Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 26, 1922, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Grid Contest Scheduled Tentatively
for Pendleton October 21; Chances
Held Favorable for Coming Sea
Corvallis Contest, Including Fare, to
Cost $3.20; Washington Basket
ball Quintet Held Favorites Over
TJ. C.
If tentative arrangements -with the
business men of Pendleton work out,
eastern Oregon buckaroo fans will have
an opportunity to see a big league foot
ball game in their own territory as a
game between Oregon and Whitman is
scheduled tentatively for Pendleton on
October 21. The Round-up grounds
that have echoed and re-echoed with
the bellow of mad steers, the screams
of wild mustangs and the curses of cow
punchers will have a chance to resound
with the staccato bark of signals and
the organized howling that only the
excitement of a real football game can
produce. For, of course, if the game is
played there, Oregon supporters will
gather from the adjacent regions to
hurl their oskied defiance to a waiting
l * * *
Graduate Manager Benefiel thinks
highly of Oregon’s chances during the
coming season and in the event of the
varsity winning it’s northern games,
has provided a tentative game with
the Golden Bear, provided of course
that the Bruins win their southern
games, to be played in the new Cali
fornia Stadium again with a provisio
that the Stadium be finished, on De
cember 9. This game would be keenly
anticipated by Oregon supporters at
large, who have in their minds that
bitter 39-0 defeat of last year.
And the Lemon-Yellow will be a
tough nut for Bruin’s jaws for in spite
of the losses the team will be experi
enced and well balanced with this
year’s subs and a few from this year’s
freshmen to fill the gaps. Benefiel
stated that the Oregon players showed
everything in their games with the
Hawaiian teams and the finished drive
that meant yardage, a factor sadly lack
ing during most of the conference sea
son. Jack stated that Bill Reinhart
paid Hal Chapman a mighty fine com
pliment after seeing him in action in
the islands as follows: “Chapman has
absolutely everything as a quarter that
one could look for in any man in his
first year. And Billy should be a good
judge of a football player for he has
played the grid game from France to
Hawaii, including Missouri and otheT
• • •
"Whether the grid struggle with the
Whitman Missionaries is played in Eu
gene or not, there will be at least four
games on Hayward field. Either Pacific
or some other small school will be
brought here for an early season game
or a big game will be scheduled for the
first Saturday in Eugene which repre
sents an open date. According to
Manager Benefiel every effort will be
made to get all the students to Corval
lis for the annual wrangle with the
Aggies. An effort will be made to fill
all cars going Corvallisward with stu
dents which if properly done should get
a lot of them over there. Jack has it
figured down to a round- trip cost in
cluding game and everything of $3.20
for those who have to go by train,
which isn’t much money to see the
yearly anti-Aggie demonstration.
After dropping the first of their two
game series with California, the Wash
ington State Cougars came back strong
in the final contest played Tuesday
night and after finishing on the under
side of a 21-10 count, the Staters won
the game handily in the final minutes
-of play. Captain Jack Friel was the main
factor in the Pullman victory and af
ter being blanked in the Monday night
game stepped out and annexed 12 points
and the victory.
What looks very much like the initial i
tilt for the basketball championship I
of the Pacific Coast Conference will |
occur on Friday and Saturday nights
when the California Bears tangle with
the University of Washington five at
Seattle. While California has almost
the same team back that won the flag
for them last year, Washington is the
favorite in local basketball circles.
Coach Bohler and most of the Oregon
players pick the Vikings to win the
• « a
With the Oregon series over the Car-1
dinals will journey to Corvallis to work |
on the Aggies Friday and Saturday. |
The series will be worth watching in i
that it will elimnate one of the teams |
from the race. O. A. C., twice beaten,
will have to come across against Stan-1
ford if they are to be considered and i
obviously Stanford will not be taken
seriously as championship caliber un- |
4 less they can trim the Aggies, which j
in spite of two defeats at the hands
of Washington would seem to be quite
a task.
“Baddies of Many Lands” was the
subject of an address given by Dan
E. Clark to the fathers of the children
of Condon school last night. The gene
ral purpose of tte lecture was to prove
to the wives present that the American
father is vastly superior to those of
other lands. In proving this. Mr. Clark
showed lantern slides of Chinese, Japa
nese, Philippine, Mexican. African.
Italian. French and other nationalities
of fathers.
Invitations Would be Sent to
Seniors by Student
Amendment to Smoking Rule
is Adopted; Includes More
Campus Walks
The student council went on record
as favoring a properly limited Junior
Week-end, with invitations to be ex
tended from the A. S. U. O. in accord
ance with a plan to be submitted by
a committee, at the meeting of the
student council last night. The above
action was taken after the proposal of
a plan by which Junior Week-end
guests will be selected from the high
schools of the state on the basis of
scholastic standing, participation in ac
tivities and personality and will be the
guests of the University rather than
guests of individuals or of the several
living organizations on the campus.
The plan was proposed by the Greater
Oregon committee, represented by Jean
nette Calkins.
Seniors to be Asked
According to the plan proposed the
person selected to represent his school
would be a member of the senior class
and his selection would be made
through the cooperation of the instruc
tors in the school and the Oregon alum
ni in that town. Larger schools would
be represented by a proportionately
larger number of students than the
smaller ones. The entire number in
vited would be based on the number of
seniors in the state and the number the
living organizations are able to accom
This plan would do away with the
entertainment of “professional Junior
Week-enders” and with the large num
ber of guests who are not the type of
students Oregon wants to attract and
would give the University the adver
tising needed in the small towns of the
state, its proponents claim. Those op
posed maintain that the preppers would
feel that they were “forced guests”
and not welcome. A committee com
posed of Charles Lamb, Norton Win
nard, Chloe Thompson, Paul Patterson
and Ella Rawlings will make the recom
mendations for limitations and the in
vitation plan at the next meeting.
Financing is Proposed
A plan for the cooperative financing
of concert courses on the campus by
the associated students rather than by
the Oregon Music Council, the Wo
man’s league or by the faculty of the
school of music was proposed by Dean
John Landsbury for the consideration
of the council. By the plan proposed
the registration fund of each student
would include a small amount to cover
the cost of bringing a series of from
six to nine artists during the school
year and the proceeds from which would
be returned to the student body fund
for the support of the glee clubs, band
and orchestra. Wayne Akers, Made
line Logan and Clayton Ingle will con
sider Dean Landsbury’s proposal.
Final action on the limitation of the
cost of the freshman bonfire was post
poned until the second meeting of the
council after the opening of the Uni
versity next fall upon the recommenda
tion of the special committee appointed
to investigate the matter. Norton Win
nard, chairman of the bonfire limita
tion committee, reported to the council
(Continned on page foor)
Educator Will Speak
of Menaces to China
IS- C. Edmunds, President Canton
I Christian College v
Special Permission Given to Continue
Dance Affair Until 11:30;
Program Excellent
“Buy your tickets now if you want
good seats.”
This warning was issued last night |
by those in charge of the seat sale for 1
the Home concert of the Men’s Glee i
club, which will be held Saturday night I
at 8:15 in the Woman’s building.
Both the Co-op and Kuykendall’s
Drug Store report heavy sales, and it j
is expected that every seat will be sold
before the night of the event. The
splendid acoustics of the Woman’s
building make every seat a desirable j
one, according to local music critics. |
One of the factors which promises
to make the concert especially suc
cessful from the financial standpoint is
the fact that it is the only student
body event scheduled for this week-end,
the Friday night student body dance
having been postponed, according to
the manager.
John Stark Evans, director of the
organization, reports that the men are
practicing every night and says that
the program is in excellent shape.
The complementary dance, which the
men will give after the concert, will
last until 11:30 by special permission.
Bill McBride and his orchestra will
furnish the music.
Adolph Steumerman to Aid Dean
Landsbury on Summer Trip
- i
Plans for the University of Oregon j
summer tour are rapidly developing un- 1
der the leadership of Dean John J.
Landsbury of the school of music. Dr.
Landsbury will be assisted in some of
the lecture work bv Mr. Adolph Steu
merman of Memphis, Tennessee, while
Mrs. Bowman of Cincinnatti, Ohio,
will assist Mrs. Anna L. Beck, of the
school of music, in acting as chaperon.
“This is the only music summer
school which the Bennett’s Travel
Bureau is sponsoring,” said Dr. Lands
bury, in commenting upon the tour.
‘For fifteen weeks, through the Musi
cal Courier, it will keep the name of
the University of Oregon before the
“Six or seven students of the Uni
versity have already expressed their
wish to go,” Dr. Landsbury concluded.
Miss Glenn Frank, a senior in the
lepartment of chemistry, will speak
before the Chemist’s club oa the “His
;ory of Chemistry.” The lecture will
:>e presented in McClure hall at 7:30
rhursday evening. Anyone interested i
n the subject is invited to attend. A ;
ihort business meeting will be held im
nediately after the lecture.
OF SEMES 23-21
Contest Rough Throughout
And Marked by Close
Neither Aggregation Able to
Convert Free Throws
The Stanford Cardinals took the final
game of the series from the varsity five
last night by a two point margin, the
final score being 23-21. The game was
extremely rough throughout and was
marked by the close guarding of both
aggregations. Stanford swung into the
lead in the middle of the initial frame
and kept a point or two ahead of the
Lemon-Yellow during the remainder of
the game.
The first eight minutes of the game
passed without a field goal by either
team and with the score tied at. one ali,
Captain .Tim Davies of the Cardinals
broke the suspense with a basket from
right under the hoop, MoHose followed
a second Inter with another. Oregon
then spurted and baskets by Edlunds
and Zimmerman tied it up at five. The
half ended with both teams checking
closely and with Stanford maintaining
a slight lead at 9-8.
McIIose, the visitors youthful pro
digy started proceedings shortly after
hostilities were reopened, Boiler slip
ping in a beautiful counter for the
varsity a minute later. The Lemon
Yellow made a valiant attempt to turn
the tide in the final four minutes of
play- The rally started with the count
21-16 the wrong way, Andre opened bv
converting a foul and then securing a
field goal shortly after the ball was
put in play. With the score 21-19 for
Stanford, Janssen their lanky center
gloomed the varsity’s chances of vie
tory by hopping a basket from the
center of the floor with an Oregon man
draped on his arm. Rol Andre secured
the final Oregon goal a second before
the final gun.
For Oregon, Coach Rohler made num
erous substitutions throughout the con
test, while Stanford entered one spare.
McHose was again high point man for
Stanford with six field goals to his
credit, Captain Davies his running mate
at forward annexing seven points.
Andre was the leading scorer for the
Varsity with nine to his credit, four
field goals and one converted foul.
Roth teams showed inability to con
cert their free throws, the Varsity se- 1
curing three in 12 attempts while
Davies of Stanford secured three in
eight attempts. Roekhey, Roller and
Andre shot the free throws for Oregon.
Stanford leaves for Corvallis today
where they will open a two game series
with the Oregon Aggies on Friday
The lineup:
Oregon (21) Stanford (23)
Hoekhey, 2 ... . F. Davies, 7
L,atham F. McHose, 12
?immerman, 4 ...0.Janssen, 2
Touch, 2 .0. Richmond, 2
Turnett .0. DeOroot
Sdlunds, 2 .8. Howell
■Teller, 2 .S
Andre, 9 8
Altstock .8
Referee: Ralph Coleman, O. A. C.
The order of the O student body
lance which was scheduled for Friday
light will not be held, due to the fact
hat neither the New Armory, nor the
Voman's building are available.
Majority of 300 Required for Passage;
Fee for Sports Still
The proposed amendment to the con
stitution of the associated students,
giving the executive council the power
to charge a nominal fee for minor sports
in addition to the four dollars paid
each term for a student body ticket,
failed to carry because of the lack of
a sufficient number of ballots being
The results show 105 vots's yes, and
07 votes no, but the constitution pro
vides that an amendment may be passed
only by a majority of 300 or more votes.
Tn this ease only 173 votes were cast,
so the measure is automatically killed.
The sports that would have been af
fected by this measure are boxing,
wrestling, swimming, soccer, and tennis.
According to official announcements,
the budget for these sports has been
cut from $1320 to $750, and they claim
this amount is not sufficient to see
through the contests which have been
scheduled. Wrestling and boxing bouts
had been arranged with O. A. C., and
soccer games were planned with Stan
ford, O. A. C. and Multnomah.
General Average of 3.54 Higher Than
in Spring Term; Women Beat
Fraternity Record
Alpha Chi Omega leads in the
scholarship averages as announced for
the Fall term by the registrar’s office
with an average of 2.83. Alpha Chi
Omega held second place in the Spring
term with an average of 2.752. Zeta
Rho Epsilon now holds second place
on the grade roll with an average of
3.03, while they held 21st place with
an average of 3.61 in the spring term.
Friendly hall leads the men’s houses
in the ninth place with an average of
3.35, having come np from eleventh
place and an average of 3.199 in the
spring term. Delta Tau Delta is sec
ond men’s house with an average of
3.42. In the spring term Delta Tan
Delta held nineteenth place with an
average of 3.567.
Although the individual grades are
perhaps lower this last, term than they
were the spring term, still the general
average appears higher due to the*
abolition of the condition by the fac
ulty. Thus a failure is now counted
as six in place of seven ns formerly.
The basis of averages is, Honors—T,
TT—2, TTT—3, TV—4, V—S, F—6. Tncom
pletes are not counted. Fractions of
hours are not averaged. Military and
Gymnasium are both averaged this
The women’s average for the term
is 3.31, exactly the same mark as in
the spring term. The men’s average
this term is 3.81 as compared with
3.90 last term. The general average
for all of the houses for this term is
3.54 as opposed to 3.605 last term.
Follows a list of the houses; with
their standings, and a comparison with
the record made by each in the spring
Rank Name of
Fall term House
Spring Fall term
.752 2.83
Alpha Chi Omega 2
Zeta Rho Epsilon 3.67 3.03
Pi Beta Phi 3.13 3.12
Kappa Alpha Thotn 2.759 3.15
Kappa Kappa Gamma 3.39 3.16
Alpha Delta Pi 3.03 3.22
Hendricks Hall 3.986 3.26
Alpha Phi 2.91 3.28
Friendly Hall 3.199 3.35
Delta Delta Delta 3.568 3.360
Gamma Phi Beta 3.08 3.362
Delta Tan Delta 3.567 3.42
Delta Gamma 3.194 3.46
Thatcher Cottage 3,47
(Continued on page four
Tickets for Twenty-third Annual Home Concert of Men's Glee Club Selling Rapidly; Truly
Artistic Program Arranged by Director John Stark Evans; Tragic Grand Opera Included in Bill
Top row (left to right)—Valentyne, Farris, Eben, Beed, Ellsworth, Poston, Furry; middle row—Smith, Cannon, Akers, Bryson, Kays, Newbury,
Gavin, English; bottom row—Moore, Phillips, Johnson, Evans (Director), Pate^ Mor row, Dawson.
Dr. Charles K. Edmunds Says
Much Can be Done to Build
Relations With China
Educator 18 Years in Orient
Will Give Picture of
Conditions There
American college students could do
much to strengthen the relations be
tween the countries of the Orient and
America by becoming closer students
of international affairs, and this in turn
would bring more benefit to America
than to any other nation, is the opin
ion of President Charles K. Edmunds
of the Canton Christian College in
China, who will speak at the assembly
this morning on the subject of “De
mocracy in the Far East.”
Dr. Edmunds met with a group of
University students and representa
tives of the faculty yesterday after
noon. At that time ho presented the
idea that it would bo advantageous for
the University of Oregon fo provide for
the support of a teacher at this college.
A committee to act in this respoct will
be appointed this morning by Presi
dent Cnmpbell to take the matter in
History Class Addressed
lie spoke yesterday morning at 11
o 'clock to Professor Griffin's class in
Oriental History, and described the
countries of Japan and China and the
conditions which they are facing now.
After his talk to the student as
sembly this morning he will address
the Eugene Chamber of Commerce and
in the evening will speak again at
Villnrd hall, It will be an illustrated
locturo under the auspices of the Ameri
can Association of University Women.
"Chinn is now undergoing a period
of change and it is our opportunity to
help the causo of education," he said
The period of transformation in China
is the time for America to use her in
fluence in order that the people of
the Orient will be favorable to our
Chinese Love America
Dr. Edmunds thinks that if the Amer
ican people step \y with aid for col
leges and schools in China the reward
in good will and interest to the United
States will be felt for years to come.
Ho says that the Chinese regard for
America is already very high.
Tn his talk this morning Dr. Ed
munds will describe conditions in China
and at the Canton Christian College.
He has been in the Orient for 18 years
and during that time the college has
grown from a small institution to a
school with almost as many students,
altogether, ns the University now has.
Eight or nine colleges in America are
backing a teacher in the college. The
University of Washington is paying
the salary and the expenses of a pro
fessor of business administration at the
college. They also have the assistance
nf the Seattle Chamber of Commerce.
Faculty Men in Demand
The need for professors of physics,
economics, business administration, En
glish, mathematics, French and Ger
man is said to be so great that Dr.
Edmunds is making an appeal to col
leges in America to support an instruc
tor or to pay part of his expenses.
The Canton Christian College, he
pointed out, is the only non-denomina
tional college in China and he believes
that it merits the support of state
supported schools of America. He said
that the church schools in that country
were supported by the churches and
that the other schools must rely on
outside support. The college is the
only co educational school in China.
As one of the features of the pro
gram this morning thn University Or
chestra will play. Dr. ,T. M. Walters,
the new pastor of the First Methodist
church, will give the invocation.
Organization Will Discuss Flans for
Permanency Tonight
The newly organized California club
will meet tonight at 7:30 p. m. in room
105 Commerce building when plans for
perfecting the permanency of the or
ganization will be discussed. There are
at present 50 members of the society
and if plans work out they will soon
have a strong permanent group.
The club was organized last Thurs
day, with the following officers; Don
Park, president, and Doris Bothwell,