Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 18, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Total of 185,400 Volumes
Issued During Past Year
Many Works Required For
Research Material
Seven thousand four hundred sixty
nine volumes, totalling an expenditure
of $4,576.71, have been added to the
Universty library during the past year,
affording to the report of M. H. Doug
lass, librarian, which was recently sub
mitted to President Campbell. This
brings the total number of accessioned
boohs in the library to 106,049. This
number is exclusive of the Fenton Me
morial collection of law boohs, a large
number of other unaccessioned boohs,
and all boohs that have come into the
library since the first of the year.
According to the report 185,404 boohs
wore issued by the library in the year
1921. Of this number 134,255 volumes
were issued from the reserve depart
ment to bn used for class assignments;
46,887 were issued by the circulation
department for homo use, and 3,989
boohs were cheched from the circula
tion desh in the form of “temps” that
were returned to the desh after being
read in the library.
36 Per Cent Increase Seen
These figures represent a 36 per cent
increase over the total number of boohs
issued during the year 1920, a 72 per
cent increase ovor 1919 and 160 per
cent more than the total for 1918.
In 1921 $7,527-78 wa» requisitioned
by the administrative office for the
library. This sum does not include the
salaries paid the regularly appointed
librarians and their assistants, but it
includes student assistants, periodicals,
binding, research material, law boohs,
supplies, equipment and postage.
Mr. Douglas shows in the report that
this sum does not compare favorably
with the amounts issued in former
years. Tn 1920 the library was nl
iowed $12,091.39, in 1919 $10,070.84 and
in 1910 $12,623.23 was requisitioned to
defray library expenses. lie points out
the fact that since the board of regents
in 1909 voted to expend $10,000 an.
nually for boohs, periodicals and bind
ing, there have been very few years
when an amount even nearing that to
tal has boon allowed. He further
states that since the time this amount
was granted there has been an increase
of 279 per cent in student enrollment,'
an increase of 70 per cent in the num
her of courses offered and an increase
of 579 per cent in the state appropria
tions to the University, but no increase
in the appropriations for boohs, bind
ing and periodicals
Appropriation is Sought
In view of these facts Mr. Douglass’
nshs the board of regents for an ap
propriation of $.30,000 for the year 1922,
in order that there might be a sub
stantial increase in the library staff,
and a groat increase of material for re
search worh as well as a much larger
number of boohs and periodicals. He
places great emphasis on boohs for re !
search work, saying that the increasing j
work being done by faculty members
nnd graduate students necessitates the
library procuring a gaeat deal of ma
trrinl. No real provision has yet been I
mndo for supplying these needs.
The practice of assigning class read >
Vng in reserve boohs during the pnst '
-year has greatly increased the number
.of students for whom reserve boohs J
must bn provided. This is another j
great drain on the library funds and
another reason for the addition budget
asked by Mr. Douglass.
Memorial is Mentioned
Further in the report is mentioned ,
the contributions made the Pauline,
potter Homer Memorial collection dur
Ing the past year. This memorial is a
VielVetion of exceptionally fine nnd
beautiful boohs Many other boohs
were donated to the library by faculty
students and townspeople- »
Another interesting item in the re
port is the progress made during the
past year in developing of exchange
relations with other institutions. The
establishment of the University’s re
search so'ies of publications has given
D-e library something to offer in ex
ri-ance for publications of other*univer
sities. \mono H- s- entering into ex
c-i'-np-e ro'at" ns are a number of Furo
peon universities.
An itlustrat--d lecture “Phaltic and
fso'ar l?oli<rions” for U-e men of the
f i uttv We-in -s biv e' enino, dan. 18
Room 197. Oregon ball Frederick S
Dunn. Auspices of department of
U- vcbo'ogv.
r! ASc^TF.n AOS
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WANTFTl House,,*>■ V of tu" s>rt
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Pin do s um’ sto louts' lntimlrv nt homo
t" mio. s 'r;i . ' V Mrs, 1 -irs >n tv'
K-ist 11th St 59 .119-5
W AKTrn S.mo w ith tio.-mnor ’«
lcoowlo.l.'o of s'o-thso l to loin private
,'or* See T? •<»>»*’ H««hnnil -.en'osrv
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LOBT Si’ver ovors»'»rn none
Jran V V*arrv oiu*r.i\ . <i on t
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Dr. Milne Tells Results of Research;
Members Take Fart In Discussion
of Hydraulic Exertion
Vibration is an important factor in
many machines in music and in scientific
instruments such as the torsion balance,
and in hydraulic engineering, according
to Dr. W. E. Milne, professor of mathe
matics, who delivered a paper on the sub
iject of “Damped Oscillations’’ before
th Science club last night in Lieady hall.
Dr. Milne revealed the results of re
cent research in damped hydraulic oscil
lation in the forms of mathematical for
mulae. The formulae of unhindered os
cillations such as those in pendulums and
musical instruments have all been pre
viously promulgated mathematically but
Dr. Milne’s work is on a phase of vibra
tions hitherto given little investigation.
In water turbines it is common to find
a surge tube directly above the turbine
to accomodate the surplus inertia and un
der certain conditions the pressure
exerted in this surge tube is expended
in the form of oscillations, according
to Dr. Milne. To formulate equations
concerning the various forces in such
hydraulic turbines and their manner of
exertion formed the basis of Dr. Milne’s
The meeting was attended by a large
number of faculty members of the science
and mathematics departments who en
gaged in a discussion on the results of
the research after the address.
(Continued from page one)
ored and venerable organization plans
to put on an informal, dateless, dance at
Whitman next month.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
lis, Jan. 17.—(P. I. N. S.)—That O. A.
C. is one of tho four colleges and uni
versities among f)0 of the loading in
stitutions in tho United States whose
fraternity scholastic average was
higher than the general average, was
shown by Herbert W. Congdon of New
York, general secretary of Delta Up
silon, to un audience of fraternity men
in tho women’s gymnasium Thursday
night. Mr. Congdon was here to take
part in tho installation of Gamma Tail
Beta as tho 47th chapter of Delta TTp
silon. The work of the O. A. C. inter
fraternity council has been copied in a
number of other collegos, ho said.
University of Nevada, Reno, Jan. 17.
I. N. H.)—Professor Robert
Lowers, vice president of the univer
sity since 1906 and on tho teaching
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Ki cry where
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Htu.lents rrt>d tlie rlmMifitsi »d»; try
using them
staff for the last 31 years, died
of pneumonia last night. In respect
of his memory, all Friday and Satur
day classes are cancelled and the
two basketball games which were to
have been played with Davis Farm
Friday and Saturday night, have been
called off.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
lis, Jan. 17.—(P. I. N. 8.)—The fam
ous old “trysting tree” of the campus—
the place where countless young men
and women of years past held their
secret meetings to discuss affairs of
the heart—is to be immortalized. It
has been selected as a design for the
traditional senior table top, to be in
stalled at a local restaurant.
Whitman College, Walla Walla,
Wash., Jan. 17.—(P. I. N. S-)—“And
they wander broadcast, like unto lost
sheep.” College life has taken on a
new angle for some 20 or more men at
Whitman college. A sudden and quite
unlooked for case of scarlet fever
breaking out in the Beta Theta Pi
house here has caused its being quar
entined, resulting in the members being
minus house and home for the next
few weeks, whilo the lone occupant and
nurse will dwell in royal sovereignity.
University of California, Berkeley,
| Cal., Jan. 17.—(P. I. N. S.)— Cali
fornia will officially open the 1922
basketball season of the bay region
tonight when the Bear quintet meets
the fast St. Ingnatius team in San
Francisco. The game will undoubtedly
be stiff for such an early season affair.
St. Ignatius has one of the fastest and
smoothest working scoring machines in
the bay district and is comprised of a
group of former college men and ath
letic club stars.
Reno, Nevada, Jan. 17.—(P. I. N. S.)
—Though they missed, due to trips to
other colleges, nearly two weeks of
actual school work, the football var
sity men averaged 2-75 in their studies
last semester.
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This and the other companies receiving
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We shall be gald to add your name to
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