Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 04, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Freshmen Girls Kept in Last
Place by 31-21 Defeat
The seniors kept the lead in the girl’s
interrlass basketball series yesterday af
ternoon when they defeated the fresh
men 31 to 21. This makes the second
game won by them with none lost.
The Juniors have played out one game
which resulted in a tie. The sophomores
have won one game and lost one while
the freshmen have lost two and tied
At the end of the first half the score
was 12 to 10 in favor of the seniors
and it looked as if the freshmen might
come back in the second half but the
return failed to materialize. Oletta
Pedersen, and Alice Evans senior for
wards scored whenever tho ball came to
their way while Emily Perry and Mar
garet (loodin took care of the defense.
Jennie McC'lew shot most of the
baskets for the freshmen and Mildred
Crain and Helene 1-aFontaine did good
work in the center.
The lineup was:
Seniors (31) Freshmen (21)
Oletta Pederson ...F... Jennie McClew
Alice Evans .F.. Mildred Bumble
Grace Tigard .1C. ... Mildred Crain
Echo Halderee . . . BC Helen EaFontaine
Emily Perry ....(i Christine Heckman
Margaret Goodin .0.Alberta McMoines
Chamber of Commerce Men To Receive
Six Days’ Training; Many
Already Registered
The University of Oregon will give a
special short course for Commercial
Club secretaries March 27 to April 1, in
clusive. The six days of instruction
will cover various subjects that will bo
of interest, to commercial organizations.
Ten letters were received today by the
Business Administration Office, all but
one signifying the intention of some
secretary to enroll in tho course.
W. A. Reid of Marshfield/ president
of tho State Associations of Cominer
cial Club Secretaries, who will attend
the course, said in a recent letter ad
dressed to commercial organizations of
Oregon: “T do not exaggerate when I
say in my humble opinion it is worth
one hundred dollars to any commercial
organization to send it's secrotary to
this short course.”
A similar course was held here last
year and a number of secretaries at
tended. These men have advertised
the course since last Spring and have
urged other secretaries to attend.
“The university is a firm believer in
the development of the community, and
a number of young men are taking a
course here to prepare themselves to
become secretaries of commorciaj
clubs,” says a circular letter issued by
the president's office.
Details of the course will be com
pleted ia a few days when the regis
tration as well as the curriculum will
be announced.
The order of birch rod and rider is
being replneed by modern methods
learned in the elnss room for there is n
new erop of full fledged sehoolmnrms,
according to Prof. 11. R. Douglass of
the school of education, who says that
30 University students commenced
teaching at the beginning of ttie now
semester of the Eugene, Springfield and
University high schools.
Those teaching history are Marian
White, Dorothy Ohausse, Mildred Per
guson, Georgian Perkins, Lillie TTasen
mayor, Eulalie Titus, Lawrence Bovle;
English Hope McKenzie, Frances Me
Millnn, Marion Mitchell, Margaret Nel
son, Katherine Wilson, Audrey Perkins;
science—Elsie Lawrence, Gladys Ln
pher, Alda Barrie, Leah Wagner;
French Germaine Dew, Helen Hooper,
Janet West, Gladys Taylor; Latin—
Helen Rose, Avoca MeMinis; mathe
inaties William Purdv, Glenn Frank;
commercial subjects Walter AN egnor,
Pauline Tompkins, I la Nichols; Span
ish Helen Addison, Elinor Ooodnough.
Students read the classified ads. Try
using them.
Minimum ohnr«» l tune ’V time?*.
4ft<* f' tunev $\ Mimt b* limited tn t*
lines over this limit. So l'>'r lino. I'hon.
#51, ur tonvo cony with Htwinm* offu.'
Vlwinun. m IJniv. i-u'.v 1‘nM Pnynicnt in
advance. Office hour*. 1 to 4 p. m
Tailoring and Dressmaking of all
kinds Call Mrs. A 0 PeVore, 4 1,
K 15th. Phono 558 J 87-K28 tf.
BOARD AND ROOM — Excellent
board, sleeping porch, largo study room,
and use of living room suitable for one
or more men students. 710 per month.
Call 945 Y, Mrs Oollver, 951 Patter
LOST A Pi Beta Phi pin
Name on
95 P4
A long tan brushed wool scarf
green and purple stripes. Call
Evelyn Fitzgibbon—Vernon Duncan.
Dora Herman—M. W. Dcming.
Florence Jagger—Ned Strahorn.
Mable Johnson—Asa Eggleson.
Zola King—Floyd Maxwell.
Wave Leslie—Frank Michels.
Bernice B. Laws—Albin Martinson.
Natrude Larson—.Tack Newhall.
Ellen McVeigh—James Pearson.
Helen McCormack—Don Zimmerman.
Lois Morthland—Warren Kays.
Eugenia Mabley—Guy Koepp.
Jean Mitchell—Alfred Krohn.
Louise Basfore—Lawrence Hull.
Eva Beekman—Harrison Huggins.
Margaret Dtiniway—Ray Hewitt.
Rita Durheimer—Alex Andrioff.
Helen Day—Clarence Baldwin.
Helen Clark—Edgar Blood.
Ruth Claassen—Harold Bonebrake.
Wilma Chattin—George Bliss.
Marian Crary—H. B. Brookhart.
Hildred Hall—Arthur Larson.
Hulda Tlafner—E. F. Bolt.
Mary Gill—Clifford Carlson.
Elizabeth Geiser—Charles Chick.
May Fenno—William Durham.
Josephine Croxall—James Baker.
Meltrude Coe—Raymond Boyer.
Dorothy Cushman—Merle Boyer.
Helen Hoofer—Arnold Blackburn.
Harriett Hudson—Webster Ross.
Helen Gulvason—Epliriam Conway.
Leah Greenbaum —Owen Calloway.
Georgia Gregory—Nelson English.
Ruth Fowler—Tom Wyatt.
Ram ah Iler—Herbert Darby.
Johannah Johnson—Marvin Eby.
Inez King—Verne Fudge.
Gertrude Lewis-—K. A. Moore.
Pearl Lewis—Glenn Morrow.
Marie Anderson—Fenton Ford.
Helen Addison—urvm i. uam,
Catherine Anderson—Dwight Gregg.
Margaret Beatie—G. W. Gayley.
Fanny Barger-—Jesse Green.
Helen Bromberg—Millard Gilbert.
Marian Boetticher—H. B. Gowley.
Lucille Branstetter—Ernest Haycox.
Gretehen Brown—John Hillary.
Irene Barrett—R. M. Holman.
Dorcas Conklin—Herbert nacker.
Esther Dennis Boyd Isenminger.
Mary Druley—Raymond Anderson.
Loyo DeVore—H. E. Bowen.
Dorothy Ost ranger—A. C. Knodell.
Florence Packard—H. C. Latham.
Lili May Poley—Ramsomo McArthur
Lucile Elrod—Dick Dixon.
Buelah Clark—Ernest Hanson.
Minnie Johnson—Harry Ellis.
Lola Koisur—Cliarlos Fish.
Marion Linn—Kenneth Moore.
Alta London—F. B. Michelson.
Mildred Lauderdale—George Neal.
Elsea Lea—Dell Obertauffer.
Cecile McAlister—Joseph Olsen.
Annabel McKenzie—Ralph Poston.
Anna Meyer—Wilbur Phillips.
Florence J. Morrison—R. Kuhn.
June Burgan—Don Huntress.
Dorothy Byler—Delbert Hill.
Beulah Clark—Ernest Hanson.
Annabel Dean—John Anderson.
Vala Dotson—Kenneth Austin.
Cecile DeVore—Virl Bennehoff.
Margaret Clark—Ernie Boylen.
Dorothy Cash—Maurice Bacock.
Margaret Carter—W. M. Bolton.
Florence Hartman—James Bennediet.
Anna Hill—Rud Brown.
Maud Graham—Earl Coburn.
Maud Gorrie Leon Culbertson.
Marion Gillis Jackson Oapell.
Lenore Cram •lack Braddock.
Dorothy Chausse David Bidwell.
Lorna Coolidge Verne Bullock.
Helen Cooper Cecil Bell.
Charlotte Howell -James Bradwav.
Florence Garrett Tom Christmas.
Geraldine Golding Glean Campbell.
MilDle Ulllllim Marvin rvira.
Marjory Flogul Prince Oallison.
Ruth Engstrom Harold Hodman.
Margaret .Taokaon Ralph Houck.
Genevieve dewell -Pari Epping.
Katkleea Kern Albana Cota.
Sally Bamboraon -Hollis Moore.
Bernice Altstook 1,. B. Jordan.
Zee Alloa John Ganoo.
Oavlo Acton Herbert Graham.
Until Broderson John Gavin.
Rul>v Baugh Homer Gant.
Rose Rothwell Richmond Ginn.
Wilhelmia'Beckstead Stanley Ooodoll
Hallie Reaver—Irving Huntington.
Maxine Huron Bix Holladay.
Mildred Brown George Houck.
Mary Bon Horton Allarick Haggalund
Margaret Cnsad Forrest Hadsell.
Kdna Duryea George Adler.
Edith Driver A. H. Bennett.
Margaret Hundy H. R. Blackburn.
Geraldine Pinkerton Kenneth H.
Pauline Packnrd B. H. Lamb.
Esther M. Pike— E. IV McAllister.
Marv \ Parkinson Paul MoHulloek.
.levee Stephenson Donald McIntosh.
Margaret Scott Morgan Staton.
Dorris Sikes Hilaries Smith.
Mildred Smith Hell Andre
.Mice Thompson M. H. Rosser.
Gladys Taylor George Royer.
Bora Teshner George Riggs.
Janice White Hubert Smith.
Bernice Rise Walter Taylor.
Victoria Elee Arthur F. Martin.
Emily Stoneburg Carl Willett.
Ladle Garber W, H. Wilkinson
Jennie Richardson Homer Wise.
Savella R. NVelk Kenneth Youel.
Nell Tenbrook Dallas Rice.
Eli a both Torrey Jimmy Ross.
Esther Wheeler Webster Ruble.
Glare Yoran John Hass.
Blanche Ross Frank Von Her Ahe.
l.ulu leaser Gene AY kitten.
Bernice Slack George Wheeler.
Imogene I.etcher R. AV Waters.
Mariorie Speed Alfred Winter.
Ruth Scott Rolfe Skuleson.
Eli.-abeth Stephenson R 11. Stewart.
Ruth Stewart Harold Miekleson.
Ruth Sanborn Hadden Roekbey.
Audrey Perkins J. M. McGregor.
Pearl Pyritr Francis I.inklatcr.
Louise O’Dell Tdoyd L.aLonde.
Florence Moorhead Willis Kavs
Audrey Montague L. K Fraley.
Francis McMillan—Curtis Phillips.
Vida McKinney—Gaylord Peltier.
Marian Lawrence—Virgil Oliver.
Erma Ludford—Albert Niemi.
Francis Morgan—H. 0. Maver.
Felicia Perkins—Aubrey Furrey.
Mildred Stevens—Fred Main.
Marguerite Straughan—S. W. Starr.
Helena Scott—Ralph P. Doddridge.
Jesse Thompson—Roland Reed.
Gertrude Tolle—Lynn Roycroft.
Ohloe Thompson—Art Rosebraugh.
Margaret Windbigler—H. V. Simpson
Alice Young—Herbert Scheidt.
Clara Robinson—Carl Von der Ahe.
Ruth Russell—Dan Welch.
Dorothy Bell—Dan Bell.
Maybelle Leavitt—Chauncev
Doris Sangstacken—Harry Sherman.
Ruth Tuck—Meredith Beaver.
Amy Turner—Merle Richmond.
Emily Veazie—George Robbins.
Vera Wood—Roy Stroud.
Rota Ridings—R. G. Tapp.
Ruth Roberts—Earl Voorhies.
Francis Scott—Charles Walker.
Dolores Catlow—R. W. Wade.
Katherine Kaye—John Watson.
Elsie Simpson—Harold Shirley.
Ethel Stone—H. B. Seilor.
Clyde Schuebel—J. L. Skelton.
Sue Stewart—Paul Patterson.
Alberta Potter—R. McClafflin.
Ethel Powell—Clyde Buck.
Viola Powell—H. L. Larson.
Mildred Newland—George King.
Beatrice Morrow—Edwin Keach.
Helen Murdock—John Palmer.
Maybelle Miller—Raymond Porter.
Lulu McLaughlin—Sylvin McCleary.
Jessie Lewis—Sam Oliver.
Gertrude Livermore—Victor Nvgren. j
Any Junior not listed here bring
some one of their own choice. Adv.
Mrs. Johnson Shcrriek and Mrs. Alex
ander Stewart of Seattle are guests at j
the local chapter of Alpha Chi Omega.
Mrs. Sherriek is Pacific province presi
dent of the organization.
Our Reputation
as Shoe Repairers 35
years in Eugene is
your assurance of
satis faction.
Miller’s Shoe Shop
43 W. 8th . Eugene
New Frocks Reflecting the
Beauty and Freshness of Spring
What a contrast they present to sombre old winter!
You'll delight in seeing the new, styles for Spring.
Piquant satin taffetas bear the stamps of approval
and are authorative of fashions to follow. The scal
loped bottom skirt bouffant hips, fancy yarn em
broideries, corsages with ribbons, all are featured
in these clever dresses. The new corn flower shade
is much in evidence.
Charming Canton Crepe Dresses
Fashions most favored material—soft supple Cation
crepe exqusitely fashioned into lovely dancing and
dinner gowns. Several new shades are shown this
spring including the much talked of elusive Peri
Prices are very moderate
$19.50 to $45.00
New Dancing Corsets
A corset especially designed to give great
freedom and grace. Made of excellent
quality satin with heavy elastic. Flesh
color only,
Priced at $4.50
Satin Brassieres
Specially suitable for dancing or evening
gowns. Carefully made of flesh colored
satin, ribbon, shoulder straps. Two styles
—one without back.
Priced at $1.50
Are you making a memory book of your days in college?.. See
our big stunt books for interesting campus pictures.
The Kodak Shop
10th and Willamette Sts.
Phone 535
Free! Free!
Remember the pictures we are giving
away absolutely free next Saturday. Have
you made your guess yet?
Special sale of high class stationery,
pictures and frames continues all next week.
$12 Boxes stationery .. $1.25
$5 Frames . $3.75
$4 Pictures . $3.00
Others in proportion
A. C. Read
Your favorite ice cream is being sold at the
in that delicious new confection
Chocolate Coated Ice Cream
ask GEORGE for
Blue Bell Bars
Quality and quanity is our Motto.
Eugene Farmer’s Creamery
Phone 638 $56 Olive
Oriental Ru£ Exhibit
A large collection of genuine
Oriental Rugs will be shown
at our stroe until Wednesday
by Cartozian Bros, of Port
Inspection of this splendid
collection will be worth
while for it’s educational
value and whether you in
tend buying or not you will
be welcomed.
Newest Novelties
For New things in Beads, Combs, Ear Drops,
Barrettes, etc.. In all the latest colors.
The Newest thing out:
Call and see them
Seth Laraway
Diamond Merchant and Jeweler