Oregon Daily Emerald volume xxm. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1922 —. 41. NUMBER 88 GIRLS’ GLEE CLUB DRESS REHEARSAL WINS WARM PRAISE Director Prophesies Excellent Program for Concert on Saturday SELECTIONS ARE VARIED Entertainment Divided Into Two Parts; Indian Songs Will be Given After working steadily and faith fully for weeks the Women’s Glee club held its dress rehearsal last night far the concert to be given next Saturday evening at the Woman’s building. “The work of the girls is very satisfactory,” said Professor John Stark Evans, di rector of the glee club. “The program to be given next Saturday evening will be np to the standard set by that of the Men’s Glee club a few weeks ago.” The program, which will begin promptly at 8:30 is replete with light and massive numbers by the club en semble, solos, duets and feature num bers. In the “Fairy Pipers,” a light and delicate and racy selection by Brewer, the girls are going to make an effort to keep up with the rapid enun ciation of Arthur Middleton in his ren dition of the famous “Largo al Fac totum” at Villard hall on Wednesday evening. The Dvorak number, “Songs My Mother Taught Me,” is one of the really massive selections offered in the first part of the program. “A Dream,” by Grieg, works up to a stirring climax and is one of the most striking and effective songs in the entire repre toire. Indian Songs in Part n Part II of the program is a cycle of American Indian songs. This part promises to be a most effective piece of work, from what is whispered of the stage settings and costumes that are to be used. But that is all a secret which is not to be divulged until the entire performance is presented at the con cert next Saturday evening. An intermission specialty in the form of a clever little skit will be put on between Parts I and II of the pro gram by Maxine Buren and Gwladvs Keeney. Enough new material has been devel oped to make possible a program which is distinctly different from anything ever given before. The surprise fea tures have been prepared with much care and skill and are said to be strik ing and unusual. Ticket Demand Strong Two days only are left in which to secure tickets for this musical event. All seats are reserved and are on sale at the University Co-op and Kuyken dall’s Drug Store, the price being 75 cents. The final rush for tickets is beginning and choice seats are going rapidly. (Continued on page three) “NEIGHBORS” STAGED BY PLAY PRODUCING CLASS Delightful Comedy Offers Unusual Work in Character Portrayal; Not Open to Public “Neighbors" by Zona Gale was the first one-act play to be produced this term by the play producing class in the department of drama and the speech arts. The roles were taken by members of the lower division classes, and as a whole the little play was very well done. This play and the other ones which are to follow are not open to the public, but are produced with full cos tumes and simple settings. The play is a delightful comedy which offers unusual work in character portrayal. The students under the di rection of Sadye Eccles, entered into the spirit of the play admirably. The members of the cast were: Mis’ Able, Ruth Fowler; the grandmother, Vio Powell; Ezra Williams, Clarence Hic kok; Peter, George Kronenberg; Inez, Viola Johnson; Miss Miran, Natrude Larsen; Mis’ Trot, Ruth Clark; Miss Ellsworth, Florence Garrett. The play will be produced before the McKenzie Grange tonight. CONCERT SET FOR MARCH 9 ORCHESTRA TO GIVE POPULAR PRICED PROGRAM John B. Siefert and Lora Teshner are Soloists; Receipts Will be Used to Buy Music An hour and a quarter of the best music for less than the price of admis sion to a moving picture show is the lat est plan of the University Orchestra. Tickets for the concert to be given in Villard Hall on Thursday evening, March 9, will be 25 cents. “This is not to be the regular home concert of the Orchestra,” said Rex Underwood, the director. “Knowing the little opportunity the students have of hearing good orchestral music, we thought it a good plan to give them the advantage of the training of the Uni versity’s orchestra, which to my mind is in better shape than at any time here tofore. At the same time we hope to secure money needed very badly for the purchase of music which the student body cannot afford to buy. It is the hope of the organization to be as nearly self-supporting as possible, and if these popular-priced concerts prove successful they will prove a good means of securing needed money, while at the same time giving the greatest of service.” The program for the concert, accord ing to Mr. Underwood, will not contain either feature material or light popular music. The plan is to give several good orchestral numbers and a few solos of a purely musical nature. All stunts, he said, are to be left for the home concert which will come in the spring. As one of the soloists, John B. Siefert, instructor of voice in the University school of music, will sing “TH% Prize Song” from Wagner’s “Der Meister singer,” with full orchestral accompani ment. This number, Mr. Underwood said, is so popular that it has been ar ranged for a solo for almost every kind of musical instrument there is. Lora Teshner, cello instructor, will play “The Song of the Evening Star” from Tannhaeuser. She will also be ac companied by the full orchestra. Middleton’s Baritone Charms Though Singer Has Heavy Cold By JOHN B. SIEFERT Despite the fact that Arthur Middle ton was suffering from a heavy cold, he sang over it, in such splendid fash ion, that the enthusiastic audience that assembled in Villard hall on Wed nesday evening, enjoyed a most excel lent recital by this cultured baritone from the Metropolitan Opera company. His voice is one of smooth, even quality, splendidly handled, yet it is very powerful when the necessary de mands are made on it. Without ques tion Mr. Middleton is one of the most satisfactory recitalists before the American public today. There are few concert artists who measure up to his artistic stature, and his audience was not long in recognizing his superior vocal qualities and excellent interpret ive ability. Two Handel numbers in the first group, the Recit and Aria from “Ju das Maeeabeeus,” and “Where e’er you Walk” from “8emele,” were sung with a breadth and dignity, so neces sary for the proper rendition of seri onslv conceived numbers of the ora torio type. “Nature's Adoration" Bee thoven and “I am a Reamer Bold (Son and 8tranger) — Mendelssohn, with their contrasting moods, were given finished readings. “Lugi dal caro bene”—Secchi, with its lovely sus tained melody received splendid treat ment, as did the “Povero Marinar,” a charming number. Largo al Paeto turn (Barber of Seville)—Rossini, was sung with a spirit of splendid good hu nior and in a very dashing manner. 1 I But few can sing this difficult aria, as | Middleton does. A most interesting : song “The Bell-Man” by Cecil For sythe, Sidney Homer’s “Banjo Song” '“Uncle Rome” and “How’s My Boy”. ! comprised the next group. The artist's nearly perfect enunciation and ! pianissimos of the faintest character were enjoyed immensely in this set of numbers. Four Kipling Ballads “Fol low Me ’Ome,” setting by Bell, one of the most enjoyed songs of the program, “Smuggler’s Song”—Kernochan, the popular Tours setting of “Mother O’ Mine” and Damrosch’s widely known “Danny Deever” closed the pro gram. A very dramatic reading was given the opening and closing num bers of this group. Five encores were given in addition to the regular pro gram. The pianist an d accompanist, 8teward Wille, surely deserve to be spoken of in terms of highest praise. The accompaniments, at all times, gave the singer splendid support and fur nished fine backgrounds for all his varying moods. Mr. Wille is also an artist of splendid interpretive ability as was conclusively demonstrated in his playing of Schumann’s “Romance,” and a Brahams’ "Rhapsody.” He added a double encore: Cyril Scott’s “A Song from the East” and Debussy’s “Moon light.” OREGON DEBATERS IDEE 2-1 DECISION OVER WASHINGTON Patterson and Bailey Take Affirmative of Sales Tax Argument BONUS FUNDS HELD NEED Present Revenue Insufficient to Retire War Debts is Stand Taken Bv a two to one decision the Ore gon affirmative team defeated the Washington negative team last night at Villard hall. Paul Patterson and Ralph Bailey represented the affirmative of the ques tion: “Resolved: That the federal government should levy a tax on manu facturers ’ sales;” for Oregon here, against the Washington negative, Bart lett Rummel and Eugene Ivey. The Oregon negative team, Claude Robinson and Charles Lamb, debated at Stanford. Patterson, speaking for the affirma tive, said, “The whole question resolves itself around the fact that the United States must raise over six billion dol lars within the next 14 months. Three billion of this must be used to retire debts incurred during the recent world war, and another three billions should be available for compensation of World War Veterans.” The negative speakers held that the war debts could be retired by the issue of short time notes, as has been the cus tom in the past; that the bonus for ex service men was not yet a reality, and that the prospect for the passage of the present compensation act was very poor. Advantages of Sales Tax Given In offering the sales tax as a means for raising revenue, Ralph Bailey, speaking for Oregon, said. “The sales tax offers the advantages of being dependable, since it is based on neces sary production: it is easy to obtain, due to the fact that machinery already in existence for collecting income taxes can be utilized; the levying and collect ing of the revenue will not interfere with industry, and it is a tax that is fair to all, the rich and poor alike shar ing it.” The negative maintained that a lux ury tax levied on the 22 billions a year now spent on such things as chew ing gum, candy, joyrides, theatres and other unnecessaries would be sufficient to care for all the expenditures of the government that could not be covered by the ordinary means of taxation. The affirmative held that such a source of revenue would be uncertain, as the amount spent for luxuries vary; that it would be very hard to collect due to the fact that many persons at tempted to evade payment of taxes during the recent levy, and cited the ob jections voiced when it was recently proposed to reestablish the luxury tax that was in operation during the World war. War Debts and Bonus Cared For In rebuttal, Paul Patterson, speaking for the negative said, “The obvious solution to the financial problems of the country is the tax on manufacturer’s sales. This tax, since it would amount to only one cent on every four dollars spent, would hardly be felt by even the poorest classes of the country, and the revenue, which would amount to more than six billions of dollars a year, would amply take care of the retirement of war debts, and the pay ment of a soldier’s compensation.” Judges for the debate were Dean Ed ward L. Clark, of the Oregon School of Technology, Portland; H. H. Herdman, of the National Safety Council, Port land; Professor C. M. Punnnzio, of Wil lamette University, Salem'. Professor James Gilbert acted as chairman. B. O. T. C. COMMANDANT PRAISED The American Legion Post at Brook ings, South Dakota, recently passed a resolution, commending the command ant of the R. O. T. C. unit at the South Dakota State College, “for his praise worthy action in the enforcing of the correct manner of wearing the uniform of the United States Army.” The reso lution stated that the Legion regretted to see the army uniform worn in a slovenly and unmilitary manner. STUDENTS HAVE OHUBOH CLUBS The majority of the churches in Se attle have organized clubs among stu dent members at the University of Washington. Among the more promin ment clubs are the Newman Club (Rom an Catholic), Menorah Society (Jewish) The Luther Club, The Christian Science Club, Methodists’ Student Association, and the Patton Club (Episcopal). Conferen Peace 1 Robim Greatest Danger Permanent So Disarmament . Message of Spt Though results of the recent dis armament conference at Washington are tremendous and far reaching th< greatest danger to the world and to the people of the United States in particu lar, lies in the thought that the plans accepted there have presented a per maneut solution for all international difficulties, said Dr. Edgar E. Robin son, professor of American history at Stanford university, in his address be fore the assembly in Villard hall yes terday. “The plans for world wide peace ac cepted by the world powers in the Washington conference are only a step to the permanent solution of interna tional difficulties,” asserted the his torian in concluding his speech. “The thing that we must have before this is achieved is some permanent form of international cooperation. A con ference similar to the one at Washing ton so fixed that it may be held every year with every nation in the world represented is the only way that inter national difficulties may be threshed out without war to assure permanent world peace.” Dr. Robinson, who is recognized as one of the foremost authorities on American history in the United States, was summoned to the armament con ference by Herbert Hoover, one of the four American delegates to act in the capacity of quasi official historian and thus was able to obtain an inside view and thorough understanding of the pro ceedings and events. Combining a high quality of expression with ji per sonality that was both commanding and magnetic he portrayed the hap penings in Washington in a manner that captured the interest of the students at once. Washington during the poriod of the conference was Paris transformed with its brilliant assemblage of world re nowned diplomats. Yet the attitude in the few days before the sessions opened was one of pessimism, he said. As one of his friends characterized it, the pro posed conference was an example of ce Not yanacea, \on Holds Lies in Idea that lution Effected by Delegates, Is the taker at Assembly “the triumph of hope over experience.” But after Hughes had made his open ing address, this attitude underwent a remarkable chnnge and this same cyni cal friend declared to Robinson that Washington was now the capital of the 'ftorld. The conference, said the speaker, was to have been officially opened on No vember 11, but this day was set aside to commomorate America’s unknown soldier and all the vast host of the world leaders turned out to pay tribute to the unknown hero. The tremendous funeral procession was a sight that made a lasting impression upon him, Dr. Robinson declared. Here were gathered all the civil of ficers of the land, America’s elect pay ing tribute to her unknown dead. Once when President Harding halted the long line in order to personally speak to the war veterans Dr. Robinson was able to observe distinctly the only car riage in the procession, in which wore seated ex-President Wilson and his wife, the former white haired, en feebled, and prematurely aged. He seemed twenty years older than ho really was. When the groat throng saw him, the previous silence was broken by a suppressed cheer whioh grew in volume to a mighty burst of applause that lasted for several min utes. This demonstration, declared Dr. Robinson was an indication that the | sense of fair play and magnanimity j was coming back to 1-Mo man in the ! street. They recognized that Wilson, like Washington and Lincoln is dos tilled to go down in history as one of America’s greatest presidents. This demonstration the speaker regarded as the turning point in the attitude of the American people toward world af fairs. The conference itself the historian described with an ability that ennbled his audience to obtain a clear picture of the great gathering. At four large tables arranged in the form of a hollow (Continued on page four) OBJECTIONS BRING CHANCE ABOLITION OF FRESHMEN ENG LISH EXPLAINED Under Old System Mediocre Students Often Were Able to Avoid Compulsory Course Tln> motion passed by the faculty Wednesday which effects a change in freshman composition requirements is the upshot of numerous objections which have arisen against the old sys tem of English requirements in the University. The motion, drawn up by Dr. Bates of the department of rhet oric, provides for a complete abolition of freshman composition courses as now conducted. Instead of requiring first year students to pass a written English examination at the beginning of the year or to take a year of written English courses, it is proposed and sanctioned that English composition be instituted as one of the requirements for a degree. Formerly all students entering the University as freshmen were given an examination in composition at the beg inning of the year. This plan provided that at least 25 per cent of those tak ing the examination should be con sidered as having made a satisfactory showing, and should be exempted from compulsory written English courses. At the end of the first term another 25 per cent was awarded exemption from these courses so that regardless of the quality of the work that the student was capable of, if he was in the upper fifty per cent, he was fortunate enough to be granted exemption. Under this plan, as the theory worked, it was possible for a person doing mediocre work in English composition to avoid the compulsory university courses, if he was lucky. Beginning next fall, with the ex ception of those who are already in col lege, no man may take a degree until he has passed a year’s course in written English. No freshman will be allowed to take the written English courses unless he is an English major. Thus the course must be arranged for in the last three years of the college course. Under such an arrangement, the em (Coatiaufrd oa page two) SPELLMAN IS REELECTED ASSISTANT FOOTBALL COACH IS AGAIN NAMED; SALARY $1200 Seventeen Football Men to Receive Awards; Precedent Established for Giving Letters Bart Spellman, assistant football coach at Oregon for the past two years was reelected to that position for the ensuing football season at the exeeu tive council meeting last night. His salary will remain as in the past at $1200 for the season. The official recognition of services meriting the award of letters and sweaters to mem bers of the football squad for the season just past was ulso made at the meeting after recommendations had been made by the football activities committee. Members of the squad who will re ceive the letters as a result of the of ficial action of the council last night, are: William Reinhart, Rutherford Brown, George King, Karl Vonder Aho, Barclay Laughlin, Ward Johnson, Har lan Gram, Earl Leslie, Floyd Shields, Archie Shields, Prince Callison, Hugh Latham, Neil Morfitt, Harold Chap man, Charles Parsons, Martin Howard, Hugh Clerin. The awards will prob ably be made at an assembly some time in the future. An established precedent for the awarding of letters to members of the various squads out for major sports who have fulfilled the requirements of their respective activity committee, the Or der of the “O,” and the executive coun cil was also made at last night’s meet ing. The action was taken as a result of a recommendation made by the track committee, which suggested that letters be awarded to men who had been members of a squad for four years and who through unfortunate circum stances over which they had no con trol and not fulfilled the requirements of the constitution for the award. Pete Jensen was awarded a letter for track as a result of the above ac tion and at the recommendation of the Order of the “O” and the track com mittee. Other matters of routine business were referred back to their respective activity committees for action. OREGON TO TANGLE WITH WILLAMETTE AT SALEM TONIGHT Varsity Held Certain Winner in Two Game Series With Bearcats LAST CONTEST OF SEASON Seven Men and Coach Will Make Trip; Andre to Go Saturday Orogou’s basketball quintet will wind up the conference basketball season in a two game series with the Wil lamette Bearcats. The squad, seven strong, will journey down to Salem this afternoon on the 2 o’clock Oregon Electric accompanied by Coach George M. Bohler. Rol Andre will not make the trip with the squad as he has to remain in Eugene to take a quiz. Ac cording to Coach Bohler he will join the squad in time for the Saturday night game. In spite of the fact that the Bear cats will be playing in their own lair with a disastrous season behind tljem to retrievo it looks as though Oregon would come through with a double win over Boy Bohler’s boys. Not only did the varsity show marked supremacy over the Salemites in the closing game of the Eugene series but they have been improving noticeably in the daily prac tices in the men’s gymnasium where they have been working out against the physical education faculty five that journeys to Corvallis tonight and other capable practice combinations. Seven men will take the train this afternoon—Couch, Goar and Burnett, guards; Zimmerman, eonter; Edluuds, Rockhey and Altstock, forwards. The team will probably start against the Bearcats with Burnett and Couch in the guard berths, Zimmerman at cen ter, and Rockhey and Edluuds forward. Andre will journey down to the capital Saturday afternoon and will likely break into the initial lineup against the collegians Saturday night. Willamette will probably enter the lists against Oregon with the same line up which started the two games here last week end—-Gillette anil Logan, for wards; Doney, center; and Patton and Captain Diiniek, guards. On the relative showing of the two teams in the series played here last week the Lemon Yellow should experi ence little difficulty in winning the two games at Salem handily, and noth ing less than a complete reversal of form on the part of Oregon or Wil lamette would be necessary for a Bear cat win. ORDER OF 0 TO GIVE DANCE Woman’s Building Scene of Event, New Members to Put on Stunts The order of the “O" is staging a student body dnnco in the Woman’s building this evening at 8:30, at which several members are to put on their init iation stunts. There are five men who will perform for the amusement of the crowd. They are Bark Laughlin, who won his letter in football this year, Shrimp Phillips, who acquired an “O” in track last year, Hal Chapman, who played quarterback in football, Carl Svaverud, the boy who played third on the baseball team last season, and Walter Wegner, who won his letter in wrestling about a month ago in the O. A. C. meet. An admission of 50 cents is to be charged, according to Shrimp Phillips, but he says the stunts alone should be worth this price, without the dancing, as they are to be harder and more amus ing than usual. Y.W.C.A. SECRETARY TALKS Oliv* Johnson Speaks on Problem of Immigrant Woman Miss Olive Johnson, field secretary of the Y. W. C. A. addressed the meet ing of the association in the Bungalow yesterday afternoon on “The immigrant Woman.” Miss Johnson’s talk dealt chiefly with the work of the “Y" in the solution of this great national prob lem. The immigrant woman, according to Miss Johnson, is cared for and as sisted by the association from the time she leaves her foreign home until she is settled in this country. She also spoke of the work of the “Y" in for eign countries. Vocal solos were given by Esther Wilson. Tea was served before the meeting, under the direction of the social committee.