Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 03, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member Pacific Intercollegiate Frees Association______
Floyd Maxwell Webster Ruble
Editor Manager_
Official publication" of ^Associated Student* of the University of Oregon, issued daily
except Sunday and Monday, during the college year._______
News Editor .Kenneth Youel Associate News Editor ....'Wilford Allen
Daily News Editors
Margaret Scott Ruth Austin
John Anderson
Arthur Rudd Wanna McKinney
Sports Editor . Edwin Hoyt
Sports Writers—Kenneth Cooper, Harold
Shir lev. Edwin Fraser.
Night Editors
Earle Voorhie* George H. Godfrey
Marvin Blaha
Fred Michelson Dan Lyons
News Service Editor
Radio Service Editor
Exchanges —.
. Alfred Erickson
. Don Woodward
.. Eunice Zimmerman
Special Writers—John Dierdorff, Ernest J. Haycox.
Society Writers—Catherine Spall, Mildred Burke. , M , ,
New. Staff Nancy Wilson Mabel Gilhjm. ■9™ <3.S, M^r'et Po"
Clark, Mac Ballack, Martha Shull, Erneat Kichter, Herbert PoweJi, nenry <a
Geraldine Root, Norma Wilson. _ _
Associate Manager .
Advertising Managers ..
Circulation Manager .
Assistant Circulation Manager
Proofreaders .—-.
Collections ..........
Advertising Assistants . Karl
. Morgan Staton
Lot Beatie, Lyle Jan/.
.... Jason McCune
Gibson Wright
’—.—. .Jack High” Don Woodworth
-..... Mildred Lauderdale
Hardenbureh, KeUy Braiistetter, George Wheeler, Leo Munly
Entered” in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon as —nd-class matter. Subscription rates.
$2.26 per yeur. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application.
Editor 666
Business Manager 961
Daily Ni'WB Editor Thig Ig»ue
Ruth Austin
Nitfht Editor mm issue
Earle Voorhies
Needed, Not Ultimately, But Now
With full recognition of the fact that funds are not available
for the construction of new buildings on the campus, every influence
should be brought to bear upon the controlling factors in the Uni
versity’s building program to include a suitable auditorium at the
earliest possible moment. The need for such a building here is only
too obvious when the seating capacity of Villard Hall is utilized to
the limit and still there are many students who are unable to get m.
Although it is true that the maximum attendance iB not always
procured at an assembly hour, it is nevertheless also certain that this
attendance could come more nearly reaching the maximum if a more :
attractive accommodation for the comfort of the students during
the hour could be arranged. The abominable benches and folding
chairs which must needs be used by the students who attend assem
blies are a disgrace to the institution.
The bare walls of the ugliest hue and a stage void of any sem
blance of attempted decoration for any occasion, no matter what it
may be, surely do not tend to add any warmth to assist the speaker ;
in creating a receptive atmosphere on the part of his listeners. Per-1
haps this may account for the flat failure of many of the lectures
recently delivered from the stage in Villard to assembly crowds.
The regular weekly assemblies at Oregon have occasioned the
highest praise from campus visitors, and they have often attributed
the friendly democracy which exists here to this period ol gatlieiing
together when many are thrown outside of their own group and
make the best of the opportunity to associate with fellow students
of other groups. Then there is a further element in developing
democracy and loyalty to tho institution which is mated by tlu
effect, of a thousand or more voices singing “Mighty Oregon.’
Vesper services, another opportunity for University students to
come into closer contact with one another, have been discontinued
on the campus and are now held in the churches of Eugene, where
better music facilities are available; the use of a pipe organ is essen
tial to the best results in a musical program of this nature.
Hut failing to obtain the new auditorium for which there is a
crying need, is it not possible for an improvement in the present
barnlike surroundings which are plainly unpleasant to both the
speaker and the audience? A little interior decorating, perhaps a
few coats of paint and varnish, the selection of a few paintings which
will enliven the present drab effect, and the installation of a pipe
organ and comfortable theatre chairs have all been suggested.
Drafts and Renewed Purposes
Like a cold draft which chills the warmth of a comfortable room
comes the ominous word of Or. Charles l psou t lurk ami of others
of the fires which threaten to break through the still troubled sur
face in Europe. l'he end ot civilization, hints Ur, ( laik, but an
all-permeating and seldom thought ot trust which most college men
and women hold for the basic goodness ot things gives assurance
that such a catastrophe could not be. But this much is certain, that
the future of tins troubled globe is not assured, that the civilization
which makes colleges and universities possible rests on foundations
around which surge in yet unplacated motion certain troublesome,
deep moving forces which seemingly have their biith in the \ei\
natures of the men they would destroy.
The warning of such men as Ur. Clark does chill, but as a cool
wind often stings the brow and stirs the mind, so it bares to view
some fundamentals, one of which is this: that the purpose of a college
education is not to turn out on the world certain animated luxuries.
One of the obvious criticisms of college and university education is
that students fail in their four years to fit themselves properly to
render service to the community which made possible those four
years An obvious criticism but a good one in these days when the
ag> needs service above all tilings.
The Emerald does not think that Oregon is open to attack on
such a count, for here in this valley, remote as it is from central
moving forces, distracting influences have not crept in to any large
extent. Mere the prime purpose of college life has not been obscured
as it truly has in the east, if the nation-wide wave of criticism now
rampant has foundation. But si ill. such statements as those by Ur.
Clark make thinking men and women feel fear when even hint is
given that in such times as these any college anywhere, any student
bodies anywhere, are blinding their eyes by trivialities. They build
for renewed conviction that student standards must not give way.
Notices wiii be printed in this column
for two issues only. Copy must be in the
office by 4:30 o'clock of the day on which
it is to be published and must be limited
to 25 words.
Chess Players—See new schedule in Y
hut and play your game before Fri
day. Contest now under elimination
method. Checkers will be played as
Newman Club—Meeting this afternoon
at 4:00 in Newman hall. Regular
monthly meeting.
State Aid Men -File February reports
at Window 19, Johnson hall on or be
fore Saturday, March 4.
Dean Elizabeth Fox has been ill with
a slight case of the grip since she
returned from Portland Monday. Miss
Fox has not been able t» be in her
office, and at present she is staying
with Miss Harriet Thompson, instruc
tor in physical education.
University of Idaho, Mar. 2.— (P. I.
"N. S.)- The Equare and Compass Club,
composed of Masons on the University
campus, was installed here February 23.
Francis Jenkins, high Moscow mason,
being the installing officer. The mem
bership is made up of 20 members of
the faculty and about 30 undergradu
ate students.
University of Idaho, Mar. 2.— (P. I.
N. S.)— Montana sends her negative
debate team to the local campus to
cross swords with the Idaho team this
week. The negative Idaho team jour
neys to Salt Lake City to engage the
University of Utah. This is the first
big triangular debate of the year to
be held between the Universities of
Montana, Utah and Idaho and great
interest is being shown by the student
body. The Idaho teams are composed
of old, experienced debaters and are
considered to be quite strong.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
lis, Mar. 2.—(P. I. N. S.)— A $30,000
gas machine will be installed in the
spring vacation in the chemistry build
ing to take the place of the one now
used for the manufacture of gas for the
chemistry laboratories. The new ma
chine is provided with an electric
blower and is capable of producing
more than 20,000 cubic feet of gas in
an hour. The gas will be of high grade
—from 75 to 86 per cent gravity.
(Continued from page one)
phasis of proficiency in English is
shifted from the first to the advanced
The plan recognizes that the student
entering college for the first time, who
probably has been all through his high
school years put through training in
composition, is weary of such subjects
and seeks to avoid them in college. It
is thought that at the completion of
his first year in the University, he will
have made up his mind as to the im
portance of English in his work and
will assume a more interested attitude
toward composition courses. Tie will
not have completely lost all contact
with work in English during that first
year for the reason that most of the
first year courses touch upon it in the
writing of themes and term papers.
With a more optimistic attitude the stu
dent will be ready once more to improve
his use of English, both in the writing
and the speaking, and will perhaps ac
complish more because of such an at
There will, under the new system, be
one or two dozen written English sec
tions. It will be provided that in each
section no more than 35 students may
be enrolled so that all classes will be
reasonably small to assure greater per
sonal contact of the student with the
These sections will be of variety
so that all technical and vocational stu
dents may be placed in the type of
English training that they require for
their intended professions.
Certain courses in the school of jour
| nalism will be accepted in place of the
i English requisites. These are the ad
vanced courses in journalism and not
1 those freshman courses such as elemen
tary news writing. Such arrangements
will probably be made with other
j schools and departments wherever pos
I sible and expedient.
Fire in Basement of Deady Cause of
Commotion in Days of Yore;
Equipment in Danger
Can you imagine professors starting
fires in the morning to keep the class
rooms warm? Such was the case 42
years ago when Deady hall was the
only building on the campus, as re
called by Dean Straub while in a remi
niscent mood yesterday.
At that time the wood was stored in
| the basement and large box stoves were
used to heat the building. The fire
was laid in the evening and the pro
I fessors had to come to class early in
i the morning in order to have the rooms
' warm for the students. “And,” said
Dean Straub, “this was not the only
way the professors made it warm for
One evening about 6:30 or 7 o’clock,
Mr. Vincent, father of Bert Vincent of
Eugene, noticed a fire in the basement
of Deady and called some of the neigh
bors. They rushed over and with some
help were able to extinguish the flames
before any serious damage was done.
“10 minutes delay,” said Dean Straub,
“would probably have caused a total
destruction of the building.” At that
time Dr. Condon’s wonderful geological
collection was exhibited on the second
floor and several thousand dollars
worth of physics apparatus was stored
sn the first floor.”
No definite proof as to who did the
act was discovered but, according to
Dean Straub, there was a general feel
ing that a certain young man, who had
been repremanded by the faculty a
few days previous for unbecoming con
duct, was the criminal.
Pictures Ovaled in Portland; Girls
to do Mounting Here
“We expect to have all the pictures
off to the engravers and the copy to
the printers by the first of the week,’’
said Inez King, editor of the Oregana,
yesterday, “and we are more than
pleased with the work handed in.”
It. had been the intention to have all
the material in by March 1 but due to
a delay in getting the photographs from
town the time had to be extended. The
pictures were sent to Portland to be
ovaled, and this year the mounting
is being done here. The girls doing the
work are Wilhelmina Beckstead, Wava
Brown, Martha Shull, Clara Meador,
Gladys Russell, Hazel Hatch, Lillian
Goon and Florence Morehead.
Stanford University, Cal., Mar. 2.—
(P. I. N. S.)—Oregon Agricultural Col
lege marksmen were defeated by a
team from the Stanford R. O. T. C.
unit in a telegraphic pistol shoot, by
a score of 1,11.1 to 1,062. The Stan
ford team has been practicing for but
a short time, while O. A. C. has a repu
tation for shooting.
Read the Classified Ad colnam.
Oregon Products Show, Hampton Bldg., March 6th to 11th
You always need good
We are always glad to _
D. E. Nebergall Meat Co.
Government Inspected Meats
66 E. 9th St. Phone 37
Outfitters to
Sportsmen and Athletes
Footballs. Basketballs. Baseballs, Guns, Ammunition.
Sweaters, Raincoats. Jerseys
Outing Clothing and Boots Chippewa Packs and Boots
Safety Razors and Blades Flashlights and Batteries
Agents for Thos. E. Wilson Athletic Goods
About 210 Sold by Y. W. C. A. on Cam
pus; Proceeds of Sale Will Defray
Delegates’ Expenses
The truth of the old adage that "the
way to a man's heart is through his
stomach” was undoubtedly proved on
the campus yesterday when the Y. W.
C. A. girls conducted a pie sale, much
to the delight of the hungry students.
Lucious, juicy apple pies, “like Mother
used to make,” tempted the jaded ap
petites of the students just before and
after the assembly hour yesterday
morning. Approximately 210 pies were
sold, each pie attempting to satisfy the
hunger of five eager purchasers. The
remainder of the pies were sold among
the living organizations on the campus.
Stands from which the delectable dime
tempters were dispensed were stationed
in front of the library, Villard, Mc
Clure, Deady, and the street corners of
the campus. Various reports are being
circulated concerning the outrageous
interest being charged for the loan of
a dime that some penniless individual
might avail himself of the unusual op
portunity to satisfy his hunger in the
middle of the morning.
The proceeds of the sale will be used
to defray expenses of the campus dele
gate to. be sent to the national con
vention of the Association in Hot
Springs, Arkansas, in April.
Elsie Lawrence, chairman of the fi
nance committee, was in charge of the
Former Oregon Athlete, Holder of Jave
lin Record. Overcome by Smoke in
High School Blaze
Arthur (Art) Tuck, a former student
of the University and holder of the
United States javelin record, was
slightly injured Tuesday afternoon by
being overcome with smoke from a fire
which broke out in the high school
gymnasium at Redmond, Oregon.
Tuck is. well known for his ability
as an athlete, he being sent to the Olym
] pic games as the University’s repre
j sentative in 1920. In the high school
meet held here under the auspices of
the University in the spring of 1920
i he won the meet single handed for the
| Redmond high school against many of
the large high schools of the state
which had entered their best men.
; While here he was on the freshman and
varsity track teams.
He attended the University during
i his freshman and part of his sophomore
year, returning to his home in Red
! mond before the close of school.
Sunday Supper
for individuals or
for groups
50c a plate
In at 1:00—
At 6:00 They’re Done
New and better time schedule for the summer.
Note Our Prices:
Developing any size roll.10c
Packs .15c
Prints, up to 2 *4x3 Vi.03c
2Vi>x4V4 and 3Vix4Vi .04c
3 *4x3*2 and 3*4x5 .04c
344x5*4 and 4x5 . 05c
Post Cards .05c