Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 03, 1922, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Telegram to Mrs. George Fitch
Cancels Engagement
at University
Visit May be Arranged for Next
Year; Disappointment
is Evidenced
Oregon will not hear Vachel Lind
say. The coming on Tuesday night of
the “peddler of dreams” who carries
the distinction of being one of Amer
ica’s foremost poets has been indefi
nitely postponed. Word came by tele
gram yesterday' to Mrs. George Fitch
who had been preparing for his lecture
here that he must start immediately
home for Springfield, 111., because of
the serious illness of his aged mother.
There is no possibility of his coming
later in the year, it is believed, be
cause of the fact that he is signed for
& series of lectures which will probably
be taken up as scheduled. He was to
have appeared at the University of
Washington last night and in Portland
later in the week. His arrival in Eu
gene was scheduled for Monday night
at which time a dinner was to have
been given in his honor by Mrs. Fitch
who once knew him. Campus organi
zations were preparing to greet him in
a way to make memorable the visit of
this man who is called by the New York
Evening Post as “the most intensely
original and blazinglv romantic poet of
this generation.”
On the success of the Lindsay lec
ture depended in large measure plans
for bringing other celebrities to the
campus and the foundation perhaps of
a fund and an organization to make
these visits permanently possible. Cam
pus interest however has been so
aroused by the announcement of his
coming that it is probable that these
plans will be carried through.
In the telegram received yesterday
from A. F. Armstrong, professor of
English at Baylor university, Waco,
Texas, the suggestion was made that
the engagement be postponed one year.
Thus there is a great possibility that
Oregon will yet hear Vachel Lindsay.
Yachel Lindsay would have seen
hopeful things in the wide campus in
terest aroused over the mere announce
ment of his coming and what it stood
for. There is genuine disappointment
felt over his inability to fill his en
A total of $95.42 was raised last
week by students and faculty on the
University of Oregon campus toward
the Student Friendship fund for the
support of European students. This
money has been sent to the headquar
ters in New York City as Oregon’s
contribution toward helping those fore
ign students. Of the total amount
raised here $55 came from the faculty.
The money was collected at a booth in
front of the library last week.
Duplication of Lines Discussed in Talk
Given Science Students
by J. P. Newell
J. P. Newell, consulting engineer of
the Oregon Public Service commission,
spoke to pre-engineering students Wed
nesday night in Deady hall on the sub
ject of “Canadian Railways.”
Mr. Newell pointed out that the
“wildcat” building period that termi
nated just before the war in Canada
has resulted in duplicating all lines in J
the Dominion, which lack of business <
has forced the Canadian government to
take over. The government owns a
greater railway system than any other
in the world. More than two thousand
miles of this Canadian railway is in
the United States, placing the Canadian
Government in the peculiar situation of
taking orders from the Inter State com
merce Commission.
“The 'Grand Trunk Railway is one
| of the best constructed roads in the
world but it is a useless waste as
scarcely any traffic is carried on over
that road,” said Mr. Newell. “No man
has yet been discovered who is big
enough to superintend the Canadian
system and a man from the United
States will probably be chosen.”
After the talk Professor and Mrs.
Sweetser served a light lunch to the
students in one of the laboratories.
President Suzzallo Guest at Reception
Given by Seattle Society In
Honor of Professor
Professor A. H. Sehroff of the fine
arts department, has returned from a
trip to Seattle, where he served last
week on the jury of the annual North
west Artists exhibit held at the Se
attle Fine Arts society last week. Mr.
Sehroff was enthusiastically received
by the artists of Seattle who had seen
his exhibit there during the last month
and throughout his visit he was ex
tensively entertained by a number of
friends and artists of the city.
Professor Sehroff was accompanied
on his trip by his wife, who is well
known as a painter of miniatures, and
while in Seattle the Sehroff’s, saw
a number of private collections of
paintings as well as those exhibited at
the society. Of these there were 400,
and Mr. Sehroff was honored in being
one of the six judges of the entire ex
“The most gratifying thing to me
during this trip was the appreciation
of the artists of the city,’* said Mr.
Sehroff after his return in speaking
of his visit in Seattle. He stated
that he discovered a number of very
talented artists of the northwest at the
A large reception was held for the
Schroffs during the week at the Seattle
Fine Arts society at which Presi
dent Suzzalo of the University of Wash
ington and a number of students of
that university were guests as well as
a great number of artists and society
people of the city. All of the guests
were enthusiastic in their praise of
Mr. Sehroff’s one-man exhibit, which
will be sent to Eugene later in the
month and will be on exhibit here
after February 15.
Psychology Lab Has Instrument
Which Detects Mental Storms
“Drop around at the psychology lab
oratory and get a good story about the
scientific instruments they use there,”
the day editor told a reporter the
other day. “Our readers might like to
know of those things.”
So the faithful newsgatherer made
his way to McClure hall to get the
“Come right this way. and I’ll start
you on one of our simpler machines of
experiment, said the man of science
when the reporter presented himself at
the laboratory at the appointed hour.
Walking over to an object that
looked much like a long jelly roll he
continued: “This is the plethysmograph,
which records distention of the periph
eral circulatory system in an uphoristic
tendency or a decrease in the case of
disphoristic conditions. ”
At this point the reporter’s nerve
began to leave him for the instructor
went on to mention such psychological
commonplaces as sphygmoinmanometers.
aesthescometers and pscendoseopes. But
remembering the words of his chief
he stuck.
The first piece of apparatus described
turned out to be a machine that would
very accurately show the experimenter
whether or not his subject was pos
sessed with pleasant or unpleasant
thoughts. Another afforded the means
-of testing the actual endurance of
isolated muscles and the effect of
pleasant or unpleasant thoughts upon
The techistoscope turned out to be
a machine by which the observation
powers of a subject can be minutely
ascertained. It works on the principal
of a camera shutter giving the experi
mentor a one twenty-fifth of a second
glance at an object after which his
observation ability is measured by the
number of details remembered. Still
another instrument is capable of meas
uring the color zones on the retina of
the eye.
The automatograph, which might well 1
be called a ball bearing Ouija Board, is
used to record muscular reactions to
thoughts and sounds.
An antique tilting board, which was
used in the days when the department
of psychology was still young, is still
in the possession of the department and
is on exhibition in the main laboratorv
room. It was used to indicate the flow
of blood to definite parts of the body
in response to thoughts. The subject
would lie on a board, balanced from
the center much in the same fashion
as the old teater board of childhood
memories. As various activities were
thought of by the subject the board
would incline to the side where the
muscles involved in the imaginary ac
tion were located. This tilting board
was one of the first pieces of apparatus
obtained by the psychology department.
It has not been in use for several
Dr. H. L. Willett, University of
Chicago, Tells Assembly of
America’s Illiteracy
Students’ Responsiblity for
Improving World Condition
is Emphasized
Peace, internationalism and educa
tion are the three big things for which
America must strive with all her powers,
said Dr. Herbert L. Willett, of the
University of Chicago, speaking to
the university assembly yesterday morn
ing in Villard hall.
Dr. Willett, who is a vigorous and
forceful speaker, plunged at once into
his subject, outlining the goals which
he declared that America must reach
in order to maintain her present leader
ship among the nations. Peace is a
true American policy, asserted Dr. Wil
lett. “Our very wars have been fought
in the interests of peace.” The French
and Indian war was fought, the speaker
maintained, to clear the way for an ad
vancing civilization, the Revolutionary
war was fought in the interests of
Peace on the American continent, and
taught England her greatest and best
lesson, the difference between over
ridden colonies and great allied domin
Mexican War Deplored
Dr. Willet excused the War of 1812,
in saying that we had become used to
fighting England and to winning from
her, so we fought her again, and won
again. The War of 1848, or Mexican
War, was a blot on American history,
the speaker declared. The two wars
just mentioned, Dr. Willett declared
were of the sort that we desired to for
get, for they were departures from the
true American spirit. Next in our his
tory stands the Civil War when, as the
speaker expressed it, we once for all
united this country in indisoluble
bonds, and announced to all the peoples
of the world, that never again would
we stand by to see another nation hold
a subject race in bondage. And last,
within the memories of most of those
alive were the Spanish-Ameriean of
1898, when we fought to convert slaves
into freemen, and the World War in
1917 when we undertook a war, not our
own, to rid the earth of the military
curse, and assumed the resulting leader
ship of nations. “Our boys had a ren
dezvous with death: they had pledged
their word and they kept it.”
Americans Still “Lethargic”
With the close of the late war, the
bugle call of internationalists feeling
was sounded, but to its notes, the
(Continued on page three)
Faculty Member to Spend Two Months
In New York; Will Install Theta
Sigma Phi at Berkeley
Miss Grace Edgington, member of the
faculty of the University of Oregon
who is now on a leave of absence of a
year, will leave for San Francisco this
afternoon after spending two days in
Eugene visiting.
Miss Edgington has been at Steila
coom, Washington, for the past three
months resting, reading and doing some
study. She is now starting on a trip
which will take her through several
middle western and southern states and
will end in New York City, where she ex
pects to stay about two months.
Going directly from here to Berkeley,
California, Miss E^gingl|on, who is
national organizer of Theta Sigma Phi,
women’s journalism fraternity, will in
stall a chapter at the University of
California. She will inspect the Stan
ford university chapter, and will visit
at the University of Southern Cali
fornia. From there she will go to Kan
sas to visit both the state university at
Lawrence, and the state industrial col
lege at Manhattan. She will inspect
the chapters of Theta Sigma Phi at
the University of Texas at Austin, and
at the University of Kentucky at Lex
In New York Miss Edgington says
she expects to hear some good music,
see some good shows, visit some friends
at Columbia university and enjoy her
self generally. She will leave there in
time to return to Berkeley, for the
summer term of the university there,
where she will teach a class in news
writing and will work with Bean Allen,
of the University of Oregon, on the
summer session edition of the Daily
Student Council Sets Meeting
of Presidents, Editors
Women in March
Curtailment of Junior Week
end Features is Favored and
Recommendations Made
Hearty endorsement of a plan to is
sue invitations to the presidents of high
school student body organizations, edi
tors of high school newspapers and
yearbooks and to one representative
woman from each of the accredited high
schools of the state to spend a week
end on the Oregon campus as guests of
the university was given by the student
council at a special meeting of that
body last night. The council has called
the convention for a date early in
Extended cooperation with the high
school students of the state has grown
out of the successful convention, held
last year, of editors of high school news
papers which was held by the school of
journalism at Junior Week-end. The
date has been changed this year with
a view to helping the high school rep
resentatives solve the problems in their
work. A March convention, it is
thought, is early enough in the school
j year to allow the students to put. into
i practice beneficial suggestions they
may gain out of the conventions as well
as to view the campus at its best be
fore the spring term political rivalry
and elections and the confusion at
tendant upon Junior Week-end.
Problems of dross, conduct and other
questions that confront the girl enter
ing college will be discussed at the
meetings of the women and it is hoped
that this plan will lead ultimately to
the establishment of woman’s leagues
in the high schools of the state. Each
high school will probably be allowed to
choose the woman to represent them
as they see fit. Details of the conven
tions were left by the council to be
worked out later. A committee com
posed of Floyd Maxwell, Ella Rawlings,
Helen Carson and Lyle Bartholomew
: will work out the details of the con
1 vention.
Adoption of a program that will elim
inate certain Junior Week-end features
and place a limitation on others ns
previously carried out was effected by
the council after a lengthy discussion
in which the council went into a com
mittee of the whole for the considera
tion of details proposed in the cutting
down of the expense of the annual
spring event. The recommendation of
the committee to the junior class in
cludes the following points: elimination
of the senior play as a Junior Week
end event; limitation of the number
of entries in the canoe fete to 20
floats; limitation of the cost of the
individual entries to $20; erection of
bleachers along the mill race to accomo
date the canoe fete crowd; recommenda
tion that the University pay for the
campus luncheon; starting of Junior
Week-end Friday morning at 8 o’clock;
establishing the price of the Junior
Prom as one dollar; and favoring as the
ultimate solution of the Junior Week
end problem some plan by which the
associated students would issue the in
vitations for the May festival.
The plan of the council, in recom
mending the erection of bleachers, is
to pay the expense of such permanent
bleachers by selling reserved seats. In
limiting the number of entries in the
canoe fete to 20 floats the council sug
gests that some of the organizations
may combine if they wish to do so,
thereby cutting down the individual ex
pense and work of preparing a float.
Each entry, it is suggested, should be
limited to one canoe. Establishing a
maximum of cost as $20 will take the
fete out of the class of professional
The junior class will be informed of
the action of the student council for
mally at its next meeting. A com
mittee composed of Floyd Maxwell.
Clayton Ingalls and Imogene Letcher
was appointed by President Bartholo
mew to present these suggestions to
the juniors.
The campus committee was author
ized to instruct the Oregon Knights to
enforce campus regulations in regard to
walking on the turf, particularly
around the Woman’s building. Com
plaints have recently been received of
student disregard for the lawns about
the campus and it is felt that the Ore
kon Knights can best enforce this cam
pus rule.
Ran Francisco,—North Coast Friday,
rain, fresh southernlv winds.
Shadow Is Seen
By Ground Hog;
Spring Delayed
Regularly once a year that inconspic
uous and unassuming little animal,
popularly known as the ground hog,
correctly as the wood chuck, and sci
entifically as the marmota monnx, be
comes the subject of general interest
and conversation. Yearly his habits
and habitat, generally unknown, be
come popular comment on February 2.
On that day Mr. Woodchuck exer
cising his gift of prophecy, pokes his
he ail out into the world and looks upon
the weather. Mr. Woodchuck never
errs in the foretelling of spring, and
indeed he shouldn’t!—for his family
have been prophets ever since Mr.
Radger of Germany built his first an
cestral den.
Yesterday was Ground Hog day!
The general dull gravness would indi
cate to Mr. Woodchuck that spring was
just foolin’ and was really coming
soon. If, however, he happened to be
nosing about during those ten minutes
just before noon, when the sun was
out, he’d go back into his den and
sleep another forty winks.
Dividends May be Larger Next June;
800 Students Are Paid Members
of Association
Nelson English, ’23, was elected presi
dent of the Co-op directorate at a meet
ing held Wednesday night in the office
of the manager, Paul Sayre, ’24 was
chosen vice-president and Harold Simp
son, ’23, is scoretary.troasurer. Besides
the officers are Tom Hughes, ’25, newly
elected, and Dean ,T. F. Bovard and
Prof. T. ,T. Bolitho, who serve with the
officers on the board of directors for
the ensuing year.
Carl Newbury, the retiring president
reported that the Co-op is running on a
sound financial basis. The report was
based on statistics obtained by Virgil
De Lap and Carl Myers, students in the
! department of business administration,
j who have been making an audit of the
books. They found that the cost of
doing business was 16.6 percent of the
net sales and that the net profits were
5.82 percent.
It was brought out at the meeting that
the six pereont dividend, which was de
clared in favor of the members last year
will probably bo equalled or excoedod
| next June. There are now about 800
paid members of the Co-op association
as comparod with 600 last year.
By a unanimous vote Manager Marion
McClain was retained at a salary of $200
a month and the building now occupied
by the store was re-rented at $50 a
month. A discussion of problems in
connection with the business succeeded
the business meeting.
Nelson English, the new executive,
said that the policy of service to the
students in regard to text books will be
carried on in the most efficient manner
possible. Regardless that discounts from
the publishers are very small, he said,,
“the policy of selling at publisher’s
prices will be continued.” While practi
cally all books come from tho East and
freight is abnormally high, still books
will be supplied to students at the same
prices as those paid by students at East
ern Universities, he promised.
Oregon will enter the basketball
lists against the Aggies tonight with
the squad sadly weakened, for three
players, two of them formor lettermen,
Beller, Latham, and Couch are still
out of condition on account of the
“flu.” Latham and Couch will be used
if they are needed but Franz Bellor will
probably not get into the game al
though he will come out in a suit.
However there are some bright sides
to tho situation. Ton days have passed
since the last game and the time has
been utilized to advantage in improv
ing the varsity's shooting and passing,
with the result that the quintet will
show more stuff in spite of the “flu”
than they have evinced thus far this
Aggies Expect Fight
Then too, tho Lemon-Yellow is up
against their traditional and Agricul
tural rivals and, as a recent issue of
the Barometer naively puts it. . . .
“Oregon is at the bottom of the Con
ference list.but they always
manage to pick up enough over there
to give tho Aggies a real fight and
the Beavers are far from confident as
to the outcome of the game.”
Rutherford will probably start his
Ags with Captain Stinson and Fern
ley, forwards, Hjelto, center, and Ross
and Richards guards. The Corvallis
mentor has some mighty talented re
lief men in Lyman, Ryan and the two
Gills. Coach Bolder Is uncertain as to
who will open up for tho varsity but
it is likely that the combination of
Andre and Rockhey or Kdlunds, for
wards, Zimmerman, ceuter, and Bur
nett and Goar guards will answer the
initial gun.
Mat Men to Give Show
Tho wrestling teams of the two
schools will furnish tho thrills in a
curtain raiser that is scheduled to start
promptly at 7 o’clock. There will be
six bouts from tho 125-pound class to
the heavyweight division. The classes
and Oregon representatives follow: 125.
Wegner; 135, Whitcomb; 1-15, Kirtley;
158, Winnard; 158 Nygren; unlimited,
Bradway or McKeown.
The Lemon-Yellow matmen are out
to avenge last year’s overwhelming de
feat at the hands of the collegians and
every varsity representative looks good
for a win with the possible exception
of Kirtley, who has shown real class
all term but is now weakened from a
recent attack of “flu.”
Two Veterans Strong
Winnard nnd Wegner are members
of last year’s aggregation and both
wrostled strong matches against the
Farmers last winter. The rest of the
men are all newcomers to the squad
but have shown the stuff in the work
Tho bouts will probably be refereed
by Ted Thye, Northwest middleweight
Quintet Shows Improvement
in Shooting Since Tilts
With Stanford
Grapplers Will Meet 0. A. C.
Before Basketeers Swing
Into Action Tonight
350 Beautiful Volumes Now
In Pauline Potter Homer Set
OiftH of beautiful, rare, and well
bound volumes during the last few
weeks have brought the total number
of books in the Pauline Potter Homer
Memorial Collection of Beautiful Books
to nearly 350. This collection, which
is now housed in the mezzanine floor
in the central part of the University
library has no equal in any public li
brary in the state, says M. II. Douglass,
Nearly all of the books come in
singly although there are one or two
sets in the collection. Home of them
have been gathered by random trips
through old bookshops. The finest
books which are donated to the library
for general purposes are selected and
placed in this collection although free
for public perusal at any time, has the
rule that no books are to be taken from
the building. People who have been
interested in the project have given
money which the librarians have used
to buy books ordinarily not obtainable.
The collection was started in 191A
with the gift of the books which had
belonged to Mrs. Pauline Potter Tin
mer before her death in the influenza
epidemic in the fall of 1918. As a stu
dent in the University four years be
fore that time she had been an assist
ant in tho library and went to Sim
mons College after her graduation here
to study library work. She was a
member of Gamma Phi Beta. Tier
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Potter are
residents of Eugene.
Soon after her death several of her
friends in the University added a num
ber of rare books to those which had
belonged to her and together with the
donations made by students, friends,
and relatives the group was called a
memorial. Since that time more than
two hundred books have been presented
to the library for this collection.
At. first the books were cared for on
a small shelf but as the collection grew
it became necessary to find better
means of preserving them. Now two
cases in the mezzanine floor fail to pro
vide enough room and another has
been ordered. It is tho plan to util
ize all of the space in that room for
the collection when it grows large
(Continued on page four)