Oregon Daily Emerald > Member Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association Floyd Maxwell Webster Ruble Editor Manager_ Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. News Editor Kenneth Youel Associate News Editor ....Wilford Allen Daily News Editors Margaret Scott Ruth Auatin Phil Brogan Arthur Rudd Wanna McKinney Bporta Editor ..- Edwin Hoyt Sports Writers—Kenneth Cooper, Harold Bbirley, Edwin Fraser. Night Editors Arne Rae Earle Voorhies Marvin Blaha Fred Michelson Dan Lyons News Service Editor . John Dierdorff Exchanges . Eunice Zimmerman Statistician .-.— Doris Sikes News Staff—Nancy Wilson. Mabel Gilham, Owen Callaway, Elorine Packard, Jean Strachan. Madelene Logan, Jessie Thompson. Florence Cartwright, Marion Lay Helen King, John Piper. Herliert Larson, Margaret Powers, Doris Holman, Genevieve Jewell. Rosalia Keber, rreaa Goodrich, Georgianna Gerlinger, Claude Hollister, Edward Smith, Clinton Howard, Elmer Clark, Mae Ballack, Catherine Spall, Martha Shull, Ernest Richter. Alfred Erickson._ Associate Manager - Advertising Manager# -- Circulation Manager .-.— Aa#intent Circulation Manager - Proofreaders Collections - Advertising Assistants - BUSINESS STAFF ____ Morgan Staton 7.7... Lot Beatie, Randolph Kuhn ..... Jason McCune 7***. -.. Gibson Wright *. Lawrence Smith, Lawrence Isenbarger m .... Mildred Lauderdale 777 Ly le Janz, Karl Hardenburgh, Kelly Branstetter Entered in the poet office at Eugene Oregon as second class matter. Subscription rates, 12.26 per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application.__ Business Mansger 661 PHONES Editor 666 Daily News Editor This laaoa John Anderson Night Editor Thla Imuc Du Lyons Do We Want Junior Week End? There has been considerable discussion of late about the advis ability of continuing Junior Week End under the same conditions and in the same manner that has been the case for the past several years. Discussion both pro and con has been entered into, and now the junior class has put it squarely up to the decision of the Student Council as to just what course should be taken. Some time ago a faculty member asked for student opinion on the matter through the “open forum” columns of The Emerald, but the answers were slow in coming. Now that it has become a vital student issue, let’s have a little expression of student opinion in the matter. The junior class has taken cognizance of the opposition to the con tinuance of the event in its present form, and it has likewise taken cognizance of the fact that many students are in favor of continuing it as a part of Oregon and an Oregon tradition. The class has very wisely awaited the action of the Student Council and of campus org anizations in an effort to ascertain just what the sentiment is. It cannot be expected to wait too long in this matter. Oregon students recognize that Junior Week End is a distinct asset to the University. They also recognize that many of the main features of Junior Week End such as the canoe fete cannot be eliminated without a suitable substitute as an attraction of merit. There does appear to be very strong sentiment on the campus for the limitation of the week-end festivities to a two-day affair. This would necessarily eliminate automatically either the canoe fete or the senior play. Here is a matter for student opinion, and it is time for the students to take the matter seriously. Let’s have a little original expression on the matter, and let some of this original expression be in the form of “open forum” communications to The Emerald. EXTENSION SERVICE BIG (Continued from page one) stutu enrolled in correspondence courses, There were 63 from outside the state Of the HI’S enrolling, TS7 were women and 1111 men. 'The ages of correspondence study stu dents for 1021 range- inmi Id to 7th ()1 the did students reporting theii ages 130 were under 21 vears of age an*] 500 were over ‘I. lb-tween 21 and do there were dis, between ill and lns. There were Old persons who reported on what preparation thev had bar! for the courses. Out of this number only 1-1 hurl no high school training ne 1 tin sr* were persons of maturity. Only SO others reported less than a full hie a school course, while 7' were high seheol graduates without further preparation. V total of 17:* had college or me-a-il school preoarat ion. Of these 70 we- * cr-F-'ge graduates and el normal school graduates. Reading is Supervised Since 101 I the Cniversitv of Oregon has supervised the required professional reading r>f most of the teachers nf tl state Oaring the rearling eirch* ending November 1, 1031, the e\tr*nsi -n divi siou is-ued H:':’ eertifieates to Oregon teachess Krch certificate represente 1 a book rear! by the teacher and a man us, rijd carefully examined at the e\ tension office. The extension division is also representative for Oregon of tire general reading circle of the ITn’fe 1 8tnt< > liureau of Kducatieu in wh.i \ there ire about 150 enrollments in th»s state. Visual instruction, that is slide and moving picture demonstrations, have ber'n most popular in the last two years. At meetings where slide* were shown the total attendance in 1917 was 57503. The popularity since then has grown rapidly. The total attendance in 1021 was 110,676. At film demonstrations in 1017 there was a total attendance of 23,242. In 1021 the figure was 162,575. VARSITY NO MATCH (Continued from page one) from tho floor- In tho second half Couch Holder shifted his line up twice sending in Altstock, Venteli, Hoekhey, linin', and Kdluuds later substituting Latham for Venteli and Zimmerman for 1.:11ham. With four minutes to play and with the Suudodgers gaining ■it iidily the varsity stiffened and spurted, Zimmerman securing two pret ty baskets in rapid succession and Kd lands ringing two nice ones for good measure. The Lemon Yellow offensive was shortlived and the gun sounded with Kdmondsons proteges going strong. The two teams meet in the final game of the series tonight. The lineup: Oregon (19) Zimmerman, I F Andre, d F l.atham . C Hurnett. (I. Roller, <5 Q Mtstock S Hoekhey S Kdluuds, f. S catch. 8 Goar.8 Washington (Hr > Xicholson, Lewis, 14 Hi el k, »j Hryan, I Crawford, S Freude, 4 Krankland . Peters, 2 (iundlaek Hi'fc.vc: Ralph Coleman. O, V C LAST CHANCE TODAY (Continued from page one) an expression unite frementh heard in the women's houses and the office | copy of the Oregana is borrowed quite frequently bv men who invariable turn to the se-dion devoted to women's bouses. Then again, when some reporter on the Kmernld wishes to find out what is the significance of Beta Gamma Sig ma. he does not ask some worthv sen ior, but quietly calls at the Oregana of fice, borrows the copy and finds out what it is. So much for the utilitarian. The beauty of the book will lie in its pho tographs of campus scenes, and in its art work The front section of the book is to be run in a softly tinted ink. which will play up to best advantage the ‘‘different" scenes of the campus that are to be featured there. Several sketches of the campus done by Oregon art students are to be used on the heavier pages which divide the book into sections. In general form and makeup the ■ BULLETIN BOARD Notices will be printed in this e#Aimi> for two issues only. Copy must be in the office by 4 :30 o’clock of the day on which it is to be published and must be limited to 35 words. Water Polo Meeting—All men inter ested in water polo are urged to meet in the physical education office with Coach Howard at 4 o’clock Monday, January 23. The purpose of the meeting will be to elect a captain and to discuss the water polo situation. Congregational Young People—A social hour for the young people, at which refreshments will be served, will fol low the 4:30 Sunday Vesper service at the Congregational church. Stu dents are especially invited. Oregon Club—Men’s Oregon Club will meet in the Y. M- C. A. hut Monday : evening at 7:19 sharp. All men inter- j ested in doughnut activities should i attend this meeting. Monday Book Club—The Monday Book Club of Eugene will give a tea in t*» Alumni room of the Woman’s build ing Saturday, January 21. Newman Club — Breakfast Sunday morning in the Parish hall. All mem bers asked to attend. Foreign Students — Meeting at Mrs. [ Donnelly’s home, Saturday, January 21, at 8 p. m. Open Forum Editor Emerald: I have been much j interested in noticing in the press state monts concerning your stand for the elimination of compulsory military training from the University. As an enemy to war and that prepara tion for war which I believe so often brings the thing that is prepared for, and also as a friend to liberty of con science, I wish to express my approval of the right offorts for the abolition of compulsory military service, es pecially in our educational institutions. It seems to me that any citizen of Ore gon is entitled to the advantages which its educational institutions provide, ! without being compelled to participate I in military drill, especially if he is con- i scientiously opposed thereto It is my earnest hope that no meth- : ods may be employed in this fight against compulsory military training that will prejudice the interests of your cause. And my confidence in the j justice of those who have the inter ests of the University in their care is so great that I believe that by the right methods a change may be brought about that will make military drill no ' longer compulsory. With sincere appreciation of your ef forts toward liberty in this matter, I i am, Sincerery yours, LEVI T. PENNINGTON. I President Pacific College, and Graduate Studont of The University of Oregon, j FANS BUILDING CASTLES (Continued from page one) 'hosen by tho coast conference to meet the team selected from the east, either it Pasadena or at some other point de- « dgned by tho conference. This game - would mean another opportunity such m >s that when Oregon played Pennsyl-! canid and a few years later Harvard. Added to tho luster of the east-west fame is the fact that the proceeds of mch a contest are to be divided be ween the opposing teams. The re ceipts at the Pasadena games during he past years run up into large sums uu! under such an arrangement as that ' imposed by tlu* coast conference, Ore ion would be sure to get a good slice. Of course all this building of “air ■astles" isn't making next season sue •essi'ul b;. am means, but it may be the ueans of indicating that the next foot >all season is far from hopeless. look will measure up to the higher elass >t college publications. Heavier paper s being used this year, and a faee of ype better suited to book work of this , »ind has been chosen. The Oregaua 'ill Ih off the press and ready for dis idilution before Junior We. k end but u order to get one then, the $L’.oO do nisit must bo paid, and must be paid lot'ore tonight. Dress Clothes For Rent Style’s the thing IT’S what you want in a Suit, but it isn’t the only thing. You want lasting good style and long wear, too. You’ll get it here—in Society Brand Clothes—at a price that’s low for the quality offered. $35 to $50 \ Green Merrell Co. . Men’s Wear. “One of Eugene’s Best Stores” Basketball University of Washington vs. University of Oregon TONIGHT --7:30 THE ARMORY General admission 50c, Reserved 75c Tickets at Hausers’ Special Bus For Students Only! PORTLAND and RETURN $7.00 for this round trip See MRS DONNELLY At Y. M. C. A. Hut for reservations Any special trips can be ar ranged for. We reserve our week-end trips all for students. Be sure and make reserva tions early at Y.M.C.A. Hut. Can An Evolutionist Be A Christian? Theme of the Rev. Frank Fay Eddy at the First Unitarian Church, Sunday morning The sertnon will he the second in the series relating to the list of question advertised in the Emerald last Saturday. You are invited to consider some of the philosophical con sequonees of evolution. The hour of service is 10:45 A. M. The ehureh is located on the corner of East Eleventh and Ferry streets. Aflute solo by Miss Beulah Clarke, will be the Special Musical number. Bell’s Cafeteria Open 6 A. M. till 8 P. M. Daily 757 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon “It’s the Cook’s” WALTER BELL WILLIAM WILSON iiinniii inn Kminimnminiiniinii iiiiintiniBnini Spring Millinery WE HAVE just received our first shipment of early Spring Hats. We invite the ladies to call and see these attractive new models. Madame Shaffer MILLINERY AND HAIRDRESSING PARLORS Ask about Nestle Permanent Waving *! 782 Willamette —Upstairs— Phone 888 If K ft.KiUHl: m .HiJH & at 2t ft . 2 to. tsiaji Reduced Prices on Big Ben, Baby Ben, Etc. Big Ben Reduced to. Baby Ben, Reduced to. Big Ben Luminous, Reduced to . . Baby Ben Luminous, Reduced to Jack o’Lantern, Reduced to . . . . Pocket Ben. Reduced to. $3.50 $3.50 $4.75 $4.75 $3.00 $1.50 All these reductions went into effect at this store January 1, 1 922 Luckey’s Jewelry Store Established 1 869