/ Oregon Daily Emerald VOLUME XXIII. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1922. NUMBER 77 SM WEEK PLAH Saving Made in Classroom Space Held Equivalent to $150,000 Building CONVENIENT FOR STUDENT Range of Courses Declared Greater; Afternoon Drill Also to Help • “The two items of legislation, name ly, the six-day week, and the changing of military drill to afternoon periods, which the faculty Colloquium is asking the faculty to enact at its March meet ing, represent on the part of a con siderable group of the faculty an ef fort to improve the conditions under which student and instructor schedules are made, and to solve the increasingly perplexing problem of classroom space in the University.” The foregoing is the statement of Dr. A. E. Caswell, chairman of a committee appointed by the faculty to investigate "the proposals which have been made to establish a six-day schedule and to change military drill periods from the forenoon to the afternoon. Such sys tems have been tried out in other large institutions and have proved success ful, savs Dr. Caswell. Schedule-Making Facilitated “The shift of drill to Tuesday after noon, as one plan of the committee calls for, will result in doubling the number of classes available at 11 o’clock and will probably increase the size of these classes,” continued Dr. Caswell. This change when worked in with the Saturday morning classes will give the student much more range in choosing bis four and five hour courses, as most of these long courses are to be sched uled for morning periods. This plan will greatly facilitate having labora tory periods in the afternoon because more of a student’s classes will be in the morning. “The proposed change to a six-day week is a frontal attack upon the prob lem of lack of classroom space in the University,” said Dr. Caswell, “and from statistics presented by Dean Colin V. Dyment, it is apparent that the en rollment on the Eugene campus will average about 2500 students within the next two years.” Building Fund Limited Only about $150,000 will be available during the current year and $100,000 during the following year, for new con struction and replacements, and these sums, according to Dr. Caswell, will be entirely inadequate to keep pace with the growth in enrollment, and even now, the pinch of space is beginning to be felt. Several objections to these plans have been anticipated by the committee and have been looked into. “The most serious one, in my judgment,” said Dr. Caswell, “is the possible effect upon students earning a considerable portion of their expenses. I believe that a lim ited amount of outside work can be done without serious injury to class work and with pecuniary profit.” Most of those who will be affected by such a change, it was pointed out, are the odd-jobs men, and the girls who do housework. This would not be such a drawback as it seems, because the pro; osed change will enable stu dents to schedule their courses through out all six days and thus they will have more idle hours in between. May Eliminate One Day It if also possible to eliminate one _->| fijpntiaaed oa page fomr) Freshmen Men Showing Signs Of Reversion Freshmen are showing a tendency to revert to their former habitat, declares Dean Straub in words couched not ex actly in the above language. The re version to species is manifesting itself in the desire of many men of the pre sophomore class to escort high school damsels to the Freshman Glee to be held in the armory this evening. Where Dean Straub obtains his in formation is one of the mysteries which can only be learned by browsing around the University campus for about 40 years. But it appears that many of the freshman girls are complaining that they must attend the Glee unescorted, must hand over the silver high-sign of admission without the company or the assistance of their class brothers. Now, to quote Dean Straub more authentically: “Members of the frosh class should take freshman girls, not others. We want all the freshman j girls to attend the dance.” HSU TO LEAVE TODAY TRIP TO BE MADE IN AUTO BUS; SQUAD RETURNS TONIGHT Coach Dumo Expects Hardest Battle of Season for First Year Men; Seven Players to Go The frosh squad, seven strong, leave at 4:30 this afternoon for the Aggie camp, to play one of the hardest games of the season. The trip is to be made in the large Oregon jitney bus, which will take both the Varsity and fresh man squads over for the games. The team will return to Eugene immediately after the game tonight, and will make another trip over for tomorrow’s game. Coach Durno says the frosh will have to play a harder and faster game than they have at any time this year if they want to beat the farmers on their own floor, and with Blaklev in the rear ranged lineup. The seven men making the trip are King and Crandall, forwards; Jost and Poulson, centers; Aim, Haines and Jones, guards. Jost has been playing center regularly since the O. A. C. games here last week, has been showing up well in the position, and will no doubt start the contest with the Ag gies. The team has been scrimmaging the Varsity regularly this week in order to get into condition for the games, and have been working nicely, the Varsity having to go the limit to hold the yearlings in check. Both the frosh-rook mixes at Corval lis are to be played as preliminaries to the Varsity games as the wrestling matches are to be staged on Saturday afternoon. This is a much better plan than having the wrestling as a pre liminary, as the matches take up too much time and make the basketball game late. COL LEADER HAS NEW SON Baby Boy Bom While Father Gives Lectures in Far Off Australia Of much interest on the campus is the announcement of a son born to Colonel and Mrs. John Leader in Port land, February 1. He has been named Pervck. This is the third son in the family, John and Michael being the ♦wo older children. Colonel Leader was a conspicuous figure on the Oregon campus during the early part of the war. He was ef fective not only in organizing the fac ulty and students on the campus but also in the home guard movement which spread throughout this par* of the state. After the war the Leaders moved to Portland where the colonel is engaged in business. At present he is on a lec ture tour in Australia and New Zea land under the management of the El lison-White bureau. Colonel and Mrs. Leader expect to move to Vancouver, B. C., after the I colonel returns from his trip. Senior Women Caught Poaching; Open Season for Dates Is Rushed BY SENIOR SLEUTH Telephone operators have cooperated with Emerald reporters in their efforts to run to earth the names of the senior women who have broken game laws by hunting out the popular men of the class before the date of open season which was officially annnounced as Saturday, Feb. 11, 8:43 p. m. Without the concentrated efforts of the Eugene centrals the campus would still know but rumor of the facts con nected with the errant daters. As it now stands the following data was authenti cated by the senior Sleuth after a talk with operators of the telephone com pany. Maurine Elrod at 851 calls 188 at 7:31 Wednesday. Result: date at the Grotto for Friday. Marion Taylor at 125 calls 1338 at 11:02 p. m. Result: walk home from library Monday, stop enroute at Co-op for Hershies . . . strictly luty-fifty. Mary Evans at 204 call* 660 at 12 p. m. asks for man ealled Ogden. Result: Visit to Condon Geological Collection Tuesday afternoon. Florence Biddle at 1290-J calls 565 at 1:00 a. m. Result: no date .... senior named Lamb has previous engagement. Ruth Austin at 204 calls 550 at 5 p. m. Result: Bell theatre Sunday night, strictly fifty-fifty including car fare. Kate Wilson at 72 calls 841. Result: date for Pipes Miehaelson concert. Ella Rawlings at 688 calls 730. Re sult : Carny accepts date for Chinese Mary feed. A special meeting of the senior wo men has been ealled for this afternoon to discuss wavs and means for leahng with the above mention poachers. COMMITTEE NAMED TO RECORD EVENTS OE UNIVERSITY LITE Mary Evans, Historian, will Supervise Compiling of all College Happenings MEETING TO BE HELD SOON Representatives of Schools, Living Organizations and Societies Appointed The University historian’s records, which are said to be incomplete at the present time, are to be brought up to date and this year’s happenings accur ately recorded, according to Mary Evans, University historian, who an nounced her staff for the year yester day. She has called a meeting next Wednesday at 5 o ’clock in the office of the University librarian. The department was created in 1919 for the purpose of keeping a record of University events, names of student body officers, and officers of other or ganizations, and any other matters that may be of interest in the future. Have Three Executives The appointment of Dorothy Dickey, Phil Strowbridge, and Phil Ireland as the executive committee was announced yesterday by the librarian. This com mittee will assist in the compiling of data as prepared by the representatives of various organizations and depart ments of the University. The clipper committee, composed of Harriet Zeazie, Virginia Pearson, Mar garet Sagaberd, and Winifred Graham, will file all matter pertaining to Uni versity affairs appearing in the Ore gon Daily Emerald. List Is Published Representatives of the various de partments and organizations are as follows: Journalism, Florine Packard; law, Sylvester Burleigh; business adminis tration, Carl Myers; psychology, Wilbur Hulin; education, Marjorie Gilbert; arts and architecture, Roscoe Hemen way; pre-medics, George Houck; gradu ate school, Helen DuBuy; political sci ence and economics, Marian Dunham; summer school, Emily Perry; English and rhetoric, Gaile Acton; physical education, men, Del Obertauffer; phys ical education, women, Margaret Rus sell; science, Elsie Marsh; history, Verne Blue; foreign languages, Isabelle Kidd; dramatics, Doris Pittengor; household arts, Chloe Thompson; Uni versity library, Lenore Cram; military science, Emerald Sloan; sociology, Ger maine Dew; public speaking and de bate, Claud Robinson; Hendricks hall, Emily Veazie; Alpha Chi Omega, Char lotte Clark; Alpha Delta Pi, Elaine Cooper; Gamma Phi Beta, Janet West; Pi Beta Phi, Helen Ball; Chi Omega, Mildred Lauderdale; Delta Delta Delta, Gertrude Golding; Deta Zeta, Ruth lLane; Zeta Rho Epsion, Ruth Tuck; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Nancy Wilson; Delta Gamma, Helen Murdock; Alpha Sigma, Louise Odell; Sigma Nu, Carl Newberry; Kappa Sigma, A1 Krohn; Beta Theta Pi, Milton Steiner; Alpha Tau Omega, Lawrence Hull; Sigma Chi, Randall Jones; Phi Gamma Delta, Nel son English; Phi Delta Theta, George King, Delta Tau Delta, Arthur Larson; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Frank Carter; Kappa Theta Chi, John Dierdorff; Chi ■ Psi, Harold Lee; Bacheldoron, Paul | Patterson; Friendly hall, Remey Cox; Kappa Delta Phi, Howard Bailey; Phi Sigma Pi, John Anderson; Delta Theta Phi, Leroy Anderson; Scroll and Script, Emily Perry; To-Ko-Lo, Allen Mooers; Friars, Leith Abbott; Theta Sigma Phi, Helen Manning; Sigma Delta Chi, John Dierdorff; Kwama, Luella Hausler; Alpha Kappa Psi, Floyd Bowles; Tre Nu, Margaret Duniwav; Art club, Ag nes Brooks; Sigma Upsilon, Arthur Larson; Mu Phi Epsilon, Margaret Phelps; Phi Theta Kappa, Esther Fell; Phi Delta Phi, Ogden Johnson; Zeta Kappa Psi, Jessie Todd; Eutaxian, Florence Furuset; Mask and Buskin, Doris Pittinger; Spanish club, LeLaine West; Pi Lambda Theta, Marjorie Gil bert; French club, Dorothy Manville; Pan-hellenic, Katherine Wilson; Inter fraternity council, Raymond Lawrence; Triple A, Margaret Rankin; Condon ■ club, Emily Veazie. HAMMER AND COFFIN ELECTS Kelly Branetetter Meson Dillard Warren Kaye Hal Simpson SI Bonnlchaon COLLEGE TRAINED LEADERS BEST IN DISTRICTS _ Hope of Nation in Youth of Country Communities, Says Y. M. Man CITY LIFE IS UNNATURAL America in Danger of Becom ing Over-urbanized, Says Assembly Speaker College trained men and women, by reason of the exceptional advantages and opportunities which have been given them, are best fitted for the work of building up in the youth of the country communities those qualities of character and personal ability which make for leadership, in the opinion of A. E. Roberts, traveling representative of the Y. M. C. A., who spoke at as sembly yesterday on “The Challenge of the Country.’’ The future leaders of the nation will be drawn largely from the rural dis triets, Mr. Roberts believes, and the training of these young people for lead ership constitutes one of the greatest problems confronting America today. Who is to assume the responsibility of their training? Heroin lies the chal lenge of the country, and it is to col lege men and women that this chal lenge is directed, according to the speaker. Leaders coming from country “The hope of the nation lies, I be lieve, in the young people living in the small towns and country districts,” said Mr. Roberts, explaining that these communities have exceptional resources in material for future leaders. “America is in danger of becoming over-urbanized. The youth of the na tion has been turning its thoughts on the city. Every phase of city life is artificial, unnatural and abnormal,” he continued, pointing out the fact that these conditions were not conducive to the making of national leaders. It should be the personal responsi bility of the educated men and women to see to it that these young people in the country have the chance of an edu cation, Mr. Roberts stated. Often, he said, college people have the making or the marring of these young lives, largely in their power. The influence which college people can exert is in estimable, he asserted. Morals Necessary to Leaders “In this aftermath of war—in the days of wrong thinking and crooked dealing, college people should take their place as exponents of reform,” said Mr. Roberts. “This nation can make par leys and international alliances, but their efficiency will be made effective and powerful only on the basis of the character and moral integrity of the national leaders.” Viola Powell sang two solos. FROSH GLEE TO TAKE PLACE IN NEW ARMORY Decorations and Other Features Typical of Yearlings on Program; Deans and Governor to Be Hosts The Freshman Glee will take place at the armory tonight instead of at the Women’s building, as was announced before final arrangements were made, and indications are that those who at tend will have an interesting time. The decorations and feature will be strictly “different,” says the general chairman. Their exact nature will be kept secret until they appear. Although it was not definitely known until the first of the week that the freshmen would have their festivity this week, plans are progressing rapidly and everything will be ready before the appointed time, according to mem bers of the arrangement committee. Reports have leaked out to the ef . feet that the best music of the dance variety obtainable on the campus has been hired. It has been definitely an ' nounced, however, that flowers1 and I taxis are strictly taboo. Patrons and patronesses will be Oov ; ernor and Mrs. Ben W. Olcott, Presi , dent and Mrs. P. L. Campbell, Mr. and i Mrs. George T. Gerlinger, Dean Fox i and the deans of the schools. Weather Forecast BY BADIO 8an Francisco, Feb. 9.—North Pa cific coast, Friday—Rain, fresh southerly winds. Girls to Sell Hearts-Kisses Next Tuesday Hearts and kisses are going to be plentiful on the campus Tuesday, Feb ruary 14. Not the kind of hearts that are worn on the sleeve and sometimes go pitty-pat, but rich, fat, sugar strewn cookie hearts. Not the kind of kisses that scandalize the chaperones and make a man (and a girl) bewail the presence of the bright lights, but large, luscious taffy kisses in bright red paper wrappers. Hearts and kisses alike sell two for a nickel, four for a dime, and so forth to the limit of the student poeketbook. And, to be serious, it's all in a good cause. Pot and Quill, women's honor ary writing organization, hopes to pub lish a magazine some time in the near future—a magazine that will be repre sentative of literary talent at the Uni versity of Oregon. It is their desire to produce something of which Oregon students may be proud, and they sav they need the financial support of the students. Hence, hearts and kisses are for sale everywhere on the campus, all day Tuesday. So come on all you fellows, “Give her a kiss and make her have a heart.” VESPERS SPEAKER SERVICE TO BE IN METHODIST CHURCH AT 4:30 SUNDAY Program Largely Musical; Various Denominations United into Single Group A delightful musical program and an interesting speaker have been secured for the University vesper service which will be held Sunday, February 12, at 4:30, in the Methodist Episcopal church. The speaker is Rev. William H. Roddy, the pastor of the Riverside Con gregational church of ITood River. This church is a community church, includ ing representatives of various denomi nations. Mr. Roddy has been especially successful in work of this sort, being able to unite in one organization work ing for the community welfare, people of various denominational preferences. He is himself a Presbyterian, pastor of a Congregational church. He is also moderator of the Presbytery of Pendle ton. Was on Reed Faculty Mr. Roddy was formerly on the fac ulty of Reed College in the department of English and public speaking. He is said to be an interesting and forceful public speaker. He was chosen a few months ago by the mayor’s committee j of the city of Portland to give the ad dress on the tercentinary celebration of the landing of the Pilgrims. He will also speak in the Congrega tional church Sunday morning at the 11 o’clock service. Program Is Given Following is the program for the ves per service: Organ Voluntary—0 Sharp Prelude .Rachmaninoff Antiphonnl Service—Choir. Prayer—Response by Choir. Anthem—“Statist Mater” Dubois Miss James, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Morrow and Choir Scripture. Organ Offertory. Solo—“Ave Maria” Bach Gounod Miss Altstock Address—Rev. Win. If. Boddy, River side church, Hood River. Organ Interlude—“ Murmuring Zephyrs” .Jenson Munc Dimittis—Choir. Benediction. John Stark Evans, Organist and Choirmaster FRESHMAN MEETING NOT .HELD The meeting of the freshmen men, called for Thursday afternoon, was postponed owing to insufficient attend ance. The date of the next meeting will be announced later. VARSITY HOOPERS ILL OPEN SERIES AT O.A.C. TONIGHT Coach Bohler and 8 Men Leave for Corvallis at 4:30; Frosh Squads Also to Go CHANCE FOR VICTORY SLIM Southern Trip to Start Next Sunday; Same Players to Be Taken Oregon’s basketball team will open a two game series with the Oregon Ag gies at Corvallis tonight. Eight men, Latham, Amlro, Roekhey, Zimmerman, Burnett, Goar, Boiler and Edlunds, and Coaeh Bohler will make the trip, leav ing Eugene at 4:110 this afternoon, re turning tonight after the game. They will return to Corvallis tomorrow after noon for the final game. The freshman squad will accompany the Varsity, seven strong, and will put on the curtain raiser for the Varsity contests both evenings. On Saturday afternoon at .1 o'clock the Varsity wrestlers will take on the Aggie grap plors, and the frosh matrnon will try conclusions with the rook strong men. After tho two decisive drubbings ad ministered to tho Lemon-Yellow bas keteors last week by the Aggie tossers, there seems to bo absolutely no loop hole left through which to point a vic tory for Oregon's basketball represen tatives, for though the Aggies may not be the conference champs, they have an aggressive team with no little abil ity in the basket shooting line. Better uerense iiUteiy However, in spite of the fact that the (Jinnies will be played in the Aggie camp, the scores should be loss one sided than those played in Eugene, as the team has had time to build up a defense against the Hjelte-Gill combi nation, which was such a vital factor in last week’s games. A bright rift in view of the recent defeats at the hands of the Aggies and slim chances for Oregon victory in the coming series is the deeisivo wallopings administered to the farmer five in their double appearance in Eugene last year. After trimming the collegians 30-25) and 25-22 on the Corvallis court last year’s quintet trampled on the Aggies 42-13 nnd 37-19 in the closing games of the annual series. Southern Trip Begins Sunday On Saturday afternoon the men will leave from the men’s gym at 3 o’clock instead of 4:30 and will get their lunch in Corvallis. Sunday night at 7:57 the Varsity, accompanied by Coach Hohlor, will leavo Eugene on the southern trip. The Hamo men who make the Corvallis trip will go south: Andre, Roekhey, Zimmerman, Edlunds, Boiler, Burnett, Ooar nnd Lathnm. The team will play a two-game series with California at Berkeley February 14-15 and with Stan ford at Palo Alta on tho 17th and 18th. The team is scheduled to return to Eugene a week from Monday at 4:30 p. m. BOWMAN WILL BE SPEAKER Portland Minister Selected to Deliver Baccalaureate Address Harold L. Bowman, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Portland, has been secured to deliver the Bac calaureate address for this year’s grad uating class. This event will take place on Sunday, .Tune 18. Dr. Bowman will be remembered as one of the assembly speakers last term. His was considered to be one of the best addresses during the fall term. Motley Quintet of Spellbinders Talk Way Into Alpha Kappa Psi If they hail been marching due south I we would have thought it was a dele 1 gation from Halem. Hut they came from the Hast with a mighty shuffling of feet to the dull thump, thump of a bass dram. It was a little army, but a braver and more eloquent band never took its place on the library ste[>s. One could easily tell that they would make good bond salesman. There were five of them, ready to go through their paces before they en tered the portals of Alpha Kappa Psi, honorary commerce fraternity. “ Dutch ” Oram attired in a neat naval uniform of a commissioned officer of the Russian Main, orated on the qualities, virtues and frivolities that made up the ideal col lege man. The crowd, impressed at the earnestness of the speakor and subtlety of his wit, gave him a big hand. Floyd Bowles, clad in a tailored B. O. T. C. uniform, which displayed tho fact that he is in good shapo for track, talked interestingly on tho University army organization. ‘ ‘ Wo should drill days and go to school nights,” were the words of the great authority. ‘ ‘ Bud ’ ’ Brown promised to make all those gathered millenaries getting a corner on Chinamen's queues and con verting them into hairnets. The plan is too complicated to permit description j here. Balf Couch “sold” the crowd a man | sized plug of tobacco, stainless and tis sue-building, which could be folded Into the vest pocket. Frank Carter put on the market a re j vised accounting set that would revolu : tionize the course in the school of busi ness administration eliminating all j flunks. Its success was evident from the ripple of applause among the freshmen.