the recommendations of the
student council, which suggested some
time ago that the number of organiza
tions is now to large for a continuance
of the old plan of putting on the Fete
to be expedient.
Work to Begin Soon
The work on the Canoe Fete will
begin immediately as the appointment
of a committee by Tom Wyatt, presi
dent of the junior class has just been
made for this purpose. Harold Simp
son, treasurer of the class, is to be
chairman of the fete. The other mem
bers of the committee are James Ross,
^ Frank Vonder Ahe, A1 Krohn, Ruth
Fowler, Helen Murdock and Margaret
This year considerable more effort
will have to be expended on the fete
than is usually the case, due to the
many changes in the event. The com
mittee is now at work obtaining a
lease of the property on which the
bleachers are to be erected. This has
become necessary as a result of the de
cision to put up permanent bleachers
to accommodate the spectators at the
fetes over a period of years.
The Canoe Fete committee is plan
ning to secure a date for a student body
dance, the proceeds of which will go
toward the erection of the permanent
Two Posters for Publication
John Braddock, chairman of public
ity, announces that all material is ready
for publication, and will be sent out
within the near future. Two kinds of
posters will be sent out to all towns,
and principally to high schools. One
poster is made up of pictures of the cam
pus, buildings, and other scenes, while
the other will be in the nature of car
toons. Letters will be sent to prospect
ive University students in the senior
classes of the high schools, and articles
sent out to the various town papers.
Constructive work is being started
by all committees for the annual cam
's pus event. The second general meet
ing was held last night, and will be a
Tegular event on each Wednesday
evening until the time of junior week
Second of Lectures on Christian Faith
Slated for “Y” Hut Today
Appealing particularly to the stu
dents in the world history and world
literature courses will be the discussion
led by the Eeverend W. H. L. Marshall
of the Eugene Congregational church
at the “Y” hut this evening, at 5
o ’clock. This will be the second of a
series of three lectures on “The Main
Points of the Christian Faith,” and
Mr. Marshall’s topic this evenng will
be “The Reality of Religion.”
In his last discussion Mr. Marshall'
dwelt strongly on his belief in the
growing conception of God as civiliza
tion advances.
“The conference was a great suc
cess.” said Mr. Putnam, secretary of
the “Y” in speaking of the discussion.
Miss M. Kathleen Murchison, provin
cial president of Alpha Xi Delta, na
tional women’s fraternity, is visiting
for the remainder of the week at the
Zeta Rho Epsilon house. MiBs Murchi
son is on her way from Berkeley to her
home in Seattle.
Alpha Delta Pi announces the pledg
ing of Cecile DeVore and Loye DeVore,
of Heppner, Oregon.
Winifred Hopson Scores 15 Points fo
Seniors; Final Contest to be
Next Tuesday Night
The seniors won from the junior
with a score of 45 to 23 and the sopho
mores from the freshmen 41 to 27, ii
ttie interclass swimming meet Tuesda;
. Winifred Hopson was high point win
ier for the seniors, scoring 15 points
which is three first places. As one gir
is allowed to participate in only thre;
event;- this is the maximum score fo
one swimmer. Muriel Meyers, sopho
m< ’ scored 13 points, two first place
and one second.
The judges were Miss Emma Water
man, Mrs. Warren Edwards and Gerali
The seniors will meet the sophomore;
and the juniors will meet the frerhmei
on Saturday at 2 o’clock. The fina
roeet is to be held next Tuesday night
“Hollywood Ideals Versus American
Ideals” is Subject of Earnest
Henrlkson, of University
Student orators representing nine dif
ferent colleges of the Northwest will
meet tonight at Newberg to compete in
the Old Line Oratorical contest, which
will be held under the auspices of Pacific
College this year. Ernest H. Henrikson,
who will represent the University of
Oregon, ig to speak on “Hollywood Mor
als versus American Ideals.” A gold
medal is the prize which ia given to the
Oregon will be represented by eight
students at the business meeting of the
conference which is to be held in con
nection with the contest. There will be
four representatives of each class and
four representatives chosen at large.
Wanda Daggett, senior; Paul Patterson,
junior; William 8. Hopkins, sophomore,
and Ralph Bailey, freshman, will be four
of those who will go from here.
The Old Line contest is the oldest of
its kind in the Northwest and in the 20
years of its existence Oregon has won
first place more than half of the time.
Since 1911 the University of Oregon’s
orators have received six first places.
In 1911 the contest was won by Carl
ton Spencer, in 1916 by Walter L. Myers,
in 1918 by Abe Rosenberg, in 1919 by
Earl Fleischmann, in 1920 by Fred Coley,
and in 1921 by Ralph Hoeber.
No changes in the rules have been an
nounced and it is understood that al
though no time limit will be set for the
orations, they are to be limited to 1500
words. Two sets of judges are provided,
one to consider the delivery and the
other the merits of the composition.
Copies of all the orations have been in
the hands of the judges for some time.
The colleges which will be represented
tonight are University of Oregon, Ore
gon Agricultural College, Pacific Uni
versity, Pacific College, Oregon Normal
School, Albany College, McMinnville
College, Willamette University, and the.
Eugene Bible University.
Ted Goodwin will represent the Eugene
Bible University in the contest tonight.
Curve Carries Idea of Number of
Students Since 1902
The increase in registration at the
University during the last few years is
shown very clearly in the graph that
has just been completed by Hiss Ger,
trude Stephenson, chief clerk in the
registrar’s office.
Miss Stephenson started to plot her
line taking as zero the year 1902-03,
when there was a registration of 187
students. From then the line worked
up gradually, the 500 mark being
reached in 1908-09. until the school year
of 1918-19 showed an attendance of
1114 students. Then the line makes a
startling leap upwards, as in the next
year there was registration of 1725.
The curve is still rising as the fgures
for 1920-21 show a registration of 1842,
while this year 2190 students haye reg
Le Foyer Francais Entertains Wednes
day Evening at “Y”
At the regular meeting of Le Foyer
Francais, honorary French society on
i the campus, Melville Jones, Lunah
Wallace, Neva Service, ir.d Helen itoce
were received into the organization.
A special program arranged by Wilbur
Bolton was given. It consisted of two
vocal solos Bung in French by Art John
son. Annabelle Denn played an ac
! eompaniment on the piano.
Following the program a half-hour
of general conversation in French was
' enjoyed by the members.
Session for Business of A. S.
U. 0. to Take Place of
Regular Assembly
Bill Hayward and Hank Foster
to Outline Pospects for
Varsity Track Team
A rally will be held for Oregon’s
' championship debaters, for the win
ning girls ’ basketball team, and for this
■ year’s track team at the only regular
student body meeting of the term this
morning at 11 o’clock in Villard.
“This is the only meeting of the winter
1 term,” said Lyle Bartholomew, stw
dent president, “and there is only one
more before the end of the year. It
i will be an important meeting, with
many reports, and plans will be made
for the remainder of the year. All
students should attend.”
The Oregon debaters, who won the
Pacific coast championship will be
brought up before the students. The
woman who composed the basketball
team which defeated O. A. C. will also
be on the stage.
• The third part of the rally will be
in the interest of Oregon’s track team,
according to Yell King “Obie” Ober
teuffer, who will have charge of the
demonstration. Bill Hayward and
Hank Foster, track coaches are to out
line plans for the season and are ex
pected to bring out some new phases
of the situation.
This will be the last meeting until
the one in May, when student body of
ficers are nominated. Several plans
for the rest of the year will be formu
According to Bartholomew matters
of some importance may develope in
the reports from the chairman of the
standing committees, due to the fact
that there has been no meeting since
December 4. Among the ones which
will report are the Greater Oregon com
mittee, the campus committee, the mu
sic committee and the different activit
ies committees.
Not only is it desired to have a large
attendance of students but faculty
members are urged to come out more
than they have in the past. Their
presence is wanted as much at the stu
dent body meetings as at the regular
Nine More Sign up for Summer Jour
ney; Homeric to Convey Party
Much interest is being manifested in
the European trip to be taken this sum
mer under the auspices of the Univer
sity of Oregon school of music, accord
ing to Dr. John J. Landsbury who is in
charge of the arrangements. A slight
change has been made in the arrange
ments so that the party will sail on the
steamer Homeric, which is the largest
twin screw in the world. The sailing
> date, as previously announced, will
be July 1.
Recent additions to the party are
i Miss Clara Myren and Mrs. William
i HorBefall, both of Marshfield, Miss
; Amy Dunn of Eugene, Miss Helen Hall
■ of Portland, MiBS Gladys Cartwright of
i Salem, Mrs. lone Bowman of Cincin
nati, Ohio, and Mr. Steuterman of
• Memphis, Tennessee.
Several others are considering the
plan and are expected to sign for the
trip within a short time.
Vocabulary of Normal Third Grade
Child is 8ubject
Dr. C. A. Gregory, of the school of
education has written an article on
“The Reading Vocabulary of Third
Grade Children which was accepted by
the Journal of Educational Research
I and will be published soon.
The article takes up the vocabulary
. of the normal third grade child. There
are nine required books that they must
study, according to Mr. Gregory. Any
■ child that can meet the required course
will have a minimum vocabulary of
5190 words and with very little out
side reading will have a vocabulary of
6000 words.
“Contrary to statements sometimes
heard on the Btreets that the average
working man has a vocabulary of 600
words/ is far from true, said Dr. Greg
ory. It would only seem logical to
■ think that the working man would have
i a vocabulary at least equal to that
of a third grade child.”
Opening Selection to Star
Promptly at 8 o’clock
in Villard Hall
Overture from “William Tell’
Will be Played; Lora
Teshner Soloist
The program of tonight’s “Pop’
(short for popular-priced) concert ii
Villard hall, by the University Sym
phony orchestra has been arranged b\
Hex Underwood, the director, to appea
to a wide range of people, and althougl
it contains none of the so-called “popu
lar” music, it is made up of numbers
in which there is an interest for every
one. The opening number will bo heart
at 8 o ’dock sharp. The price of ad
mission has been made low with tin
hope that the students and townspeople
may take advantage of it and hear i
class of entertainment that ordinaril>
would cost several times the 25 cents
asked, according to the management
“William Tell” overture by Rossini
probably the most famous of overtures
will open the program. The cello sole
with which the number begins is playec
by Lora Tesliner, and represents the
dawn of day. After the dawn comes
the storm, which is considered one oi
the best storm scenes ever portrayed
in music. The storm abates and a calir
follows in which most of the effect is
carried out by the interweaving oi
counter melodies by flute and oboe
Then, without any warning, comes ths
march which forms the heaviest oi
Miss Teshner to Play
Another notable number is “Ths
Song to the Evening Star” from Tann
haueser by Wagner, played by Lors
Teshner as a cello solo. This solo wil'
be accompanied by the full orchestra
John B. Siefert will sing “Wulther’s
Prize Song.” This is the most populai
aria from “Der Meistersinger,” Wag
ner’s only comic opera. He will alsc
have- as his accompaniment the full
“Yalse Triste” by Sibelius, the fam
ous Finn composer, follows. Sibelius
describes the state of mind of a fever
stricken woman; follows her througl
her delirium until she leaps from liei
bed and dances to the music, finally
dropping dead. This number enable;
the orchestra to bring into play it;
fullest tone quality.
March is Final Number
For the final number the orchestr;
presents “Einzugmarsche der Bo.jaron’
by Halvorsen. The composer portrayi
the approach of a marching body oi
men, their arrival and departure. Tin
clarinet first tells of the distant ap
proach, after which the instrument!
gradually work in until the full or
chestra takes up the march. The march
ers departure is portrayed by tin
gradual fading out of the instrument!
until the clarinet again takes up th«
solo. The flute is the last to be heart
as the marchers retire.
Both the last two numbers wen
played by the Portland Symphony or
chestra in its concert at the opening
of the Woman’s building and the lat
ter was one of the best received of th<
entire program. The concert will b<
over early, so as not to interfere witl
Discussion to be Held in Meeting 01
Woman’s League Today
A general discussion of “honor,” am
what it means to campus women, wil
be held at Woman’s League meeting
this afternoon at 5 o’clock in Villan
hall. Miss Mary Watson, of the Kn
giish department, will give a short tall
on “Honor in Little Things.”
Helen Carson will speak on “Honoi
During Examinations,” and Bernice
Altstock on “Honor With Ourselves.’
Four of Miss Winslow’s pupils in danc
ing, Dorothy Miller, Helen Hoeffler
Oloria Collinson and Dorcas Conklin
are to dance.
April 12 was decided upon as th<
date for the annual election and ban
quet of the Y. W. C. A. at a meet
ing of the cabinet and finance com
mittee Tuesday afternoon. The ban
' quet will be one of the first events 01
!the association’s program for the Bprini
term and will be held in the Hotel Os
burn. It is planned to make it a for
; mal affair and all members of the "Y*
i will be included in the invitation list
Noted English Scholar to Address
History Classes; Greece may
be Subjoct of Talks
Professor A. E. Zimmern, the noted
English scholar, will visit on the cam
pus on Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri
day of next week. Professor Zimmern
will not address the assembly on Thurs
day as was originally planned, but will
speak in a number of the history
classes and at an open meeting on
Thursday evening.
The subjects of the different discus
sions that Professor Zimmern will give
during his stay on the campus have not
yet been decided, but since he is noted
for his work on the Greek common
wealth he may chose some phase of
Greek history. lie is also an authority
on international questions and was con
nected with the Foreign Office during
the war.
Professor Zimmern will come hero
from Reed College, where he has been
for the past month. It is planned to
givo a faculty dinner on Wednesday
evening in honor of him and Mrs. Zim
mem, who will also visit. They will
be entertained, during their stay in
Eugene, at the home of Dean and Mrs.
Colin V. Dyment.
Payment of Laboratory Fees May be
Made Equal For All Students
Regardless of Subjects
Dr. A. E. Caswell was appointed
head of a committee to investigate the
feasibility of substituting a flat rate
system for the present system of pay
ing laboratory fees, at a meeting of
the faculty colloquium held Tuesday
It was argued that a flat rate system
would cause the burden of the lab fee
to fall equally on all students, instead
of having one pay almost nothing while
others pay as high as $15 for ono term.
According to statistics presented by
Karl Onthank, secretary to President
Campbell, the average foe for any one
student in one term is approximately
$3.62 or a little over $10.00 a year.
A flat rate fee for the use of library
books was suggested to ^enable the li
brary to purchase more copies of books
which are used in the literature courses
thus enabling the student at a small
cost to have the books which would cosr
him a considerable sum should he have
to purchase them himself.
One of the principle arguments
against the flat rate system was that
the present system has proven satis
factory, and that if a flat rate system
was established here there would be a
chance for an increased expense in the
laboratories as money could then be
drawn from a general fund.
Further statistics,‘presented by Karl
Onthank, showed that there has been
a gradual increase in the laboratory
fees during the past three or four years.
This increase, said Onthank, has been
made necessary by the increase in ser
vice in the laboratories, and that there
will be another increase in the fees
next year.
Names Must be Turned In to Program
Committee by Saturday
The eight organizations which drew
positions in thiB year's April Frolic
are to have the names and ideas of
their stunts in to the program com
mittee by Saturday of this week, ac
cording to Wanna McKinney, chairman.
The programs are to be printed this
term, as the Frolic takes place the first
week of the spring term.
The ideas of the stunts are to be
expressed in a two-line verse, u rhymed
couplet. Alpha Phi, Alpha Chi Omega,
Zeta Rho Epsilon, and Delta Zeta will
hand theirs in to Esther Pike, a mem
ber of the committee; and Chi Omega,
Kappa Alpha Theta, Hendricks Hall,
and Kappa Kappa Gamma, to Betti
I Kessi.
Eight or Ten Contests are Schedhled
for Baseball Season
The University high school has com
; menced the baseball season by schedul
i ing games with the Springfield and Eu
gene high schools. Coach McIntyre
plans on about 8 or 10 games for
j the season and is now making arrange
. , merits with Corvallis, Albany, Cottage
! Grove and Roseburg.
Out of the seven basketball game*
which were played in the past season
the University team won two, which
were the games with Corvallis and Cot
; tage Grove. The prospects for the team
next year are good according to the
coach, who states that all those on
' | the team this year will be in school
. again next fall.
Hayward Arranges Nine Weeks
of Competition for
Prospects for Winning Team
not Bright According
to Oregon Mentor
Final tryouts for' class track teams
will be hold on Hayward field Satur
day afternoon, starting at 2:30. The
events will bo the 220-yard dash, the
1440-yard run, the half mile and the
i mile. The coaches are anxious to see
; a big representation from each class
ns it is all working toward the shap
ing of conference material.
Rain prevented the regular Saturday
competition last woek, and has ham
pered training efficiency with seem
ingly endless showers. But despite
this fact the work is going ahead with
a constant turnout.
Trainer “Bill” Hayward has the pro
gram made out for his proteges to put
them into shape before and between
the conference meets. If all these work
out successfully there will be nine
straight weoks of competition for the
Interclass Belays First
The first of the series will be the
interclass relays on April 8, one week
before the All-state relay to be held
here. This will enable the coaches to
pick some of their material for that
event. Then between the time of the
Northwest Relay Carnival at Seattle,
April 22, and the Oregon-O. A. C. meet
at Corvallis, May 13, two more local
contests will be staged. The first of
these,' the inter-class meet, will Come on
April 29, and the second, the inter
organization meet, will come on May 6,
one woek before the Oregon-O. A. C.
Tho men who show the best form in
these meets will take part in the con
ference meets, according to Hayward,
and he hopes to soe good material de
veloped from organizations that are
not already out.
Men Not Turning Out
“I could go through any of the
houses right now,” Bill said, “and pick
out better track material than is turn
ing out.” An inter-fraternity meet
may bring men out to compete for their
houses that would never come out under
any other conditions.
Speaking of Oregon’s chances with
the Aggies this year Bill said that he
did not know of a single track event
that Oregon stood any chance of win
ning. “if we beat them, he said, it
will be by taking seconds and thirds
in the track events, and coming out on
top in the field events.” Tinder those
conditions it will take all tho men can
put into it from now on to put the
Lemon-Yellow over the top.
While Oregon may take seconds and
thirds in the track events, there is lit
tle assurance that she can take enough
firsts in tho field evonts to make up
tho deficiency. However, the aspirants
are improving each week, and when the
time comes for action they may be able
to hand out a few surprises.
Schedule Announced for Double*;
Sigma Ohl Win Singles
The first round of tho handball dou
bles is about over, and any team wish
ing to take advantage of tho privilege
! of challenging another team will have
to schedule the match and get it played
I off this week, says Coach Barnes, who
has this sport in charge. Each defeated
team is allowed only one challenge.
After the games this week there will
be only four teams left in each of the
two leagues, and the semi-finals the
week following will eliminate two of
these from each league.
Notice of the games which are
scheduled are posted on the bulletin
board in the gym, and are also in the
Saturday Emerald, so that all teams
should report promptly for their games
and should also take the scores to tho
office immediately after the contest is
The doubles and singles are to bo
averaged together for the final stand
ing in handball, which will constitute
only one sport in the doughnut league.
The Sigma Chis have already won the
singles and are going strong in the
doubles, but will have to play a strong
game in order to geat the Kappa Sigma
! team which took second in the singles
and so far has been playing a wicked
j game in the doubles.