Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 27, 1922, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
At Which Everyone Had
To Use Pick and Shovel
As Poor Substitute
For Junior Week-end
— By Jay Do© -
To be or not to be’s the trend of
Junior thought about the May week-end.
The arguments run pro and con and now
a wordy battle’s ion. Th© pros are
launching into verse, the cons may stoop
to something worse. Solutions for the
problem range from “cut it out” to
■“drastic change.” But now we’ll give!
our own bright thought which may or ;
may not all be rot.
Some cons say that campus day is all
we need along the way. We’d shave
the grass and paint the shrubs along
with all our kindred dubs. The campus
grooms, I’ll bet a dime, would save their
work just for this time and as we toiled
with spades and hoes they’d wear a grin
from ear to nose. And then when came
the festive night we’d sit us down and
thusly write: “Dear High School Senior,
I have just been wielding shovels with
the rest. We had a most successful
spree and cleared away a year’s de
bris. It was a real exciting day, just
like a funeral down your way. There
were no games or water fete because
such things are ou* of (Kate. A real nice
time was had by all, but more than that
I can’t recall.” Next year he’d more
than likely be a student green at 0. A.
If Junior week-end is for us then let’s
throw out all extra fuss. Make it a
time of naught but rest, like watching
sunsets in the west. Cut out all dances,
hikes and meets and sleep till day and
night repeats. Give us a little time to
think, we’re on an academic brink, and
don’t, oh don’t, let us display strength
we have on campus day. Another thing,
abolish guests along with academic pests.
Don’t ask a good friend down to eat
for fear we’ll take another’s seat and
may your life be e’er a blight if you
should say, “Come, stay all night.” Be
cause if we are selfish folks let’s do it
right and don’t be jokes.
But we cannot live to ourselves and not
-get laid on dusty shelves. We must get
out and entertain if reputation we sus
tain. To do away with everything is
not the cause for which I sing. Just
trim away the useless stuff and what
is left will be enough. Make every
one feel that he’d be a happy student
here, by gee- They’d then go back
to their home town and spread abroad
our just renown.
The way the week-end happens now
is like a good Scotch-Irish row. It’s
trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, add
ninety-six and make it double. Bevise,
revamp, revolve with care, tear out its
works and give them air. Yank off the
front, cut out the squeal, but don’t re
move the balance wheel. Discard one .
half, put back a third, and then insert
a cuckoo bird. The whole thing then
should run with ease and act as pretty
as you please.
• • •
We must have change, from worse to :
bad, if nothing better’s to be had. Our 1
own solution, we’ll admit, is not so clear j.
and may not fit. But if you ’ll use your ]
master mind some better answer youJ1
will find. If not, oh ay, ah there’s the '
rub, next May you ’ll slumber in a tub j'
while in your little trundle bed some
gay rushee will lay his head. Give
thought, give voice and then react and <
soon the thought will be a fact. Be-1
cause if you don’t use your head ’twill ■
be your own weak-end instead. So
simplify, reduce, divide and throw these :
troubles all aside and when the festal
day comes ’round you ’ll find you stand '
on solid ground. For men have come 1
and men have gone but getting frosfc .
goes ever on, and having bayed our 1
final bay we wend along, goody-by,
good day! I j
Finals of Doughnut League Will be
Held in Armory Building
The finals of the doughnut league
boxing and wrestling tournaments will
be held February t24, in the armory .
with Bill Hayward as the third man in
the ring in the boxing bout and E. A. ,
Britton, of the city Y. M. C. A., referee
ing the wrestling match. The semi
finals are scheduled for February 21
and will be held in the men’s gym.
The men are turning out much bet j
ter and at present about 30 are getting
in condition for the wrestling matches
and about 35 are conditioning for the j
boxing bouts. Pete Jensen has charge .
of the grapplers and Charlie Dawson ,
is working with the mitt wielders.
There is still a noticeable lack of men j.
in the heavyweight divisions and the ;
organisations are urged to send some
men for this class
Delta Tau Delta announces the pledg
ing of John Boyd, of Portland.
American Opportunity to Aid
In Orient Told Assembly
by Dr. Edmunds
Young Body of Thinkers Held
Already Powerful Force
for Development
By assisting in the progress of mod
ern education in China, actuated by
friendly and not predatory motives,
America, and especially her university
students, can accomplish a great deal in
making the world really safe for democ
racy, said Charles K. Edmunds, presi
lent of Canton Christian College,
China, in his address before the stu
dent assembly yesterday morning. Mr.
Edmunds, who has spent some eighteen
vears in the Orient devoted the greater
part of his address to telling his aud
ience how desirous the Chinese were of
gaining a modern education and of the
progress they have made in this line
luring the past few years.
China’s Double Task
“China today faces the dual task of
dmultaneous development of represen
tative government and of general edu
cation,” said Mr. Edmunds. “Either
jf these tasks taken separately would
institute a gigantic problem, whereas
the fact is that they are so closely re
lated and one so dependent on the
Cher, that the attempt to establish an
adequate system of schools before the
government itself is sufficiently stable
to finance the schools may well be re
garded, especially when the size of
China and her peculiar history are
roted, as the greatest educational prob
lem of all time and one which will
lecessarily require several decades for
.ts solution.”
The very mass of China’s 400 mil
lions of people accounts for much of the
apparent lack of progress, he pointed
rut; but a glimpse of her progress in
nodern education in the past few years
ndicates that she is not so slow in
mite of the mass of population. Mr.
Edmunds said that when he first went
;o China in 1903 there were but 1247
itudents in modern schools of all grades
mder Chinese auspices while in 1918
here were 134,000 modern schools un
ler government auspices with an at
endance of 4,500,000 students
Missions Chance to Help
The readiness of the Chinese to ac
lept foreign cooperation when they
lee that they are able to “deliver the
;oods” is an opportunity for Christian
nissions to help • shape the course of
China’s educational development and
las accounted for much of the progress,
through the donations of the Chinese
hemselves, annual current expense
mdget of Canton College has increased
Tom $20,000 to $300,000, and some 10
mildings including an infirmary and a
fuest house have been obtained.
To show the spirit of the Chinese stu
lents, the speaker cited incidents which
>ccured in 1915 and again in 1918,
vhen the usual remittances to the col
ege were not forthcoming from Amer
ca because of war conditions. In order
o obtain the necessary funds the stu
lents of Canton college voluntarily or
ganized a campaign of their own and
n 10 days of their spring recess in each
'ear brought back in cash some $20,000
!or current expenses, in small dona
ions, only a few of which exceeded
±*ay mgn ror Education
Another indication that the Chinese
ire desirous of modern education, ac
cording to Mr. Edmunds is the fact
hat the students are paying in terms
>f purchasing power for living expenses
!ive times as much for their instruc
ion as American students, and yet
lormitories cannot be built fast enough
o accommodate all of them.
Not only has this same spirit been
ihown in a financial way, said Mr. Ed-'
nunds, but, casting aside that old tra- j
iitional standard that the Chinese j
icholar should never do manual labor,!
he students of Canton college labored
!or a whole school year and built a
iwimming pool for themselves. They j
lave also responded to the influence
>f modern athletics, which, first in- :
roduced in the form of association
’ootball, caused the long gowns and j
he long finger nails to disappear, (
vithout any school legislation on the
Gambling Put Down
That the students of China are al
■eady making themselves a powerful
nfluence in the country, the eollege
(Oontiaeed mi page towr)
“His Fourth Son” Name of Article
Accepted by Magazine; Author For
merly on University Faculty
"Hi9 Fourth Born,” is the title of
a short story written by Grace Edging
ton, a member of the faculty of Oregon,
which appears in the February number
of the Sunset magazine.
Miss Edgington is a graduate of
Oregon in the class of 1916, and at
present she is a member of the faculty
of the school of journalism. She was
granted a leave of absence last spring
in order to devote herself to writing.
She was a charter member of Theta
Sigma Phi, woman’s honorary jour
nalism fraternity, and last year was
editor of “Old Oregon” a publication
for Oregon Alumni.
“The Matrix,” the publication of
the Theta Sigma Phi, has published
several poems and articles by Miss
Edgington, and she has also had several
poems in the “College Anthology,” a
publication of students ’ work.
Miss Edgington’s story in the Sun
set is a tale of an orphan lad, and a
man who wanted a son who would be
his “pal.” The boy’s struggles in a
home where he is not wanted are very
touchingly told, and the story through
out is of professional standard.
Miss Edgington is at present living
near Steilacoom, Washington, whore
she is devoting all her time to writing.
J. A. Churchill Among New Members
of Education Fraternity; 36 Now
In Organization
Nine candidates were initiated into
Phi Delta Kappa, honorary education
fraternity, in the club rooms of the
Woman’s building Wednesday night.
The initiation ceremonies were con
ducted by the officers of Chi chapter
after which a banquet was served at
the Anchorage. Brief addresses were
given by R. M. Miller, professor of la
bor economics, Prof. C. A. Gregory, of
the school of education, J. A. Churchill,
state superintendent of public instruc
tion, Read Bain and W. A. Mclnnes.
The following students most of whom
are seniors or graduate students were
initiated: F. William Beck, Harry B.
Brookhart, Elbert L. Hoskin, Ralph 1
IJ. Moore, George R. Mclntire, J. Clif
ton Tucker, and Sophus K. Winther.
E. L. Keezel, professor of education at
Whitman College, who was one of the
charter members of the early organiza
tion was admitted to membership at
this time, it having been impossible
for Mr. Keezel to attend an initiation. ]
T. A. Churchill was received as an hon
orary member.
About two years ago an educational
moiety having the name of Phi Kappa
Delta was organized. Tn February 1921
membership in the national fraternity
°ras secured at which time the name
svas changed to Phi Delta Kappa. Only j
those having high standards of scholar j
hip are admitted- There are 36 mem ;
bers in the local chapter.
Educational Side of Nature Will be
Considered by Party; Every One ,
in School Invited
Those to whom the conifer-clad buttes ;
ind hills of Oregon, the rolling plains, j
ind rugged vistas of snow clad moun
tains appeal will soon have an oppor
tunity of close communion with nature
loupled with the joys of cheerful hu
man companionship, according to an
announcement made by Herbert
3chenck. Saturday, January 28, is
the date set for the first of a series
>f educational hikes fostered by the
recreation committee and the Condon
The Braes at Spencer creek will be
the mecca for the hikers who will meet
it Eleventh and Willamette streets at
10 a. m. The party will take the Col
lege crest car, alight at Howe station
and hike to the Braes ^nd back from
there, a distance of seven .miles in all.
Ihose contemplating taking the hike
ire instructed to bring their own
lunch, ten cents for car-fare, a recep
tacle to drink from and a nickle to
rover the cost of coffee supplied by j
the committee in charge.
Dr. John F. Bovard will direct the
bike. All that is required of the hiker ;
Dther than the incidentals is an interest
in the outdoors and a little spare time
Partners are neither barred nor re
quired, according to Schenck, nor will
Oregonians be deterred by rain.
The hikes are designed not only to
furnish recreation but also to provide i
those who desire it with information
regarding geological features, flora and
fauna encountered. Absolutely no one
is barred says the committee.
Phi Gamma Delta announces the
pledging of Robert Hawkins of Ilwaeo,
Forensic Manager Hopeful for
Victory Over Strong
U. of W. Team
Oregon’s Negative Will Make
Trip to Seattle; Thorpe
is Coaching
With the girl’s varsity debate teams
working hard Paul Patterson, forensic
manager, states that victory over the
capable University of Washington team
is almost certain. The contest will be
particularly keen because of the defeats
which that University dealt Oregon last
year both in Seattle and in Eugene.
Those who have been selected by
Professor Thorpe, debate coach, to rep
resent Oregon against Washington on
February 17 are Lurline Coulter ami
Elaine Cooper for the negative and
Edna Largent with Wanda Daggett for
the affirmative. Mae Fenno has been
substituting for Miss Coulter during
an illness, but it is expected that Miss
Coulter will soon be able to resume her
work with the team.
The question which will be debated
with Washington is “Resolved: That
Congress should pass the Veteran’s
Adjusted Compensation Bill.” It is
agreed that the act to be debated is
the one which was submitted by the
American Legion.
Before the debate with the Univer
sity of Washington, tryouts will be held
for the women’s debate with O. A. C.
This debate is scheduled for April 28.
The question to be discussed is “Re
solved: That the principle of the
closed shop should be adopted in Ameri
can industries.”
Patterson remarked that O. A. C. has
already picked the team for this con
test. “They are debating constantly
on the subject over there,” he said.
‘They intend to win again this year if
they can. The prospective material for
a team to represent us is very en
couraging. We have a chance to win
he debates with both Washington and
3. A. C. We have an excellent coach
and hard workers picked for the
Oregon’s negative will travel to Se
sttle and the affirmative will debate
Washington’s negative here.
James Being Scheduled for Season;
More Players Needed or Game May
he Dropped From Sports
The varsity soccer squad is called
lpon again to turn out for practice.
Die season is just beginning, as irrad
iate Manager Benefiel has been in
;ouch with Stanford and the officials
>f the Portland Pity League regarding
Games can be arranged easily pro
viding a team can be put on the field
srhich will be able to make a credible
ihowing, according to Benefiel, who in
ends to schedule one game and then
vatch the result. If the turnout is
latisfactorv more games will be secured.
“If the turnout justifies,” he said,
‘games will be arranged with Portland
;eams. With only six men out there
s no use of going after games. At
east twenty men should be out for
he team.”
It now remains to be seen how the
rlayers take the one game arranged,
ff they show a desire to continue play
ng and turning out regularly for prao
:ice more games will be scheduled and
loeeer will be put on a stronger basis,
rf there is not a hearty response on the
s a strong possibility that it will not be
iiscontinued for the year and there
s a strong possibility that it won’t be
>n the boards next year, officials say.
Series Enters on Second Bound in Inter
mural Handball Games
The second round of the doughnut
iandball series started yesterday with
Kappa Sigma trimming Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, 21-2 and 21 6. In the second
'ontest. Alpha Tau Omega beat Kappa
Theta Chi in two hotly contested bat
tles, 21-8 and 21-20.
Today Phi Gamma Delta will meet
Oregon Club No. 1 and Sigma Chi will
tangle with Oregon Club No. 2. The
sontests will take plaee on the hand
ball court in the men’s gym thU after
Dean W. G. Hale Makes Written Re- !
port of Registration and Gifts
of Legal Books
The law school registration for the
current academic year, according to
the written report of the school of law
made to President Campbell by Dean
William G. Hale, shows a noticeable
increase over that of last year. There
are 25 first year students, 15 in their
second year, 10 in the third, and 8
partials. This is an increase in the
number of regular students, as well as
an increase in the first year registra
tion which was only 14 last year. In
the pre-legal group the attendance has
virtually doubled.
Dean Hale made special mention of
the Fenton Memorial library, presented
to the law school by Judge and Mrs.
W. D. Fenton, of Portland, and com
prising approximately 10,000 volumes
accumulated at a cost of $50,000, as
a most valuable addition to the law
school. He also spoke of the throe new
sets of Oregon Supreme Court reports,
and a like number of sets of Olsen’s
Oregon Laws, which have been placed
in the university law library through
the efforts of Sam A. Kozer, secretary
of state.
Marian Taylor and Ogden Johnson Cast
in Leading Roles; February 26
Date Set for Production
“The Country Cousin,” n four act
comedy by Booth Tarkington and
Julian Street will be produced by the
University Mask and Buskin chapter of
the Associated University Players un
der the management of the department
of drama and the speech arts and the
direction of Charlotte Ban field, Satur- '
day, February 25. The play will be 1
presented in the Eugene theatre and ’
will be run only one night. l
Although the entire cast is not yet ’
selected it is known that Marian Tay- |
lor and Ogden Johnson will play the t
leading roles. Both Miss Taylor and |
Johnson have been prominent in the (
dramatic department in former years.
The proceeds gained from the play will
go to the student body fund to help
lift the student body debt.
“The Country Cousin” is n play well I
worth the efforts of the students as i
it is written by an author noted for i
hia clever juvenile characters. The I
atmosphere is wholesome and the play i
filled with comedy. Booth Tarkington j
is the author of “Clarence” and “Sev- |
onteen” two plays which have been
extremely popular all over the country. ,
“The Country Cousin” was made fam
ous through the work of Elexandra
Carlisle, noted actress, who is now play
ing successfully in London. The play
was seen in Eugene two years ago when 1
it was played by a road show and all '
who remember it speak highly of its 1I
dramatic merits.
_ ! i
J. P. Newell Will be Here for Next 1'
Meeting of Tech Society | <
J. P. Newell, consulting engineer for
the Oregon public service commission, |
and railroad valuation expert for the |
Canadian government is expected to
be on the campus in time for the next
regular meeting of the Technical so
ciety, February 1. He will address that
society on the “Railroad Situation in J
Canada.” Mr. Newell was formerly
scheduled to address the society at ^
the first. January meeting, but was
unavoidably detained by railroad liti
gation. Mr. Newell is a brother of |
W. K. Newell, superintendent of Uni
versity properties.
Health Service Acts After
Joint Session With Social
Affairs Committee
Danger Declared Not Great
But Students Urged to
Take Extra Care
The University health service, with
the approval of the social affairs
committee, considers It wise to pro
hibit formal and informal dances for
a few days until the conditions jus
tify rescinding of the order. The
order Is Issued in view of the prevall
ence of Infectious colds and grip.
This mild epidemic has not yet be
come an epidemic of lnfluensa, and
the University authorities are tak
ing the foregoing precautionary
measure to prevent the Influenza
that has taken hold elsewhere from
getting into the University. The
order is effective from and Including
January 27.
(Signed) University Health Ser
vice, by John F. Bovard, Chairman
Approved: P. L. Campbell, Presi
Prohibition of nil dances, formnl and
nformal, was decided on yosterday after
loon at a joint mooting of the Uni
'orsity health committee and tho com
nittee on social affairs of the Uni
■orsity. This action, taken for the pur
ioso of chocking tho epidemic of colds
ind grip on tho campus, was accompanied
>y recommendations that every student
ake extra precautions to avoid infection
vith the prevailing malady.
“This is a purely precautionary meas
ire, ” Dr. John F. Bovard, head of the
lenlth service, said yesterday. ‘ ‘ We de
ddedly do not wish to spread alarm
.mong the stiHtoits, for the health situa
ion is not reitlly serious. However, the
entiment at the joint committee moet
ng was, that not only should all dances
>e postponed until further notice, but
ilso that students should observe extra
are of their health while there is any
langer of infection.
Student Co-operation Asked
“We should like to emphasize to the
tudents that all wo are asking for is
. little extra care. We want them to
ive normal lives, to be happy and una
'raid, but to avoid crowded buildings
md assemblages where tho danger of
nfoction is considerable. The tompora
y prohibition of dances on the campus
vill not be effective unless it is ac
oinpanied by the right sort of coopera
ion on the part of the students, in re
'mining from rushing to similar af
airs or other assemblages downtown un
it the present mud epidemic is stamped
nit. ’ ’
The epidemic is now being brought
mder control, according to a statement
;ivon out by the University health
or vice. There has been an unusual run
in tho dispensary and infirmary during
he past week, with an average of 150
tudents cared for dnily.
The supply of beds in tho infirmary
ias not been adequate to care for all
(Continued on page four,
Vachel Lindsay Has Keen Liking
For Beauty and Square Meals
A robust American, a hater of in
justice, a sensitive individual with a
passionate love for beauty in Vachel
Lindsay, widely known poet, who is to
lecture on the campus February 7. His
coming holds for many a delightful
expectancy for it is everywhere said
that to know Vachel Lindsay and his
work one must see him and hear him.
“His voice is to me the one voice in
this land of ours which is singing the
high music of the soul-” Thus writes
Temple Scott in a recent issue of his
Hook Guide of the author of “The
Gongo,” “General William Rooth En
ters Heaven,” “The Golden Whales
of California,” the poet of Spring
field, Illinois, (for Lindsay has en
shrined his home town in his heart and
sings of it and of its sure-to-be glorious
future unendingly.)
“Vachel is ruddy, sandy-haired, mid
dle sized, with eyes the color ef a green
twilight and pale eyebrows surmounted
by two remarkable bumps,” says an
anthor—could it be Hey wood Broun 1
—in the Bookman. “According to my
phrenology, one of those bumps repre
sented love of Springfield, Illinois, and
the other love of a square meal with
plenty of talk. He is always perfectly
shaven, wears very neat machine-made
clothes and black stub-toed shoes. First
he bows very low, with excessive polite
ness; then he throws his head back like
a lion at bay, to show that no matter
who you are, he is not afraid of you.
■ When he is excited, he closes his eye
lids and pushes his ecstatic phiz toward
you. There is something delightfully
elvish about him.
“Vachel had endured as much adu
lation, female twitter, and homage as
I any other five American poets. He
I is the only living American poet who
i has been lionized in England. None
of this business can spoil him; he is
permanently simple, and permanently
shrewd and sane; there is not a gram
of bunk in him. He has a startling
sense of humor; when he laughs, the
(Caatiaaed aa page twe)