BEAN SHELDON TOTEACH Education Head Experienced in Field; Research Done Dr. Henry D. Sheldon, dean of the school of education, has been secured by the department of history to give the course in World History next year. Commenting on the appointment of Dr. Sheldon, the faculty bulletin says, “Dr. Sheldon has given much study to the general history of culture and the de partment. feels itself fortunate to have secured his consent to give out to stu dents the results of his long study and research in this special field.” Dr. Sheldon received his A. B. de gree in history from Stanford Univer sity, under Dr. George E. Howard, who was the great authority on the history of local government in the United States and also the author of a three volume work on the history of the fam ily. In the Graduate School of Clark University Dr. Sheldon worked up the history of philosophy under G. Stanley Hall and wrote a thesis on the His tory and Pedagogy of American Stu dent Societies. In the winter of 1911 12, Dr. Sheldon worked at the Univer sity of Leipsig with Dr. Carl Damp reeht, the foremost representative of culture history in Germany. Dr. Sheldon has written a history of American education down to 18.10, which has not yet been published. He is now working on a History of Civili zation in America, and also on a his tory of the University of Oregon. The course in World History con sists of two courses; the first year course begins with prehistoric times and ends with the yenr 1000 A. D., the second year course is from 1000 A. D. to the present time. The main text book used is H. O. Well’s “Outlines of History.” In speaking of his plans for next year Dr. Sheldon said, “The course will be an account of human achievement and will deal primarily with the (level opment of science, art, religion and ethical conceptions, as well as the more fundamental economic background. While political history will not be ig nored it will be distinctly subordinated to other forms. The idea will be to make the course cover the evolution of humanity from earliest forms of prirnative soelety to the complex civi lization of the present.” The World History course this year was given by Professor Eldon Grif fin who, when no instructor was avail able, stepped into the broach, last August, prepared a syllabus, and tins taught the subject during the year. The faculty bulletin recently contained an expression of appreciation for Mr. Griffin's services, speaking of the “ability and success” witli which he had given the course. WAVE ANDERSON LEADS IN GIRLS’ RIFLE SHOOTING Many Now Members are Added to Squad; Competition Keen Among Holders of Highest Scores Wave Anderson still maintains her lead in the scores of tin* girls’ rifle team, according to a report of last week’s shooting, issued yesterday bv • Lieutenant M. K. Knowles, of the mili tarv department and coach of the rifle teams. There has been much shifting about of the standings with the on trance of new contestants. Wanda Daggett has moved from third to sec ond place. So close are the scores of Miss Dag gett and Miss Anderson that Couch Knowles was forced to carry the figures out to five decimal places, resulting in .00001 of a point lead for Miss Ander son. Conch Knowles reports that new girls are still enrolling for the team. The 10 highest standing girls in or dor of rank are: Wave Anderson, Wan da Daggett, Martha Pickens, Leah Wagner, Iren, Uydman, Margaret Soy mour, Myrtle Pelkor, Frances (’ochrun, Dorothy Chnnsso, Lilian Stephens, lldith Slifte, Cruet* Murfin, Carolyn Cannon, Lola Kei/.er, Mary Ihirhum. ASTORIA SCHOOL PRAISED Prof. Stetson Returns; Hood River and The Dalles to be Visited Professor F. 1.. Stetson, of the school of education, has returned from Astoria and Nowhere and will visit the schools in The Dalles and llood River this CLASSIFIED ADS Minimum charire, 1 time, 26c ; 2 times, 46c. 6 tunc.. (I. Must be limited to 6 lire, over thin limit. 6c per line. Phone 961, or t*eve copy with office of EiinukUi. tu Vsiverslty P«ee. Payment in advance Office houra. 1 to 4 p. m. HELP WANTED — Opportunity given for refined student and his or her mother to get living expenses for the remainder of the year in a comfor table home in exchange for care of two children and home. Work light 97:t , H11 yard. Phoaa T&3 J. US MS 2. WANTED — College student with Christian (Protestant) training, for dignified traveling position next sum mer. Opportunity for advancement and permanent position. Guaranteed salary to one qualified. Selection to be made before spring vacation. Write fully to A. H. 452, Oregonian, Portland, Oregon. 117 M7. week. He reports that the high school J at Astoria is well organized and doing work of good quality under the direc- , tion of the principal, Virgil Earl, ’06. Astoria has one of the finest school buildings in the state, according to ! Professor Stetson, who states that last , year a $75,000 building was erected equipped for shop work, domestic sci ence and art and includes a gymnasium. 1 The University of Oregon students teaching in the Astoria high school in clude: Annie Bergman, ’10, Latin; Mildred Garland, '21, English; Mary Kempthome, ’13, head of English de partment; Martin Nelson, ’17, physical education; Frank O’Brien, ’13, manual training; Florence Sherman, ’18, En-; glish, science; Gretchen Taylor, ’20, history; Helen Withycombe, science, mathematics; Muriel Watkins, ’ll, teachers’ training; and Betsy Wootton, ’15, mathematics. “WAIT TILL WE’BE MARRIED” . Oliver Morosco will offer his latest | comedy, “Wait Till We’re Married,” j laden with laughter, at the Eugene Theatre tonight. It is said to be a gay farce of the most wholesome sort, dealing with the amusing difficulties of two young lovers who are about to enter into matrimony. Alan Dale, dramatic critic of the New York American, in his review said: “‘Wait Till We’re Married’ is a gor geous comedy, well acted. There are plenty of laughs, and it handed me quite a bunch of them.” This latest Morosco comedy was designed as a laugh pro j ducer, and it is said to fill the bill to j perfection and gives promise of being I the biggest winner of any play produced by him in some time. | Terry Duffy, Morosco’s new star, heads the New York company that has been sent to the coast. Mr. Duffy has received most flattering notices from the New York critics. The cast includes Barbara Brown, Ted W. Gibson, Marie Van Tassel, Maxwell Paley, Reynolds Denniston, Fanny Yantis, William Aus tin and Mary Hill. Seats are now on sale at the Eugene Theatre box offiee. | , - PRELIMINARY EXAMS GIVEN Preliminary examinations were given to four graduate candidates for master | of arts degrees Monday at the school of education. Those taking the exam inations were J. Karl Bowman, H. J. Lehman, George McIntyre, and Floyd Enlund. — OREGON SHOTS BEATEN BT DREXEL INSTITUTE ! — Only One Team Bests Varsity; Six Teams Fall Below The University of Oregon rifle team lost the telegraphic shoot with Drexel j restitute during the week ending Felmi !nry 35, by a score of 490 out of a pos jsible 500 points, to 497. Emerald Sloan was Oregon's star man, shooting 100 out !of 100 possible shots, while Edson Biggar followed a close second with 99 shots. Coach Knowles said in speaking of the match: “T feel that tho boys did well to lose by only seven points. One of our greatest drawbacks is that the team members must shoot with the guns which all of the other men and girls' teams and individual shooters on the range use. The Drexel institute shooters all own their individual guns. Taking into ac count this fact, I believe that Oregon 1ms made a good showing, especially as com pared with Drexel institute’s other op ponents,” Out of seven eastern schools that shot with Drexel, only one tied with Oregon in score, all of tho others falling below 490 out of a possible 500 shots. In all of the shoots, Drexel institute averaged approximately 490. The results: Drexel institute—Mur phy, 100; Mercer, 100; Doves, 99; Sid well, 99; Wike, 99. University of Ore-! gon Sloan, 100; Biggar. 99; limit, 98; Bonebrake. 90; Basselle, 97. OREGON LOSES 1 -GAME SERIES TO IN INIETTE Varsity Lowest in Northwest Basketball Conference Oregon closed the conference basket ball season Saturday night by losing to Willamette in the second game of the week by a 27 to 18 score. The game was the fourth between the two institutions and made the score even, as Oregon won both games played here and lost both games in the second series. The game was the hardest fought one played on the Salem floor this year, according to all reports from the capi tal city, and was cinched by the shoot ing of Gillette, who scored seven field goals. The score at the end of the first half stood 10 to 9 in favor of Willamette, but the Missionaries took the lead early in the last half and held it throughout. Gillette, for the Salem team had a good evening and chalked up 14 of his team’s points. The game was much closer than the score indicates, and the team work of the Oregon squad was as good, if not superior to that of the Missionaries, but their opponents seemed to have no trouble in locating the basket. All the Willamette baskets were made on long shots and the Varsity guards kept them from getting a single short score. As a result of this defeat, Oregon is now in the cellar of the Northwest Conference, a position which she has not held for a long time, and offers a contrast to last year when the team finished at the head of the same con ference, with more games won than any other school. The Lineup Oregon (18) Willamette (28) Andre, 3.F. Gillette, 14 Edlund .F. Logan, 11 Zimmerman, 10.... C. Honey Couch .G. Oimiek, - Burnett .G. Socolofijkv Rockhey, 1.S. Caught in Altstock, 2.8 Goar, 2.8 STUDENTS EDIT PAPEB University of Southern California, Los Angeles, March 6.—(P. I. N. S.) — Members of the journalism department at U. S. C. took over the entire editorial work of the Hollywood Citizen and ed ited the paper as part of the prescribed plan of editing six outside newspapers during the school term. The Hollywood Citizen is a daily paper and the oldest one in the “movie city.” O. A. C. CAVALRY WINS MEET Oregon Agricultural College, Corval lis, March fi.—(P. I. N. S.)—The O. A. C. cavalry unit defeated the Univer sity of Illinois cavalry unit in small bore rifle competition Friday and Sat urday. The college team made 1770 points to Illinois 1714. Students read the classified ads; try using them. SPRING TONICS! KODAKS for Hikers Fountain Pen * troubles relieved. Schwarzschild’s Book Store — . ", ... t IT’S COMING BACK! “The Sheik” with Rodolph Valentino and Agnes Ayres More fascinating a photodrama has not yet been conceived. ! A fervent romance of the desert; the love of a mighty ruler for a petted darling of society. So great has been the demand of those who were unable to witness its first presentation, we are returning, for but one day, "The Sheik" WEDNESDAY ONLY at The REX Snappy New Tweeds From the '/ “House of Kuppenheimer” You’ll Like Them for their style, their splendid quality and the very moderate prices this spring. At tractive tweeds in browns and greys— popular sport models—all hand-finished by the master tailors of Kuppenheimer. They’re fine examples of what really good clothing should be. Prices Average 35 Per Cent Lower than Last Spring $40, $45 New Shipment Brighton-Carlsbad “ACE” DRESS SHIRTS FLANNEL PAJAMAS $1.50 $2.75 Dozens of neat patterns to For a good night s rest wear choose from. All color fast. these comfortable, well made Good values. pajamas. Neat patterns. * You Always Have to Pay "Whether you get your busi ness education at some regu lar institution, or through the school of experience and hard knocks, you have to pay for it. The latter is mighty expens ive both as to time and money, often being at the sacrifice of health and hap piness. All the time that you are learning in this way you are working under a great han dicap, and often you have to [iass up splendid opportuni ties because of the lack of the necessary business edu cation. Our school is in session every month of the year. Ask for our free catalog. Eugene Business College A. E. ROBERT, President Eugene, Oregon | ( REFLECT “ Remember the last time you tried our delicious Sandwiches and perhaps a cup of steaming f coffee? Or was it hot chocolate as only we can make? You that have tried them and I you that haven’t— They’re as good as ever The Rainbow HERMAN BURGOYNE