DISRAELI" FOURTH PLAY Productions to be Given Three Nights Hereafter ‘“Disraeli,” which was seen in Guild theatre Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day nights of this week was the fourth successful play produced by the Guild companies since college opened in September, in addition to Shaw’s “Pymalion,” given in the Eu gene theatre two nights last term for the benefit of the Elks Christmas Cheer fund. So great an interest has been taken in the work of the department that “Disraeli” was played three nights instead of the usual two in order to accommodate the crowds. As this plan has proved very successful in this play', it is likely that all the plays from now on will be played three nights. This plan is another step in the direction of a permanent company on the cam pus which plays every night. In the department of Drama and the speech arts the Oregon campus has something that is almost unequaled in any university in the United States and several eastern colleges have modeled departments after this one. The theatre itself is the most nearly complete theatre in any university on the Pacific coast. The work which the students receives in the department is of value if he expects to make dram atics his profession. All the prepara tion is thoroughly practical. The work is also of benefit to students in law or those who desire to improve the qual ity of the speaking voice and to acquire a better bearing on the stage. Since the department has been in existance over 120 play's have been pro duced. These range from Shakespeare to farse and the student plays a large range of parts. Granville Barker, one of the great est living English playwrights and producers, when visiting the campus a few' years ago said the department of drama at Oregon was the most encour aging thing he had seen while in this country. The fact that the department is becoming known all over the United States seems to prove that Mr. Barker’s compliment to the local players was merited. Since 190S the dramatic company has been steadily growing, and last year when the department was changed to the department of drama and the speech arts and the company divided into the junior and the senior compan ies, more rapid grow-th has taken place than ever before. OREGON NEWSPAPER CODE OF WIDESPREAD INTEREST Inquiries From All Parts of Country Pour in to Office of Dean Dyment When Dean Dyment prepared and presented a code of ethics for jour ualism to the Oregon State Newspaper conference session at the University in January, and when that code of ethics was adopted by the session, the Dean let himself in for a lot of correspond ence. Scarcely a day passes that the mails do not bring various letters rela tive to the code; requests for copies, commendation on its adoption, praise for the writer of it, thank-you notes for copies received, and even, the Dean hints, an offer of some sort from a movie company. Many of the letters are from schools of philosophy and journalism in the larger colleges throughout the country. One man writes for a copy of the code that he may digest its contents and dis cuss it full}- at a lecture he is to give to Cornell students. The Bureau of Vocational Guidance at Harvard wants copies of it. Rotary Clubs and Civic Clubs and the Mergenthaler Linotype iCompany and the Christian Science Monitor, all these and many others, have been interested enough in the code to write to the dean about it. Summaries of the code have been printed in New York, Detroit and Bos ton papiers, and in eastern papers in general. The body of the code that has ex cited so much comment is set forth undei seven main headings that are as follows: “Sincerity and Truth;” “Care, Com petency and Thoroughness;” “Justice, mercy and Kindness;” “Moderation, Conservation and Proportion;” “Parti sanship and Propaganda;” “Public Ser vice and Social Policy;” “Advertising and Circulation.” UNDATED STUDENT LAWYER (Continued from page one) by the wilful, wrongful, unnatural and cruel conduct of the defendant, accuses the plaintiff in article VI of his com plaint. As a result of the wilfullness of the defendant. Miss Dickey, who is a senior in the department of music in the Uni versitv, Mr. Wells avers that he has suffered great mental anguish, has been unable to successfully prosecute his avocation as an attorney by reason of thinking of the bliss that is being denied him by the conduct of the de fendant, and has otherwise been in jured. As a balm for his injured dig nity and feeling, Mr. Wells begs the court to decree that the defendant be enjoined from further continuing to harms* the feelings of plaintiff by her stubborn refusal to comply with the order and rules of the senior class, and that it be ordered, adjudged and do i reed that Miss Dickey from the date of the rendition of the decree that Miss Dickey from the date of the ren of the rendition of the decree commence negotiations tending toward the con tracting of a date with the plaintiff. In an interview with persons who were acquainted with Miss Dickey's whereabouts recently it was found that this senior lady was attending a per formance. Mr. Wells could not be lo cated in his law office or by long dis tance telephone that same evening, but intimate friends of the attorney said they believed the lawyer was indus trially working on a case. SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES OFFER 211 FELLOWSHIPS American Students Get Work in Science and Literature The American-Seandinavian Founda tion has sent annoucemet of 20 fellow ships of at least $1000 each that it will award for graduate study in the Scan dinavian countries. Ten of these fel lowships will be for study in Sweden, five for Denmark, and five for Norway. Most of the fellowships are offered for science subjects, several in language and literature, others in forestry, min ing and metallurgy, and humanist sub jects. Candidates must have been born in the United States or its possessions. They must be capable of original re search and independent study and each must submit a definite plan of study. It is desirable that, they be college graduates and familiar with at least one language in addition to English— preferably Swedish, Danish or Nor wegian. Melvin Solve, an instructor in rhet oric in the University, attended the University of Christiana last year, on a scholarship from the American-Sean dinavian Foundation. Those interested in the fellowships offered should see Dean Dyment soon, as application papers must be filed in the office of the Foundation before March 15. THETA SIGMA PI SOON TO ISSUE “HANDSHAKE” Chief Object of Publication is to Keep in Touch With Alumnae of the Organization “The Handshake,” the yearly publi cation put aut by Theta Sigma Phi, women’s journalism fraternity, will soon go to press, according to Velma Rupert, editor. This small newspaper is issued for the purpose of keeping in touch with the alumnae of the associ ation. Personal letters are sent to every alumnae asking news of her work, and these letters, together with news of the local chapter and of the growth and changes in the department of jour nalism are published in “The Hand shake.” A chapter roll is always given, with the latest addresses of the active alumnae members. A special effort is being made this year to have the paper a good piece of work from the standpoint of ap pearance and topography. Care will be taken in selecting the style and size of the type used in order that a well balanced effect may be had. Since a copy of “The Handshake” is always sent to all other college chapters, of which there are 23, it is desired that the paper shall be representative of the best work done by the women jour nalists at the University of Oregon. DUNN GOES TO BERKELEY Classical League Convention Will be Held at California Professor Frederick S. Dunn, of the Latin department, left Thursday for the University of California at Berke ley to attend ai meeting of the regional committee of the American Classical league which is being held there Satur day, February 18. The league, which is a national or ganization controlling the teaching of the classics, is trying to unify Latin courses in the different parts of the country, and is meeting on this coast for the first time. Professor Dunn will return the first part of the week. - % Use the Classified Ad for your wants. EXCITING TILTS EXPECTED IN T CHECKER CONTESTS Endurance Required; Heavies Seek Prize Necktie L. P. Putnam, “Y” secretary, is very enthusiastic over the interest shown in the coming tournament, Speaking of prospects for the shuffle hoard championship, he says: “ So far Yern Bullock and I are the only real known contenders for the pennant in the brass knob game, though I will ad mit that neither of us can be sure of winning our matches by an overwhelm ing score. As a team, Bullock and I will be hard to beat, and after these matches are played off we may seek some outside games. ’ ’ The two Karpenstein brothers and E. Blood and R. Gerhard have signed up for the strongarm game and are devot ing all their spare moments to per fecting offensive and defensive tactics. Maccobv, while not so outspoken as Bullock and Putnam, is easily conceded the final victory in the chess matches. Some dark horses among those enrolled lately may develop, so possibly the fol lowers of the game are due foT a sur prise. Ken Moore, who is well known for his ability with the drum sticks, may prove to be a chess slicker also, while Young and Lien, the latest to en roll. may develop into claimants for the crown. In checkers, little is known of the mental strength and endurance of any of the contenders for the checkered necktie. Hank Cossman, a super-heavy weight wrestler of local fame, has an nounced his intention of entering, as have John Dye, Emerald Sloan and Dell Tedrow. Practices in this game will probably be secret, according to those in charge, in order that no advance in formation on the ability and style of individual players may be known until the contest starts. “Hunk” Latham, well known for his football tactics, while not entered in the tournament, has signified his intention of challeng ing the champion for the campus title. Names and time of play of the vari ous games will be posted today in the “Y” hut. Anyone wishing to enter should sign up at once. TIES TO TAKE IMPORTANT PLACE IN CAMPUS GARB — Normal Arts Club Making Batik De signs to Raise Funds; Girls’ Pen dants for Sale Also. Neckties will soon assume a more important place in campus garb than that of mere habit, convenience or con Ventionality. The men on the campus will be able to or(ler, at reasonable prices, neckties to match their eyes, marcels, or new spring suits. This is not a freakish idea but a conservative fact, and ties that will suit every per sonality and yet not offend the most modest tastes will soon appear. The members of the Normal Arts Club, under the direction of Miss Maude 'Kerns, are making Batik designs on crepe de ehene ties. Batik is a process of dying with wax resist and is one of the very oldest crafts. It originated in Java, was itroduced into Holland and recently has come into great favor. Ties like those the art students are making have been selling in San Fran cisco and other places for as much as five dollars, but it is planned to sell them here for about $1.2.’). The Normal Arts and Sculpture clubs are endeavoring to raise funds with which to purchase glass cases for the protection of the mandarin coat exhibit which Mrs. Murray Warner donated to the University, and the sale of these 'neckties is the means which the Normal Arts Club chose to raise the money. Girls’ needs are not being neglected, as colored ties and art pendants are being made for them. FRENCH CLUB HEARS TALK Miss Meta Goldsmith High School French Instructor Gives Address “In France more than in any other I country, literary and artistic move ; inents have originated in the schools,” [said Miss Meta Goldsmith, instructor of French in the Eugene high school, j in a talk to the French club of the j University Thursday evening. Discussing the after-the-war break THE MYTHICAL WASHINGTON VERSUS THE HUMAN WASHINGTON The sermon-theme of the REV. FAY EDDY at the FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH Sunday Morning Miss Dea Powell of the University Girls’ Glee Club will be the SOLOIST. The hour of service is 10:45 o’clock. The church is on the corner of East Eleventh and Ferry Sts. down she traced its influence on litera ture. “The most recent movement is that of the Dandaists. who, because of their audacity, their irreverent wit, and certain flair for self-advertisement, have attracted considerable amount of attention. The name Dada means hob by, and the declared aim of the writers of this group is to amuse themselves at the expense of every accepted idea or tradition. They make fun of every form of faith—religious, philosophical, scientific, aesthetic. It is a completely skeptical and destructive movement,” concluded Miss Goldsmith, “and for that reason will probably be only a phase of contemporary literature.” Miss Viola Fowell played a number on the violin. FRATERNITY HEAD VISITS David Hauser, Phi Delta Kappa His torian, Confers With Local Chapter David Hauser, national historian of Phi Delta Kappa, honorary education fraternity, spent a few hours on the campus yesterday in conference with members of the local chapter. Mr Hauser briefly outlined the activities of several western chapters and learned of those of the Oregon chapter. Mr. Hauser was the installing officer for Phi Delta Kappa here, February 1921, and for that reason takes a personal interest in its activity. Mr. Hauser is a Stanford man, his home being in San Francisco. He is interested in the application of mental tests to indus trial enterprises. MAY ROBINSON TO APPEAR Anent the engagement of the tal ented comedienne May Hobson, who Augustus Pitou Inc., will present at the Eugene theatre on Wednesday, Feb ruary 22, the reports of out-of town managers and newspaper critics are of the unanimous in their opinions that it is the best work Miss Robson has ever done. The play is a comedy in three acts, “It Pays to Smile” dramatized by Ethel Watts Mumford from Nina Wil cox Putnam’s delightful stories which have been one of the fiction features of the Saturday Evening Post, and the principal character of which, Freedom Talbot, gives Miss Robson a study equal to, if not greater than that of “Aunt Mary” which the clever star made famous several years ago. August Pitou Inc., has given the play an elaborate dress, the scenes being laid at the Copely Plaza Hotel in Boston, and at Pinto Pegg’s ranch in Cali fornia, and has surrounded Miss Robson with a most admirable cast of players. American Jitney H. L. SNELL, Mgr. TAXI Phone 129 City or Country 19 E. 9th Eugene, Oregon REX Soiled, muddy shoes? That’s where you lose, appearances will tell. Here in this chair I’ll put a glare upon them something swell. I’ll also fix those yellow kicks and make them black as night; No acids used, no shoes abused, with black I treat you white! Each pair 1 shine is right in line with patent - leathers, pard! Selected stock that none can knock, so keep this little card— It points the way to the only kinds: They are the Right way Real. Peter Sarecos John Papas Rex Theatre Building “Follow The Trail” Open House AGAIN TONIGHT Bill McBride — Ray Graham “DIZZY LVP1N” With His Slicker Saxophone TRY TO GET IN Watch for our special WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM FRY PAN SALE CHAMBERS HARDWARE CO. 742 Willamette Phone 16 Students— Why worry about you grades when you can get brain food galore at the Quality Market Fresh—Fish, Oysters, Crabs n’ Everything Remember, we close at 7 p. m. Saturdays D. E. NEBERGALL MEAT CO. Government Inspected Meats 66 East 8th Street PHONE 39 If you need it in your University work, you will find it here CO-OP IT’S YOUR STORE