Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 07, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association _
Floyd Maxwell Webster Ruble
Editor Manager_
Official publication of the Assented Students of the University of Oregon, issued daily
except Sunday and Monday, during the college year.__
News Editor .Kenneth Youel Associate News Editor —Wilford Allen
Daily News Editors
Margaret Scott Ruth Auatin
John Anderson
Arthur Rudd Wanna McKinney
Sporta Editor .-.-.- Edwin Hoyt
Sport* Writers—Kenneth Cooper, Harold
Shirley, Edwin P'raser. __
Night Editors
Earle Voorhies George H. Godfrey
Marvin Blaha
Fred MichelBon Dan Lyons
News Service Editor ..AJfred Erickson
j Radio Service Editer . Don Woodward
I Exchanges .. Eunice Zimmerman
Special Writers—John Dierdorff, Ernest J. Haycox.
Society Writers—Catherine Spall, Mildred Burke.
News Staff—Nancy Wilson, Mabel Gilham, Owen Callaway, Florine Packard, Madalene
Geraldine Root, Norma Wilson. ^_____——
business staff . Morgan Steton
Associate Manager . Lot Beatie, Lyle Janz
Advertising Managers -- .. Jason McCune
Circulation Manager ... Gibson Wright
Assistant Circulation Manager .... Jack High. Don Woodworth
Proofreaders ---.— . . Mildred Lauderdale
XdJSttotog AiitinUr.."r.”K«lHardenburgh; Kelly Brans tetter, George Wheeler, Leo Munly
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene. Oregon as second-class matter. Subscription rates.
$2.26 per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application.__
PHONES „ ...
Editor 665 Business Manager 961_
Daily News Editor This Issue
Wanna McKinney
Night Editor This Issue
George H. Godfrey
The Conquering Spirit
Averse to patting ourselves on the back in that all-knowing way
for we feel that to do so is to breed the spirit of provincialism,—-yet
we must not overlook the tribute due the members of Oregon’s debat
ing teams. After conquering the contenders for the State honors,
which was accomplished when Reed College and the Oregon Agri
cultural College debaters were defeated, the Varsity has added new
laurels to the memories of these former victories.
The Oregon debate teams have returned victorious over the rep
resentatives of Stanford University and the University of Washington
in the Pacific Coast Triangular conference. The Oregon debaters
are not met at the train with yell kings and student serpentines, no
rally bonfires are built and burned for them, yet their victory is
fully as significant. Laurels in the intellectual field demand much
which laurels on the athletic field do not; but comparisons are not
necessary. It is enough to know that Oregon has triumphed again.
Some time ago the plan for an intersectional debate was proposed
by Stanford University. It met with hearty approval here even
before it had as much significance to Oregon,—and now that it does
mean so much, no effort must be spared to arrange that contest.
An opportunity is presented to the West again, and Oregon has
earned the right to represent the West. Tribute is due the members
of the debating teams for furnishing Oregon with this opportunity,
and new fields must be provided for them to conquer.
Oregon, a Great State
Oregon is n great State. Students and faculty alike share in
paying the tribute, and this week an excellent opportunity has been
afforded them to attend an exhibition of the products of Oregon in
dustry and natural resources. The display has been prepared by
Eugene business men and has for its purpose an education within
itself. It has attained the purpose and is valuable not only from the
educational standpoint but from the artistic as well.
Carefully arranged exhibits in perfectly appointed booths have
achieved a creditable exposition. Students and faculty members
are presented a special invitation by the management to attend the
The action of the various classes in appropriating funds for the
erection of permanent bleachers along the mill race for the canoe
fete is typical id' Oregon spirit. The canoe fete as a distinctive fea
ture of the Junior Week-end festivities is now a tradition.
The pica for a decent assembly hall has been made, not as an
excuse, however, for non-attendance at assemblies. Assemblies will
go on as before, but we hope, with a little more sense of the comfort
able and the artistic predominant.
With the razing of the old Kincaid grandstand the last vestige of
the “good old days" when Oregon’s athletic prowess was established
will have disappeared. With one exception,—Bill Hayward, veteran
of the veterans, is still with us.
Kentucky occupies tlio unique posi
tion of a state attempting to legislate
against education. Her citizens do not
believe in evolution and the legislature
has been asked t.j forbid the teaching
of the doctriii' in tax supported schools.
The college teachers of the state unt
orally n s ut the idea of being told
■what not to teach, and they have writ
ten to educators all over the country,
asking their ooinions about the Darwin
inn theory The educators were, to a
man, strong for Darwin The people,
determined to save the state, sent for
their champion, the great Commoner,
who loost d his silver tongue in support
of Moses' \dunt, and of the propose!!
bill. The last report has it that \dain
is in the lead and that Darwin is likely
to be legi-kited out of Kentucky
Is Kentucky leading the rest of the
states in solid educational progress?
Are her citizens so far advanced that
they may safely be trusted to dictate'
to college faculties' The evidence at
l and mi's not. Charles V S. Iden, writ
ing in the January l adies' Home Jour
nal. has an interesting word to say
about the conditions in the lllue Crass
state After quoting Federal Oommis
[ sinner Tigort to the effect that America
is n nation of sixth graders taught by
tenth graders, he goes on to state that
Kentucky is a state of fourth graders
taught by eighth graders. ■•Nine-tenth*
of the public school teachers in that
state have not been to high school,” he
says. It" this is true of the teachers,
then what about the competence of the
average citiron. who is so wrought up
about Darwin? No doubt Darwin and
l.e Diablo mean one and the same thing
to him.
The true origin of man may well be
a question, but it is hard to understand
how it may be settled by action of a state
legislature. And at any rate the eiti
■ens of Kentucky are hardly competent
to take the matter in Hand. Daily 1
Willamette University, March t>
P.I.N.8 This week inaugurates
spring season for baseball and track,
and ('each Roy Kohler is expecting a
good turn out. However, it was not con
sidered a sufficient showing for Wil
lamette's entrance into the conference
schedule of games, since there is onh
one letter man back from last year
Notices will be printed in this column
for two issues only. Copy must be in the
office by 4:30 o’clock of the day on which
it is to be published and must be limited
to 26 words.
Mathematics Students—-Will those in
terested in mathematics meet in Pro
fessor DeCou’s room in the adminis
tration building Wednesday at 8
o’clock. Dr. Milne will talk on a
subject of general interest.
Greater Oregon Committee—I mportant
meeting this afternoon at 4:30 in
Dean Straub’s room. Plans for sum
mer vacation will pirobably be made.
Student Affairs Committee—The meet
ing which was to have been held
Tuesday has been postponed.
Philosophy Club—Meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:30 in the men’s room
of the Woman’s building. Dr. Cros
land will report on Holt’s Theories of
Consciousness and their connection
with the new realistic movement.
Graduate Club—Meeting for dinner at
The Anchorage Wednesday evening
at 6 o’clock. Dinner at 50 cents a
plate. Dr. Wheeler will report on
the most recent development in the
realm of psychology. Meeting very
International Problems Forum—“Y”
Hut, tonight, 7:00-8:00. Prof. P. C.
Orockatt on “Merchant Shippdng and
Permanent Peaee.”
Eutaxian—Meeting 7:15 Tuesday night
in Women’s League committee room.
Zeta Kappa Psl—Luncheon at the .An
chorage Wednesday at 12:15. All
members urged to attend.
French Club—Meeting at 7:15 Wednes
day^ the Y. W. C. A. bungalow. All
persons interested in French are in
vited to attend.
Women’s Athletic Association—Import
ant meeting tonight at 5:15 in the
Women’s League rooms.
Sculpture Club—Meeting Tuesday at
4:15. Very important.
Beta Gamma Sigma—Meeting today
noon at the Campa Shop.
Graduate Pleased With Pep of Ameri
can Colony in Shanghai
A letter was received yesterday from
MisB Jennie Huggins, ’18, who is do
ing advance agent work in China for
the Ellison-White Chatauqua company,
by Hilda Tillinghast. Miss Huggins,
who was in Shanghai at the time of
writing, has been in the Philippine Is
lands and New Zealand since leaving
“There must be nearly 3000 Ameri
cans here,” Miss Huggins wrote. “They
held a bazaar for the visiting Shriners,
who are here on a short tour, last night.
There was so much more pep and en
thusiasm than I have seen for the past
month that I felt as if I were attend
ing an Oregon football game. The
English are so reserved that it was
nice to feel natural again.”
Rev. W. H. L. Marshall to be Speaker
at Forum Thursday Afternoon
“The Reality of Religion” will
be the topic of Reverend W. H. L.
Marshall, who will lead the open forum
and informal discussion group which
will meet Thursday afternoon from 5
to 5:45 in the “Y” hut. This is the
second of a series of three discussions
being held by Mr. Marshall on the
general topic “Some of the Main
Points of the Christian Faith.”
The forums are being held about the
fireplace of the hut and are meant to
be a place where all men with earnest
opinions may present them, amid home
like surroundings without self-con
seiousness or constraint.
Secretary Putnam of the campus “Y”
says in speaking of the discussions,
"Hero is one place where it is per
fectly proper for the preacher to get
a ‘come back’ from his audience. Let
us have yours.”
Washington State College, Pullman,
March t>. (P. I. X. S.l—The board of
regents has authorized the construe
tion of a now men's dormitory. Bids
will be called for at once and erection
begun as soon as the weather will per
mit. It is planned to have the build
ing ready for occupancy in the fall.
Problem of Merchant Shipping
Subject at Y Hut
There must be a solution of the prob
lem of merchant shipping, and the
international relationships involved, as
well as a solution of naval building, ac
cording to Professor P. C. Crockatt,
who will discuss this whole matter at
the Forum at the “Y” hut this even
ing from 7 until 8. Failure to solve
this problem, and solve it soon, will lead
to war just as surely as naval competi
tion, in his opinion.
Five-sixths of the tonnage of the
world’s shipping is now idle, due to the
unregulated competition in building
that has been going on. In spite of this
fact nations are embarking on pro
grams of subsidized shiping develop
ment as a national policy, without re
gard to economic laws, which means
that somebody wll have to go under,
but possibly not without a fight.
A great many of these important
problems are accentuated on the Paci
fic, in which the people of the coast >
are primarily interested and responsible j
for. Professor Crockatt is particularly
qualified to discuss these and their
relation to world peace because he was
commissioned last fall to write up trans
pacific shipping for the use of the
American delegation at the Conference
on Limitation of Armaments.
Mr. Crockatt will present theBe and
other problems and offer the solution
that he sees during the first half of the
hour, and the last half will be open to
discussion, criticism, and questions.
Everyone is welcome.
University of Washington, Seattle,
March 6.—(P. I. N. 8.)—It is estimated
that over 2000 students will attend the
last of the series of A. 8. U. O. parties.
Vaudeville acts, arranged on a eircuit,
will visit each of the 22 organized
houses, open for the occasion, making
a 22-ring eircus. Games and refresh
ments are planned until 10:30 when
dancing will begin.
Peter Jensen, wrestling instructor at
the men’s gymnasium is now the father
of an eleven pound boy, born Saturday,
March 4.
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