FACULTY TO DISCUSS SPECIALISTS DEGREE Certificate for Teaching Ma^ Be Granted by University NO OPPOSITION EXPECTEC Candidates Must Complete Fifth College Year That a specialist’s certificate foi teaching which is granted beyond and ir addition to the general high school cer tificate based on four years of studj in a higher educational institution, wil be granted to certain persons who hav< received bachelor’s degree from the Uni versity, is now a probability here, wa made known yesterday by a special fac ulty bulletin. The motion to grant r specialist’s degree will be made at. tin faculty meeting tomorrow afternoon, by Dean Sheldon and it is not expectoe that there will be much opposition to it. The certificate is intended to become s recognition of special knowledge of the subject matter of the fields of whicl candidates desire to do their teaching “and other things being equal, those person’s having the specialist's certifi cate will receive preference recommends tion for teaching positions in high schools’’ says the faculty bulletin. The specialist’s certificate as in the ease of degrees wilb be authorized by the faculty and the board of regents, and will be granted by the University. A candidate may at the same time proceed to the master’s degree. The qualifications of the applicant as set forth in the motion to be made at the faculty meeting are as follows: “Certain persons who havo received the bachelor’s degree from this Uni versity, and who thereafter continue in the University for another full year of residence, will bo eligible to receive a Specialist’s Certificate, for teaching, sub jeet to the following conditions: “Candidates for the specialist’s cer tificate must havo carried with an aver age grade of TII a minimum of 48 hours of work in a major lino of study, prior to the conferring of the bachelor’s do {free. ‘ ‘ They must have completed with an average grade of III at least two ad ditional courses of gruduato status in their major subject, per term, through out their fifth year of university study. 1 ‘ They must havo completed at least 42 hours of work in their fifth year. “They must have completed to tin satisfaction of the School of Education of the University a minimum of 22 hours of pedagogy. “The specialist’s certificate will la granted only in the major field in which the foregoing requirements have been fill, filled; provided that nothing in these rules is intended to prevent a candidate’s attempting to meet tin1 requirements for the specialist's certificate in more fields than one.’’ Y M. C. A. PENSION PLAN ADOPTED ON CAMPUS Retiring Fund Approved by Insurance Mon; Secretary Putnam Favors Project The Advisory Hoard of the Uuiver site V. M. A. at a recent meeting adopted the National V. M. 0. A. He tiring Fund Project, as applying to the Univcrsitv branch, The soculled rctir ing fund is organized on much the same plan as the pension service of many of the churches. The completed fund service will be set in motion probably by April 1, 19:12. According to 1-. P. Putnam, campus secretary, the plan has been in the main organized and largely approved by prominent insurance men ot the count rv. As now arranged, the ne ceptauce of tin1 plan is option! with the secretaries and associations through out the country, but of those who nc eept, the secretaries pay between S'.j and l per cent of their salary and the association pays the same amount out of its income If at anv time a score tar\ desires to leave the V. M. C. A. work, the money which he has invested in the fund is returned with four per cent compound interest. A secretary may retire at the age of 00, it desired, but must do so at the age of 70, la order to launch this project it has CLASSIFIED ADS Minimum cl’nr**, \ time. l'f»o: 2 time*, j 4No time*. $1. Mvi*t be limited to 6 line*. over this limit, be per line Hi me 951, or leave copy with Husinea* office of 1 mkk \tv Payment in advance. Office hour*, 1 to 4 p. m. FOUND M oiler ii French ('ompost tion, Advertising and Selling and a black parasol, all left in Deady about Oct. 1921. A green parasol left at Deady two weeks ago. See janitor. ss j:u LOST—Delta (lamina pin, Thursday Finder please call 125. 89 F2. :i. FOR RENT Rooms for men stu dents. One block cast of campus double rooms, $1(1.00, llO.'I Onyx St Phone 1005-J. 82-JS1-5. ROOM FOR RENT Two blocks from Music building 19'-'5 Harris street 90 PI -j been necessary for the Y. M. C. A. to raise $4,000,000 with which to pay the pensions of those secretaries who have or who will soon reach the retirement age. The work of raising the money is being done almost entirely by dona tion of large gifts by wealthy people. 1 Mr. Putnam said in speaking of the fund, that the need for such an insur ance was evident. “The Y. M. C. A. work is a service work,” said Mr. Putnam, “and although a man receives ; enough compensation to raise and edu ! cate a family, yet still by the very ! spirit of the work, it is not a career in which a man can grow rich, or lay j aside much to care for his old age. ' TIence it is only just that we provide J for those who are no longer able to | administer the work with the minimum efficiency. ” W. W. Dillon was the Association delegate who visited the campus and spoke to the University Y. M. C. A. advisory council in the interests of the project. ENGINEERS TO CELEBRATE March 17 Planned as Holiday by Many Colleges at California Berkeley, Cal., Jan. 116— (P. I. N. 8.) —Following the custom of many of the large universities of the United States, the Engineering colleges of the University of California have planned an Engineers’ Day for March 17. They have secured a holiday from 11 o’clock on and special stunts, in cluding an open house in all the col leges, have been planned. The col leges taking part will be: Mechanics, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, and Min ing. REGENT TO ADDRESS GIRLS Mrs. O. T. Gerlinger to be Guest of Dean Fox; Will Speak on Campus Mrs. G. T. Gerlinger, member of the board of regents, will be the guest of Dean Elizabeth Fox Wednesday and Thursday of this week, and will ad dress the women of the University, either through the Y. W. C. A., or through the Woman’s League. This will be the first time this year that the women of the University have had the opportunity of hearing Mrs. Gerlinger. W. S C. FIVE BEATS BEARS University of California, Berkeley, Cal., Jan. 26.—(P. I. N. 8.)—The Wash ington State basketball five defeated the University of California in one of tho fastest and hardest-fought games ever witnessed in the Northwest by the close score of 26 to 24 in tho second of their two-game series. California won tho first of the series, 21 to 15. Get the Classified Ad habit. OREGON CHEMISTS WILL MEET HERE FEBRUARY U Five Members of American Society in University The University of Oregon has been selected as the place for the next reg ular meeting of the American Chemical Society, Oregon Section. The meeting, to be held on the cam pus Saturday, February 25, will be a gathering of members of this state. Of the 50 men in this section, five are associated with the University. These are Professor Frederick L. Shinn, Professor II. J. Tanner, Dr. Roger J. Williams, of the department of chemis try; Ford E. Wilson and Percy A. Las selle, chemistry majors. In a tentative program announced it l as been planned to have a dinner at the Anchorage followed by the meeting at 7:45 in Villard hall. Motion Pictures to Aid Two papers will be read, the first being the “Utilization of Pacific Coast Kelp” by Professor Tanner. Moving pictures of the government kelp beds at Summerland, California, will be shown to illustrate the address. The second paper will be “The Determina tion of the Acidic Property of Alco hoi, and the Consideration of Esters as Acid Anhydrates” by Dr. Williams. The American Chemical Society has a membership of more than fifteen thousand, and is three times as large as any other organization of ehemists in the world. Included among its mem bers are many of the most prominent chemists of America and foreign coun tries. Chemical knowledge and indus try are fostered in every possible way, and its members are given every oppor tunity to keep abreast of the important advances made in chemical science. Three Journals Issued For this purpose three journals are published. The Journal of the Ameri can Chemical Society, in which appear most of the American contributions made to pure chemistry as well as many accounts of the investigations and re searches made by foreign scientists; The Journal of Industrial and Engin eering Chemistry, which covers the ap plication of chemical science to indus trial and engineering uses; and Chemi cal Abstracts, a semi-monthly journal providing classified abstracts of all ar ticles and reports of scientific chemi cal interest published throughout the world. This organization wns of immense vnlue to the government during the war through its assistance in organiz ing the chemical warfare servce. Any one interested in the subject is invited to attend the meeting in Villard ITall. A Com fortable Ribbon Watch Bracelet for Active Women Comfortable because it lias small springs at each end which adapts the Bracelet to the swelling of the muscles. Economical because the springs take the strain off the ribbon, thereby increasing the length of its life. Kconomical because the ribbon passes over rounded corners which do not cut it. GIFTS THAT LAST Luckey’s Jewelry Store The Eugene Packing Company Incorporated. We Patronize Home Industries. FRESH AND CURED MEATS l’hone 3S t>75 Willamette St Successors to the Wing Market. » - —----■ ■ ■ — Do You Need Elxtra Courses? Send for catalog describing over 400 courses in Historv, English. Mathematics, Chemistry. Zoology. Mixlern Languages. Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, etc., given by comtpondtnct, Inquire how credits eat tied may be applied i n present college program. elu' llmitrrmhj nf Cljiraiui HOME STUDY dept. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Y»»r HIGH SCHOOL TEAMS PLAY Eugene Wins From Talent; Loses to Medford; Dumo is Beferee Accompanied by Edwin Durno, fresh man basketball coach, as referee, the Eugene high school basketball squad invaded the southern part of the state last week-end, and engaged in three contests, winning the first from Talent, 23-15, and losing the last two, one to Medford, 20-18, and the other to Ash land, 42-22. Two of Eugene’s best men, Kneeland and Cole, became ill during the trip, and were unable to take part in the last two contests. Hollis Huntington, former athletic star of the University of Oregon, and member of the famous 1916 team that played Pennsylvania at Pasadena, is now athletic coach at Medford. OREGON STUDENT IS NAMED Spencer Carlson, Freshman, Appointed to Naval Academy; Examination Taken During January Spencer A. Carlson, of Marshfield, a freshman in mathematics, has been notified of his appointment as a mid shipman in the naval academy at An napolis. The appointment was made by Representative Hawley of the First Oregon district. Carlton, who is 18 years old, took the examination for the appointment January 14. An entrance examination also will have to be passed in February before he is admitted to the academy. Announcement was made yesterday also pf the appointment of Samuel P. Collins of Eugene to be a cadet at West Point military academy. OHTJBCH DINNER CANCELLED The Church Cooperative Committee dinner, which was announced for Tues day, January 31, has been called off in accordance with the Health Service’s recommendation that no social func tions take place till the present grippe epidemic is over. The date of the meeting will be announced later accord ing to those in charge. “THE FEMININE FLING” COMING Stanford University, Stanford, Cal., Jan. 30.—(P. I. N. 's.)—“The Femi nine Fling” will be the title of the next issue of Chaparral, the Hammer and Coffin publication. It will be ed ited by the Stanford chapter of Theta Sigma Phi, Women’s National Journal istic Honor Society, and the women will be given an opportunity to display their humor. LOOK! But Don’t Stop Bring your clothes in, and watch us rejuvenate them by applying a little steam. Do they need it'/ U. of O. Cleaners Rear Room of Co-Op. Have You Had One of Those MALTED MILKS —At Charlie s Place Sweaters Our Enormous Stock of Men’s Sweaters Now Half-Price Think of it!—right now when you need a good warm sweater we are offering practically our entire stock of high grade sweaters at exactly half-price. Tom Wye sweaters excepted be cause of contract. Former prices in plain fig ures. Your choice at just one-half. All sizes—AH Colors—All Styles Vl/AL! r) I'CVHC*' * The Eugene Packing Company (Imcorpo rated) We Patronize Home Industries. FRESH AND CURED MEATS Phone 38 675 Willamette St. Successors to the Wing Market Full Line of Groceries and Cooked Foods at All Times Hot.... Chicken.... Tomales Individual.. Chicken.. Pies Baked beans a specialty. COME IN AND SEE THEM ALL Eugene Clarifying & Pasteurizing Company Modern Sanitary Milk for every day use. Phone 390 943 Oak Phillips’ ‘MILITARY’ Soles and Heels Jim THE SHOE DOCTOR. 986 Willamette Street. How do you judge— A good place to eat? By its reputation? We have that. By its service? You know we have it. By its pleasing food ? WE CERTAINLY HAVE THAT ! Our Wurlitzer Music goes mighty fine with Toasted ham-sandwiches and coffee. PETER PAN WALT. HUMMELL Prop. . 3 3 3 a :?