Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 08, 1922, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Proposed Change in System
Is Favored at Student
Faculty Conference
Instructors Anxious to Have
Responsibility of Rule
Making Removed
Student self government as a pos
sible institution on the University of
Oregon campus for the solution of the
problems that arise in student control
was indorsed informally at a confer
ence of members of the student affairs
committee and student council and rep
resentatives from the interfraternity
council and Pan-hellenic late yesterday
afternoon. A definite step was taken
toward serious consideration of the
proposed plan of student self-govern
ment when the student affairs com
mittee, with the approval of all persons
attending the meeting, ealled an open
meeting for March 7, to which students
and faculty will be invited to consider
the adoption of such a plan.
With no exception all of those tak
ing part in the conference yesterday
were agreed that student government
would be desirable on the Oregon cam
pus, but some opposition was expressed
concerning details of such a system.
The general opinion expressed by the
faculty representatives was that that
group would be glad to be relieved of
the responsibility entailed in the mak
ing and enforcing of student regula
Students Declared Willing
Members of the student council and
representative students, whose stand on
'the question has been taken as indica
tive of the general feeling among the
students, were unanimous in their
opinion that the students are anxious
lor self government and that they
would accept the added responsibility
"Buies are conveniences for the pro
tection of the individual and, in this
case, should be made by the students
themselves,” according to Dr. Harry
Beal Torrey, of the student affairs
committee, who opened the discussion
on the value of student government.
Dr. Torrey has witnessed the working
of student self-government in a num
ber of instances, among them being the
University of California, and he be
lieves it the only logical solution of
problems of student conduct and man
agement which have not been settled
with entire satisfaction by faculty rules
and regulations.
Mechanism Is Needed
“The faculty and University admin
istration are responsible for the schol
arship, the morals, and morale of the
students to the parents and regents,”
according to Dr. Torrey. “The prob
lem of student control is to get a
mechanism by which the University can
adopt a system of control.” Such cases
as cheating and thievery, in addition to
the conduct of student body business,
were cited as problems which are ef
fectually handled under the system of
student government.
Students can best realize the serious
(Continued on page four)
Faculty Colloquium
Approves Saturday
Classes; Moves Drill
Decisive Action Will Be Taken at Next Regular
Meeting, March 1; Investigating Committee
Would Meet Crowded Conditions.
| Members of the faculty committee
investigating the advisability of hold
ing Saturday classes and shifting mili
tary drill to afternoon periods, report
ed favorably on both of these much
discussed questions at the faculty col
loquium last night. Although no defi
nite action can be taken by the mem
bers present at colloquium, a thorough
discussion of the plan was entered into
and the two measures will bo brought
before the next regular meeting of the
faculty to be held March 1, for an of
ficial decision.
The matter of holding Saturday
classes has been a cause of much dis
cussion on the part of the students but
no action was taken by the student
council to request the faculty to decide
either for or against the proposed plan.
Opinion among the students appears to
be pretty well divided and the matter
has never been made an issue for stu
dent opinion. A number of faculty
members discussed the matter with, the
students in an informal manner before
submitting their answers to the ques
tionnaires sent out by the committee
During the discussion it was pointed
out by Dean Dyment and Dr. Rebec
that, due to the rapid increase in en
rollment, and the slight possibility of
any substantial increase in income,
economic measures, in the way of build
ing space and time, are very necessary.
By the use of Saturday morning for
classes, a saving of 10 per cent in time
and use of buildings would be made
possible. From a business standpoint,
it was argued, the saving would amount
to one $150,000 building, since the
present value of buildings is set at
about a million and a half.
Recommendation Presented
The following report of the investi
gating committee, which received the
recommendation of the colloquium, is
to be voted on at the next faculty meet
In response to the questionnaire
sent out by this committee, 35 re
plies were received from 23 schools
and departments. In two cases the
replies were concurred in by more
than one member of the department,
so that about 40 persons really re
Fifteen of these preferred one or
both of the proposed plans for drill
to the present one, while two were
in doubt. Opinion was almost equal
ly divided as to the possibility of
using a double period in the morn
ing, while it was almost unanimously
agreed that an afternoon period
could be so used. Only one favored
using Wednesday afternoon, and
there seemed to be no choice be
tween the other afternoons, but the
military department considers Tues
day first choice. Only eight favored
the present arrangement of drill
Twenty-four expressed a willing
ness to schedule classes on Saturday
morning, while six were unwilling.
Two were willing under certain con
In view of these facts, the commit
tee asks approval of the following
recommendations to the faculty, the
first of which is concurred in by the
military department, and both J)y the
chairman of the schedule committee:
First recommendation: That Tues
day afternoon from 1 to 1:50 be set
aside for mass drill for sophomores
and from 1:00 to 2:50 for freshmen,
and that the remainder of the al
lotted time be arranged by the de
partment of military science in a
number of small sections.
Second recommendation: That
classes be regularly scheduled for
Saturday mornings.
The faculty investigating committee
consists of Dr. A. E. Caswell, chairman;
Dean William G. Hale, and Dr. B. W.
Church Cooperation Committees Hear
Plans Discussed at Banquet
in Woman’s Building
The drive for members for the Bible
classes of the down-town churches, which
is being instituted under the auspices of
the church cooperation committees of the
Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C. A. was
begun enthusiastically at a supper in the
Woman’s building last night at which
more than 150 student representatives of
the various denominations were present.
The purpose of the drive is to bring
the fellowship of the churches into the
campus life bv getting students into the
various Bible classes. All the denomina
tions are included in the campaign, which
will end March 12. The church coopera
tion committees wish it distinctly under
stood that this is a campus movement
entirely, is interdenominational, and is
for the benefit of the students primarily.
Bible classes for students are being
(Continued on page four)
“Leap Week” Ordained
By Seniors; Women to
Call Men;Expense Split
Next week will be “Senior Week’’ on
the campus, a joy time for every mem
ber of the class of 1922, seven days of
riotous gaiety for the staid men and
women of the class, a period when dull
care will be east to the winds and
“ dates” rule supreme.
Such was the edict of the class at a
meeting held last night after hearing
the new project outlined by President
Leith Abbott.
Follow the gruesome details:
All women of the class are asked,
urged, demanded to make dates with
senior men for any time, any place,
any occasion during the week.
The open season for date making
will commence Saturday night at the
senior bust and will continue through
the week, ending at 12 p. m. Sunday
Expenses incurred in each date will
be paid strictly on a 50-50 basis.
The Emerald each morning next
week will print sparkling features writ
ten by a prominent journalist of the
class, concerning the progress of the
week. The name of the writer is being
withheld for the present because she
is a former editor of the Oregana.
These stories will tell who was out
with whom on the night previous, where
they went and how much money they
A sergeant-at-arms in each women’s
organization on the campus will see
that the senior women do their duty.
Seniors are making big plans for
their second “bust” of the year which
will be held in the Eagle hall Satur
day night. Eats and Paul Joneses will
not be the only features of the evening.
8teps were taken at the meeting laBt
night to enter a senior traek team into
the inter-class relay games, which will
be so strong as to win every event.
Glen 'Walkley, varsity captain, was
named director of class athletics. To
day every senior from Wilbur Hoyt to
Spike Leslie is hunting for a pair of
spiked shoe*.
February 23 Is Time Set for Women’s
Contest; Men’s Triangle Parley
Takes Place Marcb 2
The date of the women’s debate be
tween the University of Oregon and
University of Washington has been
changed from February 17 to February
23, due to the illness of the Oregon
coach, Clarence D. Thorpe, and both
members of the Oregon negative team,
Lurline Coulter and Elaine Cooper,
which has caused delay in the prepara
tion for the debate. Agreement of the
Washington team to change the time
for the debate was received this morn
ing by Paul Patterson, manager of for
The debate of the Oregon affirmative
team, composed of Wanda Daggett and
Edna Largent, and the Washington
negative will be held in Guild hall at
8 o’clock. The Oregon negative team,
Lurline Coulter and Elaine Cooper, will
meet the girls on the Washington af
firmative in Seattle on the same night.
The question for the dual debate is:
Resolved, that the federal government
should pass the veterans’ adjusted
compensation bill.
The men’s triangular debates be
tween Stanford, Washington and Ore
gon have been changed from March 3
to March 2 because a glee club concert
takes place at Washington on the for
mer night. The Stanford affirmative
and the Oregon negative will meet at
Palo Alto, and the Oregon affirmative
will meet the Washington negative on
this campus. The question for the
men’s debates is: Resolved, that the
federal government should levy a tax
on manufacturers’ sales.
The Oregon affirmative is composed
of Ralph Bailey and Paul Patterson,
and the negative of Claude Robinson
and Charles Lamb.
Physical Education Director Against
Practice of Shearing Locks
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
lis, Feb. 7 (P. I. N. 8.)—Bobbed hair
should not be indulged in by college
women, in the opinion of Miss Edna A.
Cooks, director of physical education
for women at O. A. C.
“A woman’s hair expresses her in
dividuality and character,” says Miss
Cooks, “and if a woman deprives her
self of these two things she loses the
respeet of others.”
Four Events Billed for First
Track Meet of Series;
Others to Follow
Lack of Interest Shown, Says
Foster; Oregon Has Few
High Point Men
Action begins Saturday afternoon at
2:30 o’clock on Hayward field, whei
classes will clash for honors on tin
cinders in the first of the interclas
track series. Four events will start
the chain of meets that are to be held
every Saturday from nowT on until the
beginning of the conference meets in
the spring term. These events are the
quarter mile, the half mile, the mile,
and the two-mile. Later on, when the
movement gets well under way, all con
ference events will be participated in.
According to Graduate Manager Jack
Benefiel, it is essential that each class
elect a captain who shall be made re
sponsible for the men of his class
showing up on the field. It is hoped
by the coaching staff that a great deal
of interest will be taken in this new
system for developing material for the
conference meets.
Letter Men Are Eligible
Class competition should be keen, as
each of the three upper classes have
men who made good showings last year.
What the freshmen have up their
sleeves is not known, as only a small
representation has made its appearance
on the track this year. However, most
of those turning out show good possi
bilities of development. Everyone is
eligible to take part, letter men and all,
and it is necessary that a large num
ber do take part. ITayward says that
Oregon will not look very good againBt
other schools in the conference unless
some snap is shown in the near future.
At present a handful of men are
turning out with some degree of regu
larity, but a handful of men are not
going to bring home the bacon to their
Alma Mater. Hank Foster says that
more men turned out for the sport
when there were but 600 enrolled in
the University than now. Track, he
says, is one of the biggest if not the
biggest intercollegiate sport, and he
cannot understand the apparent lack
of interest evinced, especially by the
class of 1925. The big factor held to
blame in the lack of interest shown is
the abolition of interscholastic meets.
Penn Belays Is Aim
While it is true that Oregon will have
a few high point men from last year,
the number is but a small part of what
it must be if Lemon-Yellow track as
pirations are to be realized. On April
27, 28, 29 the Penn relay will be held
in Philadelphia, and Trainer Hayward
is very anxious to have Oregon repre
sented there by at least one team. It
is at these races that track men com
pete for the championship of America.
(Continued on page four)
Void of Front,
Lemmy Decides
To Show Later
Lemmy was due on the campus to
day and had every Intention of being
here, bnt due to unfortunate circum
stances, ovsr which the little gentle
man had no control, he was unable
to arrive on time.
As was rumored last week, the
young Oregonian has bedecked him
self in a complete new attire with
which to make his appearance this
month. Last night the little smile
provoker was ready to step out of
the printing Bhop when he noticed his
cover was missing, and being very
particular of his dress, Lemmy stayed
in the shop rather than appear in
public without his outside raiment.
The printer has promised that
Lemmy will he out with all his
usual front by tomorrow night, sure,
as the cover will be off the press by
that time.
Epidemic of Colds
And Grip Said to
Be A Imost A bated
Social Affairs to Move on Regular
Schedule After Restriction Since
January 28; Student Cooperation
Commended by Dean J. F. Bovard
Sentiment Favors Doing Avi/ay
With Canoe Fete as
Friday Feature
Six resolutions affecting Junior
Week-end were adopted last night by
the inter-fraternity council, these be
ing practically in accord with the rec
ommendations made by the student
council, with two exceptions. The first
of these exceptions was that the canoe
fete, while a distinctive feature of the
Oregon Junior Week-end, should be
abolished. The other exceptions per
tained to the time limits of the week
end, the council expressing thoir senti
ment that it should be from Friday
noon to Sunday afternoon. The action
of the council was nearly unanimous.
Cost Is Discussed
Discussions by members of the coun
cil brought out the point that, in their
opinion, the erection of the bleachers
and the other points involved in a suc
cessful canoe fete, brings about a
greater expense than the results of the
fete warrant. It was also statod that
the canoe fete fails to reach those peo
pie for whom it is intended, namely,
the students and visitors, who are un
able to get seats.
As a substitute for the canoe fete,
tho suggestion was made that some sort
of department, exhibits might be ar
ranged for the visiting high school
students. It was held that, inasmuch
as Junior Week end is a University
function, the visiting students should
be shown as much as possible, l he an
nual exposition of the University of
Wisconsin was cited as an example of
what might be done in this respect.
It was stated that great numbers visit
the University annually for this event.
The idoa put forward included some
constructive exhibit in every depart
ment, special efforts to be made to have
the visitors see each exhibit.
Would Not Curtail Guests
The members of the council felt that
in the matter of inviting guests, each
house should be the judge of the num
her of the guests to be ashed. The
general consensus of opinion was, how
ever, that invitations should be limited
to seniors or graduates of high schools,
who show an inclination to attend the
The elimination of the senior play
was advocated, this being held an un
necessary expense and that it should
be arranged at some other time so that
the entire student body could have an
opportunity of witnessing it. Another
phase taken up was that of the campus
day luncheon. It was decided that the
University be asked to share a portion,
at least, of the expenses incurred by
this affair.
Copies of the resolutions are to be
sent to the president’s office, the stu
dent council, Pan-hellenic council, the
junior class, and to the Emerald.
Professor 8. B. Warner, of the school
of law, has been appointed to teach
law of corporations at the Northwestern
; Bummer school in Chicago.
Professor Warner has been at Oregon
for over two years. He teaches special
work in procedure.
Delta Theta Phi announces the
pledging of Elme Hardenberg of Scovy,
Infirmary Not Over-crowded;
Decline in Number of
Cases Handled
Visiting Nurse Makes 302
Outside Calls During
13-Day Siege
Tho ban is offl This announcement
will bo hailed with delight by all stu
dents, especially those who are mem
bers of organizations which have dances
scheduled for this week-end. This will
mean that tho Frosh Olee and the
Junior Lottery can be given as previ
ously planned.
After careful consideration of the
health conditions of the students of
the University ns a whole, it was de
cided at the meeting of the health ser
vice committeo yesterday afternoon in
Dean Bovard’s office that the evident
improvement warranted the removing
of the ban which has been held on
dances and other social affairs since
Saturday, January 28. The epidemic
which has been so infectious is now
well under control, according to in
formation given out yesterday by tho
University Health Service, and there
is no thought of putting the ban back
on social events unless eondltions
should grow considerably worse.
Falling Off Is Bapld
Tho numbor of cases which are being
handled by the health service is falling
off rapidly every day. From Monday
until Saturday of last week the number
dropped from 131 to 40 who applied
for treatment. At the first of last
week about. 90 per cent of tho cases
were those which had to do with the
epidemic of colds and grip, and the
percentage has now dropped to 45.
very few new eases nre coming in, ho
that it in felt that things are back to
normal winter conditions again.
The infirmary is no longer over
crowded, and there is room for all stu
dents now who need this extra care.
This has resulted in doing away with
the condition of having a large number
of students sick in the various houses
on the campus.
302 Calls Made
Prom January 25 to February fi, Miss
Robertson, visiting nurse, made 302
calls upon Htudents who were unable
to got a place in the infirmary, or to
come for treatment. She was greatly
assisted in her work by the response
which students made for cars and
“We wish to express commendation
to the student body at large for putting
this across,” stated T)r. Tlovnrd yester
day evening. “It was because of their
cooperation that the matter was cleared
up so well.”
“Forest Flowers and Shrubs” was
the theme of nn illustrated talk given
by Professor A. R. Sweetser, head of
the botany department, at a forest
supervisors’ conference held Saturday
at the Cascade Forestry office in the
post office building. An informal dis
cussion followed concerning the places
where certain shrubs might be found
in the Cascade national forest, and
their value as forage.
Weather Forecast
San Francisco, Feb. 7.—North Pa
cific coast, Wednesday—Rain, fresh
to strong southwesterly winds.